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2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
// tcg includes
#include "traits.h"
#include "ptr.h"
// STD includes
#include <iterator>
namespace tcg
// Traits
template <typename It>
struct iterator_traits : public std::iterator_traits<It> {
typedef It inheritable_iterator_type;
template <typename T>
struct iterator_traits<T *> : public std::iterator_traits<T *> {
typedef ptr<T> inheritable_iterator_type;
// Derived Iterator definition
template <typename It, typename Der, typename iterator_tag = typename std::iterator_traits<It>::iterator_category>
struct derived_iterator : public tcg::iterator_traits<It>::inheritable_iterator_type {
typedef typename tcg::iterator_traits<It>::inheritable_iterator_type base_iterator;
derived_iterator() : base_iterator() {}
derived_iterator(const base_iterator &it) : base_iterator(it) {}
Der &operator++()
return static_cast<Der &>(*this);
Der operator++(int) { return Der(base_iterator::operator++(0), static_cast<Der &>(*this)); }
template <typename It, typename Der>
struct derived_iterator<It, Der, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag>
: public derived_iterator<It, Der, std::forward_iterator_tag> {
typedef typename tcg::iterator_traits<It>::inheritable_iterator_type base_iterator;
derived_iterator() : _iter() {}
derived_iterator(const base_iterator &it) : _iter(it) {}
Der &operator--()
return static_cast<Der &>(*this);
Der operator--(int) { return Der(base_iterator::operator--(0), static_cast<Der &>(*this)); }
typedef derived_iterator<It, Der, std::forward_iterator_tag> _iter;
template <typename It, typename Der>
struct derived_iterator<It, Der, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
: public derived_iterator<It, Der, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag> {
typedef typename tcg::iterator_traits<It>::inheritable_iterator_type base_iterator;
typedef typename base_iterator::difference_type difference_type;
derived_iterator() : _iter() {}
derived_iterator(const base_iterator &it) : _iter(it) {}
Der operator+(difference_type d) const
return Der(static_cast<const base_iterator &>(*this) + d,
static_cast<const Der &>(*this));
Der &operator+=(difference_type d)
static_cast<base_iterator &>(*this) += d;
return static_cast<Der &>(*this);
Der operator-(difference_type d) const
return Der(static_cast<const base_iterator &>(*this) - d,
static_cast<const Der &>(*this));
Der &operator-=(difference_type d)
static_cast<base_iterator &>(*this) -= d;
return static_cast<Der &>(*this);
difference_type operator-(const Der &other) const
return static_cast<const base_iterator &>(*this) -
static_cast<const base_iterator &>(other);
typedef derived_iterator<It, Der, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag> _iter;
// Cast Iterator definition
A cast iterator is a utility iterator wrapper that can be used to access
an iterator's data through a supplied functor intermediary, proving to be
especially useful when converting data from a container to another with
minimal effort.
template <typename It, typename Func,
typename Val = typename traits<typename function_traits<Func>::ret_type>::referenced_type,
typename Ref = typename choose_if_match<typename function_traits<Func>::ret_type &, typename traits<Val>::reference_type>::type,
typename Ptr = typename choose_if_match<Ref, void, typename traits<Val>::pointer_type>::type>
class cast_iterator : public derived_iterator<It, cast_iterator<It, Func, Val, Ref, Ptr>>
typedef derived_iterator<It, cast_iterator> iterator;
typedef typename iterator::base_iterator base_iterator;
typedef Func function;
typedef typename function_traits<Func>::ret_type ret_type;
typedef Ref reference;
typedef Ptr pointer;
typedef Val value_type;
cast_iterator() : iterator(), m_func() {}
cast_iterator(const Func &func) : iterator(), m_func(func) {}
cast_iterator(const base_iterator &it) : iterator(it), m_func() {}
cast_iterator(const base_iterator &it, const Func &func) : iterator(it), m_func(func) {}
cast_iterator(const base_iterator &it, const cast_iterator &other)
: iterator(it), m_func(other.m_func) {}
ret_type operator*() { return m_func(iterator::operator*()); }
pointer operator->() { return ptr(0); }
Func m_func;
template <typename T>
pointer ptr(T, typename tcg::enable_if<tcg::type_mismatch<pointer, void>::value, T>::type = 0) const
return &operator*();
void ptr(char) const {}
// Utility maker function
template <typename It, typename Func>
inline cast_iterator<It, Func> make_cast_it(const It &it, Func func)
return cast_iterator<It, Func>(it, func);
// Step Iterator class
The Step Iterator class is a simple random access iterator wrapper which
moves by a fixed number of items.
\warning The size of the container referenced by the wrapped iterator should
always be a multiple of the specified step.
template <typename RanIt>
class step_iterator
: public std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag,
typename std::iterator_traits<RanIt>::value_type,
typename std::iterator_traits<RanIt>::difference_type,
typename std::iterator_traits<RanIt>::pointer,
typename std::iterator_traits<RanIt>::reference>
RanIt m_it;
typename step_iterator::difference_type m_step;
step_iterator() {}
step_iterator(const RanIt &it, typename step_iterator::difference_type step) : m_it(it), m_step(step) {}
step_iterator &operator++()
m_it += m_step;
return *this;
step_iterator &operator--()
m_it -= m_step;
return *this;
step_iterator operator++(int)
step_iterator it(*this);
return it;
step_iterator operator--(int)
step_iterator it(*this);
return it;
step_iterator &operator+=(const typename step_iterator::difference_type &val)
m_it += val * m_step;
return *this;
step_iterator &operator-=(const typename step_iterator::difference_type &val)
m_it -= val * m_step;
return *this;
typename step_iterator::difference_type operator-(const step_iterator &it) const
return (m_it - it.m_it) / m_step;
step_iterator operator+(const typename step_iterator::difference_type &val) const
step_iterator it(*this);
it += val;
return it;
step_iterator operator-(const typename step_iterator::difference_type &val) const
step_iterator it(*this);
it -= val;
return it;
typename step_iterator::reference operator*() const { return *m_it; }
typename step_iterator::pointer operator->() const { return m_it.operator->(); }
const RanIt &it() const { return m_it; }
int step() const { return m_step; }
bool operator==(const step_iterator &it) const { return m_it == it.m_it; }
bool operator!=(const step_iterator &it) const { return !operator==(it); }
bool operator<(const step_iterator &it) const { return m_it < it.m_it; }
bool operator>(const step_iterator &it) const { return m_it > it.m_it; }
bool operator<=(const step_iterator &it) const { return m_it <= it.m_it; }
bool operator>=(const step_iterator &it) const { return m_it >= it.m_it; }
} //namespace tcg