require './lib/portable' require './lib/mynn' torch.setdefaulttensortype("torch.FloatTensor") -- ref: local function zeroDataSize(data) if type(data) == 'table' then for i = 1, #data do data[i] = zeroDataSize(data[i]) end elseif type(data) == 'userdata' then data = torch.Tensor():typeAs(data) end return data end -- Resize the output, gradInput, etc temporary tensors to zero (so that the -- on disk size is smaller) local function cleanupModel(node) if node.output ~= nil then node.output = zeroDataSize(node.output) end if node.gradInput ~= nil then node.gradInput = zeroDataSize(node.gradInput) end if node.finput ~= nil then node.finput = zeroDataSize(node.finput) end if tostring(node) == "nn.LeakyReLU" then if node.negative ~= nil then node.negative = zeroDataSize(node.negative) end end if tostring(node) == "nn.Dropout" then if node.noise ~= nil then node.noise = zeroDataSize(node.noise) end end -- Recurse on nodes with 'modules' if (node.modules ~= nil) then if (type(node.modules) == 'table') then for i = 1, #node.modules do local child = node.modules[i] cleanupModel(child) end end end collectgarbage() end local cmd = torch.CmdLine() cmd:text() cmd:text("cleanup model") cmd:text("Options:") cmd:option("-model", "./model.t7", 'path of model file') cmd:option("-iformat", "binary", 'input format') cmd:option("-oformat", "binary", 'output format') local opt = cmd:parse(arg) local model = torch.load(opt.model, opt.iformat) if model then cleanupModel(model), model, opt.oformat) else error("model not found") end