program f77_main integer maxn, maxnz parameter ( maxn = 10000, maxnz = 100000 ) integer rowind(maxnz), colptr(maxn) real*8 values(maxnz), b(maxn) integer n, nnz, nrhs, ldb, info, iopt integer*8 factors * call hbcode1(n, n, nnz, values, rowind, colptr) * nrhs = 1 ldb = n do i = 1, n b(i) = 1 enddo * * First, factorize the matrix. The factors are stored in *factors* handle. iopt = 1 call c_fortran_dgssv( iopt, n, nnz, nrhs, values, rowind, colptr, $ b, ldb, factors, info ) * if (info .eq. 0) then write (*,*) 'Factorization succeeded' else write(*,*) 'INFO from factorization = ', info endif * * Second, solve the system using the existing factors. iopt = 2 call c_fortran_dgssv( iopt, n, nnz, nrhs, values, rowind, colptr, $ b, ldb, factors, info ) * if (info .eq. 0) then write (*,*) 'Solve succeeded' write (*,*) (b(i), i=1, 10) else write(*,*) 'INFO from triangular solve = ', info endif * Last, free the storage allocated inside SuperLU iopt = 3 call c_fortran_dgssv( iopt, n, nnz, nrhs, values, rowind, colptr, $ b, ldb, factors, info ) * stop end