require 'pl' local __FILE__ = (function() return string.gsub(debug.getinfo(2, 'S').source, "^@", "") end)() package.path = path.join(path.dirname(__FILE__), "lib", "?.lua;") .. package.path require 'sys' require 'w2nn' local iproc = require 'iproc' local reconstruct = require 'reconstruct' local image_loader = require 'image_loader' local alpha_util = require 'alpha_util' torch.setdefaulttensortype('torch.FloatTensor') local function convert_image(opt) local x, alpha = image_loader.load_float(opt.i) local new_x = nil local t = sys.clock() local scale_f, image_f if opt.tta == 1 then scale_f = reconstruct.scale_tta image_f = reconstruct.image_tta else scale_f = reconstruct.scale image_f = reconstruct.image end if opt.o == "(auto)" then local name = path.basename(opt.i) local e = path.extension(name) local base = name:sub(0, name:len() - e:len()) opt.o = path.join(path.dirname(opt.i), string.format("%s_%s.png", base, opt.m)) end if opt.m == "noise" then local model_path = path.join(opt.model_dir, ("noise%d_model.t7"):format(opt.noise_level)) local model = torch.load(model_path, "ascii") if not model then error("Load Error: " .. model_path) end new_x = image_f(model, x, opt.crop_size) new_x = alpha_util.composite(new_x, alpha) elseif opt.m == "scale" then local model_path = path.join(opt.model_dir, ("scale%.1fx_model.t7"):format(opt.scale)) local model = torch.load(model_path, "ascii") if not model then error("Load Error: " .. model_path) end x = alpha_util.make_border(x, alpha, reconstruct.offset_size(model)) new_x = scale_f(model, opt.scale, x, opt.crop_size) new_x = alpha_util.composite(new_x, alpha, model) elseif opt.m == "noise_scale" then local noise_model_path = path.join(opt.model_dir, ("noise%d_model.t7"):format(opt.noise_level)) local noise_model = torch.load(noise_model_path, "ascii") local scale_model_path = path.join(opt.model_dir, ("scale%.1fx_model.t7"):format(opt.scale)) local scale_model = torch.load(scale_model_path, "ascii") if not noise_model then error("Load Error: " .. noise_model_path) end if not scale_model then error("Load Error: " .. scale_model_path) end x = alpha_util.make_border(x, alpha, reconstruct.offset_size(scale_model)) x = image_f(noise_model, x, opt.crop_size) new_x = scale_f(scale_model, opt.scale, x, opt.crop_size) new_x = alpha_util.composite(new_x, alpha, scale_model) else error("undefined method:" .. opt.method) end image_loader.save_png(opt.o, new_x, opt.depth) print(opt.o .. ": " .. (sys.clock() - t) .. " sec") end local function convert_frames(opt) local model_path, noise1_model, noise2_model, scale_model local scale_f, image_f if opt.tta == 1 then scale_f = reconstruct.scale_tta image_f = reconstruct.image_tta else scale_f = reconstruct.scale image_f = reconstruct.image end if opt.m == "scale" then model_path = path.join(opt.model_dir, ("scale%.1fx_model.t7"):format(opt.scale)) scale_model = torch.load(model_path, "ascii") if not scale_model then error("Load Error: " .. model_path) end elseif opt.m == "noise" and opt.noise_level == 1 then model_path = path.join(opt.model_dir, "noise1_model.t7") noise1_model = torch.load(model_path, "ascii") if not noise1_model then error("Load Error: " .. model_path) end elseif opt.m == "noise" and opt.noise_level == 2 then model_path = path.join(opt.model_dir, "noise2_model.t7") noise2_model = torch.load(model_path, "ascii") if not noise2_model then error("Load Error: " .. model_path) end elseif opt.m == "noise_scale" then model_path = path.join(opt.model_dir, ("scale%.1fx_model.t7"):format(opt.scale)) scale_model = torch.load(model_path, "ascii") if not scale_model then error("Load Error: " .. model_path) end if opt.noise_level == 1 then model_path = path.join(opt.model_dir, "noise1_model.t7") noise1_model = torch.load(model_path, "ascii") if not noise1_model then error("Load Error: " .. model_path) end elseif opt.noise_level == 2 then model_path = path.join(opt.model_dir, "noise2_model.t7") noise2_model = torch.load(model_path, "ascii") if not noise2_model then error("Load Error: " .. model_path) end end end local fp = if not fp then error("Open Error: " .. opt.l) end local count = 0 local lines = {} for line in fp:lines() do table.insert(lines, line) end fp:close() for i = 1, #lines do if opt.resume == 0 or path.exists(string.format(opt.o, i)) == false then local x, alpha = image_loader.load_float(lines[i]) local new_x = nil if opt.m == "noise" and opt.noise_level == 1 then new_x = image_f(noise1_model, x, opt.crop_size) new_x = alpha_util.composite(new_x, alpha) elseif opt.m == "noise" and opt.noise_level == 2 then new_x = image_f(noise2_model, x, opt.crop_size) new_x = alpha_util.composite(new_x, alpha) elseif opt.m == "scale" then x = alpha_util.make_border(x, alpha, reconstruct.offset_size(scale_model)) new_x = scale_f(scale_model, opt.scale, x, opt.crop_size) new_x = alpha_util.composite(new_x, alpha, scale_model) elseif opt.m == "noise_scale" and opt.noise_level == 1 then x = alpha_util.make_border(x, alpha, reconstruct.offset_size(scale_model)) x = image_f(noise1_model, x, opt.crop_size) new_x = scale_f(scale_model, opt.scale, x, opt.crop_size) new_x = alpha_util.composite(new_x, alpha, scale_model) elseif opt.m == "noise_scale" and opt.noise_level == 2 then x = alpha_util.make_border(x, alpha, reconstruct.offset_size(scale_model)) x = image_f(noise2_model, x, opt.crop_size) new_x = scale_f(scale_model, opt.scale, x, opt.crop_size) new_x = alpha_util.composite(new_x, alpha, scale_model) else error("undefined method:" .. opt.method) end local output = nil if opt.o == "(auto)" then local name = path.basename(lines[i]) local e = path.extension(name) local base = name:sub(0, name:len() - e:len()) output = path.join(path.dirname(opt.i), string.format("%s(%s).png", base, opt.m)) else output = string.format(opt.o, i) end image_loader.save_png(output, new_x, opt.depth) xlua.progress(i, #lines) if i % 10 == 0 then collectgarbage() end else xlua.progress(i, #lines) end end end local function waifu2x() local cmd = torch.CmdLine() cmd:text() cmd:text("waifu2x") cmd:text("Options:") cmd:option("-i", "images/miku_small.png", 'path to input image') cmd:option("-l", "", 'path to image-list.txt') cmd:option("-scale", 2, 'scale factor') cmd:option("-o", "(auto)", 'path to output file') cmd:option("-depth", 8, 'bit-depth of the output image (8|16)') cmd:option("-model_dir", "./models/anime_style_art_rgb", 'path to model directory') cmd:option("-m", "noise_scale", 'method (noise|scale|noise_scale)') cmd:option("-noise_level", 1, '(1|2)') cmd:option("-crop_size", 128, 'patch size per process') cmd:option("-resume", 0, "skip existing files (0|1)") cmd:option("-thread", -1, "number of CPU threads") cmd:option("-tta", 0, '8x slower and slightly high quality (0|1)') local opt = cmd:parse(arg) if opt.thread > 0 then torch.setnumthreads(opt.thread) end if cudnn then cudnn.fastest = true cudnn.benchmark = false end if string.len(opt.l) == 0 then convert_image(opt) else convert_frames(opt) end end waifu2x()