type tool using qt

This commit is contained in:
shun_iwasawa 2017-06-22 11:50:35 +09:00
parent fb6a407b78
commit df21fa034b
7 changed files with 57 additions and 1943 deletions

View file

@ -1,802 +0,0 @@
#ifndef __LP64__
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "tmathutil.h"
#include "tdebugmessage.h"
#include "tfont.h"
#include "tstroke.h"
#include "tcurves.h"
#include "tconvert.h"
#include "tvectorimage.h"
using namespace std;
//----------------------------------------- structures
typedef struct {
Float32Point origin; // The origin of the current glyph
Boolean first; // Keeps track of which segment is first in a glyph
current; // The current pen position (used to filter degenerate cases)
float adv;
TVectorImageP m_image;
std::vector<TThickPoint> m_points;
} MyCurveCallbackData;
typedef struct {
ATSGlyphRef glyphID; // The glyphID. This is simply an index into a table in
// the font.
Float32Point relativeOrigin; // The origin of this glyph -- relative to the
// origin of the line.
} MyGlyphRecord;
// callback---------------------------------------------------------------------
OSStatus MyQuadraticLineProc(const Float32Point *pt1, const Float32Point *pt2,
void *callBackDataPtr) {
// Adjust the points according to the glyph origin
float x1 = ((MyCurveCallbackData *)callBackDataPtr)->origin.x + pt1->x;
float y1 = ((MyCurveCallbackData *)callBackDataPtr)->origin.y + pt1->y;
float x2 = ((MyCurveCallbackData *)callBackDataPtr)->origin.x + pt2->x;
float y2 = ((MyCurveCallbackData *)callBackDataPtr)->origin.y + pt2->y;
MyCurveCallbackData *data = (MyCurveCallbackData *)callBackDataPtr;
if (data->m_points.empty())
data->m_points.push_back(TThickPoint(pt1->x, pt1->y, 0));
// else
// assert(isAlmostEqual(pt1 e back)
TThickPoint lastPoint = TThickPoint(pt2->x, pt2->y, 0);
data->m_points.push_back((data->m_points.back() + lastPoint) * 0.5);
return noErr;
OSStatus MyQuadraticCurveProc(const Float32Point *pt1,
const Float32Point *controlPt,
const Float32Point *pt2, void *callBackDataPtr) {
// Adjust the points according to the glyph origin
float x1 = ((MyCurveCallbackData *)callBackDataPtr)->origin.x + pt1->x;
float y1 = ((MyCurveCallbackData *)callBackDataPtr)->origin.y + pt1->y;
float x2 = ((MyCurveCallbackData *)callBackDataPtr)->origin.x + pt2->x;
float y2 = ((MyCurveCallbackData *)callBackDataPtr)->origin.y + pt2->y;
float cpx = ((MyCurveCallbackData *)callBackDataPtr)->origin.x + controlPt->x;
float cpy = ((MyCurveCallbackData *)callBackDataPtr)->origin.y + controlPt->y;
MyCurveCallbackData *data = (MyCurveCallbackData *)callBackDataPtr;
if (data->m_points.empty())
data->m_points.push_back(TThickPoint(pt1->x, pt1->y, 0));
// else
// assert(isAlmostEqual(pt1 e back)
data->m_points.push_back(TThickPoint(controlPt->x, controlPt->y, 0));
data->m_points.push_back(TThickPoint(pt2->x, pt2->y, 0));
return noErr;
OSStatus MyQuadraticNewPathProc(void *callBackDataPtr) {
assert(((MyCurveCallbackData *)callBackDataPtr)->m_points.empty());
return noErr;
OSStatus MyQuadraticClosePathProc(void *callBackDataPtr) {
MyCurveCallbackData *data = (MyCurveCallbackData *)callBackDataPtr;
data->m_points.size() >= 3 &&
data->m_points.size() &
1); // il numero di punti di controllo devono essere dispari e >= 3
TStroke *stroke = new TStroke(data->m_points);
return noErr;
void GetGlyphIDsAndPositions(ATSUTextLayout iLayout, UniCharArrayOffset iStart,
UniCharCount iLength,
MyGlyphRecord **oGlyphRecordArray,
ItemCount *oNumGlyphs) {
// This block of code uses the new Direct Access APIs, which are only
// available on Mac OS X 10.2 and later systems
ATSLayoutRecord *layoutRecords;
ItemCount numRecords;
Fixed *deltaYs;
ItemCount numDeltaYs;
unsigned int i;
OSStatus status;
// Get the arrays of glyph information
status = ATSUDirectGetLayoutDataArrayPtrFromTextLayout(
iLayout, iStart, kATSUDirectDataLayoutRecordATSLayoutRecordCurrent,
(void **)&layoutRecords, &numRecords);
assert(status == noErr);
status = ATSUDirectGetLayoutDataArrayPtrFromTextLayout(
iLayout, iStart, kATSUDirectDataBaselineDeltaFixedArray,
(void **)&deltaYs, &numDeltaYs);
assert(status == noErr);
// Build the array of MyGlyphRecords
*oGlyphRecordArray =
(MyGlyphRecord *)malloc(numRecords * sizeof(MyGlyphRecord));
*oNumGlyphs = numRecords;
for (i = 0; i < *oNumGlyphs; i++) {
// Fill in the glyphID
(*oGlyphRecordArray)[i].glyphID = layoutRecords[i].glyphID;
// Set up the relative origin of the glyph
// The real position is the x coordinate of the glyph, relative to the
// beginning of the line
// The baseline delta (deltaY), if any, is the y coordinate of the glyph,
// relative to the baseline
(*oGlyphRecordArray)[i].relativeOrigin.x = Fix2X(layoutRecords[i].realPos);
if (deltaYs == NULL) {
(*oGlyphRecordArray)[i].relativeOrigin.y = 0.0;
} else {
(*oGlyphRecordArray)[i].relativeOrigin.y = 0.0 - Fix2X(deltaYs[i]);
// Free the arrays of glyph information
if (deltaYs != NULL) {
status = ATSUDirectReleaseLayoutDataArrayPtr(
NULL, kATSUDirectDataBaselineDeltaFixedArray, (void **)&deltaYs);
assert(status == noErr);
status = ATSUDirectReleaseLayoutDataArrayPtr(
NULL, kATSUDirectDataLayoutRecordATSLayoutRecordCurrent,
(void **)&layoutRecords);
assert(status == noErr);
void drawQuadratics(ATSUTextLayout iLayout, ATSUStyle iStyle,
UniCharArrayOffset start, UniCharCount length,
MyCurveCallbackData &data) {
// boh ----------------
Fixed penX = 0;
Fixed penY = 0;
// -------------------
MyGlyphRecord *glyphRecordArray;
ItemCount numGlyphs;
ATSQuadraticNewPathUPP newPathProc;
ATSQuadraticLineUPP lineProc;
ATSQuadraticCurveUPP curveProc;
ATSQuadraticClosePathUPP closePathProc;
OSStatus status;
unsigned int i;
// Create the Quadratic callbacks
newPathProc = NewATSQuadraticNewPathUPP(MyQuadraticNewPathProc);
lineProc = NewATSQuadraticLineUPP(MyQuadraticLineProc);
curveProc = NewATSQuadraticCurveUPP(MyQuadraticCurveProc);
closePathProc = NewATSQuadraticClosePathUPP(MyQuadraticClosePathProc);
// Get the array of glyph information
GetGlyphIDsAndPositions(iLayout, start, length, &glyphRecordArray,
// Loop over all the glyphs
for (i = 0; i < numGlyphs; i++) {
// Set up the absolute origin of the glyph
data.origin.x = Fix2X(penX) + glyphRecordArray[i].relativeOrigin.x;
data.origin.y = Fix2X(penY) + glyphRecordArray[i].relativeOrigin.y;
// Reset state for quadratic drawing (the callbacks only do a MoveTo on the
// very first segment)
data.first = true;
// If this is a deleted glyph (-1), don't draw it. Otherwise, go ahead.
if (glyphRecordArray[i].glyphID != kATSDeletedGlyphcode) {
status = ATSUGlyphGetQuadraticPaths(iStyle, glyphRecordArray[i].glyphID,
newPathProc, lineProc, curveProc,
closePathProc, &data, &status);
assert(status == noErr);
// Free the array of glyph information
// Dispose of the Quadratic callbacks
struct TFont::Impl {
bool m_hasKerning;
int m_hasVertical;
// KerningPairs m_kerningPairs;
ATSUStyle m_style;
ATSUFontID m_fontId;
ATSUTextLayout m_layout;
Fixed m_size;
int m_ascender;
int m_descender;
Impl(ATSUFontID fontId, int size);
// void getChar();
TFont::TFont(ATSUFontID fontId, int size) { m_pimpl = new Impl(fontId, size); }
TFont::~TFont() { delete m_pimpl; }
TFont::Impl::Impl(ATSUFontID fontId, int size)
: m_fontId(fontId), m_size(Long2Fix(size)) {
OSStatus status;
long response;
status = Gestalt(gestaltATSUFeatures, &response);
assert(response & gestaltATSUDirectAccess);
status = ATSUCreateStyle(&m_style);
assert(status == noErr);
ATSUAttributeTag tags[2];
ByteCount sizes[2];
ATSUAttributeValuePtr values[2];
tags[0] = kATSUFontTag;
sizes[0] = sizeof(ATSUFontID);
values[0] = &fontId;
tags[1] = kATSUSizeTag;
sizes[1] = sizeof(Fixed);
values[1] = &m_size;
status = ATSUSetAttributes(m_style, 2, tags, sizes, values);
// assert(status==noErr);
UniChar dummyStr[] = {'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'};
UniCharCount length = sizeof(dummyStr) / sizeof(UniChar);
status = ATSUCreateTextLayoutWithTextPtr(dummyStr, kATSUFromTextBeginning,
kATSUToTextEnd, length, 1, &length,
&m_style, &m_layout);
// assert(status==noErr);
ATSTrapezoid glyphBounds;
status =
ATSUGetGlyphBounds(m_layout, 0, 0, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd,
kATSUseFractionalOrigins, 1, &glyphBounds, NULL);
m_ascender = -FixedToInt(glyphBounds.upperLeft.y);
assert(m_ascender > 0);
m_descender = -FixedToInt(glyphBounds.lowerLeft.y);
assert(m_descender < 0);
TFont::Impl::~Impl() {}
TPoint TFont::drawChar(TVectorImageP &image, wchar_t charcode,
wchar_t nextCharCode) const {
OSStatus status;
UniChar subString[2];
subString[0] = charcode;
subString[1] = 0 /*nextCharCode*/;
UniCharCount length = sizeof(subString) / sizeof(UniChar);
status = ATSUCreateTextLayoutWithTextPtr(
subString, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, length, 1, &length,
&(m_pimpl->m_style), &(m_pimpl->m_layout));
assert(status == noErr);
MyCurveCallbackData data;
data.m_image = image;
drawQuadratics(m_pimpl->m_layout, m_pimpl->m_style, kATSUFromTextBeginning,
kATSUToTextEnd, data);
image->transform(TScale(1, -1));
image->group(0, image->getStrokeCount());
return getDistance(charcode, nextCharCode);
namespace {
void appDrawChar(TRasterGR8P &outImage, TFont::Impl *pimpl, wchar_t charcode) {
OSStatus status;
UniChar subString[2];
subString[0] = charcode;
subString[1] = 0;
UniCharCount length = sizeof(subString) / sizeof(UniChar);
status = ATSUCreateTextLayoutWithTextPtr(
subString, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, length, 1, &length,
&(pimpl->m_style), &(pimpl->m_layout));
assert(status == noErr);
ATSTrapezoid glyphBounds;
status = ATSUGetGlyphBounds(pimpl->m_layout, 0, 0, kATSUFromTextBeginning,
kATSUToTextEnd, kATSUseFractionalOrigins, 1,
&glyphBounds, NULL);
int height =
FixedToInt(glyphBounds.lowerLeft.y) - FixedToInt(glyphBounds.upperLeft.y);
int width = tmax(FixedToInt(glyphBounds.lowerRight.x),
FixedToInt(glyphBounds.upperRight.x)) -
outImage = TRasterGR8P(width, height);
TPixelGR8 bgp;
bgp.value = 255;
void *data = outImage->getRawData();
CGColorSpaceRef grayColorSpace =
CGContextRef gContext = CGBitmapContextCreate(
data, width, height, 8, width, grayColorSpace, kCGImageAlphaNone);
#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG)
int bpc = CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent(gContext);
if (bpc != 8) std::cout << "BitsPerComponent: " << bpc << std::endl;
int bpp = CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerPixel(gContext);
if (bpp != 8) std::cout << "BitsPerPixel: " << bpp << std::endl;
int bytesPerRow = CGBitmapContextGetBytesPerRow(gContext);
int newWidth = CGBitmapContextGetWidth(gContext);
if (bytesPerRow != width || newWidth != width)
std::cout << "BytesPerRow: " << bytesPerRow << " Old width= " << width
<< " New width= " << newWidth << std::endl;
int newHeight = CGBitmapContextGetHeight(gContext);
if (newHeight != height)
std::cout << " Old height= " << height << " New height= " << newHeight
<< std::endl;
assert(CGBitmapContextGetColorSpace(gContext) == grayColorSpace);
ATSUAttributeTag tags[1];
ByteCount sizes[1];
ATSUAttributeValuePtr values[1];
tags[0] = kATSUCGContextTag;
sizes[0] = sizeof(CGContextRef);
values[0] = &gContext;
status = ATSUSetLayoutControls(pimpl->m_layout, 1, tags, sizes, values);
assert(status == noErr);
ATSUDrawText(pimpl->m_layout, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, 0,
TPoint TFont::drawChar(TRasterGR8P &outImage, TPoint &unused, wchar_t charcode,
wchar_t nextCharCode) const {
appDrawChar(outImage, m_pimpl, charcode);
return getDistance(charcode, nextCharCode);
TPoint TFont::drawChar(TRasterCM32P &outImage, TPoint &unused, int inkId,
wchar_t charcode, wchar_t nextCharCode) const {
TRasterGR8P grayAppImage;
appDrawChar(grayAppImage, m_pimpl, charcode);
int lx = grayAppImage->getLx();
int ly = grayAppImage->getLy();
outImage = TRasterCM32P(lx, ly);
assert(TPixelCM32::getMaxTone() == 255);
TPixelCM32 bgColor(0, 0, TPixelCM32::getMaxTone());
int ty = 0;
for (int gy = ly - 1; gy >= 0; --gy, ++ty) {
TPixelGR8 *srcPix = grayAppImage->pixels(gy);
TPixelCM32 *tarPix = outImage->pixels(ty);
for (int x = 0; x < lx; ++x) {
int tone = srcPix->value;
if (tone == 255)
*tarPix = bgColor;
*tarPix = TPixelCM32(inkId, 0, tone);
return getDistance(charcode, nextCharCode);
TPoint TFont::getDistance(wchar_t firstChar, wchar_t secondChar) const {
OSStatus status;
UniChar subString[2];
subString[0] = firstChar;
subString[1] = secondChar;
UniCharCount length = sizeof(subString) / sizeof(UniChar);
status = ATSUCreateTextLayoutWithTextPtr(
subString, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, length, 1, &length,
&(m_pimpl->m_style), &(m_pimpl->m_layout));
assert(status == noErr);
MyGlyphRecord *glyphRecordArray;
ItemCount numGlyphs;
// Get the array of glyph information
GetGlyphIDsAndPositions(m_pimpl->m_layout, kATSUFromTextBeginning,
kATSUToTextEnd, &glyphRecordArray, &numGlyphs);
assert(numGlyphs >= 2);
assert(glyphRecordArray[0].relativeOrigin.x == 0);
int advance = (int)(glyphRecordArray[1].relativeOrigin.x -
if (advance == 0) {
subString[1] = 0;
status = ATSUCreateTextLayoutWithTextPtr(
subString, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, length, 1, &length,
&(m_pimpl->m_style), &(m_pimpl->m_layout));
GetGlyphIDsAndPositions(m_pimpl->m_layout, kATSUFromTextBeginning,
kATSUToTextEnd, &glyphRecordArray, &numGlyphs);
advance = (int)(glyphRecordArray[1].relativeOrigin.x -
return TPoint(advance, 0);
int TFont::getMaxHeight() const {
return m_pimpl->m_ascender - m_pimpl->m_descender;
int TFont::getMaxWidth() const {
assert(!"not implemented yet");
return 100;
int TFont::getLineAscender() const { return m_pimpl->m_ascender; }
int TFont::getLineDescender() const { return m_pimpl->m_descender; }
bool TFont::hasKerning() const { return true; }
bool TFont::hasVertical() const { return false; }
#include <string>
#include <map>
typedef std::map<std::string, ATSUFontID> FontFamily;
typedef std::map<std::string, FontFamily> FamilyMap;
struct TFontManager::Impl {
FamilyMap m_families;
bool m_loaded;
ATSUFontID m_currentAtsuFontId;
TFont *m_currentFont;
wstring m_currentFamily;
wstring m_currentTypeface;
int m_size;
: m_currentAtsuFontId(0), m_currentFont(0), m_loaded(false), m_size(70) {}
bool setFontName(ATSUFontID fontId, int platform, int script, int lang);
bool addFont(ATSUFontID);
void loadFontNames();
bool setFont(std::wstring family, std::wstring style);
using namespace std;
bool TFontManager::Impl::setFontName(ATSUFontID fontId, int platform,
int script, int lang) {
ByteCount oActualNameLength;
ItemCount oFontCount;
OSStatus status;
char *buffer = 0;
char *buffer2 = 0;
// chiedo la lunhezza del Full Family Name per allocare il buffer
status = ATSUFindFontName(fontId, kFontFullName, platform, script, lang, 0, 0,
&oActualNameLength, 0);
if (status != noErr || oActualNameLength <= 1) return false;
buffer = new char[oActualNameLength + 1];
// chiedo il Full Family Name
status = ATSUFindFontName(fontId, kFontFullName, platform, script, lang,
oActualNameLength, buffer, &oActualNameLength,
if (status != noErr || oActualNameLength <= 1 || buffer[0] == '\0') {
delete[] buffer;
return false;
buffer[oActualNameLength] = '\0';
// chiedo la lunhezza del Typeface Name per allocare il buffer
status = ATSUFindFontName(fontId, kFontStyleName, platform, script, lang, 0,
0, &oActualNameLength, 0);
if (status != noErr || oActualNameLength <= 1) {
delete[] buffer;
return false;
buffer2 = new char[oActualNameLength + 1];
// chiedo il Typeface Name
status = ATSUFindFontName(fontId, kFontStyleName, platform, script, lang,
oActualNameLength, buffer2, &oActualNameLength,
if (status != noErr || oActualNameLength <= 1 || buffer2[0] == '\0') {
delete[] buffer;
delete[] buffer2;
return false;
} else
buffer2[oActualNameLength] = '\0';
string s_family(buffer);
FontFamily &family = m_families[s_family];
family[string(buffer2)] = fontId;
delete[] buffer;
delete[] buffer2;
return true;
bool TFontManager::Impl::addFont(ATSUFontID fontId) {
int platform, script, lang;
// per ottimizzare, ciclo solo sui valori
// piu' comuni
for (lang = -1; lang <= 0; lang++)
for (platform = -1; platform <= 1; platform++)
for (script = -1; script <= 0; script++)
if (setFontName(fontId, platform, script, lang)) return true;
// poi li provo tutti
for (lang = -1; lang <= 139; lang++)
for (script = -1; script <= 32; script++)
for (platform = -1; platform <= 4; platform++) {
// escludo quelli nel tri-ciclo for precedente.
// Purtoppo si deve fare cosi:
// non si puo' fare partendo con indici piu' alti nei cicli for!
if (-1 <= lang && lang <= 0 && -1 <= script && script <= 0 &&
-1 <= platform && platform <= 1)
if (setFontName(fontId, platform, script, lang)) return true;
return false;
void TFontManager::Impl::loadFontNames() {
if (m_loaded) return;
ItemCount oFontCount, fontCount;
fontCount = oFontCount;
ATSUFontID *oFontIDs = new ATSUFontID[fontCount];
ATSUGetFontIDs(oFontIDs, fontCount, &oFontCount);
assert(fontCount == oFontCount);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fontCount; i++) addFont(oFontIDs[i]);
delete[] oFontIDs;
m_loaded = true;
bool TFontManager::Impl::setFont(std::wstring family, std::wstring typeface) {
if (family == m_currentFamily &&
(typeface == m_currentTypeface || typeface == L""))
return false;
FamilyMap::iterator family_it = m_families.find(toString(family));
if (family_it == m_families.end()) throw TFontCreationError();
m_currentFamily = family;
FontFamily::iterator style_it;
if (typeface == L"") {
style_it = ((*family_it).second).find(toString(m_currentTypeface));
if (style_it == (*family_it).second.end())
style_it = ((*family_it).second).begin();
typeface = toWideString(style_it->first);
} else
style_it = ((*family_it).second).find(toString(typeface));
if (style_it == (*family_it).second.end()) throw TFontCreationError();
m_currentTypeface = typeface;
m_currentAtsuFontId = (*style_it).second;
return true;
TFontManager::TFontManager() { m_pimpl = new TFontManager::Impl(); }
TFontManager::~TFontManager() { delete m_pimpl; }
TFontManager *TFontManager::instance() {
static TFontManager theManager;
return &theManager;
void TFontManager::loadFontNames() { m_pimpl->loadFontNames(); }
void TFontManager::setFamily(const wstring family) {
bool changed = m_pimpl->setFont(family, L"");
if (changed) {
delete m_pimpl->m_currentFont;
m_pimpl->m_currentFont =
new TFont(m_pimpl->m_currentAtsuFontId, m_pimpl->m_size);
void TFontManager::setTypeface(const wstring typeface) {
bool changed = m_pimpl->setFont(m_pimpl->m_currentFamily, typeface);
if (changed) {
delete m_pimpl->m_currentFont;
m_pimpl->m_currentFont =
new TFont(m_pimpl->m_currentAtsuFontId, m_pimpl->m_size);
void TFontManager::setSize(int size) {
if (m_pimpl->m_size != size) {
m_pimpl->m_size = size;
delete m_pimpl->m_currentFont;
m_pimpl->m_currentFont =
new TFont(m_pimpl->m_currentAtsuFontId, m_pimpl->m_size);
wstring TFontManager::getCurrentFamily() const {
return m_pimpl->m_currentFamily;
wstring TFontManager::getCurrentTypeface() const {
return m_pimpl->m_currentTypeface;
TFont *TFontManager::getCurrentFont() {
if (m_pimpl->m_currentFont) return m_pimpl->m_currentFont;
if (!m_pimpl->m_currentFont) loadFontNames();
return m_pimpl->m_currentFont;
void TFontManager::getAllFamilies(vector<wstring> &families) const {
FamilyMap::iterator it = m_pimpl->m_families.begin();
for (; it != m_pimpl->m_families.end(); ++it) {
void TFontManager::getAllTypefaces(vector<wstring> &typefaces) const {
FamilyMap::iterator it_family =
if (it_family == m_pimpl->m_families.end()) return;
FontFamily &typefaceSet = it_family->second;
FontFamily::iterator it_typeface = typefaceSet.begin();
for (; it_typeface != typefaceSet.end(); ++it_typeface) {
void TFontManager::setVertical(bool vertical) {}

View file

@ -1,642 +0,0 @@
// character_manager.cpp: implementation of the TFont class.
#include "tpixelgr.h"
#include "tfont.h"
#include "tstroke.h"
//#include "tcurves.h"
#include "traster.h"
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
//#include <tstring.h>
#include <tmathutil.h>
//#include <tdebugmessage.h>
#include "tvectorimage.h"
using namespace std;
typedef map<wstring, LOGFONTW> WindowsFontTable;
typedef map<pair<unsigned short, unsigned short>, int> KerningPairs;
struct TFont::Impl {
bool m_hasKerning;
bool m_hasVertical;
HFONT m_font;
HDC m_hdc;
TEXTMETRICW m_metrics;
KerningPairs m_kerningPairs;
Impl(const LOGFONTW &font, HDC hdc);
TFont::TFont(const LOGFONTW &font, HDC hdc) { m_pimpl = new Impl(font, hdc); }
TFont::~TFont() { delete m_pimpl; }
TFont::Impl::Impl(const LOGFONTW &logfont, HDC hdc) : m_hdc(hdc) {
m_font = CreateFontIndirectW(&logfont);
if (!m_font) throw TFontCreationError();
HGDIOBJ hObj = SelectObject(hdc, m_font);
if (!hObj || hObj == HGDI_ERROR) throw TFontCreationError();
if (!GetTextMetricsW(hdc, &m_metrics)) throw TFontCreationError();
DWORD pairsCount = GetKerningPairsW(hdc, 0, 0);
if (pairsCount) {
m_hasKerning = true;
std::unique_ptr<KERNINGPAIR[]> tempKernPairs(new KERNINGPAIR[pairsCount]);
GetKerningPairsW(hdc, pairsCount, tempKernPairs.get());
for (UINT i = 0; i < pairsCount; i++) {
pair<unsigned short, unsigned short> key =
make_pair(tempKernPairs[i].wFirst, tempKernPairs[i].wSecond);
m_kerningPairs[key] = tempKernPairs[i].iKernAmount;
} else
m_hasKerning = false;
m_hasVertical = (logfont.lfFaceName)[0] == '@';
TFont::Impl::~Impl() {
// delete m_advances;
namespace {
inline TThickPoint toThickPoint(POINTFX point) {
double app1 = point.x.value +
((double)point.x.fract) / (std::numeric_limits<WORD>::max)();
double app2 = point.y.value +
((double)point.y.fract) / (std::numeric_limits<WORD>::max)();
return TThickPoint(app1, app2, 0);
TPoint TFont::drawChar(TVectorImageP &image, wchar_t charcode,
wchar_t nextCharCode) const
MAT2 mat2;
mat2.eM11.fract = 0;
mat2.eM12.fract = 0;
mat2.eM21.fract = 0;
mat2.eM22.fract = 0;
mat2.eM11.value = 1;
mat2.eM12.value = 0;
mat2.eM21.value = 0;
mat2.eM22.value = 1;
vector<TThickPoint> points;
UINT j = 0;
DWORD charMemorySize =
GetGlyphOutlineW(m_pimpl->m_hdc, charcode, GGO_NATIVE, &gm, 0, 0, &mat2);
if (charMemorySize == GDI_ERROR) {
return TPoint();
std::unique_ptr<char[]> lpvBuffer(new char[charMemorySize]);
charMemorySize = GetGlyphOutlineW(m_pimpl->m_hdc, charcode, GGO_NATIVE, &gm,
charMemorySize, lpvBuffer.get(), &mat2);
if (charMemorySize == GDI_ERROR) {
return TPoint();
while ((char *)header < (char *)lpvBuffer.get() + charMemorySize) {
TThickPoint startPoint = toThickPoint(header->pfxStart);
if (header->dwType != TT_POLYGON_TYPE) {
int memorySize = header->cb;
TTPOLYCURVE *curve = (TTPOLYCURVE *)(header + 1);
while ((char *)curve < (char *)header + memorySize) {
switch (curve->wType) {
for (j = 0; j < curve->cpfx; j++) {
TThickPoint p0 = points.back();
TThickPoint p1 = toThickPoint(((*curve).apfx[j]));
points.push_back((p0 + p1) * 0.5);
for (j = 0; (int)j + 2 < curve->cpfx; j++) {
TThickPoint p1 = toThickPoint(((*curve).apfx[j]));
TThickPoint p2 = toThickPoint(((*curve).apfx[j + 1]));
points.push_back((p1 + p2) * 0.5);
curve = (TTPOLYCURVE *)(&(curve->apfx)[j]);
TThickPoint p0 = points.back();
if (!isAlmostZero(p0.x - startPoint.x) ||
!isAlmostZero(p0.y - startPoint.y)) {
points.push_back((p0 + startPoint) * 0.5);
TStroke *stroke = new TStroke();
stroke->reshape(&(points[0]), points.size());
header = (TTPOLYGONHEADER *)curve;
image->group(0, image->getStrokeCount());
return getDistance(charcode, nextCharCode);
namespace {
TPoint appDrawChar(TRasterGR8P &outImage, HDC hdc, wchar_t charcode) {
MAT2 mat2;
mat2.eM11.fract = 0;
mat2.eM12.fract = 0;
mat2.eM21.fract = 0;
mat2.eM22.fract = 0;
mat2.eM11.value = 1;
mat2.eM12.value = 0;
mat2.eM21.value = 0;
mat2.eM22.value = 1;
DWORD charMemorySize =
GetGlyphOutlineW(hdc, charcode, GGO_GRAY8_BITMAP, &gm, 0, 0, &mat2);
if (charMemorySize == GDI_ERROR) {
int lx = gm.gmBlackBoxX;
int ly = gm.gmBlackBoxY;
int wrap = ((lx + 3) >> 2) << 2;
TRasterGR8P appImage = TRasterGR8P(wrap, ly);
outImage = appImage->extract(0, 0, lx - 1, ly - 1);
GetGlyphOutlineW(hdc, charcode, GGO_GRAY8_BITMAP, &gm, wrap * ly,
outImage->getRawData(), &mat2);
TPoint glyphOrig;
glyphOrig.x = gm.gmptGlyphOrigin.x;
glyphOrig.y = gm.gmptGlyphOrigin.y;
return glyphOrig;
// valori compresi tra 0 e 64 (si si, proprio 64 e non 63: sono 65 valori)
TPoint TFont::drawChar(TRasterGR8P &outImage, TPoint &glyphOrigin,
wchar_t charcode, wchar_t nextCharCode) const {
TRasterGR8P grayAppImage;
TPoint glyphOrig = appDrawChar(grayAppImage, m_pimpl->m_hdc, charcode);
if (glyphOrig.x < 0) {
glyphOrigin.x = glyphOrig.x;
glyphOrig.x = 0;
} else
glyphOrigin.x = 0;
if (glyphOrig.y < 0) {
glyphOrigin.y = glyphOrig.y;
glyphOrig.y = 0;
} else
glyphOrigin.y = 0;
int srcLx = grayAppImage->getLx();
int srcLy = grayAppImage->getLy();
int dstLx = srcLx + glyphOrig.x;
int dstLy = getMaxHeight();
outImage = TRasterGR8P(dstLx, dstLy);
int ty = m_pimpl->m_metrics.tmDescent - 1 + glyphOrig.y;
assert(ty < dstLy);
assert(ty >= srcLy - 1);
for (int sy = 0; sy < srcLy; ++sy, --ty) {
TPixelGR8 *srcPix = grayAppImage->pixels(sy);
TPixelGR8 *tarPix = outImage->pixels(ty) + glyphOrig.x;
for (int x = 0; x < srcLx; ++x) {
assert(srcPix->value < 65);
switch (srcPix->value) {
case 0:
tarPix->value = 0;
tarPix->value = (srcPix->value << 2) - 1;
return getDistance(charcode, nextCharCode);
TPoint TFont::drawChar(TRasterCM32P &outImage, TPoint &glyphOrigin, int inkId,
wchar_t charcode, wchar_t nextCharCode) const {
TRasterGR8P grayAppImage;
TPoint glyphOrig = appDrawChar(grayAppImage, m_pimpl->m_hdc, charcode);
if (glyphOrig.x < 0) {
glyphOrigin.x = glyphOrig.x;
glyphOrig.x = 0;
} else
glyphOrigin.x = 0;
if (glyphOrig.y < 0) {
glyphOrigin.y = glyphOrig.y;
glyphOrig.y = 0;
} else
glyphOrigin.y = 0;
int srcLx = grayAppImage->getLx();
int srcLy = grayAppImage->getLy();
int dstLx = srcLx + glyphOrig.x;
int dstLy = getMaxHeight();
outImage = TRasterCM32P(dstLx, dstLy);
assert(TPixelCM32::getMaxTone() == 255);
// TPixelCM32
// bgColor(BackgroundStyle,BackgroundStyle,TPixelCM32::getMaxTone());
TPixelCM32 bgColor;
int ty = m_pimpl->m_metrics.tmDescent - 1 + glyphOrig.y;
assert(ty < dstLy);
assert(ty >= srcLy - 1);
for (int sy = 0; sy < srcLy; ++sy, --ty) {
TPixelGR8 *srcPix = grayAppImage->pixels(sy);
TPixelCM32 *tarPix = outImage->pixels(ty) + glyphOrig.x;
for (int x = 0; x < srcLx; ++x) {
int tone = 256 - (srcPix->value << 2);
// grayScale ToonzImage tone Meaning
// 0 255 Bg = PurePaint
// 1 252
// ...
// 63 4
// 64 0 Fg = Pure Ink
if (tone < 0) tone = 0;
if (tone >= 255)
*tarPix = bgColor;
*tarPix = TPixelCM32(inkId, 0, tone); // BackgroundStyle,tone);
return getDistance(charcode, nextCharCode);
TPoint TFont::getDistance(wchar_t firstChar, wchar_t secondChar) const {
int advance;
BOOL result = GetCharWidth32W(m_pimpl->m_hdc, firstChar, firstChar, &advance);
if (m_pimpl->m_hasKerning && secondChar) {
KerningPairs::iterator it =
m_pimpl->m_kerningPairs.find(make_pair(firstChar, secondChar));
if (it != m_pimpl->m_kerningPairs.end()) {
advance += it->second;
return TPoint(advance, 0);
int TFont::getMaxHeight() const { return m_pimpl->m_metrics.tmHeight; }
int TFont::getMaxWidth() const { return m_pimpl->m_metrics.tmMaxCharWidth; }
int TFont::getLineAscender() const { return m_pimpl->m_metrics.tmAscent; }
int TFont::getLineDescender() const { return -m_pimpl->m_metrics.tmDescent; }
bool TFont::hasKerning() const { return m_pimpl->m_hasKerning; }
bool TFont::hasVertical() const { return m_pimpl->m_hasVertical; }
//==================== TFontManager =====================================
struct TFontManager::Impl {
WindowsFontTable m_families;
bool m_loaded;
LOGFONTW m_currentLogFont;
TFont *m_currentFont;
// this option is set by library user when he wants to write vertically.
// In this implementation, if m_vertical is true and the font
// has the @-version, the library use it.
bool m_vertical;
Impl() : m_loaded(false), m_currentFont(0), m_vertical(false) {}
TFontManager::TFontManager() { m_pimpl = new TFontManager::Impl(); }
TFontManager::~TFontManager() { delete m_pimpl; }
TFontManager *TFontManager::instance() {
static TFontManager theManager;
return &theManager;
namespace {
DWORD FontType, LPARAM data) {
LOGFONTW newLplf = *lplf;
newLplf.lfHeight = 200;
newLplf.lfWidth = 0;
WindowsFontTable &table = *(WindowsFontTable *)data;
table[lplf->lfFaceName] = newLplf;
return TRUE;
return TRUE;
void TFontManager::loadFontNames() {
if (m_pimpl->m_loaded) return;
HDC hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
if (!hdc) throw TFontLibraryLoadingError();
EnumFontFamiliesW(hdc, (LPCWSTR)NULL, (FONTENUMPROCW)EnumFamCallBack,
(LPARAM) & (m_pimpl->m_families));
hdc = 0;
if (m_pimpl->m_families.empty()) throw TFontLibraryLoadingError();
m_pimpl->m_loaded = true;
void TFontManager::setFamily(const wstring family) {
wstring userFamilyName =
((family.c_str())[0] == L'@') ? wstring(family.c_str() + 1) : family;
wstring realFamilyName = (m_pimpl->m_vertical && (family.c_str())[0] != L'@')
? L"@" + family
: family;
wstring currentFamilyName = wstring(m_pimpl->m_currentLogFont.lfFaceName);
if (currentFamilyName == realFamilyName) return;
LOGFONTW logfont;
if (m_pimpl->m_vertical) {
WindowsFontTable::iterator it = m_pimpl->m_families.find(realFamilyName);
if (it != m_pimpl->m_families.end())
logfont = it->second;
else {
it = m_pimpl->m_families.find(userFamilyName);
assert(it != m_pimpl->m_families.end());
if (it != m_pimpl->m_families.end())
logfont = it->second;
throw TFontCreationError();
} else {
WindowsFontTable::iterator it = m_pimpl->m_families.find(userFamilyName);
assert(it != m_pimpl->m_families.end());
if (it != m_pimpl->m_families.end())
logfont = it->second;
throw TFontCreationError();
if (m_pimpl->m_currentFont) {
logfont.lfHeight = m_pimpl->m_currentLogFont.lfHeight;
logfont.lfItalic = m_pimpl->m_currentLogFont.lfItalic;
logfont.lfWeight = m_pimpl->m_currentLogFont.lfWeight;
} else
logfont.lfHeight = 200;
try {
HDC hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
TFont *newfont = new TFont(logfont, hdc);
delete m_pimpl->m_currentFont;
m_pimpl->m_currentFont = newfont;
m_pimpl->m_currentLogFont = logfont;
} catch (TException &) {
throw TFontCreationError();
void TFontManager::setTypeface(const wstring typeface) {
LOGFONTW logfont = m_pimpl->m_currentLogFont;
logfont.lfItalic =
(typeface == L"Italic" || typeface == L"Bold Italic") ? TRUE : FALSE;
logfont.lfWeight =
(typeface == L"Bold" || typeface == L"Bold Italic") ? 700 : 400;
try {
HDC hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
TFont *newfont = new TFont(logfont, hdc);
delete m_pimpl->m_currentFont;
m_pimpl->m_currentFont = newfont;
m_pimpl->m_currentLogFont = logfont;
} catch (TException &) {
throw TFontCreationError();
void TFontManager::setSize(int size) {
LOGFONTW logfont = m_pimpl->m_currentLogFont;
logfont.lfHeight = size;
try {
HDC hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
TFont *newfont = new TFont(logfont, hdc);
delete m_pimpl->m_currentFont;
m_pimpl->m_currentFont = newfont;
m_pimpl->m_currentLogFont = logfont;
} catch (TException &) {
throw TFontCreationError();
wstring TFontManager::getCurrentFamily() const {
wstring currentFamilyName =
(m_pimpl->m_currentLogFont.lfFaceName[0] == L'@')
? wstring(m_pimpl->m_currentLogFont.lfFaceName + 1)
: wstring(m_pimpl->m_currentLogFont.lfFaceName);
return currentFamilyName;
wstring TFontManager::getCurrentTypeface() const {
if (m_pimpl->m_currentLogFont.lfItalic) {
if (m_pimpl->m_currentLogFont.lfWeight == 700)
return L"Bold Italic";
return L"Italic";
} else {
if (m_pimpl->m_currentLogFont.lfWeight == 700)
return L"Bold";
return L"Regular";
TFont *TFontManager::getCurrentFont() {
if (m_pimpl->m_currentFont) return m_pimpl->m_currentFont;
if (!m_pimpl->m_currentFont) loadFontNames();
return m_pimpl->m_currentFont;
void TFontManager::getAllFamilies(vector<wstring> &families) const {
WindowsFontTable::iterator it = m_pimpl->m_families.begin();
for (; it != m_pimpl->m_families.end(); ++it) {
if ((it->first)[0] != L'@') families.push_back(it->first);
void TFontManager::getAllTypefaces(vector<wstring> &typefaces) const {
typefaces[0] = L"Regular";
typefaces[1] = L"Italic";
typefaces[2] = L"Bold";
typefaces[3] = L"Bold Italic";
void TFontManager::setVertical(bool vertical) {
if (m_pimpl->m_vertical == vertical) return;
m_pimpl->m_vertical = vertical;
wstring currentFamilyName =
(m_pimpl->m_currentLogFont.lfFaceName[0] == L'@')
? wstring(m_pimpl->m_currentLogFont.lfFaceName + 1)
: wstring(m_pimpl->m_currentLogFont.lfFaceName);
if (vertical) currentFamilyName = L'@' + currentFamilyName;

View file

@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
#if defined(__LP64__) && !defined(LINUX)
// Toonz includes
#include "tvectorimage.h"
#include "tstroke.h"
#include "trop.h"
// Qt includes
#include <QSharedMemory>
template<typename T>
QDataStream& operator>>(QDataStream& ds, std::vector<T>& vec)
// tipc includes
#include "tipc.h"
#include "t32bitsrv_wrap.h"
#include "tfont.h"
// Local namespace stuff
namespace {
QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &ds, TThickPoint &p) {
return ds >> p.x >> p.y >> p.thick;
void readVImage(TVectorImageP &vi, tipc::Message &msg) {
std::vector<TThickPoint> strokeCPs;
// Read in all strokes
while (!msg.ds().atEnd()) {
msg >> strokeCPs;
vi->addStroke(new TStroke(strokeCPs));
vi->group(0, vi->getStrokeCount());
} // namespace
// TFontManager Private stuff
The proxied Impl private just caches some data of the actual
background counterpart
struct TFontManager::Impl {
int m_ascender;
int m_descender;
Impl() {}
~Impl() {}
// TFontManager Proxied implementation
TFontManager::TFontManager() { m_pimpl = new TFontManager::Impl(); }
TFontManager::~TFontManager() { delete m_pimpl; }
TFontManager *TFontManager::instance() {
static TFontManager theInstance;
return &theInstance;
//! This function is retained from old 32-bit legacy code.
//! Its use is now forbidden - use the TFontManager directly instead.
TFont *TFontManager::getCurrentFont() {
return 0;
//!\note Throws TFontLibraryLoadingError if fonts could not be loaded
void TFontManager::loadFontNames() {
// Connect to the 32-bit background server process
QLocalSocket socket;
tipc::startSlaveConnection(&socket, t32bitsrv::srvName(), -1,
tipc::Stream stream(&socket);
tipc::Message msg;
stream << (msg << QString("$FNTloadFontNames"));
if (tipc::readMessage(stream, msg) != "ok") throw TFontLibraryLoadingError();
//!\note Throws TFontCreationError if the font could not be created, and
//! leaves the old font as current.
void TFontManager::setFamily(const std::wstring family) {
QLocalSocket socket;
tipc::startSlaveConnection(&socket, t32bitsrv::srvName(), -1,
tipc::Stream stream(&socket);
tipc::Message msg;
stream << (msg << QString("$FNTsetFamily") << family);
if (tipc::readMessage(stream, msg) != "ok") throw TFontCreationError();
//!\note Throws TFontCreationError if the font could not be created, and
//! leaves the old font as current.
void TFontManager::setTypeface(const std::wstring typeface) {
QLocalSocket socket;
tipc::startSlaveConnection(&socket, t32bitsrv::srvName(), -1,
tipc::Stream stream(&socket);
tipc::Message msg;
stream << (msg << QString("$FNTsetTypeface") << typeface);
if (tipc::readMessage(stream, msg) != "ok") throw TFontCreationError();
// Also, store the font's ascender and descender
msg >> m_pimpl->m_ascender >> m_pimpl->m_descender;
std::wstring TFontManager::getCurrentFamily() const {
QLocalSocket socket;
tipc::startSlaveConnection(&socket, t32bitsrv::srvName(), -1,
tipc::Stream stream(&socket);
tipc::Message msg;
stream << (msg << QString("$FNTgetCurrentFamily"));
if (tipc::readMessage(stream, msg) != "ok")
throw TException("Could not get font family");
std::wstring family;
msg >> family;
return family;
std::wstring TFontManager::getCurrentTypeface() const {
QLocalSocket socket;
tipc::startSlaveConnection(&socket, t32bitsrv::srvName(), -1,
tipc::Stream stream(&socket);
tipc::Message msg;
stream << (msg << QString("$FNTgetCurrentTypeface"));
if (tipc::readMessage(stream, msg) != "ok")
throw TException("Could not get font typeface");
std::wstring typeface;
msg >> typeface;
return typeface;
void TFontManager::getAllFamilies(std::vector<std::wstring> &families) const {
QLocalSocket socket;
tipc::startSlaveConnection(&socket, t32bitsrv::srvName(), -1,
tipc::Stream stream(&socket);
tipc::Message msg;
stream << (msg << QString("$FNTgetAllFamilies"));
if (tipc::readMessage(stream, msg) != "ok")
throw TException("Could not get font families");
msg >> families;
void TFontManager::getAllTypefaces(std::vector<std::wstring> &typefaces) const {
QLocalSocket socket;
tipc::startSlaveConnection(&socket, t32bitsrv::srvName(), -1,
tipc::Stream stream(&socket);
tipc::Message msg;
stream << (msg << QString("$FNTgetAllTypefaces"));
if (tipc::readMessage(stream, msg) != "ok")
throw TException("Could not get font typefaces");
msg >> typefaces;
void TFontManager::setVertical(bool vertical) {}
void TFontManager::setSize(int size) {
QLocalSocket socket;
tipc::startSlaveConnection(&socket, t32bitsrv::srvName(), -1,
tipc::Stream stream(&socket);
tipc::Message msg;
stream << (msg << QString("$FNTsetSize") << size);
if (tipc::readMessage(stream, msg) != "ok")
throw TException("Unexpected error");
// Also, update ascender and descender
msg >> m_pimpl->m_ascender >> m_pimpl->m_descender;
TPoint TFontManager::getDistance(wchar_t firstChar, wchar_t secondChar) {
QLocalSocket socket;
tipc::startSlaveConnection(&socket, t32bitsrv::srvName(), -1,
tipc::Stream stream(&socket);
tipc::Message msg;
stream << (msg << QString("$FNTgetDistance") << firstChar << secondChar);
if (tipc::readMessage(stream, msg) != "ok")
throw TException("Unexpected error");
TPoint d;
msg >> d.x >> d.y;
return d;
int TFontManager::getMaxHeight() {
return m_pimpl->m_ascender - m_pimpl->m_descender;
int TFontManager::getMaxWidth() {
assert(!"not implemented yet");
return 100;
bool TFontManager::hasVertical() { return false; }
bool TFontManager::hasKerning() { return true; }
int TFontManager::getLineAscender() { return m_pimpl->m_ascender; }
int TFontManager::getLineDescender() { return m_pimpl->m_descender; }
TPoint TFontManager::drawChar(TVectorImageP &outImage, wchar_t charcode,
wchar_t nextCode) {
QLocalSocket socket;
tipc::startSlaveConnection(&socket, t32bitsrv::srvName(), -1,
tipc::Stream stream(&socket);
tipc::Message msg;
stream << (msg << QString("$FNTdrawCharVI") << charcode << nextCode);
if (tipc::readMessage(stream, msg) != "ok")
throw TException("Unexpected error");
TPoint ret;
msg >> ret.x >> ret.y;
::readVImage(outImage, msg);
return ret;
TPoint TFontManager::drawChar(TRasterGR8P &outImage, TPoint &glyphOrigin,
wchar_t charcode, wchar_t nextCode) {
QLocalSocket socket;
tipc::startSlaveConnection(&socket, t32bitsrv::srvName(), -1,
tipc::Stream stream(&socket);
tipc::Message msg;
QString shMemId(tipc::uniqueId()), res;
// Invoke the appropriate command
stream << (msg << QString("$FNTdrawCharGR") << shMemId << charcode
<< nextCode);
if (tipc::readMessage(stream, msg) != "ok")
throw TException("Unexpected error");
TDimension dim(0, 0);
msg >> dim.lx >> dim.ly;
TPoint ret;
msg >> ret.x >> ret.y;
// Create outImage
outImage = TRasterGR8P(dim.lx, dim.ly);
QSharedMemory shmem(shMemId);
// Copy the returned image to outImage
TRasterGR8P ras(dim.lx, dim.ly, dim.lx, (TPixelGR8 *)shmem.data());
TRop::copy(outImage, ras);
// Release the shared segment
stream << (msg << tipc::clr << QString("$shmem_release") << shMemId);
if (tipc::readMessage(stream, msg) != "ok")
throw TException("Unexpected error");
return ret;
TPoint TFontManager::drawChar(TRasterCM32P &outImage, TPoint &glyphOrigin,
int inkId, wchar_t charcode, wchar_t nextCode) {
QLocalSocket socket;
tipc::startSlaveConnection(&socket, t32bitsrv::srvName(), -1,
tipc::Stream stream(&socket);
tipc::Message msg;
QString shMemId(tipc::uniqueId()), res;
// Invoke the appropriate command
stream << (msg << QString("$FNTdrawCharCM") << inkId << shMemId << charcode
<< nextCode);
if (tipc::readMessage(stream, msg) != "ok")
throw TException("Unexpected error");
TDimension dim(0, 0);
msg >> dim.lx >> dim.ly;
TPoint ret;
msg >> ret.x >> ret.y;
// Create outImage
outImage = TRasterCM32P(dim.lx, dim.ly);
QSharedMemory shmem(shMemId);
// Copy the returned image to outImage
TRasterCM32P ras(dim.lx, dim.ly, dim.lx, (TPixelCM32 *)shmem.data());
TRop::copy(outImage, ras);
// Release the shared segment
stream << (msg << tipc::clr << QString("$shmem_release") << shMemId);
if (tipc::readMessage(stream, msg) != "ok")
throw TException("Unexpected error");
return ret;

View file

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include <QFontMetrics>
#include <QImage>
#include <QPainterPath>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QRawFont>
#include <vector>
@ -58,7 +59,8 @@ TFont::~TFont() { delete m_pimpl; }
TFont::Impl::Impl(const QString &family, const QString &style, int size) {
m_font = QFont(family, size);
m_font.setBold(TFontManager::instance()->isBold(family, style));
m_font.setItalic(TFontManager::instance()->isItalic(family, style));
@ -153,7 +155,7 @@ TPoint TFont::drawChar(TVectorImageP &image, wchar_t charcode,
TPoint TFont::drawChar(TRasterGR8P &outImage, TPoint &unused, wchar_t charcode,
TPoint TFont::drawChar(QImage &outImage, TPoint &unused, wchar_t charcode,
wchar_t nextCharCode) const {
QRawFont raw(QRawFont::fromFont(m_pimpl->m_font));
@ -165,24 +167,18 @@ TPoint TFont::drawChar(TRasterGR8P &outImage, TPoint &unused, wchar_t charcode,
return TPoint(0, 0);
QImage image(raw.alphaMapForGlyph(indices[0], QRawFont::PixelAntialiasing));
if (image.format() != QImage::Format_Indexed8)
QImage image = raw.alphaMapForGlyph(indices[0], QRawFont::PixelAntialiasing);
if (image.format() != QImage::Format_Indexed8 &&
image.format() != QImage::Format_Alpha8)
throw TException(L"bad QImage format " + image.format());
int height = image.height();
int width = image.width();
QRectF boundingRect = raw.boundingRect(indices[0]);
outImage = TRasterGR8P(width, height);
#if 0
TPixelGR8 bgp;
bgp.value = 255;
void *data = outImage->getRawData();
memcpy(data, image.bits(), image.byteCount());
outImage = QImage(image.width(), raw.ascent() + raw.descent(),
QPainter painter(&outImage);
painter.drawImage(0, boundingRect.top() + raw.ascent(), image);
return getDistance(charcode, nextCharCode);
@ -191,24 +187,24 @@ TPoint TFont::drawChar(TRasterGR8P &outImage, TPoint &unused, wchar_t charcode,
TPoint TFont::drawChar(TRasterCM32P &outImage, TPoint &unused, int inkId,
wchar_t charcode, wchar_t nextCharCode) const {
TRasterGR8P grayAppImage;
QImage grayAppImage;
this->drawChar(grayAppImage, unused, charcode, nextCharCode);
int lx = grayAppImage->getLx();
int ly = grayAppImage->getLy();
int lx = grayAppImage.width();
int ly = grayAppImage.height();
outImage = TRasterCM32P(lx, ly);
assert(TPixelCM32::getMaxTone() == 255);
TPixelCM32 bgColor(0, 0, TPixelCM32::getMaxTone());
int ty = 0;
for (int gy = ly - 1; gy >= 0; --gy, ++ty) {
TPixelGR8 *srcPix = grayAppImage->pixels(gy);
uchar *srcPix = grayAppImage.scanLine(gy);
TPixelCM32 *tarPix = outImage->pixels(ty);
for (int x = 0; x < lx; ++x) {
int tone = srcPix->value;
int tone = (int)(*srcPix);
if (tone == 255)
*tarPix = bgColor;
@ -219,7 +215,6 @@ TPoint TFont::drawChar(TRasterCM32P &outImage, TPoint &unused, int inkId,
return getDistance(charcode, nextCharCode);
@ -462,3 +457,13 @@ void TFontManager::getAllTypefaces(vector<wstring> &typefaces) const {
void TFontManager::setVertical(bool vertical) {}
bool TFontManager::isBold(const QString &family, const QString &style) {
return m_pimpl->m_qfontdb->bold(family, style);
bool TFontManager::isItalic(const QString &family, const QString &style) {
return m_pimpl->m_qfontdb->italic(family, style);

View file

@ -26,18 +26,6 @@
class TVectorImageP;
class TFont;
// TFont declaration. The class is currently not directly available under 64-bit
#if !defined(__LP64__) || !defined(MACOSX)
#ifdef MACOSX
#include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
//! Class to manage loading and rendering of fonts.
@ -50,20 +38,14 @@ private:
friend class TFontManager;
Impl *m_pimpl;
#ifdef _WIN32
TFont(const LOGFONTW &, HDC hdc);
#elif defined(MACOSX)
TFont(ATSUFontID, int size);
TFont(const std::wstring family, const std::wstring face, int size);
TPoint drawChar(TVectorImageP &outImage, wchar_t charcode,
wchar_t nextCode = 0) const;
TPoint drawChar(TRasterGR8P &outImage, TPoint &glyphOrigin, wchar_t charcode,
TPoint drawChar(QImage &outImage, TPoint &glyphOrigin, wchar_t charcode,
wchar_t nextCode = 0) const;
TPoint drawChar(TRasterCM32P &outImage, TPoint &glyphOrigin, int inkId,
wchar_t charcode, wchar_t nextCode = 0) const;
@ -89,8 +71,6 @@ private:
TFont &operator=(const TFont &);
#endif //!__LP64__ || !MACOSX
class TFontCreationError final : public TException {
@ -138,16 +118,17 @@ public:
void setVertical(bool vertical);
void setSize(int size);
// --------- TFont methods called on curren font -----------
bool isBold(const QString &family, const QString &style);
bool isItalic(const QString &family, const QString &style);
#if !defined(__LP64__) || defined(LINUX)
// --------- TFont methods called on curren font -----------
TPoint drawChar(TVectorImageP &outImage, wchar_t charcode,
wchar_t nextCode = 0) {
return getCurrentFont()->drawChar(outImage, charcode, nextCode);
TPoint drawChar(TRasterGR8P &outImage, TPoint &glyphOrigin, wchar_t charcode,
TPoint drawChar(QImage &outImage, TPoint &glyphOrigin, wchar_t charcode,
wchar_t nextCode = 0) {
return getCurrentFont()->drawChar(outImage, glyphOrigin, charcode,
@ -169,26 +150,6 @@ public:
int getLineAscender() { return getCurrentFont()->getLineAscender(); }
int getLineDescender() { return getCurrentFont()->getLineDescender(); }
bool hasVertical() { return getCurrentFont()->hasVertical(); }
#else //__LP64__
TPoint drawChar(TVectorImageP &outImage, wchar_t charcode,
wchar_t nextCode = 0);
TPoint drawChar(TRasterGR8P &outImage, TPoint &glyphOrigin, wchar_t charcode,
wchar_t nextCode = 0);
TPoint drawChar(TRasterCM32P &outImage, TPoint &glyphOrigin, int inkId,
wchar_t charcode, wchar_t nextCode = 0);
TPoint getDistance(wchar_t firstChar, wchar_t secondChar);
int getMaxHeight();
int getMaxWidth();
bool hasKerning();
int getLineAscender();
int getLineDescender();
bool hasVertical();
#endif //__LP64__

View file

@ -180,7 +180,6 @@ set(SOURCES
@ -243,22 +242,18 @@ set(SOURCES

View file

@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ TypeTool::TypeTool()
, m_textBox(TRectD(0, 0, 0, 0))
, m_cursorPoint(TPointD(0, 0))
, m_startPoint(TPointD(0, 0))
, m_dimension(70)
, m_dimension(1) // to be set the m_size value on the first-click
, m_validFonts(true) // false)
, m_fontYOffset(0)
, m_cursorId(ToolCursor::CURSOR_NO)
@ -423,11 +423,12 @@ TypeTool::TypeTool()
, m_undo(0) {
bind(TTool::CommonLevels | TTool::EmptyTarget);
// Su mac non e' visibile il menu dello style perche' e' stato inserito nel nome
// della font.
#ifndef MACOSX
// Su mac non e' visibile il menu dello style perche' e' stato inserito nel
// nome
// della font.
//#ifndef MACOSX
@ -601,7 +602,7 @@ void TypeTool::setSize(std::wstring strSize) {
TImageP img = getImage(true);
TToonzImageP ti = img;
if (ti) TFontManager::instance()->setSize((int)dimension);
assert(m_dimension != 0);
double ratio = dimension / m_dimension;
@ -869,7 +870,7 @@ glPushMatrix();
double charWidth = 0;
if (TVectorImageP vi = m_string[j].m_char) {
TTranslation transl(m_string[j].m_charPosition);
TTranslation transl(convert(descenderP) + m_string[j].m_charPosition);
const TVectorRenderData rd(transl, TRect(), vPalette, 0, false);
tglDraw(rd, vi.getPointer());
charWidth = vi->getBBox().getLx();
@ -878,7 +879,7 @@ glPushMatrix();
TPoint rasterCenter(dim.lx / 2, dim.ly / 2);
TTranslation transl1(convert(descenderP + rasterCenter));
TTranslation transl1(convert(rasterCenter));
TTranslation transl2(m_string[j].m_charPosition);
GLRasterPainter::drawRaster(transl2 * m_scale * transl1, ti, false);
@ -971,16 +972,17 @@ void TypeTool::addTextToToonzImage(const TToonzImageP &currentImage) {
TRasterCM32P targetRaster = currentImage->getRaster();
TRect changedArea;
TPoint descenderP(0, TFontManager::instance()->getLineDescender());
for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {
if (m_string[j].isReturn()) continue;
if (TToonzImageP ti = m_string[j].m_char) {
TRectD srcBBox = ti->getBBox() + m_string[j].m_charPosition;
changedArea +=
ToonzImageUtils::convertWorldToRaster(srcBBox, currentImage);
TRectD srcBBox = ti->getBBox() + m_string[j].m_charPosition;
TDimensionD dim = srcBBox.getSize();
TDimensionD enlargeAmount(dim.lx * (m_scale.a11 - 1.0),
dim.ly * (m_scale.a22 - 1.0));
changedArea += ToonzImageUtils::convertWorldToRaster(
srcBBox.enlarge(enlargeAmount), currentImage);
if( instance->hasVertical() && m_isVertical)
vi->transform( TRotation(m_startPoint,-90) );
@ -988,8 +990,6 @@ vi->transform( TRotation(m_startPoint,-90) );
changedArea = changedArea + descenderP;
if (!changedArea.isEmpty()) {
TTileSetCM32 *beforeTiles = new TTileSetCM32(targetRaster->getSize());
beforeTiles->add(targetRaster, changedArea);
@ -999,10 +999,9 @@ vi->transform( TRotation(m_startPoint,-90) );
if (TToonzImageP srcTi = m_string[j].m_char) {
TRasterCM32P srcRaster = srcTi->getRaster();
TTranslation transl1(convert(descenderP));
TTranslation transl2(m_string[j].m_charPosition +
TRop::over(targetRaster, srcRaster, transl2 * m_scale * transl1);
TRop::over(targetRaster, srcRaster, transl2 * m_scale);
@ -1047,8 +1046,10 @@ void TypeTool::addTextToImage() {
for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {
if (m_string[j].isReturn()) continue;
TPoint descenderP(0, TFontManager::instance()->getLineDescender());
if (TVectorImageP vi = m_string[j].m_char) {
TTranslation(convert(descenderP) + m_string[j].m_charPosition));
if (instance->hasVertical() && m_isVertical)
vi->transform(TRotation(m_startPoint, -90));
@ -1167,10 +1168,10 @@ void TypeTool::leftButtonDown(const TPointD &pos, const TMouseEvent &) {
TVectorImageP vi = img;
TToonzImageP ti = img;
if (vi) setSize(m_size.getValue());
if (!vi && !ti) return;
if (m_isFrameCreated) {
if (vi)
m_undo = new UndoTypeTool(