
1486 lines
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2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
#include "tools/tool.h"
// TnzTools includes
#include "tools/toolcommandids.h"
#include "tools/toolhandle.h"
#include "tools/cursors.h"
#include "tools/tooloptions.h"
#include "tools/toolutils.h"
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
// TnzQt includes
#include "toonzqt/icongenerator.h"
// TnzLib includes
#include "toonzqt/menubarcommand.h"
#include "toonz/txshsimplelevel.h"
#include "toonz/txshleveltypes.h"
#include "toonz/levelproperties.h"
#include "toonz/toonzscene.h"
#include "toonz/sceneproperties.h"
#include "toonz/preferences.h"
#include "toonz/tscenehandle.h"
#include "toonz/txsheethandle.h"
#include "toonz/tframehandle.h"
#include "toonz/tcolumnhandle.h"
#include "toonz/tobjecthandle.h"
#include "toonz/tpalettehandle.h"
#include "toonz/txshlevelhandle.h"
#include "toonz/txshcell.h"
#include "toonz/tstageobject.h"
#include "toonz/tstageobjectspline.h"
#include "toonz/tstageobjecttree.h"
#include "toonz/dpiscale.h"
#include "toonz/palettecontroller.h"
#include "toonz/tonionskinmaskhandle.h"
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
// TnzCore includes
#include "tvectorimage.h"
#include "timagecache.h"
#include "tstroke.h"
#include "tcolorstyles.h"
#include "ttoonzimage.h"
#include "trasterimage.h"
#include "strokeselection.h"
#include "tundo.h"
#include "toonzvectorbrushtool.h"
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
// Local namespace
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
namespace {
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
// Global variables
typedef std::pair<std::string, TTool::ToolTargetType> ToolKey;
typedef std::map<ToolKey, TTool *> ToolTable;
ToolTable *toolTable = 0;
std::set<std::string> *toolNames = 0;
// Local classes
struct DummyTool final : public TTool {
2016-06-19 20:06:29 +12:00
ToolType getToolType() const override {
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
return TTool::LevelReadTool;
} // Test level type
ToolTargetType getTargetType() const {
return TTool::NoTarget;
} // Works on nothing
2016-06-19 20:06:29 +12:00
int getCursorId() const override {
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
return ToolCursor::ForbiddenCursor;
} // Forbids everything
DummyTool() : TTool("T_Dummy") {}
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
} theDummyTool;
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
class ToolSelector {
std::string m_toolName;
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
ToolSelector(std::string toolName) : m_toolName(toolName) {}
void selectTool() {
TTool::Application *app = TTool::getApplication();
if (app) app->getCurrentTool()->setTool(QString::fromStdString(m_toolName));
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
// Local functions
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
TFrameId getNewFrameId(TXshSimpleLevel *sl, int row) {
TFrameId fid(row + 1);
if (sl->isFid(fid)) {
fid = TFrameId(fid.getNumber(), 'a');
while (fid.getLetter() < 'z' && sl->isFid(fid))
fid = TFrameId(fid.getNumber(), fid.getLetter() + 1);
return fid;
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
TFrameId getDesiredFId(TXshCellColumn *column, int r0, TXshSimpleLevel *sl,
int row, TFrameId &maxFId) {
// search upper cells in the current column and return the next fids to be
// inserted if the maximum fid has no suffix it returns next number, otherwise
// returns next suffix.
maxFId = TFrameId(0);
// in case inserting a new frame on the top
if (row <= r0) return TFrameId(1);
TFrameId neighborFId;
for (int r = row - 1; r >= r0; r--) {
if (sl != column->getCell(r).getSimpleLevel()) continue;
TFrameId tmpFId = column->getCell(r).getFrameId();
if (neighborFId.isEmptyFrame()) neighborFId = tmpFId;
if (maxFId < tmpFId) maxFId = tmpFId;
if (maxFId.getLetter() && maxFId.getLetter() < 'z' && maxFId == neighborFId)
return TFrameId(maxFId.getNumber(), maxFId.getLetter() + 1);
return TFrameId(maxFId.getNumber() + 1);
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
} // namespace
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
// TTool static members
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
TTool::Application *TTool::m_application = 0;
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
std::set<TFrameId> TTool::m_selectedFrames = std::set<TFrameId>();
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
bool TTool::m_isLevelCreated = false;
bool TTool::m_isFrameCreated = false;
bool TTool::m_isLevelRenumbererd = false;
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
// m_cellsData
// brutto brutto. fix quick & dirty del baco #6213 (undo con animation sheet)
// bisogna ripensare la logica degli undo e del touchImage
// m_cellsData viene inizializzato nel touchImage() in modalita' animation sheet
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
// contiene una o due terne che rappresentano range di celle (dell'xsheet)
// modificate dall'inserimento
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
// di un nuovo frame: [r0,r1,type].
// type = 0 : vecchio (cella[r0-1]) => nuovo
// type = 1 : vuoto => vecchio (cella[r0-1])
// type = 2 : vuoto => nuovo
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
// cfr. il codice di TTool::touchImage()
// ToolUtils::TToolUndo::removeLevelAndFrameIfNeeded()
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
std::vector<TTool::CellOps> TTool::m_cellsData;
std::vector<TFrameId> TTool::m_oldFids;
std::vector<TFrameId> TTool::m_newFids;
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
// TTool implementation
TTool::TTool(std::string name)
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
: m_name(name)
, m_viewer(0)
, m_targetType(NoTarget)
, m_enabled(true)
, m_active(false)
, m_picking(false) {}
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
TTool *TTool::getTool(std::string toolName, ToolTargetType targetType) {
if (!toolTable) return 0;
ToolTable::iterator it =
toolTable->find(std::make_pair(toolName, targetType));
if (it == toolTable->end()) return 0;
return it->second;
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
void TTool::bind(int targetType) {
m_targetType = targetType;
if (!toolTable) toolTable = new ToolTable();
if (!toolNames) toolNames = new std::set<std::string>();
std::string name = getName();
if (toolNames->count(name) == 0) {
// Initialize with the dummy tool
std::make_pair(std::make_pair(name, ToonzImage), &theDummyTool));
std::make_pair(std::make_pair(name, VectorImage), &theDummyTool));
std::make_pair(std::make_pair(name, RasterImage), &theDummyTool));
std::make_pair(std::make_pair(name, MeshImage), &theDummyTool));
ToolSelector *toolSelector = new ToolSelector(name);
name.c_str(), new CommandHandlerHelper<ToolSelector>(
toolSelector, &ToolSelector::selectTool));
if (targetType & ToonzImage)
(*toolTable)[std::make_pair(name, ToonzImage)] = this;
if (targetType & VectorImage)
(*toolTable)[std::make_pair(name, VectorImage)] = this;
if (targetType & RasterImage)
(*toolTable)[std::make_pair(name, RasterImage)] = this;
if (targetType & MeshImage)
(*toolTable)[std::make_pair(name, MeshImage)] = this;
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
ToolOptionsBox *TTool::createOptionsBox() {
TPaletteHandle *currPalette =
ToolHandle *currTool = m_application->getCurrentTool();
return new GenericToolOptionsBox(0, this, currPalette, 0, currTool);
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
double TTool::getPixelSize() const {
return m_viewer ? m_viewer->getPixelSize() : 1.0;
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
TXshCell TTool::getImageCell() {
TXshCell result;
TFrameHandle *currentFrame = m_application->getCurrentFrame();
TXshLevelHandle *currentLevel = m_application->getCurrentLevel();
if (currentFrame->isEditingLevel()) {
if (TXshLevel *xl = currentLevel->getLevel()) {
if (TXshSimpleLevel *sl = xl->getSimpleLevel()) {
result.m_level = xl;
result.m_frameId = currentFrame->getFid();
} else {
if (TXsheet *xsh = m_application->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet()) {
if (!m_application->getCurrentObject()->isSpline()) {
int row = currentFrame->getFrame();
int col = m_application->getCurrentColumn()->getColumnIndex();
result = xsh->getCell(row, col);
return result;
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
TImage *TTool::getImage(bool toBeModified, int subsampling) {
if (m_application->getCurrentFrame()->isPlaying())
toBeModified =
false; // In playback mode, you are not going to modify images
// Probably useless - tools are disabled when playing...
const TXshCell &cell = getImageCell();
if (cell.isEmpty()) {
TObjectHandle *currentObject = m_application->getCurrentObject();
return currentObject->isSpline() ? currentObject->getSplineImage()
: (TImage *)0;
} else
return cell.getImage(toBeModified, subsampling).getPointer();
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
TImage *TTool::touchImage() {
if (!m_application) return 0;
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
m_isLevelCreated = false;
m_isFrameCreated = false;
m_isLevelRenumbererd = false;
Preferences *pref = Preferences::instance();
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
bool isAutoCreateEnabled = pref->isAutoCreateEnabled();
bool animationSheetEnabled = pref->isAnimationSheetEnabled();
bool isAutoStretchEnabled = pref->isAutoStretchEnabled();
bool isAutoRenumberEnabled = pref->isAutorenumberEnabled();
bool isCreateInHoldCellsEnabled = pref->isCreationInHoldCellsEnabled();
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
TFrameHandle *currentFrame = m_application->getCurrentFrame();
TXshLevelHandle *currentLevel = m_application->getCurrentLevel();
if (currentFrame->isEditingLevel()) {
// Editing level
// no level => return 0
TXshLevel *xl = currentLevel->getLevel();
if (!xl) return 0;
TXshSimpleLevel *sl = xl->getSimpleLevel();
if (!sl || sl->isEmpty()) return 0;
TFrameId fid = currentFrame->getFid();
TImageP img = sl->getFrame(fid, true);
if (!img) {
// no drawing found
if (sl->isSubsequence() || sl->isReadOnly() || !isAutoCreateEnabled)
return 0;
// create a new drawing
img = sl->createEmptyFrame();
sl->setFrame(fid, img);
m_isFrameCreated = true;
return img.getPointer();
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
//- - - - editing xsheet case starts here - - - -
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
if (m_application->getCurrentObject()->isSpline()) return 0;
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
TSceneHandle *currentScene = m_application->getCurrentScene();
ToonzScene *scene = currentScene->getScene();
int row = currentFrame->getFrame();
int col = m_application->getCurrentColumn()->getColumnIndex();
if (col < 0) return 0;
TXsheetHandle *currentXsheet = m_application->getCurrentXsheet();
TXsheet *xsh = currentXsheet->getXsheet();
if (!xsh) return 0;
TXshCell cell = xsh->getCell(row, col);
TXshSimpleLevel *sl = cell.getSimpleLevel();
if (sl) {
// current cell is not empty
if (isCreateInHoldCellsEnabled && row > 0 &&
xsh->getCell(row - 1, col) == xsh->getCell(row, col)) {
// CreateInHoldCells is enabled and the current cell is a "hold".
// We must create a new drawing.
// measure the hold length (starting from the current row) : r0-r1
int r0 = row, r1 = row;
if (isAutoStretchEnabled)
while (xsh->getCell(r1 + 1, col) == cell) r1++;
// find the proper frameid (possibly addisng suffix, in order to avoid a
// fid already used)
// find the proper frameid
TFrameId fid;
TXshCellColumn *column = xsh->getColumn(col)->getCellColumn();
if (isAutoRenumberEnabled && column) {
TFrameId maxFid;
if (animationSheetEnabled) {
fid = TFrameId(row + 1);
maxFid = TFrameId(row);
} else {
int r_begin, r_end;
column->getRange(r_begin, r_end);
fid = getDesiredFId(column, r_begin, sl, row, maxFid);
// renumber fids
m_isLevelRenumbererd = ToolUtils::renumberForInsertFId(
sl, fid, maxFid, scene->getTopXsheet());
if (m_isLevelRenumbererd) sl->getFids(m_newFids);
} else
fid = (animationSheetEnabled) ? getNewFrameId(sl, row)
: sl->index2fid(sl->getFrameCount());
// create the new drawing
TImageP img = sl->createEmptyFrame();
m_isFrameCreated = true;
// insert the drawing in the level
sl->setFrame(fid, img);
// update the cell
cell = TXshCell(sl, fid);
// update the xsheet (change the current cell and possibly all the
// following "hold")
for (int r = r0; r <= r1; r++) xsh->setCell(r, col, cell);
// notify
m_cellsData.push_back({r0, r1, CellOps::ExistingToNew});
// if the level does not contain a frame in the current cell
// (i.e. drawing on the cell with red numbers)
else if (!sl->isFid(cell.getFrameId())) {
// no drawing found
if (sl->isSubsequence() || sl->isReadOnly() || !isAutoCreateEnabled)
return 0;
// create a new drawing
TImageP img = sl->createEmptyFrame();
sl->setFrame(cell.getFrameId(), img);
m_isFrameCreated = true;
return img.getPointer();
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
// we've found the image. return it.
return cell.getImage(true).getPointer();
// current cell is empty.
if (!isAutoCreateEnabled) return 0;
// get the column range
int r0, r1;
xsh->getCellRange(col, r0, r1);
// in case the column is not empty
if (r0 <= r1) {
// We must create a new drawing in the column level and possibly add "holds"
// find the last not-empty cell before the current one (a) and the first
// after (b)
int a = row - 1, b = row + 1;
while (a >= r0 && xsh->getCell(a, col).isEmpty()) a--;
while (b <= r1 && xsh->getCell(b, col).isEmpty()) b++;
// find the level we must attach to
if (a >= r0) {
// there is a not-empty cell before the current one
sl = xsh->getCell(a, col).getSimpleLevel();
} else if (b <= r1) {
sl = xsh->getCell(b, col).getSimpleLevel();
if (sl && !sl->isSubsequence() && !sl->isReadOnly()) {
// note: sl should be always !=0 (the column is not empty)
// if - for some reason - it is == 0 or it is not editable,
// then we skip to empty-column behaviour
// create the drawing
// find the proper frameid
TFrameId fid;
TXshCellColumn *column = xsh->getColumn(col)->getCellColumn();
if (isAutoRenumberEnabled && column) {
TFrameId maxFid(row);
fid = (animationSheetEnabled)
? TFrameId(row + 1)
: getDesiredFId(column, r0, sl, row, maxFid);
m_isLevelRenumbererd = ToolUtils::renumberForInsertFId(
sl, fid, maxFid, scene->getTopXsheet());
if (m_isLevelRenumbererd) sl->getFids(m_newFids);
} else
fid = (animationSheetEnabled) ? getNewFrameId(sl, row)
: sl->index2fid(sl->getFrameCount());
// create the new drawing
TImageP img = sl->createEmptyFrame();
m_isFrameCreated = true;
// insert the drawing in the level
sl->setFrame(fid, img);
// update the cell
cell = TXshCell(sl, fid);
xsh->setCell(row, col, cell);
// create holds
if (!isAutoStretchEnabled) {
m_cellsData.push_back({row, row, CellOps::BlankToNew});
} else {
if (a >= r0) {
// create a hold before : [a+1, row-1]
TXshCell aCell = xsh->getCell(a, col);
for (int i = a + 1; i < row; i++) xsh->setCell(i, col, aCell);
m_cellsData.push_back({a + 1, row - 1, CellOps::BlankToExisting});
if (b <= r1 && xsh->getCell(b, col).getSimpleLevel() == sl) {
// create also a hold after
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
for (int i = row + 1; i < b; i++) xsh->setCell(i, col, cell);
m_cellsData.push_back({row, b - 1, CellOps::BlankToNew});
} else {
m_cellsData.push_back({row, row, CellOps::BlankToNew});
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
} else if (b <= r1) {
// create a hold after
for (int i = row + 1; i < b; i++) xsh->setCell(i, col, cell);
m_cellsData.push_back({row, b - 1, CellOps::BlankToNew});
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
// notify & return
return cell.getImage(true).getPointer();
// - - - - empty column case starts here - - - -
// autoCreate is enabled: we must create a new level
int levelType = pref->getDefLevelType();
TXshLevel *xl = scene->createNewLevel(levelType);
sl = xl->getSimpleLevel();
if (levelType == TZP_XSHLEVEL || levelType == PLI_XSHLEVEL) {
TPalette *defaultPalette =
if (defaultPalette) sl->setPalette(defaultPalette->clone());
m_isLevelCreated = true;
// create the drawing
TFrameId fid = animationSheetEnabled ? getNewFrameId(sl, row) : TFrameId(1);
TImageP img = sl->createEmptyFrame();
m_isFrameCreated = true;
sl->setFrame(fid, img);
cell = TXshCell(sl, fid);
xsh->setCell(row, col, cell);
m_cellsData.push_back({row, row, CellOps::BlankToNew}); // vuoto => nuovo
return img.getPointer();
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
void TTool::updateToolsPropertiesTranslation() {
ToolTable::iterator tt, tEnd(toolTable->end());
for (tt = toolTable->begin(); tt != tEnd; ++tt)
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
void TTool::invalidate(const TRectD &rect) {
if (m_viewer) {
if (rect.isEmpty())
else {
TPointD dpiScale(1, 1);
TXshSimpleLevel *sl =
if (sl) dpiScale = getCurrentDpiScale(sl, getCurrentFid());
m_viewer->GLInvalidateRect(getCurrentColumnMatrix() *
TScale(dpiScale.x, dpiScale.y) * rect);
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2018-01-19 22:29:42 +13:00
int TTool::pick(const TPointD &p) {
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
if (!m_viewer) return 0;
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
m_picking = true;
int ret = m_viewer->pick(p);
m_picking = false;
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2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
return ret;
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
TXsheet *TTool::getXsheet() const {
if (!m_application) return 0;
return m_application->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet();
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
int TTool::getFrame() {
if (!m_application) return 0;
return m_application->getCurrentFrame()->getFrame();
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
int TTool::getColumnIndex() {
if (!m_application) return 0;
return m_application->getCurrentColumn()->getColumnIndex();
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
TStageObjectId TTool::getObjectId() const {
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
if (!m_application) return TStageObjectId();
return m_application->getCurrentObject()->getObjectId();
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
TTool::Application *TTool::getApplication() {
if (m_application == 0)
assert(!"you MUST call the TTool::setApplication function in the main of the program!");
return m_application;
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
/*! Notify change of current image: update icon and notify level change.
If current object is a spline commit spline chenged.
If current mode is EditingLevel touch current frame.
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
void TTool::notifyImageChanged() {
if (!m_application) return;
if (m_application->getCurrentFrame()->isEditingLevel()) {
TXshLevel *xl = m_application->getCurrentLevel()->getLevel();
if (!xl) return;
TXshSimpleLevel *sl = xl->getSimpleLevel();
if (!sl) return;
TFrameId fid = m_application->getCurrentFrame()->getFid();
// sl->setDirtyFlag(true);
IconGenerator::instance()->invalidate(sl, fid);
} else {
TXsheet *xsh = m_application->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet();
if (!xsh) return;
TObjectHandle *currentObject = m_application->getCurrentObject();
if (currentObject->isSpline()) {
TStageObject *pegbar = xsh->getStageObject(currentObject->getObjectId());
} else {
int row = m_application->getCurrentFrame()->getFrame();
int col = m_application->getCurrentColumn()->getColumnIndex();
if (col < 0) return;
TXshCell cell = xsh->getCell(row, col);
TXshSimpleLevel *sl = cell.getSimpleLevel();
if (sl) {
IconGenerator::instance()->invalidate(sl, cell.m_frameId);
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
/*! Notify change of image in \b fid: update icon and notify level change.
2019-09-24 15:23:46 +12:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
void TTool::notifyImageChanged(const TFrameId &fid) {
if (!m_application) return;
if (m_application->getCurrentFrame()->isEditingLevel()) {
TXshLevel *xl = m_application->getCurrentLevel()->getLevel();
if (!xl) return;
TXshSimpleLevel *sl = xl->getSimpleLevel();
if (!sl) return;
IconGenerator::instance()->invalidate(sl, fid);
} else {
int row = m_application->getCurrentFrame()->getFrame();
int col = m_application->getCurrentColumn()->getColumnIndex();
if (col < 0) return;
TXsheet *xsh = m_application->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet();
if (!xsh) return;
TXshCell cell = xsh->getCell(row, col);
TXshSimpleLevel *sl = cell.getSimpleLevel();
if (sl) {
IconGenerator::instance()->invalidate(sl, fid);
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
TFrameId TTool::getCurrentFid() const {
if (!m_application) return TFrameId();
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
TFrameHandle *fh = m_application->getCurrentFrame();
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
if (fh->isEditingLevel()) return fh->getFid();
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
int row = m_application->getCurrentFrame()->getFrame();
int col = m_application->getCurrentColumn()->getColumnIndex();
TXshCell cell =
m_application->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet()->getCell(row, col);
if (cell.isEmpty()) return TFrameId::NO_FRAME;
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
return cell.getFrameId();
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
TAffine TTool::getCurrentColumnMatrix() const {
return getColumnMatrix(m_application->getCurrentColumn()->getColumnIndex());
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
TAffine TTool::getCurrentColumnParentMatrix() const {
if (!m_application) return TAffine();
TFrameHandle *fh = m_application->getCurrentFrame();
if (fh->isEditingLevel()) return TAffine();
int frame = fh->getFrame();
int columnIndex = m_application->getCurrentColumn()->getColumnIndex();
TXsheet *xsh = m_application->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet();
TStageObjectId parentId =
return xsh->getPlacement(parentId, frame);
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
TAffine TTool::getCurrentObjectParentMatrix() const {
if (!m_application) return TAffine();
TXsheet *xsh = m_application->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet();
int frame = m_application->getCurrentFrame()->getFrame();
TStageObjectId currentObjectId =
if (currentObjectId == TStageObjectId::NoneId) return TAffine();
TStageObjectId parentId = xsh->getStageObjectParent(currentObjectId);
if (parentId == TStageObjectId::NoneId)
return TAffine();
return xsh->getPlacement(parentId, frame);
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
TAffine TTool::getColumnMatrix(int columnIndex) const {
if (!m_application) return TAffine();
TFrameHandle *fh = m_application->getCurrentFrame();
if (fh->isEditingLevel()) return TAffine();
2019-09-26 15:54:41 +12:00
int frame = fh->getFrame();
TXsheet *xsh = m_application->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet();
TStageObjectId columnObjId =
(columnIndex >= 0)
? TStageObjectId::ColumnId(columnIndex)
: TStageObjectId::CameraId(xsh->getCameraColumnIndex());
TAffine columnPlacement = xsh->getPlacement(columnObjId, frame);
double columnZ = xsh->getZ(columnObjId, frame);
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
TStageObjectId cameraId = xsh->getStageObjectTree()->getCurrentCameraId();
TStageObject *camera = xsh->getStageObject(cameraId);
TAffine cameraPlacement = camera->getPlacement(frame);
double cameraZ = camera->getZ(frame);
2019-09-26 15:54:41 +12:00
TStageObject *object = xsh->getStageObject(columnObjId);
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
TAffine placement;
TStageObject::perspective(placement, cameraPlacement, cameraZ,
columnPlacement, columnZ,
return placement;
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
TAffine TTool::getCurrentObjectParentMatrix2() const {
TTool::Application *app = m_application;
TFrameHandle *fh = app->getCurrentFrame();
if (fh->isEditingLevel()) return TAffine();
int frame = fh->getFrame();
TXsheet *xsh = app->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet();
TStageObjectId id = app->getCurrentObject()->getObjectId();
double objZ = xsh->getZ(id, frame);
TStageObjectId parentId = xsh->getStageObjectParent(id);
if (parentId == TStageObjectId::NoneId) return TAffine();
id = parentId;
TAffine objPlacement = xsh->getPlacement(id, frame);
TStageObjectId cameraId = xsh->getStageObjectTree()->getCurrentCameraId();
TStageObject *camera = xsh->getStageObject(cameraId);
TAffine cameraPlacement = camera->getPlacement(frame);
double cameraZ = camera->getZ(frame);
TAffine placement;
TStageObject::perspective(placement, cameraPlacement, cameraZ, objPlacement,
objZ, 0);
return placement;
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
void TTool::updateMatrix() {
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
if (m_application->getCurrentObject()->isSpline())
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
void TTool::resetInputMethod() {
if (m_viewer) m_viewer->resetInputMethod();
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
bool TTool::isColumnLocked(int columnIndex) const {
if (columnIndex < 0) return false;
TXsheet *xsh = getXsheet();
TXshColumn *column = xsh->getColumn(columnIndex);
if (!column) return false;
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
return column->isLocked();
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
QString TTool::updateEnabled() {
2018-09-06 16:00:58 +12:00
int rowIndex = m_application->getCurrentFrame()->getFrame();
int columnIndex = m_application->getCurrentColumn()->getColumnIndex();
return updateEnabled(rowIndex, columnIndex);
// See the overridden function EditTool::updateEnabled() for the Animate Tool
2018-09-06 16:00:58 +12:00
QString TTool::updateEnabled(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
// Disable every tool during playback
if (m_application->getCurrentFrame()->isPlaying())
return (enable(false), QString());
// Release Generic tools at once
int toolType = getToolType();
int targetType = getTargetType();
if (toolType == TTool::GenericTool) return (enable(true), QString());
// Retrieve vars and view modes
TXsheet *xsh = m_application->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet();
TXshColumn *column = (columnIndex >= 0) ? xsh->getColumn(columnIndex) : 0;
TXshLevel *xl = m_application->getCurrentLevel()->getLevel();
TXshSimpleLevel *sl = xl ? xl->getSimpleLevel() : 0;
int levelType = sl ? sl->getType() : NO_XSHLEVEL;
// If not in Level editor, let's use our current cell from the xsheet to
// find the nearest level before it
2018-12-15 16:53:46 +13:00
if (levelType == NO_XSHLEVEL &&
!m_application->getCurrentFrame()->isEditingLevel()) {
if (!column || (column && !column->getSoundColumn())) {
TXshCell cell = xsh->getCell(rowIndex, columnIndex);
xl = cell.isEmpty() ? 0 : (TXshLevel*)(&cell.m_level);
sl = cell.isEmpty() ? 0 : cell.getSimpleLevel();
levelType = cell.isEmpty() ? NO_XSHLEVEL : cell.m_level->getType();
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
if (Preferences::instance()->isAutoCreateEnabled()) {
// If not in Level editor, let's use our current cell from the xsheet to
// find the nearest level before it
if (levelType == NO_XSHLEVEL &&
!m_application->getCurrentFrame()->isEditingLevel()) {
if (!column || (column && !column->getSoundColumn())) {
int r0, r1;
xsh->getCellRange(columnIndex, r0, r1);
for (int r = std::min(r1, rowIndex); r > r0; r--) {
TXshCell cell = xsh->getCell(r, columnIndex);
if (cell.isEmpty()) continue;
xl = (TXshLevel*)(&cell.m_level);
sl = cell.getSimpleLevel();
levelType = cell.m_level->getType();
// If the current tool does not match the current type, check for
// a version of the same tool that does
TTool *tool = this;
if ((levelType == PLI_XSHLEVEL) && !(targetType & VectorImage))
tool = TTool::getTool(m_name, VectorImage);
else if ((levelType == TZP_XSHLEVEL) && !(targetType & ToonzImage))
tool = TTool::getTool(m_name, ToonzImage);
else if ((levelType == OVL_XSHLEVEL) && !(targetType & RasterImage))
tool = TTool::getTool(m_name, RasterImage);
else if ((levelType == MESH_XSHLEVEL) && !(targetType & MeshImage))
tool = TTool::getTool(m_name, MeshImage);
if (tool && tool != this && tool->getTargetType() != TTool::NoTarget)
return tool->updateEnabled();
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
bool spline = m_application->getCurrentObject()->isSpline();
bool filmstrip = m_application->getCurrentFrame()->isEditingLevel();
/*-- MultiLayerStylePickerONのときは、現状に関わらず使用可能 --*/
if (m_name == T_StylePicker &&
return (enable(true), QString());
2019-03-23 02:09:34 +13:00
// Check against camera column
if (!filmstrip && columnIndex < 0 && (targetType & TTool::EmptyTarget) &&
2019-03-23 02:09:34 +13:00
(m_name == T_Type || m_name == T_Geometric || m_name == T_Brush))
return (enable(false), QString());
bool isZeraryCol =
column ? (column->getZeraryFxColumn() ? true : false) : false;
bool isPaletteCol =
column ? (column->getPaletteColumn() ? true : false) : false;
bool isMeshCol = column ? (column->getMeshColumn() ? true : false) : false;
2019-10-11 15:57:49 +13:00
// Check against splines
if (spline && (toolType & TTool::LevelTool)) {
return (targetType & Splines)
? (enable(true), QString())
: (enable(false), QObject::tr("The current tool cannot be "
"used to edit a motion path."));
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
// Check against unplaced columns (not in filmstrip mode)
if (column && !filmstrip) {
if (column->isLocked() && m_name != T_Selection)
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
return (enable(false), QObject::tr("The current column is locked."));
else if (!column->isCamstandVisible())
return (enable(false), QObject::tr("The current column is hidden."));
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
else if (column->getSoundColumn())
return (enable(false),
QObject::tr("It is not possible to edit the audio column."));
else if (column->getSoundTextColumn())
return (
"Note columns can only be edited in the xsheet or timeline."));
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
if (toolType == TTool::ColumnTool) {
// Check column target
if (column->getLevelColumn() && !(targetType & LevelColumns))
return (
QObject::tr("The current tool cannot be used on a Level column."));
if (column->getMeshColumn() && !(targetType & MeshColumns))
return (
QObject::tr("The current tool cannot be used on a Mesh column."));
// Check column tools
if (toolType == TTool::ColumnTool) {
if (filmstrip)
return (
QObject::tr("The current tool cannot be used in Level Strip mode."));
if ((!column || column->isEmpty()) && !(targetType & TTool::EmptyTarget))
return (enable(false), QString());
// Check LevelRead & LevelWrite tools
if (toolType & TTool::LevelTool) {
// Check against empty levels
if (!xl)
return ((targetType & EmptyTarget) && !isZeraryCol && !isPaletteCol &&
? (enable(true), QString())
: (enable(false), QString());
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
// Check against simple-level-edness
if (!sl)
return (enable(false),
QObject::tr("The current level is not editable.")); // Does it
// happen at
// all btw?
// Check against level types
if ((levelType == PLI_XSHLEVEL) && !(targetType & VectorImage))
return (
QObject::tr("The current tool cannot be used on a Vector Level."));
if ((levelType == TZP_XSHLEVEL) && !(targetType & ToonzImage))
return (
QObject::tr("The current tool cannot be used on a Toonz Level."));
if ((levelType == OVL_XSHLEVEL) && !(targetType & RasterImage))
return (
QObject::tr("The current tool cannot be used on a Raster Level."));
if ((levelType == MESH_XSHLEVEL) && !(targetType & MeshImage))
return (
QObject::tr("The current tool cannot be used on a Mesh Level."));
// Check against impossibly traceable movements on the column
2019-09-26 15:54:41 +12:00
if ((levelType & LEVELCOLUMN_XSHLEVEL) && !filmstrip && columnIndex >= 0) {
TStageObject *obj =
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
// Test for Mesh-deformed levels
const TStageObjectId &parentId = obj->getParent();
if (parentId.isColumn() && obj->getParentHandle()[0] != 'H') {
TXshSimpleLevel *parentSl =
xsh->getCell(rowIndex, parentId.getIndex()).getSimpleLevel();
if (parentSl && parentSl->getType() == MESH_XSHLEVEL &&
m_name != T_Selection)
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
return (
"The current tool cannot be used on a mesh-deformed level"));
// Check TTool::ImageType tools
if (toolType == TTool::LevelWriteTool && m_name != T_Selection) {
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
// Check level against read-only status
if (sl->isFrameReadOnly(getCurrentFid()))
return (enable(false),
"The current frame is locked: any editing is forbidden."));
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
// Check level type write support
if (sl->getPath().getType() ==
"psd" || // We don't have the API to write psd files
sl->getPath().getType() == "gif" ||
sl->getPath().getType() == "mp4" ||
sl->getPath().getType() == "webm" ||
sl->is16BitChannelLevel() || // Inherited by previous
// implementation.
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
// Could be fixed?
sl->getProperties()->getBpp() ==
1) // Black & White images. Again, could be fixed?
return (enable(false),
QObject::tr("The current level is not editable."));
return (enable(true), QString());
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
2016-06-15 18:43:10 +12:00
void TTool::setSelectedFrames(const std::set<TFrameId> &selectedFrames) {
m_selectedFrames = selectedFrames;
2016-03-19 06:57:51 +13:00
void TTool::Viewer::getGuidedFrameIdx(int *backIdx, int *frontIdx) {
if (!Preferences::instance()->isGuidedDrawingEnabled()) return;
OnionSkinMask osMask =
if (!osMask.isEnabled() || osMask.isEmpty()) return;
TFrameHandle *currentFrame = getApplication()->getCurrentFrame();
int cidx = currentFrame->getFrameIndex();
int mosBack = 0;
int mosFront = 0;
int mosCount = osMask.getMosCount();
int fosBack = -1;
int fosFront = -1;
int fosCount = osMask.getFosCount();
// Find onion-skinned drawing that is being used for guided auto inbetween
if (Preferences::instance()->getGuidedDrawingType() == 1) {
// Get closest moving unionskin
for (int i = 0; i < mosCount; i++) {
int cmos = osMask.getMos(i);
if (cmos == 0) continue; // skip current
if (cmos < 0 && (!mosBack || cmos > mosBack)) mosBack = cmos;
if (cmos > 0 && (!mosFront || cmos < mosFront)) mosFront = cmos;
if (mosBack) *backIdx = mosBack + cidx;
if (mosFront) *frontIdx = mosFront + cidx;
// Get closest fixed onionskin
for (int i = 0; i < fosCount; i++) {
int cfos = osMask.getFos(i);
if (cfos == cidx) continue; // skip current
if (cfos < cidx && (fosBack == -1 || cfos > fosBack)) fosBack = cfos;
if (cfos > cidx && (fosFront == -1 || cfos < fosFront)) fosFront = cfos;
if (*backIdx == -1)
*backIdx = fosBack;
else if (fosBack != -1)
*backIdx = std::max(*backIdx, fosBack);
if (*frontIdx == -1)
*frontIdx = fosFront;
else if (fosFront != -1)
*frontIdx = std::min(*frontIdx, fosFront);
} else if (Preferences::instance()->getGuidedDrawingType() ==
2) { // Furthest drawing
// Get moving unionskin
for (int i = 0; i < mosCount; i++) {
int cmos = osMask.getMos(i);
if (cmos == 0) continue; // skip current
if (cmos < 0 && (!mosBack || cmos < mosBack)) mosBack = cmos;
if (cmos > 0 && (!mosFront || cmos > mosFront)) mosFront = cmos;
if (mosBack) *backIdx = mosBack + cidx;
if (mosFront) *frontIdx = mosFront + cidx;
// Get fixed onionskin
for (int i = 0; i < fosCount; i++) {
int cfos = osMask.getFos(i);
if (cfos == cidx) continue; // skip current
if (cfos < cidx && (fosBack == -1 || cfos < fosBack)) fosBack = cfos;
if (cfos > cidx && (fosFront == -1 || cfos > fosFront)) fosFront = cfos;
if (*backIdx == -1)
*backIdx = fosBack;
else if (fosBack != -1)
*backIdx = std::min(*backIdx, fosBack);
if (*frontIdx == -1)
*frontIdx = fosFront;
else if (fosFront != -1)
*frontIdx = std::max(*frontIdx, fosFront);
void TTool::Viewer::doPickGuideStroke(const TPointD &pos) {
int pickerMode = getGuidedStrokePickerMode();
if (!pickerMode) return;
if (pickerMode >= -2 && pickerMode <= 2) setGuidedStrokePickerMode(0);
int osBack = -1;
int osFront = -1;
int os = -1;
getGuidedFrameIdx(&osBack, &osFront);
if (pickerMode < 0) // Previous Frame
os = osBack;
else if (pickerMode > 0) // Next Frame
os = osFront;
TFrameId fid;
TFrameHandle *currentFrame = getApplication()->getCurrentFrame();
TXshSimpleLevel *sl =
if (!sl) return;
if (currentFrame->isEditingScene()) {
TXsheet *xsh = getApplication()->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet();
int col = getApplication()->getCurrentColumn()->getColumnIndex();
if (xsh && col >= 0) {
TXshCell cell = xsh->getCell(os, col);
if (!cell.isEmpty()) fid = cell.getFrameId();
} else
fid = sl->getFrameId(os);
if (fid.isEmptyFrame()) return;
TVectorImageP fvi = sl->getFrame(fid, false);
if (!fvi) return;
UINT index;
double t, dist2 = 0;
double pixelSize = getPixelSize();
TAffine aff = getViewMatrix();
double maxDist = 5 * pixelSize;
double maxDist2 = maxDist * maxDist;
double checkDist = maxDist2 * 4;
TStroke *strokeRef;
if (fvi->getNearestStroke(pos, t, index, dist2)) {
strokeRef = fvi->getStroke(index);
TThickPoint cursor = strokeRef->getThickPoint(t);
double len = cursor.thick * pixelSize * sqrt(aff.det());
checkDist = std::max(checkDist, (len * len));
if (dist2 >= checkDist)
index = -1;
else {
if (pickerMode < 0) // Previous Frame
else if (pickerMode > 0) // Next Frame
if (pickerMode <= -2) {
if (index != -1) setGuidedStrokePickerMode(pickerMode * -1);
} else if (pickerMode >= 2) {
if (pickerMode >= 3 && index != -1) {
TTool *tool = TTool::getTool(T_Brush, TTool::ToolTargetType::VectorImage);
ToonzVectorBrushTool *vbTool = (ToonzVectorBrushTool *)tool;
if (vbTool) {
vbTool->doGuidedAutoInbetween(fid, fvi, strokeRef, false, false, false,
setGuidedStrokePickerMode(pickerMode * -1);
void TTool::tweenSelectedGuideStrokes() {
if (!getViewer() || !m_application) return;
TXshSimpleLevel *sl =
if (!sl) return;
int backIdx = -1, frontIdx = -1;
getViewer()->getGuidedFrameIdx(&backIdx, &frontIdx);
if (backIdx == -1 || frontIdx == -1) return;
TFrameHandle *currentFrame = getApplication()->getCurrentFrame();
int row = currentFrame->getFrameIndex();
TFrameId bFid, cFid, fFid;
cFid = getCurrentFid();
if (cFid.isEmptyFrame()) return;
TVectorImageP cvi = sl->getFrame(cFid, false);
if (!cvi) return;
int cStrokeCount = cvi->getStrokeCount();
if (currentFrame->isEditingScene()) {
TXsheet *xsh = m_application->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet();
int col = m_application->getCurrentColumn()->getColumnIndex();
if (xsh && col >= 0) {
TXshCell cell = xsh->getCell(backIdx, col);
if (!cell.isEmpty()) bFid = cell.getFrameId();
cell = xsh->getCell(frontIdx, col);
if (!cell.isEmpty()) fFid = cell.getFrameId();
} else {
bFid = sl->getFrameId(backIdx);
fFid = sl->getFrameId(frontIdx);
if (bFid.isEmptyFrame() || fFid.isEmptyFrame()) return;
TVectorImageP bvi = sl->getFrame(bFid, false);
TVectorImageP fvi = sl->getFrame(fFid, false);
if (!bvi || !fvi) return;
int bStrokeCount = bvi->getStrokeCount();
int fStrokeCount = fvi->getStrokeCount();
if (!bStrokeCount || !fStrokeCount) return;
int bStrokeIdx = getViewer()->getGuidedBackStroke() != -1
? getViewer()->getGuidedBackStroke()
: cStrokeCount;
int fStrokeIdx = getViewer()->getGuidedFrontStroke() != -1
? getViewer()->getGuidedFrontStroke()
: cStrokeCount;
if (bStrokeIdx >= bStrokeCount || fStrokeIdx >= fStrokeCount) return;
TStroke *bStroke = bvi->getStroke(bStrokeIdx);
TStroke *fStroke = fvi->getStroke(fStrokeIdx);
if (!bStroke || !fStroke) return;
TTool *tool = TTool::getTool(T_Brush, TTool::ToolTargetType::VectorImage);
ToonzVectorBrushTool *vbTool = (ToonzVectorBrushTool *)tool;
if (vbTool) {
2020-01-29 13:22:35 +13:00
m_isFrameCreated = false;
m_isLevelCreated = false;
bFid, bStroke, fFid, fStroke,
Preferences::instance()->getGuidedInterpolation(), false, false, false,
false, false, true);
void TTool::tweenGuideStrokeToSelected() {
if (!getViewer() || !m_application) return;
TXshSimpleLevel *sl =
if (!sl) return;
int backIdx = -1, frontIdx = -1;
getViewer()->getGuidedFrameIdx(&backIdx, &frontIdx);
TFrameHandle *currentFrame = getApplication()->getCurrentFrame();
int row = currentFrame->getFrameIndex();
TFrameId bFid, cFid, fFid;
TVectorImageP bvi, cvi, fvi;
cFid = getCurrentFid();
if (cFid.isEmptyFrame()) return;
cvi = sl->getFrame(cFid, false);
if (!cvi) return;
int cStrokeCount = cvi->getStrokeCount();
if (!cStrokeCount) return;
StrokeSelection *strokeSelection =
dynamic_cast<StrokeSelection *>(getSelection());
if (!strokeSelection || strokeSelection->isEmpty()) return;
const std::set<int> &selectedStrokeIdxs = strokeSelection->getSelection();
const std::set<int>::iterator it = selectedStrokeIdxs.begin();
int cStrokeIdx = *it;
TStroke *cStroke = cvi->getStroke(cStrokeIdx);
if (!cStroke) return;
if (backIdx != -1) {
if (currentFrame->isEditingScene()) {
TXsheet *xsh = m_application->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet();
int col = m_application->getCurrentColumn()->getColumnIndex();
if (xsh && col >= 0) {
TXshCell cell = xsh->getCell(backIdx, col);
if (!cell.isEmpty()) bFid = cell.getFrameId();
} else
bFid = sl->getFrameId(backIdx);
if (!bFid.isEmptyFrame()) bvi = sl->getFrame(bFid, false);
if (frontIdx != -1) {
if (currentFrame->isEditingScene()) {
TXsheet *xsh = m_application->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet();
int col = m_application->getCurrentColumn()->getColumnIndex();
if (xsh && col >= 0) {
TXshCell cell = xsh->getCell(frontIdx, col);
if (!cell.isEmpty()) fFid = cell.getFrameId();
} else
fFid = sl->getFrameId(frontIdx);
if (!fFid.isEmptyFrame()) fvi = sl->getFrame(fFid, false);
if (!bvi && !fvi) return;
int bStrokeCount = bvi ? bvi->getStrokeCount() : 0;
int fStrokeCount = fvi ? fvi->getStrokeCount() : 0;
if (!bStrokeCount && !fStrokeCount) return;
int bStrokeIdx = getViewer()->getGuidedBackStroke() != -1
? getViewer()->getGuidedBackStroke()
: cStrokeCount;
int fStrokeIdx = getViewer()->getGuidedFrontStroke() != -1
? getViewer()->getGuidedFrontStroke()
: cStrokeCount;
if ((bStrokeCount && bStrokeIdx >= bStrokeCount) ||
(fStrokeCount && fStrokeIdx >= fStrokeCount))
TStroke *bStroke = bvi ? bvi->getStroke(bStrokeIdx) : 0;
TStroke *fStroke = fvi ? fvi->getStroke(fStrokeIdx) : 0;
if (!bStroke && !fStroke) return;
TTool *tool = TTool::getTool(T_Brush, TTool::ToolTargetType::VectorImage);
ToonzVectorBrushTool *vbTool = (ToonzVectorBrushTool *)tool;
if (vbTool) {
2020-01-29 13:22:35 +13:00
m_isFrameCreated = false;
m_isLevelCreated = false;
if (bStroke)
bFid, bStroke, cFid, cStroke,
Preferences::instance()->getGuidedInterpolation(), false, false,
false, false, false, false);
if (fStroke)
cFid, cStroke, fFid, fStroke,
Preferences::instance()->getGuidedInterpolation(), false, false,
false, false, false, false);
void TTool::flipGuideStrokeDirection(int mode) {
if (!mode) return;
TXshSimpleLevel *sl =
if (!sl) return;
int osBack = -1;
int osFront = -1;
int os = -1;
int strokeIdx;
getViewer()->getGuidedFrameIdx(&osBack, &osFront);
if (mode < 0) { // Previous Frame
os = osBack;
strokeIdx = getViewer()->getGuidedBackStroke();
} else if (mode > 0) { // Next Frame
os = osFront;
strokeIdx = getViewer()->getGuidedFrontStroke();
if (os < 0) return;
TFrameHandle *currentFrame = getApplication()->getCurrentFrame();
int row = currentFrame->getFrameIndex();
TFrameId cFid = getCurrentFid();
if (cFid.isEmptyFrame()) return;
TVectorImageP cvi = sl->getFrame(cFid, false);
if (!cvi) return;
int cStrokeCount = cvi->getStrokeCount();
TFrameId fid;
if (currentFrame->isEditingScene()) {
TXsheet *xsh = getApplication()->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet();
int col = getApplication()->getCurrentColumn()->getColumnIndex();
if (xsh && col >= 0) {
TXshCell cell = xsh->getCell(os, col);
if (!cell.isEmpty()) fid = cell.getFrameId();
} else
fid = sl->getFrameId(os);
if (fid.isEmptyFrame()) return;
TVectorImageP vi = sl->getFrame(fid, false);
if (!vi) return;
int strokeCount = vi->getStrokeCount();
if (!strokeCount) return;
if (strokeIdx == -1) strokeIdx = cStrokeCount;
if (strokeIdx >= strokeCount) return;
TStroke *stroke = vi->getStroke(strokeIdx);
if (!stroke) return;