/*! @file slu_cdefs.h * \brief Header file for real operations * *
 * -- SuperLU routine (version 4.1) --
 * Univ. of California Berkeley, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center,
 * and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.
 * November, 2010
 * Global data structures used in LU factorization -
 *   nsuper: #supernodes = nsuper + 1, numbered [0, nsuper].
 *   (xsup,supno): supno[i] is the supernode no to which i belongs;
 *	xsup(s) points to the beginning of the s-th supernode.
 *	e.g.   supno 0 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4   (n=12)
 *	        xsup 0 1 2 4 7 12
 *	Note: dfs will be performed on supernode rep. relative to the new 
 *	      row pivoting ordering
 *   (xlsub,lsub): lsub[*] contains the compressed subscript of
 *	rectangular supernodes; xlsub[j] points to the starting
 *	location of the j-th column in lsub[*]. Note that xlsub 
 *	is indexed by column.
 *	Storage: original row subscripts
 *      During the course of sparse LU factorization, we also use
 *	(xlsub,lsub) for the purpose of symmetric pruning. For each
 *	supernode {s,s+1,...,t=s+r} with first column s and last
 *	column t, the subscript set
 *		lsub[j], j=xlsub[s], .., xlsub[s+1]-1
 *	is the structure of column s (i.e. structure of this supernode).
 *	It is used for the storage of numerical values.
 *	Furthermore,
 *		lsub[j], j=xlsub[t], .., xlsub[t+1]-1
 *	is the structure of the last column t of this supernode.
 *	It is for the purpose of symmetric pruning. Therefore, the
 *	structural subscripts can be rearranged without making physical
 *	interchanges among the numerical values.
 *	However, if the supernode has only one column, then we
 *	only keep one set of subscripts. For any subscript interchange
 *	performed, similar interchange must be done on the numerical
 *	values.
 *	The last column structures (for pruning) will be removed
 *	after the numercial LU factorization phase.
 *   (xlusup,lusup): lusup[*] contains the numerical values of the
 *	rectangular supernodes; xlusup[j] points to the starting
 *	location of the j-th column in storage vector lusup[*]
 *	Note: xlusup is indexed by column.
 *	Each rectangular supernode is stored by column-major
 *	scheme, consistent with Fortran 2-dim array storage.
 *   (xusub,ucol,usub): ucol[*] stores the numerical values of
 *	U-columns outside the rectangular supernodes. The row
 *	subscript of nonzero ucol[k] is stored in usub[k].
 *	xusub[i] points to the starting location of column i in ucol.
 *	Storage: new row subscripts; that is subscripts of PA.
*/ #ifndef __SUPERLU_cSP_DEFS /* allow multiple inclusions */ #define __SUPERLU_cSP_DEFS /* * File name: csp_defs.h * Purpose: Sparse matrix types and function prototypes * History: */ #ifdef _CRAY #include #include #endif /* Define my integer type int_t */ typedef int int_t; /* default */ #include #include #include "slu_Cnames.h" #include "supermatrix.h" #include "slu_util.h" #include "slu_scomplex.h" typedef struct { int *xsup; /* supernode and column mapping */ int *supno; int *lsub; /* compressed L subscripts */ int *xlsub; complex *lusup; /* L supernodes */ int *xlusup; complex *ucol; /* U columns */ int *usub; int *xusub; int nzlmax; /* current max size of lsub */ int nzumax; /* " " " ucol */ int nzlumax; /* " " " lusup */ int n; /* number of columns in the matrix */ LU_space_t MemModel; /* 0 - system malloc'd; 1 - user provided */ int num_expansions; ExpHeader *expanders; /* Array of pointers to 4 types of memory */ LU_stack_t stack; /* use user supplied memory */ } GlobalLU_t; /* -------- Prototypes -------- */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /*! \brief Driver routines */ extern void cgssv(superlu_options_t *, SuperMatrix *, int *, int *, SuperMatrix *, SuperMatrix *, SuperMatrix *, SuperLUStat_t *, int *); extern void cgssvx(superlu_options_t *, SuperMatrix *, int *, int *, int *, char *, float *, float *, SuperMatrix *, SuperMatrix *, void *, int, SuperMatrix *, SuperMatrix *, float *, float *, float *, float *, mem_usage_t *, SuperLUStat_t *, int *); /* ILU */ extern void cgsisv(superlu_options_t *, SuperMatrix *, int *, int *, SuperMatrix *, SuperMatrix *, SuperMatrix *, SuperLUStat_t *, int *); extern void cgsisx(superlu_options_t *, SuperMatrix *, int *, int *, int *, char *, float *, float *, SuperMatrix *, SuperMatrix *, void *, int, SuperMatrix *, SuperMatrix *, float *, float *, mem_usage_t *, SuperLUStat_t *, int *); /*! \brief Supernodal LU factor related */ extern void cCreate_CompCol_Matrix(SuperMatrix *, int, int, int, complex *, int *, int *, Stype_t, Dtype_t, Mtype_t); extern void cCreate_CompRow_Matrix(SuperMatrix *, int, int, int, complex *, int *, int *, Stype_t, Dtype_t, Mtype_t); extern void cCopy_CompCol_Matrix(SuperMatrix *, SuperMatrix *); extern void cCreate_Dense_Matrix(SuperMatrix *, int, int, complex *, int, Stype_t, Dtype_t, Mtype_t); extern void cCreate_SuperNode_Matrix(SuperMatrix *, int, int, int, complex *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, Stype_t, Dtype_t, Mtype_t); extern void cCopy_Dense_Matrix(int, int, complex *, int, complex *, int); extern void countnz (const int, int *, int *, int *, GlobalLU_t *); extern void ilu_countnz (const int, int *, int *, GlobalLU_t *); extern void fixupL (const int, const int *, GlobalLU_t *); extern void callocateA (int, int, complex **, int **, int **); extern void cgstrf (superlu_options_t*, SuperMatrix*, int, int, int*, void *, int, int *, int *, SuperMatrix *, SuperMatrix *, SuperLUStat_t*, int *); extern int csnode_dfs (const int, const int, const int *, const int *, const int *, int *, int *, GlobalLU_t *); extern int csnode_bmod (const int, const int, const int, complex *, complex *, GlobalLU_t *, SuperLUStat_t*); extern void cpanel_dfs (const int, const int, const int, SuperMatrix *, int *, int *, complex *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, GlobalLU_t *); extern void cpanel_bmod (const int, const int, const int, const int, complex *, complex *, int *, int *, GlobalLU_t *, SuperLUStat_t*); extern int ccolumn_dfs (const int, const int, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, GlobalLU_t *); extern int ccolumn_bmod (const int, const int, complex *, complex *, int *, int *, int, GlobalLU_t *, SuperLUStat_t*); extern int ccopy_to_ucol (int, int, int *, int *, int *, complex *, GlobalLU_t *); extern int cpivotL (const int, const double, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, GlobalLU_t *, SuperLUStat_t*); extern void cpruneL (const int, const int *, const int, const int, const int *, const int *, int *, GlobalLU_t *); extern void creadmt (int *, int *, int *, complex **, int **, int **); extern void cGenXtrue (int, int, complex *, int); extern void cFillRHS (trans_t, int, complex *, int, SuperMatrix *, SuperMatrix *); extern void cgstrs (trans_t, SuperMatrix *, SuperMatrix *, int *, int *, SuperMatrix *, SuperLUStat_t*, int *); /* ILU */ extern void cgsitrf (superlu_options_t*, SuperMatrix*, int, int, int*, void *, int, int *, int *, SuperMatrix *, SuperMatrix *, SuperLUStat_t*, int *); extern int cldperm(int, int, int, int [], int [], complex [], int [], float [], float []); extern int ilu_csnode_dfs (const int, const int, const int *, const int *, const int *, int *, GlobalLU_t *); extern void ilu_cpanel_dfs (const int, const int, const int, SuperMatrix *, int *, int *, complex *, float *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, GlobalLU_t *); extern int ilu_ccolumn_dfs (const int, const int, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, GlobalLU_t *); extern int ilu_ccopy_to_ucol (int, int, int *, int *, int *, complex *, int, milu_t, double, int, complex *, int *, GlobalLU_t *, float *); extern int ilu_cpivotL (const int, const double, int *, int *, int, int *, int *, int *, int *, double, milu_t, complex, GlobalLU_t *, SuperLUStat_t*); extern int ilu_cdrop_row (superlu_options_t *, int, int, double, int, int *, double *, GlobalLU_t *, float *, float *, int); /*! \brief Driver related */ extern void cgsequ (SuperMatrix *, float *, float *, float *, float *, float *, int *); extern void claqgs (SuperMatrix *, float *, float *, float, float, float, char *); extern void cgscon (char *, SuperMatrix *, SuperMatrix *, float, float *, SuperLUStat_t*, int *); extern float cPivotGrowth(int, SuperMatrix *, int *, SuperMatrix *, SuperMatrix *); extern void cgsrfs (trans_t, SuperMatrix *, SuperMatrix *, SuperMatrix *, int *, int *, char *, float *, float *, SuperMatrix *, SuperMatrix *, float *, float *, SuperLUStat_t*, int *); extern int sp_ctrsv (char *, char *, char *, SuperMatrix *, SuperMatrix *, complex *, SuperLUStat_t*, int *); extern int sp_cgemv (char *, complex, SuperMatrix *, complex *, int, complex, complex *, int); extern int sp_cgemm (char *, char *, int, int, int, complex, SuperMatrix *, complex *, int, complex, complex *, int); extern float slamch_(char *); /*! \brief Memory-related */ extern int cLUMemInit (fact_t, void *, int, int, int, int, int, float, SuperMatrix *, SuperMatrix *, GlobalLU_t *, int **, complex **); extern void cSetRWork (int, int, complex *, complex **, complex **); extern void cLUWorkFree (int *, complex *, GlobalLU_t *); extern int cLUMemXpand (int, int, MemType, int *, GlobalLU_t *); extern complex *complexMalloc(int); extern complex *complexCalloc(int); extern float *floatMalloc(int); extern float *floatCalloc(int); extern int cmemory_usage(const int, const int, const int, const int); extern int cQuerySpace (SuperMatrix *, SuperMatrix *, mem_usage_t *); extern int ilu_cQuerySpace (SuperMatrix *, SuperMatrix *, mem_usage_t *); /*! \brief Auxiliary routines */ extern void creadhb(int *, int *, int *, complex **, int **, int **); extern void creadrb(int *, int *, int *, complex **, int **, int **); extern void creadtriple(int *, int *, int *, complex **, int **, int **); extern void cCompRow_to_CompCol(int, int, int, complex*, int*, int*, complex **, int **, int **); extern void cfill (complex *, int, complex); extern void cinf_norm_error (int, SuperMatrix *, complex *); extern void PrintPerf (SuperMatrix *, SuperMatrix *, mem_usage_t *, complex, complex, complex *, complex *, char *); extern float sqselect(int, float *, int); /*! \brief Routines for debugging */ extern void cPrint_CompCol_Matrix(char *, SuperMatrix *); extern void cPrint_SuperNode_Matrix(char *, SuperMatrix *); extern void cPrint_Dense_Matrix(char *, SuperMatrix *); extern void cprint_lu_col(char *, int, int, int *, GlobalLU_t *); extern int print_double_vec(char *, int, double *); extern void check_tempv(int, complex *); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __SUPERLU_cSP_DEFS */