Christopher Schnick 3cc527dfa3 Large refactor
2022-06-18 00:29:41 +02:00

101 lines
3.4 KiB

def isPreRelease = project.version.endsWith('-pre')
def isFullRelease = !isPreRelease && !project.version.endsWith('-SNAPSHOT')
def proj = project
def canonicalVersion = file('canonical_version').text
jreleaser {
environment {
properties.put('rawChangelog', file("changelogs/${canonicalVersion}.txt").exists() ?
file("changelogs/${canonicalVersion}.txt").text.replace('\r\n', '\n') : "")
project {
name = 'Pdx-Unlimiter'
description = 'A smart savegame manager, editor, and toolbox for all current major Paradox Grand Strategy games.'
longDescription = 'The Pdx-Unlimiter is a tool for all major Paradox Grand Strategy games that provides a ' +
'powerful and smart savegame manager to quickly organize and play all of your savegames with ease. ' +
'Furthermore, it also comes with an Ironman converter, a powerful savegame editor, some savescumming ' +
'tools, integrations for various other great community-made tools for all major Paradox games.'
website = 'https://github.com/crschnick/pdx_unlimiter'
authors = ['Christopher Schnick']
license = 'GPL3'
copyright = ' '
java {
groupId = 'com.crschnick.pdxu'
version = '17'
multiProject = true
snapshot {
enabled = true
pattern = '.*-SNAPSHOT'
label = 'early-access'
release {
github {
skipRelease = !isFullRelease && !isPreRelease
skipTag = !isFullRelease && !isPreRelease
owner = 'crschnick'
overwrite = false
tagName = '{{projectVersion}}'
releaseName = '{{tagName}}'
token = proj.hasProperty("PDXU_GITHUB_TOKEN") ? proj.property("PDXU_GITHUB_TOKEN") : System.getenv("JRELEASER_GITHUB_TOKEN")
files = true
artifacts = true
checksums = false
signatures = false
// Always set a pre-release, as drafts do not fully work
prerelease {
enabled = true
pattern = '.*'
update {
enabled = true
changelog {
enabled = true
formatted = 'ALWAYS'
contentTemplate = isFullRelease ? file('misc/github_full.tpl') : file('misc/github_pre.tpl')
distributions {
app {
if (org.gradle.internal.os.OperatingSystem.current().isWindows()) {
artifact {
distributionType = 'BINARY'
path = 'build/pdx_unlimiter-windows.zip'
platform = 'windows'
} else {
artifact {
distributionType = 'BINARY'
path = 'build/pdx_unlimiter-linux.zip'
platform = 'linux'
announce {
enabled = isFullRelease || isPreRelease
discord {
active = 'ALWAYS'
webhook = proj.hasProperty("PDXU_DISCORD_WEBHOOK") ? proj.property("PDXU_DISCORD_WEBHOOK") : System.getenv("JRELEASER_DISCORD_WEBHOOK")
messageTemplate = isFullRelease ? 'misc/discord_full.tpl' : 'misc/discord_pre.tpl'