// Toonz includes #include "tvectorimage.h" #include "trasterimage.h" #include "tlevel_io.h" #include "tofflinegl.h" #include "tropcm.h" #include "tvectorrenderdata.h" #include "tsystem.h" #include "tvectorgl.h" // Qt includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "toonz/stylemanager.h" //******************************************************************************** // Local namespace stuff //******************************************************************************** namespace { TFilePath rootPath; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void convertRaster32ToImage(TRaster32P ras, QImage *image) { int lx = ras->getLx(); int ly = ras->getLy(); int i, j; ras->lock(); for (i = 0; i < lx; i++) for (j = 0; j < ly; j++) { TPixel32 pix = ras->pixels(ly - 1 - j)[i]; QRgb value; value = qRgba(pix.r, pix.g, pix.b, pix.m); image->setPixel(i, j, value); } ras->unlock(); } } // namespace //******************************************************************************** // StyleLoaderTask definition //******************************************************************************** class CustomStyleManager::StyleLoaderTask final : public TThread::Runnable { CustomStyleManager *m_manager; TFilePath m_fp; PatternData m_data; std::shared_ptr m_offScreenSurface; public: StyleLoaderTask(CustomStyleManager *manager, const TFilePath &fp); void run() override; void onFinished(TThread::RunnableP sender) override; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CustomStyleManager::StyleLoaderTask::StyleLoaderTask( CustomStyleManager *manager, const TFilePath &fp) : m_manager(manager), m_fp(fp) { connect(this, SIGNAL(finished(TThread::RunnableP)), this, SLOT(onFinished(TThread::RunnableP))); if (QThread::currentThread() == qGuiApp->thread()) { m_offScreenSurface.reset(new QOffscreenSurface()); m_offScreenSurface->setFormat(QSurfaceFormat::defaultFormat()); m_offScreenSurface->create(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CustomStyleManager::StyleLoaderTask::run() { try { // Fetch the level TLevelReaderP lr(m_fp); TLevelP level = lr->loadInfo(); if (!level || level->getFrameCount() == 0) return; // Fetch the image of the first frame in the level TLevel::Iterator frameIt = level->begin(); if (frameIt == level->end()) return; TImageP img = lr->getFrameReader(frameIt->first)->load(); // Process the image const QSize &qChipSize = m_manager->getChipSize(); TDimension chipSize(qChipSize.width(), qChipSize.height()); TVectorImageP vimg = img; TRasterImageP rimg = img; TRaster32P ras; QImage *image = nullptr; if (vimg) { assert(level->getPalette()); TPalette *vPalette = level->getPalette(); assert(vPalette); vimg->setPalette(vPalette); #ifdef LINUX TOfflineGL *glContext = 0; glContext = TOfflineGL::getStock(chipSize); glContext->clear(TPixel32::White); #else QOpenGLContext *glContext = new QOpenGLContext(); if (QOpenGLContext::currentContext()) glContext->setShareContext(QOpenGLContext::currentContext()); glContext->setFormat(QSurfaceFormat::defaultFormat()); glContext->create(); glContext->makeCurrent(m_offScreenSurface.get()); // attaching stencil buffer here as some styles use it QOpenGLFramebufferObject fb( chipSize.lx, chipSize.ly, QOpenGLFramebufferObject::CombinedDepthStencil); fb.bind(); // Draw glViewport(0, 0, chipSize.lx, chipSize.ly); glClearColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // clear with white color glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); gluOrtho2D(0, chipSize.lx, 0, chipSize.ly); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); #endif TRectD bbox = img->getBBox(); double scx = 0.8 * chipSize.lx / bbox.getLx(); double scy = 0.8 * chipSize.ly / bbox.getLy(); double sc = std::min(scx, scy); double dx = 0.5 * chipSize.lx; double dy = 0.5 * chipSize.ly; TAffine aff = TTranslation(dx, dy) * TScale(sc) * TTranslation(-0.5 * (bbox.x0 + bbox.x1), -0.5 * (bbox.y0 + bbox.y1)); TVectorRenderData rd(aff, chipSize, vPalette, 0, true); #ifdef LINUX glContext->draw(img, rd); // No need to clone! The received raster already is a copy of the // context's buffer ras = glContext->getRaster(); //->clone(); #else tglDraw(rd, vimg.getPointer()); image = new QImage(fb.toImage().scaled(QSize(chipSize.lx, chipSize.ly), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation)); fb.release(); glContext->deleteLater(); #endif } else if (rimg) { TDimension size = rimg->getRaster()->getSize(); if (size == chipSize) ras = rimg->getRaster()->clone(); // Yep, this may be necessary else { TRaster32P rout(chipSize); TRop::resample(rout, rimg->getRaster(), TScale((double)chipSize.lx / size.lx, (double)chipSize.ly / size.ly)); TRop::addBackground(rout, TPixel::White); ras = rout; } #ifndef LINUX image = new QImage(chipSize.lx, chipSize.ly, QImage::Format_RGB32); convertRaster32ToImage(ras, image); #endif } else assert(!"unsupported type for custom styles!"); #ifdef LINUX image = new QImage(chipSize.lx, chipSize.ly, QImage::Format_RGB32); convertRaster32ToImage(ras, image); #endif m_data.m_patternName = m_fp.getName(); m_data.m_isVector = (m_fp.getType() == "pli" || m_fp.getType() == "svg"); m_data.m_image = image; } catch (...) { } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CustomStyleManager::StyleLoaderTask::onFinished( TThread::RunnableP sender) { // On the main thread... if (m_data.m_image) // Everything went ok { m_manager->m_patterns.push_back(m_data); emit m_manager->patternAdded(); } } //******************************************************************************** // CustomStyleManager implementation //******************************************************************************** CustomStyleManager::CustomStyleManager(const TFilePath &stylesFolder, QString filters, QSize chipSize) : m_stylesFolder(stylesFolder), m_filters(filters), m_chipSize(chipSize) { m_executor.setMaxActiveTasks(1); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CustomStyleManager::getPatternCount() { return m_patterns.size(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CustomStyleManager::PatternData CustomStyleManager::getPattern(int index) { return (index < 0 || index >= m_patterns.size()) ? PatternData() : m_patterns[index]; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TFilePath CustomStyleManager::getRootPath() { return ::rootPath; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CustomStyleManager::setRootPath(const TFilePath &rootPath) { ::rootPath = rootPath; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CustomStyleManager::loadItems() { // Build the folder to be read const TFilePath &rootFP(getRootPath()); assert(rootFP != TFilePath()); if (rootFP == TFilePath()) return; QDir patternDir( QString::fromStdWString((rootFP + m_stylesFolder).getWideString())); patternDir.setNameFilters(m_filters.split(' ')); // Read the said folder TFilePathSet fps; try { TSystem::readDirectory(fps, patternDir); } catch (...) { return; } // Delete patterns no longer in the folder TFilePathSet newFps; TFilePathSet::iterator it; int i; for (i = 0; i < m_patterns.size(); i++) { PatternData data = m_patterns.at(i); for (it = fps.begin(); it != fps.end(); ++it) { if (data.m_patternName == it->getName() && data.m_isVector == (it->getType() == "pli")) break; } if (it == fps.end()) { m_patterns.removeAt(i); i--; } else fps.erase(it); // The style is not new, so don't generate tasks for it } // For each (now new) file entry, generate a fetching task for (TFilePathSet::iterator it = fps.begin(); it != fps.end(); it++) m_executor.addTask(new StyleLoaderTask(this, *it)); }