if mynn.DepthExpand2x then return mynn.DepthExpand2x end local DepthExpand2x, parent = torch.class('mynn.DepthExpand2x','nn.Module') function DepthExpand2x:__init() parent:__init() end function DepthExpand2x:updateOutput(input) local x = input -- (batch_size, depth, height, width) self.shape = x:size() assert(self.shape:size() == 4, "input must be 4d tensor") assert(self.shape[2] % 4 == 0, "depth must be depth % 4 = 0") -- (batch_size, width, height, depth) x = x:transpose(2, 4) -- (batch_size, width, height * 2, depth / 2) x = x:reshape(self.shape[1], self.shape[4], self.shape[3] * 2, self.shape[2] / 2) -- (batch_size, height * 2, width, depth / 2) x = x:transpose(2, 3) -- (batch_size, height * 2, width * 2, depth / 4) x = x:reshape(self.shape[1], self.shape[3] * 2, self.shape[4] * 2, self.shape[2] / 4) -- (batch_size, depth / 4, height * 2, width * 2) x = x:transpose(2, 4) x = x:transpose(3, 4) self.output:resizeAs(x):copy(x) -- contiguous return self.output end function DepthExpand2x:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput) -- (batch_size, depth / 4, height * 2, width * 2) local x = gradOutput -- (batch_size, height * 2, width * 2, depth / 4) x = x:transpose(2, 4) x = x:transpose(2, 3) -- (batch_size, height * 2, width, depth / 2) x = x:reshape(self.shape[1], self.shape[3] * 2, self.shape[4], self.shape[2] / 2) -- (batch_size, width, height * 2, depth / 2) x = x:transpose(2, 3) -- (batch_size, width, height, depth) x = x:reshape(self.shape[1], self.shape[4], self.shape[3], self.shape[2]) -- (batch_size, depth, height, width) x = x:transpose(2, 4) self.gradInput:resizeAs(x):copy(x) return self.gradInput end function DepthExpand2x.test() require 'image' local function show(x) local img = torch.Tensor(3, x:size(3), x:size(4)) img[1]:copy(x[1][1]) img[2]:copy(x[1][2]) img[3]:copy(x[1][3]) image.display(img) end local img = image.lena() local x = torch.Tensor(1, img:size(1) * 4, img:size(2), img:size(3)) for i = 0, img:size(1) * 4 - 1 do src_index = ((i % 3) + 1) x[1][i + 1]:copy(img[src_index]) end show(x) local de2x = mynn.DepthExpand2x() out = de2x:forward(x) show(out) out = de2x:updateGradInput(x, out) show(out) end