/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Component: Treeviews / Branch ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Tree List // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // List text-items .tree-list { background-color: @tree-bg-color; alternate-background-color: @tree-bg-color-alt; border: 0; margin: 0; outline: 0; &::item { color: @text-color; &:selected { .selected-primary; } &:focus { border: 0; outline: 0; } } } // Branch Icon Size // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DO NOT EXTEND TO THIS MIXIN - IT IS A FUNCTION PLACEHOLDER // There are multiple branch sizes to choose from, see below for options .branch-base(@size: 17) { &:adjoins-item { border-image: url('@{img-url}/tree@{size}_branch-end.svg') 0; } &:has-siblings { border-image: url('@{img-url}/tree@{size}_vline.svg') 0; &:adjoins-item { border-image: url('@{img-url}/tree@{size}_branch-more.svg') 0; } } &:has-children { &:closed { background: url('@{img-url}/tree@{size}_branch-closed_nosib.svg') no-repeat; border-image: none; image: none; } &:open { background: url('@{img-url}/tree@{size}_branch-open_nosib.svg') no-repeat; border-image: none; image: none; } &:has-siblings { &:closed { background: url('@{img-url}/tree@{size}_branch-closed.svg') no-repeat; border-image: none; image: none; } &:open { background: url('@{img-url}/tree@{size}_branch-open.svg') no-repeat; border-image: none; image: none; } } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Branch size options // I used a mixin placeholder above and created the options below in their own // classes because we cannot extend to a mixin, extend to any class below // Branch icon size 17 .branch-17 { .branch-base(17); } // Branch icon size 22 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- .branch-22 { .branch-base(22); }