crschnick 3e7fbe89ac Merge branch prefs into master
The changes have been squashed as the commit history and messages were not very carefully crafted. There isn't that much value in preserving random commit messages.

Also due to diverging branches, rebasing or merging it was difficult.
2024-02-28 07:36:31 +00:00

165 lines
7 KiB

package io.xpipe.app.comp.store;
import io.xpipe.app.fxcomps.Comp;
import io.xpipe.app.fxcomps.util.BindingsHelper;
import io.xpipe.app.storage.DataStorage;
import io.xpipe.app.storage.DataStoreEntry;
import javafx.beans.binding.Bindings;
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleBooleanProperty;
import javafx.beans.value.ObservableBooleanValue;
import javafx.beans.value.ObservableStringValue;
import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import lombok.Value;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
public class StoreSection {
StoreEntryWrapper wrapper;
ObservableList<StoreSection> allChildren;
ObservableList<StoreSection> shownChildren;
int depth;
ObservableBooleanValue showDetails;
public StoreSection(
StoreEntryWrapper wrapper,
ObservableList<StoreSection> allChildren,
ObservableList<StoreSection> shownChildren,
int depth) {
this.wrapper = wrapper;
this.allChildren = allChildren;
this.shownChildren = shownChildren;
this.depth = depth;
if (wrapper != null) {
this.showDetails = Bindings.createBooleanBinding(
() -> {
return wrapper.getExpanded().get() || allChildren.isEmpty();
} else {
this.showDetails = new SimpleBooleanProperty(true);
public static Comp<?> customSection(StoreSection e, boolean topLevel) {
var prov = e.getWrapper().getEntry().getProvider();
if (prov != null) {
return prov.customSectionComp(e, topLevel);
} else {
return new StoreSectionComp(e, topLevel);
private static ObservableList<StoreSection> sorted(
ObservableList<StoreSection> list, ObservableValue<StoreCategoryWrapper> category) {
if (category == null) {
return list;
var c = Comparator.<StoreSection>comparingInt(
value -> value.getWrapper().getEntry().getValidity().isUsable() ? -1 : 1);
var mappedSortMode = BindingsHelper.mappedBinding(
storeCategoryWrapper -> storeCategoryWrapper != null ? storeCategoryWrapper.getSortMode() : null);
return BindingsHelper.orderedContentBinding(
(o1, o2) -> {
var current = mappedSortMode.getValue();
if (current != null) {
return c.thenComparing(current.comparator())
.compare(current.representative(o1), current.representative(o2));
} else {
return c.compare(o1, o2);
public static StoreSection createTopLevel(
ObservableList<StoreEntryWrapper> all,
Predicate<StoreEntryWrapper> entryFilter,
ObservableStringValue filterString,
ObservableValue<StoreCategoryWrapper> category) {
var topLevel = BindingsHelper.filteredContentBinding(
section -> {
return DataStorage.get().isRootEntry(section.getEntry());
var cached = BindingsHelper.cachedMappedContentBinding(
topLevel, storeEntryWrapper -> create(storeEntryWrapper, 1, all, entryFilter, filterString, category));
var ordered = sorted(cached, category);
var shown = BindingsHelper.filteredContentBinding(
section -> {
var showFilter = filterString == null || section.shouldShow(filterString.get());
var matchesSelector = section.anyMatches(entryFilter);
var sameCategory = category == null
|| category.getValue() == null
|| category.getValue().contains(section.getWrapper());
return showFilter && matchesSelector && sameCategory;
return new StoreSection(null, ordered, shown, 0);
private static StoreSection create(
StoreEntryWrapper e,
int depth,
ObservableList<StoreEntryWrapper> all,
Predicate<StoreEntryWrapper> entryFilter,
ObservableStringValue filterString,
ObservableValue<StoreCategoryWrapper> category) {
if (e.getEntry().getValidity() == DataStoreEntry.Validity.LOAD_FAILED) {
return new StoreSection(e, FXCollections.observableArrayList(), FXCollections.observableArrayList(), depth);
var allChildren = BindingsHelper.filteredContentBinding(all, other -> {
// Legacy implementation that does not use children caches. Use for testing
// if (true) return DataStorage.get()
// .getDisplayParent(other.getEntry())
// .map(found -> found.equals(e.getEntry()))
// .orElse(false);
// This check is fast as the children are cached in the storage
return DataStorage.get().getStoreChildren(e.getEntry()).contains(other.getEntry());
var cached = BindingsHelper.cachedMappedContentBinding(
allChildren, entry1 -> create(entry1, depth + 1, all, entryFilter, filterString, category));
var ordered = sorted(cached, category);
var filtered = BindingsHelper.filteredContentBinding(
section -> {
var showFilter = filterString == null || section.shouldShow(filterString.get());
var matchesSelector = section.anyMatches(entryFilter);
var sameCategory = category == null
|| category.getValue() == null
|| category.getValue().contains(section.getWrapper());
// If this entry is already shown as root due to a different category than parent, don't show it
// again here
var notRoot =
return showFilter && matchesSelector && sameCategory && notRoot;
return new StoreSection(e, cached, filtered, depth);
public boolean shouldShow(String filter) {
return anyMatches(storeEntryWrapper -> storeEntryWrapper.shouldShow(filter));
public boolean anyMatches(Predicate<StoreEntryWrapper> c) {
return c == null
|| c.test(wrapper)
|| allChildren.stream().anyMatch(storeEntrySection -> storeEntrySection.anyMatches(c));