#pragma once #ifndef FLICONSOLE_H #define FLICONSOLE_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tcommon.h" #include "tpixel.h" #include "toonzqt/intfield.h" #include "toonz/imagepainter.h" #include "tstopwatch.h" #include #undef DVAPI #undef DVVAR #ifdef TOONZQT_EXPORTS #define DVAPI DV_EXPORT_API #define DVVAR DV_EXPORT_VAR #else #define DVAPI DV_IMPORT_API #define DVVAR DV_IMPORT_VAR #endif class QToolBar; class QLabel; class QSlider; class QTimerEvent; class QVBoxLayout; class QActionGroup; class QAbstractButton; class QPushButton; class QScrollBar; class DoubleButton; class FlipSlider; class FlipConsole; class ToolBarContainer; class FlipConsoleOwner; class TFrameHandle; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PlaybackExecutor final : public QThread { Q_OBJECT int m_fps; bool m_abort; public: PlaybackExecutor(); void resetFps(int fps); void run() override; void abort() { m_abort = true; } void emitNextFrame(int fps) { emit nextFrame(fps); } signals: void nextFrame(int fps); // Must be connect with Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection // connection type. }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implements a flipbook slider with a progress bar in background. class FlipSlider final : public QAbstractSlider { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(int PBHeight READ getPBHeight WRITE setPBHeight) Q_PROPERTY(QImage PBOverlay READ getPBOverlay WRITE setPBOverlay) Q_PROPERTY(QImage PBMarker READ getPBMarker WRITE setPBMarker) Q_PROPERTY(int PBColorMarginLeft READ getPBColorMarginLeft WRITE setPBColorMarginLeft) Q_PROPERTY( int PBColorMarginTop READ getPBColorMarginTop WRITE setPBColorMarginTop) Q_PROPERTY(int PBColorMarginRight READ getPBColorMarginRight WRITE setPBColorMarginRight) Q_PROPERTY(int PBColorMarginBottom READ getPBColorMarginBottom WRITE setPBColorMarginBottom) Q_PROPERTY(int PBMarkerMarginLeft READ getPBMarkerMarginLeft WRITE setPBMarkerMarginLeft) Q_PROPERTY(int PBMarkerMarginRight READ getPBMarkerMarginRight WRITE setPBMarkerMarginRight) Q_PROPERTY(QColor baseColor READ getBaseColor WRITE setBaseColor) Q_PROPERTY( QColor notStartedColor READ getNotStartedColor WRITE setNotStartedColor) Q_PROPERTY(QColor startedColor READ getStartedColor WRITE setStartedColor) Q_PROPERTY(QColor finishedColor READ getFinishedColor WRITE setFinishedColor) bool m_enabled; const std::vector *m_progressBarStatus; public: enum { PBFrameNotStarted, PBFrameStarted, PBFrameFinished }; FlipSlider(QWidget *parent); ~FlipSlider() {} void setProgressBarEnabled(bool enabled) { m_enabled = enabled; } void setProgressBarStatus(const std::vector *pbStatus) { m_progressBarStatus = pbStatus; } const std::vector *getProgressBarStatus() const { return m_progressBarStatus; } public: // Properties setters-getters int getPBHeight() const; void setPBHeight(int height); QImage getPBOverlay() const; void setPBOverlay(const QImage &img); QImage getPBMarker() const; void setPBMarker(const QImage &img); int getPBColorMarginLeft() const; void setPBColorMarginLeft(int margin); int getPBColorMarginTop() const; void setPBColorMarginTop(int margin); int getPBColorMarginRight() const; void setPBColorMarginRight(int margin); int getPBColorMarginBottom() const; void setPBColorMarginBottom(int margin); int getPBMarkerMarginLeft() const; void setPBMarkerMarginLeft(int margin); int getPBMarkerMarginRight() const; void setPBMarkerMarginRight(int margin); QColor getBaseColor() const; void setBaseColor(const QColor &color); QColor getNotStartedColor() const; void setNotStartedColor(const QColor &color); QColor getStartedColor() const; void setStartedColor(const QColor &color); QColor getFinishedColor() const; void setFinishedColor(const QColor &color); protected: void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *ev) override; void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *me) override; void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *me) override; void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *me) override; private: int sliderPositionFromValue(int min, int max, int pos, int span); int sliderValueFromPosition(int min, int max, int step, int pos, int span); int pageStepVal(int val); signals: void flipSliderReleased(); void flipSliderPressed(); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DVAPI FlipConsole final : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: enum EGadget { eBegin = 0, ePlay = 0x1, eLoop = 0x2, ePause = 0x4, ePrev = 0x8, eNext = 0x10, eFirst = 0x20, eLast = 0x40, eRed = 0x80, eGreen = 0x100, eBlue = 0x200, eGRed = 0x400, eGGreen = 0x800, eGBlue = 0x1000, eMatte = 0x2000, eFrames = 0x4000, eRate = 0x8000, eSound = 0x10000, eHisto = 0x20000, eBlackBg = 0x40000, eWhiteBg = 0x80000, eCheckBg = 0x100000, eSaveImg = 0x200000, eCompare = 0x400000, eCustomize = 0x800000, eSave = 0x1000000, eDefineSubCamera = 0x2000000, eFilledRaster = 0x4000000, // Used only in LineTest eDefineLoadBox = 0x8000000, eUseLoadBox = 0x10000000, eEnd = 0x20000000 }; static const UINT cFullConsole = eEnd - 1; static const UINT cFilterRgb = eRed | eGreen | eBlue; static const UINT cFilterGRgb = eGRed | eGGreen | eGBlue; static const UINT eFilterRgbm = cFilterRgb | eMatte; static FlipConsole *m_currentConsole; static QList m_visibleConsoles; static bool m_isLinkedPlaying; static bool m_areLinked; // blanksEnabled==true->at begin of each loop a number of blank frames are // drawn (according to rpeferences settings) FlipConsole(QVBoxLayout *layout, UINT gadgetsMask, bool isLinkable, QWidget *customWidget, const QString &customizeId, FlipConsoleOwner *consoleOwner, // call // consoleOwner->onDrawFrame() // intead of emitting drawFrame // signal bool enableBlanks = false); void enableBlanks(bool state); void setFrameRange( int from, int to, int step, int current = -1); // if current==-1, current position will be ==from void getFrameRange(int &from, int &to, int &step) const { from = m_from, to = m_to, step = m_step; } void setFrameRate(int rate); // if doShowHide==true, applies set visible, otherwise applies setEnabled void enableButton(UINT button, bool enable, bool doShowHide = true); void showCurrentFrame(); int getCurrentFrame() const { return m_currentFrame; } void setChecked(UINT button, bool state); bool isChecked(UINT button) const; void setCurrentFrame(int frame, bool forceResetting = false); void setMarkers(int fromIndex, int toIndex) { m_markerFrom = fromIndex + 1; m_markerTo = toIndex + 1; } void pressButton(UINT button) { doButtonPressed(button); setChecked(button, !isChecked(button)); } // the main (currently the only) use for current flipconsole and setActive is // to // support shortcuts handling // setActive() should be called every time the visibility state of the console // changes // a list of visible console is maintained. calling setActive(false) for the // current // console makes automatically current the next one in the list static FlipConsole *getCurrent() { return m_currentConsole; }; static void toggleLinked(); void makeCurrent(); void setActive(bool active); void pressButton(EGadget buttonId); void showHideAllParts(bool); void enableProgressBar(bool enable); void setProgressBarStatus(const std::vector *status); const std::vector *getProgressBarStatus() const; void setFrameHandle(TFrameHandle *frameHandle) { m_frameHandle = frameHandle; } bool isLinkable() const { return m_isLinkable; } void playNextFrame(); void updateCurrentFPS(int val); signals: void buttonPressed(FlipConsole::EGadget button); void playStateChanged(bool isPlaying); void sliderReleased(); private: UINT m_customizeMask; QString m_customizeId; QAction *m_customAction; PlaybackExecutor m_playbackExecutor; QAction *m_customSep, *m_rateSep, *m_histoSep, *m_bgSep, *m_vcrSep, *m_compareSep, *m_saveSep, *m_colorFilterSep, *m_soundSep, *m_subcamSep, *m_filledRasterSep; QToolBar *m_playToolBar; QActionGroup *m_colorFilterGroup; ToolBarContainer *m_playToolBarContainer; QFrame *m_frameSliderFrame; QLabel *m_fpsLabel; QScrollBar *m_fpsSlider; DVGui::IntLineEdit *m_fpsField; QAction *m_fpsFieldAction; QAction *m_fpsLabelAction; QAction *m_fpsSliderAction; QFrame *createFpsSlider(); QAction *m_doubleRedAction, *m_doubleGreenAction, *m_doubleBlueAction; DoubleButton *m_doubleRed, *m_doubleGreen, *m_doubleBlue; UINT m_gadgetsMask; int m_from, m_to, m_step; int m_currentFrame, m_framesCount; ImagePainter::VisualSettings m_settings; bool m_isPlay; int m_fps; bool m_reverse; int m_markerFrom, m_markerTo; bool m_drawBlanksEnabled; int m_blanksCount; TPixel m_blankColor; int m_blanksToDraw; bool m_isLinkable; QMap m_buttons; QMap m_actions; void createCustomizeMenu(bool withCustomWidget); void addMenuItem(UINT id, const QString &text, QMenu *menu); void createButton(UINT buttonMask, const char *iconStr, const QString &tip, bool checkable, QActionGroup *groupIt = 0); QAction *createCheckedButtonWithBorderImage( UINT buttonMask, const char *iconStr, const QString &tip, bool checkable, QActionGroup *groupIt = 0, const char *cmdId = 0); void createOnOffButton(UINT buttonMask, const char *iconStr, const QString &tip, QActionGroup *group); QAction *createDoubleButton(UINT buttonMask1, UINT buttonMask2, const char *iconStr1, const char *iconStr2, const QString &tip1, const QString &tip2, QActionGroup *group, DoubleButton *&w); QFrame *createFrameSlider(); void createPlayToolBar(bool withCustomWidget); DVGui::IntLineEdit *m_editCurrFrame; FlipSlider *m_currFrameSlider; void doButtonPressed(UINT button); static void pressLinkedConsoleButton(UINT button, FlipConsole *skipIt); void applyCustomizeMask(); void onLoadBox(bool isDefine); QPushButton *m_enableBlankFrameButton; FlipConsoleOwner *m_consoleOwner; TFrameHandle *m_frameHandle; protected slots: void OnSetCurrentFrame(); void OnFrameSliderRelease(); void OnFrameSliderPress(); void OnSetCurrentFrame(int); void setCurrentFPS(int); void setCurrentFPS(bool dragging); inline void onButtonPressed(QAction *action) { onButtonPressed(action->data().toUInt()); } void onButtonPressed(int button); void incrementCurrentFrame(int delta); void onNextFrame(int fps); void onCustomizeButtonPressed(QAction *); bool drawBlanks(int from, int to); void onSliderRelease(); void onFPSEdited(); public slots: void onPreferenceChanged(); private: friend class PlaybackExecutor; PlaybackExecutor &playbackExecutor() { return m_playbackExecutor; } }; #endif