require 'image' local iproc = require 'iproc' local data_augmentation = require 'data_augmentation' local pairwise_transform_utils = {} function pairwise_transform_utils.random_half(src, p, filters) if torch.uniform() < p then local filter = filters[torch.random(1, #filters)] return iproc.scale(src, src:size(3) * 0.5, src:size(2) * 0.5, filter) else return src end end function pairwise_transform_utils.crop_if_large(src, max_size, mod) local tries = 4 if src:size(2) > max_size and src:size(3) > max_size then assert(max_size % 4 == 0) local rect for i = 1, tries do local yi = torch.random(0, src:size(2) - max_size) local xi = torch.random(0, src:size(3) - max_size) if mod then yi = yi - (yi % mod) xi = xi - (xi % mod) end rect = iproc.crop(src, xi, yi, xi + max_size, yi + max_size) -- ignore simple background if rect:float():std() >= 0 then break end end return rect else return src end end function pairwise_transform_utils.preprocess(src, crop_size, options) local dest = src local box_only = false if then if == 1 and[1] == "Box" then box_only = true end end if box_only then local mod = 2 -- assert pos % 2 == 0 dest = pairwise_transform_utils.crop_if_large(dest, math.max(crop_size * 2, options.max_size), mod) dest = data_augmentation.flip(dest) dest = data_augmentation.color_noise(dest, options.random_color_noise_rate) dest = data_augmentation.overlay(dest, options.random_overlay_rate) dest = data_augmentation.unsharp_mask(dest, options.random_unsharp_mask_rate) dest = iproc.crop_mod4(dest) else dest = pairwise_transform_utils.random_half(dest, options.random_half_rate, options.downsampling_filters) dest = pairwise_transform_utils.crop_if_large(dest, math.max(crop_size * 2, options.max_size)) dest = data_augmentation.flip(dest) dest = data_augmentation.color_noise(dest, options.random_color_noise_rate) dest = data_augmentation.overlay(dest, options.random_overlay_rate) dest = data_augmentation.unsharp_mask(dest, options.random_unsharp_mask_rate) dest = data_augmentation.shift_1px(dest) end return dest end function pairwise_transform_utils.active_cropping(x, y, lowres_y, size, scale, p, tries) assert("x:size == y:size", x:size(2) * scale == y:size(2) and x:size(3) * scale == y:size(3)) assert("crop_size % scale == 0", size % scale == 0) local r = torch.uniform() local t = "float" if x:type() == "torch.ByteTensor" then t = "byte" end if p < r then local xi = torch.random(1, x:size(3) - (size + 1)) * scale local yi = torch.random(1, x:size(2) - (size + 1)) * scale local yc = iproc.crop(y, xi, yi, xi + size, yi + size) local xc = iproc.crop(x, xi / scale, yi / scale, xi / scale + size / scale, yi / scale + size / scale) return xc, yc else local best_se = 0.0 local best_xi, best_yi local m = torch.LongTensor(y:size(1), size, size) local targets = {} for i = 1, tries do local xi = torch.random(1, x:size(3) - (size + 1)) * scale local yi = torch.random(1, x:size(2) - (size + 1)) * scale local xc = iproc.crop_nocopy(y, xi, yi, xi + size, yi + size) local lc = iproc.crop_nocopy(lowres_y, xi, yi, xi + size, yi + size) m:copy(xc:long()):csub(lc:long()) m:cmul(m) local se = m:sum() if se >= best_se then best_xi = xi best_yi = yi best_se = se end end local yc = iproc.crop(y, best_xi, best_yi, best_xi + size, best_yi + size) local xc = iproc.crop(x, best_xi / scale, best_yi / scale, best_xi / scale + size / scale, best_yi / scale + size / scale) return xc, yc end end function pairwise_transform_utils.flip_augmentation(x, y, lowres_y, x_noise) local xs = {} local ns = {} local ys = {} local ls = {} for j = 1, 2 do -- TTA local xi, yi, ri if j == 1 then xi = x ni = x_noise yi = y ri = lowres_y else xi = x:transpose(2, 3):contiguous() if x_noise then ni = x_noise:transpose(2, 3):contiguous() end yi = y:transpose(2, 3):contiguous() ri = lowres_y:transpose(2, 3):contiguous() end local xv = image.vflip(xi) local nv if x_noise then nv = image.vflip(ni) end local yv = image.vflip(yi) local rv = image.vflip(ri) table.insert(xs, xi) if ni then table.insert(ns, ni) end table.insert(ys, yi) table.insert(ls, ri) table.insert(xs, xv) if nv then table.insert(ns, nv) end table.insert(ys, yv) table.insert(ls, rv) table.insert(xs, image.hflip(xi)) if ni then table.insert(ns, image.hflip(ni)) end table.insert(ys, image.hflip(yi)) table.insert(ls, image.hflip(ri)) table.insert(xs, image.hflip(xv)) if nv then table.insert(ns, image.hflip(nv)) end table.insert(ys, image.hflip(yv)) table.insert(ls, image.hflip(rv)) end return xs, ys, ls, ns end return pairwise_transform_utils