# waifu2x Image Super-Resolution for Anime-style art using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. And it supports photo. The demo application can be found at http://waifu2x.udp.jp/ . __Note that I only provide this website and this repository. Other software or website claiming "waifu2x" has nothing to do with me.__ ## Summary Click to see the slide show. ![slide](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nagadomi/waifu2x/master/images/slide.png) ## References waifu2x is inspired by SRCNN [1]. 2D character picture (HatsuneMiku) is licensed under CC BY-NC by piapro [2]. - [1] Chao Dong, Chen Change Loy, Kaiming He, Xiaoou Tang, "Image Super-Resolution Using Deep Convolutional Networks", http://arxiv.org/abs/1501.00092 - [2] "For Creators", http://piapro.net/en_for_creators.html ## Public AMI TODO ## Third Party Software [Third-Party](https://github.com/nagadomi/waifu2x/wiki/Third-Party) If you are a windows user, I recommend you to use [waifu2x-caffe](https://github.com/lltcggie/waifu2x-caffe)(Just download from `releases` tab), [waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan](https://github.com/nihui/waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan) or [waifu2x-conver-cpp](https://github.com/DeadSix27/waifu2x-converter-cpp). ## Dependencies ### Hardware - NVIDIA GPU ### Platform - [Torch7](http://torch.ch/) - [NVIDIA CUDA](https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-toolkit) ### LuaRocks packages (excludes torch7's default packages) - lua-csnappy - md5 - uuid - csvigo - [turbo](https://github.com/kernelsauce/turbo) ## Installation ### Setting Up the Command Line Tool Environment (on Ubuntu 16.04) #### Install CUDA See: [NVIDIA CUDA Getting Started Guide for Linux](http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-getting-started-guide-for-linux/#ubuntu-installation) Download [CUDA](http://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads) ``` sudo dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu1404_7.5-18_amd64.deb sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install cuda ``` #### Install Package ``` sudo apt-get install libsnappy-dev sudo apt-get install libgraphicsmagick1-dev sudo apt-get install libssl1.0-dev # for web server ``` Note: waifu2x requires little-cms2 linked graphicsmagick. if you use macOS/homebrew, See [#174](https://github.com/nagadomi/waifu2x/issues/174#issuecomment-384466451). #### Install Torch7 See: [Getting started with Torch](http://torch.ch/docs/getting-started.html). - For CUDA9.x/CUDA8.x, see [#222](https://github.com/nagadomi/waifu2x/issues/222) - For CUDA10.x, see [#253](https://github.com/nagadomi/waifu2x/issues/253#issuecomment-445448928) #### Getting waifu2x ``` git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/nagadomi/waifu2x.git ``` and install lua modules. ``` cd waifu2x ./install_lua_modules.sh ``` #### Validation Testing the waifu2x command line tool. ``` th waifu2x.lua ``` ## Web Application ``` th web.lua ``` View at: http://localhost:8812/ ## Command line tools Notes: If you have cuDNN library, than you can use cuDNN with `-force_cudnn 1` option. cuDNN is too much faster than default kernel. If you got GPU out of memory error, you can avoid it with `-crop_size` option (e.g. `-crop_size 128`). ### Noise Reduction ``` th waifu2x.lua -m noise -noise_level 1 -i input_image.png -o output_image.png ``` ``` th waifu2x.lua -m noise -noise_level 0 -i input_image.png -o output_image.png th waifu2x.lua -m noise -noise_level 2 -i input_image.png -o output_image.png th waifu2x.lua -m noise -noise_level 3 -i input_image.png -o output_image.png ``` ### 2x Upscaling ``` th waifu2x.lua -m scale -i input_image.png -o output_image.png ``` ### Noise Reduction + 2x Upscaling ``` th waifu2x.lua -m noise_scale -noise_level 1 -i input_image.png -o output_image.png ``` ``` th waifu2x.lua -m noise_scale -noise_level 0 -i input_image.png -o output_image.png th waifu2x.lua -m noise_scale -noise_level 2 -i input_image.png -o output_image.png th waifu2x.lua -m noise_scale -noise_level 3 -i input_image.png -o output_image.png ``` ### Batch conversion ``` find /path/to/imagedir -name "*.png" -o -name "*.jpg" > image_list.txt th waifu2x.lua -m scale -l ./image_list.txt -o /path/to/outputdir/prefix_%d.png ``` The output format supports `%s` and `%d`(e.g. %06d). `%s` will be replaced the basename of the source filename. `%d` will be replaced a sequence number. For example, when input filename is `piyo.png`, `%s_%03d.png` will be replaced `piyo_001.png`. See also `th waifu2x.lua -h`. ### Using photo model Please add `-model_dir models/photo` to command line option, if you want to use photo model. For example, ``` th waifu2x.lua -model_dir models/photo -m scale -i input_image.png -o output_image.png ``` ### Video Encoding \* `avconv` is alias of `ffmpeg` on Ubuntu 14.04. Extracting images and audio from a video. (range: 00:09:00 ~ 00:12:00) ``` mkdir frames avconv -i data/raw.avi -ss 00:09:00 -t 00:03:00 -r 24 -f image2 frames/%06d.png avconv -i data/raw.avi -ss 00:09:00 -t 00:03:00 audio.mp3 ``` Generating a image list. ``` find ./frames -name "*.png" |sort > data/frame.txt ``` waifu2x (for example, noise reduction) ``` mkdir new_frames th waifu2x.lua -m noise -noise_level 1 -resume 1 -l data/frame.txt -o new_frames/%d.png ``` Generating a video from waifu2xed images and audio. ``` avconv -f image2 -framerate 24 -i new_frames/%d.png -i audio.mp3 -r 24 -vcodec libx264 -crf 16 video.mp4 ``` ## Train Your Own Model Note1: If you have cuDNN library, you can use cudnn kernel with `-backend cudnn` option. And, you can convert trained cudnn model to cunn model with `tools/rebuild.lua`. Note2: The command that was used to train for waifu2x's pretrained models is available at `appendix/train_upconv_7_art.sh`, `appendix/train_upconv_7_photo.sh`. Maybe it is helpful. ### Data Preparation Genrating a file list. ``` find /path/to/image/dir -name "*.png" > data/image_list.txt ``` You should use noise free images. In my case, waifu2x is trained with 6000 high-resolution-noise-free-PNG images. Converting training data. ``` th convert_data.lua ``` ### Train a Noise Reduction(level1) model ``` mkdir models/my_model th train.lua -model_dir models/my_model -method noise -noise_level 1 -test images/miku_noisy.png # usage th waifu2x.lua -model_dir models/my_model -m noise -noise_level 1 -i images/miku_noisy.png -o output.png ``` You can check the performance of model with `models/my_model/noise1_best.png`. ### Train a Noise Reduction(level2) model ``` th train.lua -model_dir models/my_model -method noise -noise_level 2 -test images/miku_noisy.png # usage th waifu2x.lua -model_dir models/my_model -m noise -noise_level 2 -i images/miku_noisy.png -o output.png ``` You can check the performance of model with `models/my_model/noise2_best.png`. ### Train a 2x UpScaling model ``` th train.lua -model upconv_7 -model_dir models/my_model -method scale -scale 2 -test images/miku_small.png # usage th waifu2x.lua -model_dir models/my_model -m scale -scale 2 -i images/miku_small.png -o output.png ``` You can check the performance of model with `models/my_model/scale2.0x_best.png`. ### Train a 2x and noise reduction fusion model ``` th train.lua -model upconv_7 -model_dir models/my_model -method noise_scale -scale 2 -noise_level 1 -test images/miku_small.png # usage th waifu2x.lua -model_dir models/my_model -m noise_scale -scale 2 -noise_level 1 -i images/miku_small.png -o output.png ``` You can check the performance of model with `models/my_model/noise1_scale2.0x_best.png`. ## Docker ( Docker image is available at https://hub.docker.com/r/nagadomi/waifu2x ) Requires `nvidia-docker`. ``` docker build -t waifu2x . nvidia-docker run -p 8812:8812 waifu2x th web.lua nvidia-docker run -v `pwd`/images:/images waifu2x th waifu2x.lua -force_cudnn 1 -m scale -scale 2 -i /images/miku_small.png -o /images/output.png ``` Note that running waifu2x in without [JIT caching](https://devblogs.nvidia.com/parallelforall/cuda-pro-tip-understand-fat-binaries-jit-caching/) is very slow, which is what would happen if you use docker. For a workaround, you can mount a host volume to the `CUDA_CACHE_PATH`, for instance, ``` nvidia-docker run -v $PWD/ComputeCache:/root/.nv/ComputeCache waifu2x th waifu2x.lua --help ```