Fix macOS build brew link error

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manongjohn 2021-01-26 08:17:57 -05:00
parent 0f3cccb8f2
commit 1f9f576a77

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
brew update
# from Homebrew 1.6.0 the old formula for obtaining Qt5.9.2 becomes invalid.
# so we start to use the latest version of Qt. (#1910)
brew unlink python@2
brew install boost qt clang-format glew lz4 lzo libmypaint jpeg-turbo nasm yasm aom dav1d fontconfig freetype gnutls lame libass libbluray libsoxr libvorbis libvpx opencore-amr openh264 openjpeg opus rav1e sdl2 snappy speex tesseract theora webp xvid xz
# delete older qt versions and make sure to have only the latest
brew cleanup qt