require 'xlua' require 'pl' require 'trepl' require 'cutorch' -- global settings if package.preload.settings then return package.preload.settings end -- default tensor type torch.setdefaulttensortype('torch.FloatTensor') local settings = {} local cmd = torch.CmdLine() cmd:text() cmd:text("waifu2x-training") cmd:text("Options:") cmd:option("-seed", 11, 'RNG seed (note: it only able to reproduce the training results with `-thread 1`)') cmd:option("-data_dir", "./data", 'path to data directory') cmd:option("-backend", "cunn", '(cunn|cudnn)') cmd:option("-test", "images/miku_small.png", 'path to test image') cmd:option("-model_dir", "./models", 'model directory') cmd:option("-method", "scale", 'method to training (noise|scale|noise_scale|user)') cmd:option("-model", "vgg_7", 'model architecture (vgg_7|vgg_12|upconv_7|upconv_8_4x|dilated_7)') cmd:option("-noise_level", 1, '(0|1|2|3)') cmd:option("-style", "art", '(art|photo)') cmd:option("-color", 'rgb', '(y|rgb)') cmd:option("-random_color_noise_rate", 0.0, 'data augmentation using color noise (0.0-1.0)') cmd:option("-random_overlay_rate", 0.0, 'data augmentation using flipped image overlay (0.0-1.0)') cmd:option("-random_half_rate", 0.0, 'data augmentation using half resolution image (0.0-1.0)') cmd:option("-random_unsharp_mask_rate", 0.0, 'data augmentation using unsharp mask (0.0-1.0)') cmd:option("-random_blur_rate", 0.0, 'data augmentation using gaussian blur (0.0-1.0)') cmd:option("-random_blur_size", "3,5", 'filter size for random gaussian blur (comma separated)') cmd:option("-random_blur_sigma_min", 0.5, 'min sigma for random gaussian blur') cmd:option("-random_blur_sigma_max", 1.0, 'max sigma for random gaussian blur') cmd:option("-random_pairwise_scale_rate", 0.0, 'data augmentation using pairwise resize for user method') cmd:option("-random_pairwise_scale_min", 0.85, 'min scale factor for random pairwise scale') cmd:option("-random_pairwise_scale_max", 1.176, 'max scale factor for random pairwise scale') cmd:option("-random_pairwise_rotate_rate", 0.0, 'data augmentation using pairwise resize for user method') cmd:option("-random_pairwise_rotate_min", -6, 'min rotate angle for random pairwise rotate') cmd:option("-random_pairwise_rotate_max", 6, 'max rotate angle for random pairwise rotate') cmd:option("-random_pairwise_negate_rate", 0.0, 'data augmentation using nagate image for user method') cmd:option("-random_pairwise_negate_x_rate", 0.0, 'data augmentation using nagate image only x side for user method') cmd:option("-random_erasing_rate", 0.0, 'data augmentation using random erasing for user method') cmd:option("-random_erasing_n", 1, 'number of erasing') cmd:option("-random_erasing_rect_min", 8, 'rect min size') cmd:option("-random_erasing_rect_max", 32, 'rect max size') cmd:option("-pairwise_y_binary", 0, 'binarize y after data augmentation(0|1)') cmd:option("-pairwise_flip", 1, 'use flip(0|1)') cmd:option("-scale", 2.0, 'scale factor (2)') cmd:option("-learning_rate", 0.00025, 'learning rate for adam') cmd:option("-crop_size", 48, 'crop size') cmd:option("-max_size", 256, 'if image is larger than N, image will be crop randomly') cmd:option("-batch_size", 16, 'mini batch size') cmd:option("-patches", 64, 'number of patch samples') cmd:option("-inner_epoch", 4, 'number of inner epochs') cmd:option("-epoch", 50, 'number of epochs to run') cmd:option("-thread", -1, 'number of CPU threads') cmd:option("-jpeg_chroma_subsampling_rate", 0.5, 'the rate of using YUV 4:2:0 in denoising training (0.0-1.0)') cmd:option("-validation_rate", 0.05, 'validation-set rate (number_of_training_images * validation_rate > 1)') cmd:option("-validation_crops", 200, 'number of cropping region per image in validation') cmd:option("-active_cropping_rate", 0.5, 'active cropping rate') cmd:option("-active_cropping_tries", 10, 'active cropping tries') cmd:option("-nr_rate", 0.65, 'trade-off between reducing noise and erasing details (0.0-1.0)') cmd:option("-save_history", 0, 'save all model (0|1)') cmd:option("-plot", 0, 'plot loss chart(0|1)') cmd:option("-downsampling_filters", "Box,Lanczos,Sinc", '(comma separated)downsampling filters for 2x scale training. (Point,Box,Triangle,Hermite,Hanning,Hamming,Blackman,Gaussian,Quadratic,Cubic,Catrom,Mitchell,Lanczos,Bessel,Sinc)') cmd:option("-max_training_image_size", -1, 'if training image is larger than N, image will be crop randomly when data converting') cmd:option("-use_transparent_png", 0, 'use transparent png (0|1)') cmd:option("-resize_blur_min", 0.95, 'min blur parameter for ResizeImage') cmd:option("-resize_blur_max", 1.05, 'max blur parameter for ResizeImage') cmd:option("-oracle_rate", 0.1, '') cmd:option("-oracle_drop_rate", 0.5, '') cmd:option("-learning_rate_decay", 3.0e-7, 'learning rate decay (learning_rate * 1/(1+num_of_data*patches*epoch))') cmd:option("-resume", "", 'resume model file') cmd:option("-name", "user", 'model name for user method') cmd:option("-gpu", "", 'GPU Device ID or ID lists (comma seprated)') cmd:option("-loss", "huber", 'loss function (huber|l1|mse|bce)') cmd:option("-update_criterion", "mse", 'mse|loss') cmd:option("-padding", 0, 'replication padding size') cmd:option("-padding_y_zero", 0, 'zero padding y for segmentation (0|1)') cmd:option("-grayscale", 0, 'grayscale x&y (0|1)') cmd:option("-validation_filename_split", 0, 'make validation-set based on filename(basename)') cmd:option("-invert_x", 0, 'invert x image in convert_lua') local function to_bool(settings, name) if settings[name] == 1 then settings[name] = true else settings[name] = false end end local opt = cmd:parse(arg) for k, v in pairs(opt) do settings[k] = v end to_bool(settings, "plot") to_bool(settings, "save_history") to_bool(settings, "use_transparent_png") to_bool(settings, "pairwise_y_binary") to_bool(settings, "pairwise_flip") to_bool(settings, "padding_y_zero") to_bool(settings, "grayscale") to_bool(settings, "validation_filename_split") to_bool(settings, "invert_x") if settings.plot then require 'gnuplot' end if settings.save_history then if settings.method == "noise" then settings.model_file = string.format("%s/noise%d_model.%%d-%%d.t7", settings.model_dir, settings.noise_level) settings.model_file_best = string.format("%s/noise%d_model.t7", settings.model_dir, settings.noise_level) elseif settings.method == "scale" then settings.model_file = string.format("%s/scale%.1fx_model.%%d-%%d.t7", settings.model_dir, settings.scale) settings.model_file_best = string.format("%s/scale%.1fx_model.t7", settings.model_dir, settings.scale) elseif settings.method == "noise_scale" then settings.model_file = string.format("%s/noise%d_scale%.1fx_model.%%d-%%d.t7", settings.model_dir, settings.noise_level, settings.scale) settings.model_file_best = string.format("%s/noise%d_scale%.1fx_model.t7", settings.model_dir, settings.noise_level, settings.scale) elseif settings.method == "user" then settings.model_file = string.format("%s/%s_model.%%d-%%d.t7", settings.model_dir, settings.model_file_best = string.format("%s/%s_model.t7", settings.model_dir, else error("unknown method: " .. settings.method) end else if settings.method == "noise" then settings.model_file = string.format("%s/noise%d_model.t7", settings.model_dir, settings.noise_level) elseif settings.method == "scale" then settings.model_file = string.format("%s/scale%.1fx_model.t7", settings.model_dir, settings.scale) elseif settings.method == "noise_scale" then settings.model_file = string.format("%s/noise%d_scale%.1fx_model.t7", settings.model_dir, settings.noise_level, settings.scale) elseif settings.method == "user" then settings.model_file = string.format("%s/%s_model.t7", settings.model_dir, else error("unknown method: " .. settings.method) end end if not (settings.color == "rgb" or settings.color == "y") then error("color must be y or rgb") end if not ( settings.scale == 1 or (settings.scale == math.floor(settings.scale) and settings.scale % 2 == 0)) then error("scale must be 1 or mod-2") end if not ( == "art" or == "photo") then error(string.format("unknown style: %s", end if settings.thread > 0 then torch.setnumthreads(tonumber(settings.thread)) end if settings.downsampling_filters and settings.downsampling_filters:len() > 0 then settings.downsampling_filters = settings.downsampling_filters:split(",") else settings.downsampling_filters = {"Box", "Lanczos", "Catrom"} end settings.images = string.format("%s/images.t7", settings.data_dir) settings.image_list = string.format("%s/image_list.txt", settings.data_dir) -- patch for lua52 if not math.log10 then math.log10 = function(x) return math.log(x, 10) end end if settings.gpu:len() > 0 then local gpus = {} local gpu_string = utils.split(settings.gpu, ",") for i = 1, #gpu_string do table.insert(gpus, tonumber(gpu_string[i])) end settings.gpu = gpus else settings.gpu = {1} end cutorch.setDevice(settings.gpu[1]) return settings