\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[a4paper, total={180mm, 272mm}]{geometry} \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont[Path=fonts/, Extension=.ttf]{ipaexm} \setlength\parindent{3.5em} \setlength\parskip{0em} \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.247} \usepackage{graphicx} \graphicspath{{images/}} \begin{document} \thispagestyle{empty} \Large \noindent \\ Radial Blur Ino\medskip \par \normalsize Generate an average value Blur in a radial direction.\par It is also possible to add a twist to the direction (processing time will increase).\\ \par First, it processes the Alpha channel if specified.\par Then, it processes the RGB pixels where the Alpha channel is not zero.\par When Alpha channel is not processed, it will mask the changes in the\par RGB image using the Alpha values. Therefore, the original image edges will remain.\\ \\ -{-}- \ Inputs \ -{-}-\\ Source\par Connect the image to be processed.\\ Reference\par Connect the reference image to assign the strength of the effect into each pixel.\\ \\ \\ -{-}- \ Settings \ -{-}-\\ Center\par Specify the center position from where to radiate.\par Origin is the center of the image to be processed. Not the center of the camera.\par The unit is millimeters.\par The default value is the center of the image at \textquotedbl 0.0 0.0\textquotedbl .\\ \\ Radius\par Specify a radius from the center that will not get blurred.\par The unit is millimeters.\par Value could be greater than or equal to 0.\par The default value is 0, which will cause blur in the whole image.\\ \\ Blur\par Allows to adjust the intensity of the blur.\par The strength of the blur is determined by the distance from the Center to each pixel.\par The calculation formula is: (Pixel\_Len - Radius) * (Blur / 100), where Pixel\_Len being\par the distance of each pixel from the center.\par At the minimum value of 0, there will be no blur. The maximum value is 100.\par The default value is 1. \newpage \thispagestyle{empty} \ \vspace{-0.2em} \par \noindent Twist\par Allows to add a twist.\par Define how many turns there will be from the Center to the reference distance.\par The reference distance is half the height of the resulting image.\par At the minimum value of 0, there will be no twist. The maximum value is 180.\\ \\ Alpha Rendering\par This option is valid only when there is an Alpha channel.\par When inactive, it masks the changes in the RGB values using the original Alpha\par of the image.\par When active, the effect will be able to modify the Alpha channel, extending it\par as necessary to reproduce the full span of the effect.\par The default setting is active.\\ \\ Anti Alias\par Allows to add an antialiasing process, in order to eliminate jagged edges.\par The result will become smoother, but it will take more time to process.\par The default setting is OFF.\par \par Width=2176 Height=1236 Center=0,0 Radius=0 Blur=3 Alpha=ON\par Shrink=1\par \noindent \hskip 7em Twist=0\par \noindent \hskip 10.5em Anti Alias=OFF ~7sec\par \noindent \hskip 10.5em Anti Alias=ON \, ~32sec\par \noindent \hskip 7em Twist=1-180\par \noindent \hskip 10.5em Anti Alias=OFF ~19sec\par \noindent \hskip 10.5em Anti Alias=ON \, ~780sec\par Shrink=3\par \noindent \hskip 7em Twist=0\par \noindent \hskip 10.5em Anti Alias=OFF ~3sec\par \noindent \hskip 10.5em Anti Alias=ON \, ~4sec\par \noindent \hskip 7em Twist=1-180\par \noindent \hskip 10.5em Anti Alias=OFF ~4sec\par \noindent \hskip 10.5em Anti Alias=ON \, ~34sec\\ \\ Reference\par Choose how the Reference image values are used to set the strength of the effect\par into each pixel.\par Choose from Red/Green/Blue/Alpha/Luminance.\par Choose Nothing to disable the effect.\par The default value is Red. \newpage \thispagestyle{empty} \ \vspace{-0.2em} \par \noindent Radial Blur \ \ Reference Example \large \noindent \begin{picture}(0,0) \put(170.5,-144.5){\includegraphics[width=13.3em]{RadialBlurInoOriginalImage}} \put(92.5,-343){\includegraphics[width=13.3em]{RadialBlurInoRadialBlur30AAOFF}} \put(314.5,-343){\includegraphics[width=13.3em]{RadialBlurInoRadialBlur30AAON}} \put(92.5,-486){\includegraphics[width=13.3em]{RadialBlurInoTwistBlur20Twist45AAOFF}} \put(314.5,-486){\includegraphics[width=13.3em]{RadialBlurInoTwistBlur20Twist45AAON}} \put(26,-50){\normalsize{Original Image}} \put(26,-67){\normalsize{(200x112pixel)}} \put(89,-221){\normalsize{Anti Alias \ \ OFF}} \put(311,-221){\normalsize{Anti Alias \ \ ON}} \put(26,-249){\normalsize{Radial}} \put(26,-267){\normalsize{(Blur 30)}} \put(26,-382){\normalsize{Twist}} \put(26,-400){\normalsize{(Blur 20}} \put(32,-418){\normalsize{Twist 45)}} \end{picture}\\[12.65em] \end{document}