communityDescription=A connection power-tool perfect for your personal use cases. professionalDescription=Professional connection management for your entire server infrastructure. buyProfessional=Try XPipe professional extendProfessional=Upgrade to latest professional features communityItem1=Unlimited connections to non-commercial systems and tools communityItem2=Seamless integration with your installed terminals and editors communityItem3=Fully featured remote file browser communityItem4=Powerful scripting system for all shells communityItem5=Git integration for synchronization and sharing connection information professionalItem1=All community edition features professionalItem2=Unlimited connections to all commercial systems and tools professionalItem3=Support for enterprise authentication schemes for remote connections professionalItem4=Includes all future professional edition features for 1 year professionalItem5=Receives feature and security updates forever status=Status type=Type licenseAlertTitle=Commercial usage useCommunity=Continue with community previewDescription=Try out new features for a couple of weeks after release. tryPreview=Activate XPipe preview previewItem1=Full access to newly released professional features for 2 weeks after release previewItem2=Includes all community edition features licensedTo=Licensed to email=Email address #context: Apply changes apply=Apply #context: Delete content clear=Clear activate=Activate validUntil=Valid until licenseActivated=License activated restart=Restart #context: No payment required free=Free #context: Currently selected active=Active #context: Not selected inactive=Inactive upgradeInfo=You can find information about upgrading to a professional license below. upgradeInfoPreview=You can find information about upgrading to a professional license below or try out the new pro preview. enterLicenseKey=Enter license key to upgrade