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2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
#include <cerrno>
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
#include <cstring> /* memset */
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
#include <vector>
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
#include <stdexcept> // std::domain_error(-)
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
#include <locale>
#include <iconv.h>
#include "igs_resource_msg_from_err.h"
/*------ localeを日本に設定し日本語を扱うことを指示(必須)
使"locale -a"調 */
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
void igs::resource::locale_to_jp(void) { setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "ja_JP.utf8"); }
#if 0 //------
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xlocale.h>
void igs::resource::locale_to_jp(void) {
Software Design 19933
Page14 4
X11R5での日本語処理 -
/* 次の場合、環境変数 LANG から、地域名を得ます
locale ""
Linux Programmers Manual July 4, 1999
if ( ::setlocale( LC_ALL ,"" ) == NULL ) {
throw std::domain_error( "Can not set locale." );
/* Xlibが、現在の地域をサポートしているかチェックします */
if ( !::XSupportsLocale() ) {
std::string msg("X is not support locale ");
msg += setlocale( LC_ALL ,NULL );
msg += ".\n";
throw std::domain_error( msg.c_str() );
/* 次の場合、環境変数 XMODIFIERS から修飾子が得られます
(IM) 使 */
if ( ::XSetLocaleModifiers("") == NULL ) {
throw std::domain_error( "Can not set locale modifiers." );
#g++ -L/usr/X11R6/lib/ -lXmu -lXext -lX11 -lgthread -lglib -lm tes82.cxx
g++ tes82.cxx -L/usr/X11R6/lib/ -lX11
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
#endif //------
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
/*------ マルチバイト文字列 --> ワイド文字文字列 ------*/
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
void igs::resource::mbs_to_wcs(const std::string &mbs, std::wstring &wcs) {
size_t length = 0;
const char *src_ptr = mbs.c_str();
mbstate_t ss;
::memset(&ss, 0, sizeof(ss));
length = ::mbsrtowcs(NULL, &src_ptr, 0, &ss);
if (length == (size_t)(-1)) { /* 不正なマルチバイト列に遭遇した */
throw std::domain_error(
"mbstowcs(-) got bad multi byte character,when size");
if (length <= 0) {
} /* 文字がないなら何もしない */
// std::vector<wchar_t> dst(length);
const char *src_ptr = mbs.c_str();
mbstate_t ss;
::memset(&ss, 0, sizeof(ss));
// length = ::mbsrtowcs(&dst.at(0) ,&src_ptr ,length ,&ss);
length =
::mbsrtowcs(const_cast<wchar_t *>(wcs.c_str()), &src_ptr, length, &ss);
if (length == (size_t)(-1)) { /* 不正なマルチバイト列に遭遇した */
throw std::domain_error(
"mbstowcs(-) got bad multi byte character,when conv");
if (length <= 0) {
throw std::domain_error("mbstowcs(-) got zero or under equal -2 ");
// wcs = std::wstring(dst.begin() ,dst.end()-1);/* 終端以外を */
wcs.erase(wcs.end() - 1); /* 終端文字を消す */
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
/*------ ワイド文字文字列 --> マルチバイト文字列 ------*/
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
void igs::resource::wcs_to_mbs(const std::wstring &wcs, std::string &mbs) {
size_t length = 0;
const wchar_t *src_ptr = wcs.c_str();
mbstate_t ss;
::memset(&ss, 0, sizeof(ss));
length = ::wcsrtombs(NULL, &src_ptr, 0, &ss);
if (length <= 0) {
} /* 文字がないなら何もしない */
// std::vector<char> dst(length);
const wchar_t *src_ptr = wcs.c_str();
mbstate_t ss;
::memset(&ss, 0, sizeof(ss));
// length = ::wcsrtombs(&dst.at(0) ,&src_ptr ,length ,&ss);
length =
::wcsrtombs(const_cast<char *>(mbs.c_str()), &src_ptr, length, &ss);
if (length <= 0) {
throw std::domain_error("wcstombs(-) got bad wide character");
// mbs = std::string(dst.begin() ,dst.end()-1);/* 終端以外を */
mbs.erase(mbs.end() - 1); /* 終端文字を消す */
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
/*------ UNICODE宣言ならマルチバイト文字列をワイド文字文字列に変換 ------*/
const std::basic_string<TCHAR> igs::resource::ts_from_mbs(
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
const std::string &mbs) {
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
#if defined UNICODE
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
std::wstring wcs;
igs::resource::mbs_to_wcs(mbs, wcs);
return wcs;
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
/* MBCSの場合のsize()は文字数ではなくchar(byte)数,2bytes文字は2 */
return mbs;
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
/*------ UNICODE宣言ならワイド文字文字列をマルチバイト文字列に変換 ------*/
const std::string igs::resource::mbs_from_ts(
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
const std::basic_string<TCHAR> &ts) {
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
#if defined UNICODE
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
std::string mbs;
igs::resource::wcs_to_mbs(ts, mbs);
return mbs;
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
/* MBCSの場合のsize()は文字数ではなくchar(byte)数,2bytes文字は2 */
return ts;
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
/*------ cp932を含む文字列をutf-8に変換(マルチバイト文字列) ------*/
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
namespace {
const std::string iconv_to_from_(const std::string &text, const char *tocode,
const char *fromcode) {
iconv_t icd = ::iconv_open(tocode, fromcode); // "iconv --list"
if (reinterpret_cast<iconv_t>(-1) == icd) {
throw std::domain_error(
igs_resource_msg_from_err(TEXT("iconv_open(-)"), errno));
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
std::vector<char> dst(text.size() * 4);
char *inbuf = const_cast<char *>(text.c_str());
char *outbuf = &dst.at(0);
size_t inbytesleft = text.size();
size_t outbytesleft = dst.size();
size_t ret = ::iconv(icd, &inbuf, &inbytesleft, &outbuf, &outbytesleft);
*outbuf = '\0';
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
ret = dst.size() - outbytesleft;
if (ret <= 0) {
// if (static_cast<size_t>(-1) == ret) {
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
throw std::domain_error(igs_resource_msg_from_err(TEXT("iconv(-)"), errno));
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
if (-1 == ::iconv_close(icd)) {
throw std::domain_error(
igs_resource_msg_from_err(TEXT("iconv_close(-)"), errno));
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
std::string mbs(std::string(dst.begin(), dst.begin() + ret));
return mbs;
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
const std::string igs::resource::utf8_from_cp932_mb(const std::string &text) {
return iconv_to_from_(text, "UTF-8", "CP932"); // "iconv --list"
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
const std::string igs::resource::cp932_from_utf8_mb(const std::string &text) {
return iconv_to_from_(text, "CP932", "UTF-8"); // "iconv --list"
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
/*------ エラーメッセージ表示の元関数、直接呼び出すことはしない ------*/
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
#include <cerrno> // errno
#include <cstring> // strerror_r()
#include <sstream> // std::istringstream
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
#include "igs_resource_msg_from_err.h"
const std::string igs::resource::msg_from_err_(
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
const std::basic_string<TCHAR> &tit, const int erno,
const std::string &file, const std::string &line,
const std::string &pretty_function, const std::string &comp_type,
const std::string &gnuc, const std::string &gnuc_minor,
const std::string &gnuc_patchlevel, const std::string &gnuc_rh_release,
const std::string &date, const std::string &time) {
std::string errmsg;
errmsg += '\"';
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
/* フルパスで入ってきた場合ファイル名だけにする */
std::string::size_type index = file.find_last_of("/\\");
if (std::basic_string<TCHAR>::npos != index) {
errmsg += file.substr(index + 1);
} else {
errmsg += file;
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
errmsg += ':';
errmsg += line;
errmsg += ':';
errmsg += comp_type;
errmsg += ':';
errmsg += gnuc;
errmsg += '.';
errmsg += gnuc_minor;
errmsg += '.';
errmsg += gnuc_patchlevel;
errmsg += '-';
errmsg += gnuc_rh_release;
std::istringstream ist(date);
std::string month, day, year;
ist >> month;
ist >> day;
ist >> year;
errmsg += ':';
errmsg += year;
errmsg += ':';
errmsg += month;
errmsg += ':';
errmsg += day;
errmsg += ':';
errmsg += time;
errmsg += '\"';
errmsg += ' ';
errmsg += '\"';
errmsg += pretty_function;
errmsg += '\"';
errmsg += ' ';
errmsg += '\"';
if (0 < tit.size()) {
errmsg += igs::resource::mbs_from_ts(tit);
if (0 != erno) {
errmsg += ':';
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
#if defined __HP_aCC
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
::strerror()Thread SafeではなくMulti Threadでは正常動作しない
errmsg += ::strerror(erno);
#elif ((_POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112L || _XOPEN_SOURCE >= 600) && !_GNU_SOURCE)
char buff[4096];
const int ret = ::strerror_r(erno, buff, sizeof(buff));
if (0 == ret) {
errmsg += buff;
} else if (-1 == ret) {
swtich(errno) {
case EINVAL:
errmsg +=
"strerror_r() gets Error : The value of errnum is not a "
"valid error number.";
/* errnum の値が有効なエラー番号ではない */
case ERANGE:
errmsg +=
"strerror_r() gets Error : Insufficient storage was "
"supplied via strerrbuf and buflen to contain the "
"generated message string.";
/* エラーコードを説明する文字列のために、
errmsg += "strerror_r() gets Error and Returns bad errno";
} else {
errmsg += "strerror_r() returns bad value";
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
char buff[4096];
int ret = ::strerror_r(erno, buff, sizeof(buff));
if (!ret) {
errmsg += buff;
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
/* linuxはここに来る?
Thread Safeか??????
char buff[4096];
const char *ret = ::strerror_r(erno, buff, sizeof(buff));
errmsg += ret;
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
errmsg += '\"';
return errmsg;
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00