delete=Delete rename=Rename properties=Properties usedDate=Used $DATE$ openDir=Open Directory sortLastUsed=Sort by last used date sortAlphabetical=Sort alphabetical by name restart=Restart XPipe restartDescription=A restart can often be a quick fix reportIssue=Report an issue reportIssueDescription=Open the integrated issue reporter usefulActions=Useful actions stored=Saved troubleshootingOptions=Troubleshooting tools troubleshoot=Troubleshoot remote=Remote File addShellStore=Add Shell ... addShellTitle=Add Shell Connection savedConnections=Saved Connections save=Save #context: verb clean=Clean refresh=Refresh moveTo=Move to ... addDatabase=Database ... browseInternalStorage=Browse internal storage addTunnel=Tunnel ... addScript=Script ... addHost=Remote Host ... addShell=Shell Environment ... addCommand=Custom Command ... addAutomatically=Search Automatically ... addOther=Add Other ... addConnection=Add Connection skip=Skip addConnections=New selectType=Select Type selectTypeDescription=Select connection type selectShellType=Shell Type selectShellTypeDescription=Select the Type of the Shell Connection name=Name storeIntroTitle=Connection Hub storeIntroDescription=Here you can manage all your local and remote shell connections in one place. To start off, you can quickly detect available connections automatically and choose which ones to add. detectConnections=Search for connections configuration=Configuration dragAndDropFilesHere=Or just drag and drop a file here confirmDsCreationAbortTitle=Confirm abort confirmDsCreationAbortHeader=Do you want to abort the data source creation? confirmDsCreationAbortContent=Any data source creation progress will be lost. confirmInvalidStoreTitle=Failed connection confirmInvalidStoreHeader=Do you want to skip connection validation? confirmInvalidStoreContent=You can add this connection even if it could not be validated and fix the connection problems later on. none=None expand=Expand accessSubConnections=Access sub connections #context: noun, not rare common=Common color=Color alwaysConfirmElevation=Always confirm permission elevation alwaysConfirmElevationDescription=Controls how to handle cases when elevated permissions are required to run a command on a system, e.g. with sudo.\n\nBy default, any sudo credentials are cached during a session and automatically provided when needed. If this option is enabled, it will ask you to confirm the elevation access every time. allow=Allow ask=Ask deny=Deny share=Add to git repository unshare=Remove from git repository remove=Remove newCategory=New subcategory passwordManager=Password manager prompt=Prompt customCommand=Custom command other=Other setLock=Set lock selectConnection=Select connection changeLock=Change passphrase test=Test lockCreationAlertTitle=Set passphrase lockCreationAlertHeader=Set your new master passphrase #context: verb, exit finish=Finish error=An error occurred downloadStageDescription=Downloads files to your local machine, so you can drag and drop them into your native desktop environment. ok=Ok search=Search newFile=New file newDirectory=New directory passphrase=Passphrase repeatPassphrase=Repeat passphrase password=Password unlockAlertTitle=Unlock workspace unlockAlertHeader=Enter your vault passphrase to continue enterLockPassword=Enter lock password repeatPassword=Repeat password askpassAlertTitle=Askpass unsupportedOperation=Unsupported operation: $MSG$ fileConflictAlertTitle=Resolve conflict fileConflictAlertHeader=A conflict was encountered. How would you like to proceed? fileConflictAlertContent=The file $FILE$ does already exist on the target system. fileConflictAlertContentMultiple=The file $FILE$ already exists. There might be more conflicts that you can automatically resolve by choosing an option that applies to all. moveAlertTitle=Confirm move moveAlertHeader=Do you want to move the ($COUNT$) selected elements into $TARGET$? deleteAlertTitle=Confirm deletion deleteAlertHeader=Do you want to delete the ($COUNT$) selected elements? selectedElements=Selected elements: mustNotBeEmpty=$VALUE$ must not be empty valueMustNotBeEmpty=Value must not be empty transferDescription=Drop files to transfer dragFiles=Drag files within browser dragLocalFiles=Drag local files from here null=$VALUE$ must be not null roots=Roots scripts=Scripts searchFilter=Search ... #context: last used recent=Recent shortcut=Shortcut browserWelcomeEmpty=Here you will be able to see where you left off last time. browserWelcomeSystems=You were recently connected to the following systems: hostFeatureUnsupported=$FEATURE$ is not installed on the host missingStore=$NAME$ does not exist connectionName=Connection name connectionNameDescription=Give this connection a custom name openFileTitle=Open file unknown=Unknown scanAlertTitle=Add connections scanAlertChoiceHeader=Target scanAlertChoiceHeaderDescription=Choose where to search for connections. This will look for all available connections first. scanAlertHeader=Connection types scanAlertHeaderDescription=Select types of connections you want to automatically add for the system. noInformationAvailable=No information available localMachine=Local Machine yes=Yes no=No errorOccured=An error occured terminalErrorOccured=A terminal error occured errorTypeOccured=An exception of type $TYPE$ was thrown permissionsAlertTitle=Permissions required permissionsAlertHeader=Additional permissions are required to perform this operation. permissionsAlertContent=Please follow the pop-up to give XPipe the required permissions in the settings menu. errorDetails=Show details updateReadyAlertTitle=Update Ready updateReadyAlertHeader=An update to version $VERSION$ is ready to be installed updateReadyAlertContent=This will install the new version and restart XPipe once the installation finished. errorNoDetail=No error details are available updateAvailableTitle=Update Available updateAvailableHeader=An XPipe update to version $VERSION$ is available to install updateAvailableContent=Even though XPipe could not be started, you can attempt to install the update to potentially fix the issue. clipboardActionDetectedTitle=Clipboard Action detected clipboardActionDetectedHeader=Do you want to import your clipboard content? clipboardActionDetectedContent=XPipe detected content in your clipboard that can be opened. Do you want to open it now? install=Install ... ignore=Ignore possibleActions=Possible actions reportError=Report error reportOnGithub=Create an issue report on GitHub reportOnGithubDescription=Open a new issue in the GitHub repository reportErrorDescription=Send an error report with optional user feedback and diagnostics info ignoreError=Ignore error ignoreErrorDescription=Ignore this error and continue like nothing happened provideEmail=How to contact you (optional, only if you want to get notified about fixes) additionalErrorInfo=Provide additional information (optional) additionalErrorAttachments=Select attachments (optional) dataHandlingPolicies=Privacy policy sendReport=Send report errorHandler=Error handler events=Events method=Method validate=Validate stackTrace=Stack trace previousStep=< Previous nextStep=Next > #context: verb, to complete a task finishStep=Finish edit=Edit browseInternal=Browse Internal checkOutUpdate=Check out update open=Open quit=Quit noTerminalSet=No terminal application has been set automatically. You can do so manually in the settings menu. connections=Connections settings=Settings explorePlans=License help=Help about=About developer=Developer browseFileTitle=Browse file browse=Browse browser=Browser selectFileFromComputer=Select a file from this computer links=Useful links website=Website documentation=Documentation discordDescription=Join the Discord server security=Security securityPolicy=Security information securityPolicyDescription=Read the detailed security policy privacy=Privacy Policy privacyDescription=Read the privacy policy for the XPipe application slackDescription=Join the Slack workspace support=Support githubDescription=Check out the GitHub repository openSourceNotices=Open Source Notices xPipeClient=XPipe Desktop checkForUpdates=Check for updates checkForUpdatesDescription=Download an update if there is one lastChecked=Last checked version=Version build=Build version runtimeVersion=Runtime version virtualMachine=Virtual machine updateReady=Install update updateReadyPortable=Check out update updateReadyDescription=An update was downloaded and is ready to be installed updateReadyDescriptionPortable=An update is available to download updateRestart=Restart to update never=Never updateAvailableTooltip=Update available visitGithubRepository=Visit GitHub repository updateAvailable=Update available: $VERSION$ downloadUpdate=Download update legalAccept=I accept the End User License Agreement #context: verb confirm=Confirm #context: verb print=Print whatsNew=What's new in version $VERSION$ ($DATE$) antivirusNoticeTitle=A note on Antivirus programs updateChangelogAlertTitle=Changelog greetingsAlertTitle=Welcome to XPipe #context: understood gotIt=Got It eula=End User License Agreement news=News introduction=Introduction privacyPolicy=Privacy Policy agree=Agree disagree=Disagree directories=Directories logFile=Log File logFiles=Log Files logFilesAttachment=Log Files #context: Error reporter issueReporter=Issue Reporter openCurrentLogFile=Log files openCurrentLogFileDescription=Open the log file of the current session openLogsDirectory=Open logs directory installationFiles=Installation Files openInstallationDirectory=Installation files openInstallationDirectoryDescription=Open XPipe installation directory launchDebugMode=Debug mode launchDebugModeDescription=Restart XPipe in debug mode extensionInstallTitle=Download extensionInstallDescription=This action requires additional third party libraries that are not distributed by XPipe. You can automatically install them here. The components are then downloaded from the vendor website: extensionInstallLicenseNote=By performing the download and automatic installation you agree to the terms of the third party licenses: license=License installRequired=Installation Required restore=Restore restoreAllSessions=Restore all sessions connectionTimeout=Connection start timeout connectionTimeoutDescription=The time in seconds to wait for a response before considering a connection to be timed out. If some of your remote systems take long to connect, you can try to increase this value. useBundledTools=Use bundled OpenSSH tools useBundledToolsDescription=Prefer to use bundled version of the openssh client instead of your locally installed one.\n\nThis version is usually more up-to-date than the ones shipped on your system and might support additional features. This also removes the requirement to have these tools installed in the first place.\n\nRequires restart to apply. appearance=Appearance integrations=Integrations uiOptions=UI Options #context: display theme theme=Theme rdp=Remote desktop rdpConfiguration=Remote desktop configuration rdpClient=RDP client rdpClientDescription=The RDP client program to call when launching RDP connections.\n\nNote that various clients have different degrees of abilities and integrations. Some clients don't support passing passwords automatically, so you still have to fill them in on launch. localShell=Local shell #context: display theme themeDescription=Your preferred display theme dontAutomaticallyStartVmSshServer=Don't automatically start SSH server for VMs when needed dontAutomaticallyStartVmSshServerDescription=Any shell connection to a VM running in a hypervisor is made through SSH. XPipe can automatically start the installed SSH server when needed. If you don't want this for security reasons, then you can just disable this behavior with this option. confirmGitShareTitle=Confirm git sharing confirmGitShareHeader=This will copy the file into your git vault and commit your changes. Do you want to continue? gitShareFileTooltip=Add file to the git vault data directory so that it is automatically synced.\n\nThis action can only be used when the git vault is enabled in the settings. performanceMode=Performance mode performanceModeDescription=Disables all visual effects that are not required in order to improve the application performance. dontAcceptNewHostKeys=Don't accept new SSH host keys automatically dontAcceptNewHostKeysDescription=XPipe will automatically accept host keys by default from systems where your SSH client has no known host key already saved. If any known host key has changed however, it will refuse to connect unless you accept the new one.\n\nDisabling this behavior allows you to check all host keys, even if there is no conflict initially. uiScale=UI Scale uiScaleDescription=A custom scaling value that can be set independently of your system-wide display scale. Values are in percent, so e.g. value of 150 will result in a UI scale of 150%.\n\nRequires a restart to apply. editorProgram=Editor Program editorProgramDescription=The default text editor to use when editing any kind of text data. windowOpacity=Window opacity windowOpacityDescription=Changes the window opacity to keep track of what is happening in the background. useSystemFont=Use system font openDataDir=Vault data directory openDataDirButton=Open data directory openDataDirDescription=If you want to sync additional files, such as SSH keys, across systems with your git repository, you can put them into the storage data directory. Any files referenced there will have their file paths automatically adapted on any synced system. updates=Updates passwordKey=Password key selectAll=Select all command=Command advanced=Advanced thirdParty=Open source notices eulaDescription=Read the End User License Agreement for the XPipe application thirdPartyDescription=View the open source licenses of third-party libraries workspaceLock=Master passphrase enableGitStorage=Enable git synchronization sharing=Sharing sync=Synchronization enableGitStorageDescription=When enabled, XPipe will initialize a git repository for the connection data storage and commit any changes to it. Note that this requires git to be installed and might slow down loading and saving operations.\n\nAny categories that should be synced must be explicitly designated as shared.\n\nRequires a restart to apply. storageGitRemote=Git remote URL storageGitRemoteDescription=When set, XPipe will automatically pull any changes when loading and push any changes to the remote repository when saving.\n\nThis allows you to share your configuration data between multiple XPipe installations. Both HTTP and SSH URLs are supported. Note that this might slow down loading and saving operations.\n\nRequires a restart to apply. vault=Vault workspaceLockDescription=Sets a custom password to encrypt any sensitive information stored in XPipe.\n\nThis results in increased security as it provides an additional layer of encryption for your stored sensitive information. You will then be prompted to enter the password when XPipe starts. useSystemFontDescription=Controls whether to use your system font or the Roboto font which is bundled with XPipe. tooltipDelay=Tooltip delay tooltipDelayDescription=The amount of milliseconds to wait until a tooltip is displayed. fontSize=Font size windowOptions=Window Options saveWindowLocation=Save window location saveWindowLocationDescription=Controls whether the window coordinates should be saved and restored on restarts. startupShutdown=Startup / Shutdown showChildCategoriesInParentCategory=Show child categories in parent category showChildCategoriesInParentCategoryDescription=Whether or not to include all connections located in sub categories when having a certain parent category is selected.\n\nIf this is disabled, the categories behave more like classical folders which only show their direct contents without including sub folders. condenseConnectionDisplay=Condense connection display condenseConnectionDisplayDescription=Make every top level connection take a less vertical space to allow for a more condensed connection list. enforceWindowModality=Enforce window modality enforceWindowModalityDescription=Makes secondary windows, such the connection creation dialog, block all input for the main window while they are open. This is useful if you sometimes misclick. openConnectionSearchWindowOnConnectionCreation=Open connection search window on connection creation openConnectionSearchWindowOnConnectionCreationDescription=Whether or not to automatically open the window to search for available subconnections upon adding a new shell connection. workflow=Workflow system=System application=Application storage=Storage runOnStartup=Run on startup #context: title closeBehaviour=Exit behaviour closeBehaviourDescription=Controls how XPipe should proceed upon closing its main window. language=Language languageDescription=The display language to use.\n\nNote that the translations use automatically generated translations as a base and are manually fixed and improved by contributors. You can also help the translation effort by submitting translation fixes on GitHub. #context: display theme lightTheme=Light Theme #context: display theme darkTheme=Dark Theme exit=Quit XPipe continueInBackground=Continue in background minimizeToTray=Minimize to tray closeBehaviourAlertTitle=Set closing behaviour closeBehaviourAlertTitleHeader=Select what should happen when closing the window. Any active connections will be closed when the application is shut down. startupBehaviour=Startup behaviour startupBehaviourDescription=Controls the default behavior of the desktop application when XPipe is started. clearCachesAlertTitle=Clean Cache clearCachesAlertTitleHeader=Do you want to clean all XPipe caches? clearCachesAlertTitleContent=Note that this will delete all the data that is stored to improve the user experience. startGui=Start GUI startInTray=Start in tray startInBackground=Start in background clearCaches=Clear caches ... clearCachesDescription=Delete all cache data apply=Apply cancel=Cancel notAnAbsolutePath=Not an absolute path notADirectory=Not a directory notAnEmptyDirectory=Not an empty directory automaticallyUpdate=Check for updates automaticallyUpdateDescription=When enabled, new release information is automatically fetched while XPipe is running. No updater is run in the background, and you still have to explicitly confirm any update installation. sendAnonymousErrorReports=Send anonymous error reports sendUsageStatistics=Send anonymous usage statistics storageDirectory=Storage directory storageDirectoryDescription=The location where XPipe should store all connection information. This setting will only be applied at the next restart. When changing this, the data in the old directory is not copied to the new one. logLevel=Log level appBehaviour=Application behaviour logLevelDescription=The log level that should be used when writing log files. developerMode=Developer mode developerModeDescription=When enabled, you will have access to a variety of additional options that are useful for development. Only active after a restart. editor=Editor custom=Custom passwordManagerCommand=Password manager command passwordManagerCommandDescription=The command to execute to fetch passwords. The placeholder string $KEY will be replaced by the quoted password key when called. This should call your password manager CLI to print the password to stdout, e.g. mypassmgr get $KEY.\n\nYou can then set the key to be retrieved whenever you set up a connection which requires a password. passwordManagerCommandTest=Test password manager passwordManagerCommandTestDescription=You can test here whether the output looks correct if you have set up a password manager command. The command should only output the password itself to stdout, no other formatting should be included in the output. preferEditorTabs=Prefer to open new tabs preferEditorTabsDescription=Controls whether XPipe will try to open new tabs in your chosen editor instead of new windows.\n\nNote that not every editor supports this. customRdpClientCommand=Custom command customRdpClientCommandDescription=The command to execute to start the custom RDP client.\n\nThe placeholder string $FILE will be replaced by the quoted absolute .rdp file name when called. Remember to quote your executable path if it contains spaces. customEditorCommand=Custom editor command customEditorCommandDescription=The command to execute to start the custom editor.\n\nThe placeholder string $FILE will be replaced by the quoted absolute file name when called. Remember to quote your editor executable path if it contains spaces. editorReloadTimeout=Editor reload timeout editorReloadTimeoutDescription=The amount of milliseconds to wait before reading a file after it has been updated. This avoids issues in cases where your editor is slow at writing or releasing file locks. encryptAllVaultData=Encrypt all vault data encryptAllVaultDataDescription=When enabled, every part of the vault connection data will be encrypted as opposed to only secrets within in that data. This adds another layer of security for other parameters like usernames, hostnames, etc., that are not encrypted by default in the vault.\n\nThis option will render your git vault history and diffs useless as you can't see the original changes anymore, only binary changes. vaultSecurity=Vault security developerDisableUpdateVersionCheck=Disable Update Version Check developerDisableUpdateVersionCheckDescription=Controls whether the update checker will ignore the version number when looking for an update. developerDisableGuiRestrictions=Disable GUI restrictions developerDisableGuiRestrictionsDescription=Controls wether some disabled actions can still be executed from the user interface. developerShowHiddenEntries=Show hidden entries developerShowHiddenEntriesDescription=When enabled, hidden and internal data sources will be shown. developerShowHiddenProviders=Show hidden providers developerShowHiddenProvidersDescription=Controls whether hidden and internal connection and data source providers will be shown in the creation dialog. developerDisableConnectorInstallationVersionCheck=Disable Connector Version Check developerDisableConnectorInstallationVersionCheckDescription=Controls whether the update checker will ignore the version number when inspecting the version of an XPipe connector installed on a remote machine. shellCommandTest=Shell Command Test shellCommandTestDescription=Run a command in the shell session used internally by XPipe. terminal=Terminal terminalEmulator=Terminal emulator terminalConfiguration=Terminal configuration editorConfiguration=Editor configuration defaultApplication=Default application terminalEmulatorDescription=The default terminal to use when opening any kind of shell connection. This application is only used for display purposes, the started shell program depends on the shell connection itself.\n\nThe level of feature support varies by terminal, that is why each one is marked as either recommended or not recommended. All non-recommended terminals work with XPipe but might lack features like tabs, title colors, shell support, and more. Your user experience will be best when using a recommended terminal. program=Program customTerminalCommand=Custom terminal command customTerminalCommandDescription=The command to execute to open the custom terminal with a given command.\n\nXPipe will create a temporary launcher shell script for your terminal to execute. The placeholder string $CMD in the command you supply will be replaced by the actual launcher script when called. Remember to quote your terminal executable path if it contains spaces. clearTerminalOnInit=Clear terminal on init clearTerminalOnInitDescription=When enabled, XPipe will run a clear command when a new terminal session is launched to remove any unnecessary output. enableFastTerminalStartup=Enable fast terminal startup enableFastTerminalStartupDescription=When enabled, terminal sessions are attempted to be started quicker when possible.\n\nThis will skip several startup checks and won't update any displayed system information. Any connection errors will only be shown in the terminal. dontCachePasswords=Don't cache prompted passwords dontCachePasswordsDescription=Controls whether queried passwords should be cached internally by XPipe so you don't have to enter them again in the current session.\n\nIf this behavior is disabled, you have to reenter any prompted credentials every time they are required by the system. denyTempScriptCreation=Deny temporary script creation denyTempScriptCreationDescription=To realize some of its functionality, XPipe sometimes creates temporary shell scripts on a target system to allow for an easy execution of simple commands. These do not contain any sensitive information and are just created for implementation purposes.\n\nIf this behavior is disabled, XPipe will not create any temporary files on a remote system. This option is useful in high-security contexts where every file system change is monitored. If this is disabled, some functionality, e.g. shell environments and scripts, will not work as intended. disableCertutilUse=Disable certutil use on Windows useLocalFallbackShell=Use local fallback shell useLocalFallbackShellDescription=Switch to using another local shell to handle local operations. This would be PowerShell on Windows and bourne shell on other systems.\n\nThis option can be used in case the normal local default shell is disabled or broken to some degree. Some features might not work as expected though when this is option is enabled.\n\nRequires a restart to apply. disableCertutilUseDescription=Due to several shortcomings and bugs in cmd.exe, temporary shell scripts are created with certutil by using it to decode base64 input as cmd.exe breaks on non-ASCII input. XPipe can also use PowerShell for that but this will be slower.\n\nThis disables any use of certutil on Windows systems to realize some functionality and fall back to PowerShell instead. This might please some AVs as some of them block certutil usage. disableTerminalRemotePasswordPreparation=Disable terminal remote password preparation disableTerminalRemotePasswordPreparationDescription=In situations where a remote shell connection that goes through multiple intermediate systems should be established in the terminal, there might be a requirement to prepare any required passwords on one of the intermediate systems to allow for an automatic filling of any prompts.\n\nIf you don't want the passwords to ever be transferred to any intermediate system, you can disable this behavior. Any required intermediate password will then be queried in the terminal itself when opened. more=More translate=Translations allConnections=All connections allScripts=All scripts predefined=Predefined default=Default goodMorning=Good morning goodAfternoon=Good afternoon goodEvening=Good evening addVisual=Visual ... ssh=SSH sshConfiguration=SSH Configuration size=Size attributes=Attributes #context: title, last modified date modified=Modified isOnlySupported=is only supported with a professional license areOnlySupported=are only supported with a professional license updateReadyTitle=Update to $VERSION$ ready #context: digital template templates=Templates retry=Retry retryAll=Retry all replace=Replace replaceAll=Replace all