require 'pl' local __FILE__ = (function() return string.gsub(debug.getinfo(2, 'S').source, "^@", "") end)() package.path = path.join(path.dirname(__FILE__), "lib", "?.lua;") .. package.path require 'optim' require 'xlua' require 'image' require 'w2nn' local threads = require 'threads' local settings = require 'settings' local srcnn = require 'srcnn' local minibatch_adam = require 'minibatch_adam' local iproc = require 'iproc' local reconstruct = require 'reconstruct' local image_loader = require 'image_loader' local function save_test_scale(model, rgb, file) local up = reconstruct.scale(model, settings.scale, rgb), up) end local function save_test_jpeg(model, rgb, file) local im, count = reconstruct.image(model, rgb), im) end local function save_test_user(model, rgb, file) if settings.scale == 1 then save_test_jpeg(model, rgb, file) else save_test_scale(model, rgb, file) end end local function split_data(x, test_size) if settings.validation_filename_split then if not (x[1][2].data and x[1][2].data.basename) then error("`images.t` does not have basename info. You need to re-run `convert_data.lua`.") end local basename_db = {} for i = 1, #x do local meta = x[i][2].data if basename_db[meta.basename] then table.insert(basename_db[meta.basename], x[i]) else basename_db[meta.basename] = {x[i]} end end local basename_list = {} for k, v in pairs(basename_db) do table.insert(basename_list, v) end local index = torch.randperm(#basename_list) local train_x = {} local valid_x = {} local pos = 1 for i = 1, #basename_list do if #valid_x >= test_size then break end local xs = basename_list[index[pos]] for j = 1, #xs do table.insert(valid_x, xs[j]) end pos = pos + 1 end for i = pos, #basename_list do local xs = basename_list[index[i]] for j = 1, #xs do table.insert(train_x, xs[j]) end end return train_x, valid_x else local index = torch.randperm(#x) local train_size = #x - test_size local train_x = {} local valid_x = {} for i = 1, train_size do train_x[i] = x[index[i]] end for i = 1, test_size do valid_x[i] = x[index[train_size + i]] end return train_x, valid_x end end local g_transform_pool = nil local g_mutex = nil local g_mutex_id = nil local function transform_pool_init(has_resize, offset) local nthread = torch.getnumthreads() if (settings.thread > 0) then nthread = settings.thread end g_mutex = threads.Mutex() g_mutex_id = g_mutex:id() g_transform_pool = threads.Threads( nthread, function(threadid) require 'pl' local __FILE__ = (function() return string.gsub(debug.getinfo(2, 'S').source, "^@", "") end)() package.path = path.join(path.dirname(__FILE__), "lib", "?.lua;") .. package.path require 'torch' require 'nn' require 'cunn' torch.setnumthreads(1) torch.setdefaulttensortype("torch.FloatTensor") local threads = require 'threads' local compression = require 'compression' local pairwise_transform = require 'pairwise_transform' function transformer(x, is_validation, n) local mutex = threads.Mutex(g_mutex_id) local meta = {data = {}} local y = nil if type(x) == "table" and type(x[2]) == "table" then meta = x[2] if x[1].x and x[1].y then y = compression.decompress(x[1].y) x = compression.decompress(x[1].x) else x = compression.decompress(x[1]) end else x = compression.decompress(x) end n = n or settings.patches if is_validation == nil then is_validation = false end local random_color_noise_rate = nil local random_overlay_rate = nil local active_cropping_rate = nil local active_cropping_tries = nil if is_validation then active_cropping_rate = settings.active_cropping_rate active_cropping_tries = settings.active_cropping_tries random_color_noise_rate = 0.0 random_overlay_rate = 0.0 else active_cropping_rate = settings.active_cropping_rate active_cropping_tries = settings.active_cropping_tries random_color_noise_rate = settings.random_color_noise_rate random_overlay_rate = settings.random_overlay_rate end if settings.method == "scale" then local conf = tablex.update({ mutex = mutex, downsampling_filters = settings.downsampling_filters, random_half_rate = settings.random_half_rate, random_color_noise_rate = random_color_noise_rate, random_overlay_rate = random_overlay_rate, random_unsharp_mask_rate = settings.random_unsharp_mask_rate, random_blur_rate = settings.random_blur_rate, random_blur_size = settings.random_blur_size, random_blur_sigma_min = settings.random_blur_sigma_min, random_blur_sigma_max = settings.random_blur_sigma_max, max_size = settings.max_size, active_cropping_rate = active_cropping_rate, active_cropping_tries = active_cropping_tries, rgb = (settings.color == "rgb"), x_upsampling = not has_resize, resize_blur_min = settings.resize_blur_min, resize_blur_max = settings.resize_blur_max}, meta) return pairwise_transform.scale(x, settings.scale, settings.crop_size, offset, n, conf) elseif settings.method == "noise" then local conf = tablex.update({ mutex = mutex, random_half_rate = settings.random_half_rate, random_color_noise_rate = random_color_noise_rate, random_overlay_rate = random_overlay_rate, random_unsharp_mask_rate = settings.random_unsharp_mask_rate, random_blur_rate = settings.random_blur_rate, random_blur_size = settings.random_blur_size, random_blur_sigma_min = settings.random_blur_sigma_min, random_blur_sigma_max = settings.random_blur_sigma_max, max_size = settings.max_size, jpeg_chroma_subsampling_rate = settings.jpeg_chroma_subsampling_rate, active_cropping_rate = active_cropping_rate, active_cropping_tries = active_cropping_tries, nr_rate = settings.nr_rate, rgb = (settings.color == "rgb")}, meta) return pairwise_transform.jpeg(x,, settings.noise_level, settings.crop_size, offset, n, conf) elseif settings.method == "noise_scale" then local conf = tablex.update({ mutex = mutex, downsampling_filters = settings.downsampling_filters, random_half_rate = settings.random_half_rate, random_color_noise_rate = random_color_noise_rate, random_overlay_rate = random_overlay_rate, random_unsharp_mask_rate = settings.random_unsharp_mask_rate, random_blur_rate = settings.random_blur_rate, random_blur_size = settings.random_blur_size, random_blur_sigma_min = settings.random_blur_sigma_min, random_blur_sigma_max = settings.random_blur_sigma_max, max_size = settings.max_size, jpeg_chroma_subsampling_rate = settings.jpeg_chroma_subsampling_rate, nr_rate = settings.nr_rate, active_cropping_rate = active_cropping_rate, active_cropping_tries = active_cropping_tries, rgb = (settings.color == "rgb"), x_upsampling = not has_resize, resize_blur_min = settings.resize_blur_min, resize_blur_max = settings.resize_blur_max}, meta) return pairwise_transform.jpeg_scale(x, settings.scale,, settings.noise_level, settings.crop_size, offset, n, conf) elseif settings.method == "user" then local random_erasing_rate = 0 local random_erasing_n = 0 local random_erasing_rect_min = 0 local random_erasing_rect_max = 0 if is_validation then else random_erasing_rate = settings.random_erasing_rate random_erasing_n = settings.random_erasing_n random_erasing_rect_min = settings.random_erasing_rect_min random_erasing_rect_max = settings.random_erasing_rect_max end local conf = tablex.update({ gcn = settings.gcn, max_size = settings.max_size, active_cropping_rate = active_cropping_rate, active_cropping_tries = active_cropping_tries, random_pairwise_rotate_rate = settings.random_pairwise_rotate_rate, random_pairwise_rotate_min = settings.random_pairwise_rotate_min, random_pairwise_rotate_max = settings.random_pairwise_rotate_max, random_pairwise_scale_rate = settings.random_pairwise_scale_rate, random_pairwise_scale_min = settings.random_pairwise_scale_min, random_pairwise_scale_max = settings.random_pairwise_scale_max, random_pairwise_negate_rate = settings.random_pairwise_negate_rate, random_pairwise_negate_x_rate = settings.random_pairwise_negate_x_rate, pairwise_y_binary = settings.pairwise_y_binary, pairwise_flip = settings.pairwise_flip, random_erasing_rate = random_erasing_rate, random_erasing_n = random_erasing_n, random_erasing_rect_min = random_erasing_rect_min, random_erasing_rect_max = random_erasing_rect_max, rgb = (settings.color == "rgb")}, meta) return pairwise_transform.user(x, y, settings.crop_size, offset, n, conf) end end end) ) g_transform_pool:synchronize() end local function make_validation_set(x, n, patches) local nthread = torch.getnumthreads() if (settings.thread > 0) then nthread = settings.thread end n = n or 4 local validation_patches = math.min(16, patches or 16) local data = {} g_transform_pool:synchronize() torch.setnumthreads(1) -- 1 for i = 1, #x do for k = 1, math.max(n / validation_patches, 1) do local input = x[i] g_transform_pool:addjob( function() local xy = transformer(input, true, validation_patches) return xy end, function(xy) for j = 1, #xy do table.insert(data, {x = xy[j][1], y = xy[j][2]}) end end ) end if i % 20 == 0 then collectgarbage() g_transform_pool:synchronize() xlua.progress(i, #x) end end g_transform_pool:synchronize() torch.setnumthreads(nthread) -- revert local new_data = {} local perm = torch.randperm(#data) for i = 1, perm:size(1) do new_data[i] = data[perm[i]] end data = new_data return data end local function validate(model, criterion, eval_metric, data, batch_size) local psnr = 0 local loss = 0 local mse = 0 local loss_count = 0 local inputs_tmp = torch.Tensor(batch_size, data[1].x:size(1), data[1].x:size(2), data[1].x:size(3)):zero() local targets_tmp = torch.Tensor(batch_size, data[1].y:size(1), data[1].y:size(2), data[1].y:size(3)):zero() local inputs = inputs_tmp:clone():cuda() local targets = targets_tmp:clone():cuda() for t = 1, #data, batch_size do if t + batch_size -1 > #data then break end for i = 1, batch_size do inputs_tmp[i]:copy(data[t + i - 1].x) targets_tmp[i]:copy(data[t + i - 1].y) end inputs:copy(inputs_tmp) targets:copy(targets_tmp) local z = model:forward(inputs) local batch_mse = eval_metric:forward(z, targets) loss = loss + criterion:forward(z, targets) mse = mse + batch_mse psnr = psnr + (10 * math.log10(1 / (batch_mse + 1.0e-6))) loss_count = loss_count + 1 if loss_count % 10 == 0 then xlua.progress(t, #data) collectgarbage() end end xlua.progress(#data, #data) return {loss = loss / loss_count, MSE = mse / loss_count, PSNR = psnr / loss_count} end local function create_criterion(model) if settings.loss == "huber" then if reconstruct.is_rgb(model) then local offset = reconstruct.offset_size(model) local output_w = settings.crop_size - offset * 2 local weight = torch.Tensor(3, output_w * output_w) weight[1]:fill(0.29891 * 3) -- R weight[2]:fill(0.58661 * 3) -- G weight[3]:fill(0.11448 * 3) -- B return w2nn.ClippedWeightedHuberCriterion(weight, 0.1, {0.0, 1.0}):cuda() else local offset = reconstruct.offset_size(model) local output_w = settings.crop_size - offset * 2 local weight = torch.Tensor(1, output_w * output_w) weight[1]:fill(1.0) return w2nn.ClippedWeightedHuberCriterion(weight, 0.1, {0.0, 1.0}):cuda() end elseif settings.loss == "l1" then return w2nn.L1Criterion():cuda() elseif settings.loss == "mse" then return w2nn.ClippedMSECriterion(0, 1.0):cuda() elseif settings.loss == "bce" then local bce = nn.BCECriterion() bce.sizeAverage = true return bce:cuda() elseif settings.loss == "aux_bce" then local aux = w2nn.AuxiliaryLossCriterion(nn.BCECriterion) aux.sizeAverage = true return aux:cuda() elseif settings.loss == "aux_huber" then local args = {} if reconstruct.is_rgb(model) then local offset = reconstruct.offset_size(model) local output_w = settings.crop_size - offset * 2 local weight = torch.Tensor(3, output_w * output_w) weight[1]:fill(0.29891 * 3) -- R weight[2]:fill(0.58661 * 3) -- G weight[3]:fill(0.11448 * 3) -- B args = {weight, 0.1, {0.0, 1.0}} else local offset = reconstruct.offset_size(model) local output_w = settings.crop_size - offset * 2 local weight = torch.Tensor(1, output_w * output_w) weight[1]:fill(1.0) args = {weight, 0.1, {0.0, 1.0}} end local aux = w2nn.AuxiliaryLossCriterion(w2nn.ClippedWeightedHuberCriterion, args) return aux:cuda() elseif settings.loss == "lbp" then if reconstruct.is_rgb(model) then return w2nn.RandomBinaryCriterion(3, 512):cuda() else return w2nn.RandomBinaryCriterion(1, 512):cuda() end elseif settings.loss == "aux_lbp" then if reconstruct.is_rgb(model) then return w2nn.AuxiliaryLossCriterion(w2nn.RandomBinaryCriterion, {3, 512}):cuda() else return w2nn.AuxiliaryLossCriterion(w2nn.RandomBinaryCriterion, {1, 512}):cuda() end else error("unsupported loss .." .. settings.loss) end end local function resampling(x, y, train_x) local c = 1 local shuffle = torch.randperm(#train_x) local nthread = torch.getnumthreads() if (settings.thread > 0) then nthread = settings.thread end torch.setnumthreads(1) -- 1 for t = 1, #train_x do local input = train_x[shuffle[t]] g_transform_pool:addjob( function() local xy = transformer(input, false, settings.patches) return xy end, function(xy) for i = 1, #xy do if c <= x:size(1) then x[c]:copy(xy[i][1]) y[c]:copy(xy[i][2]) c = c + 1 else break end end end ) if t % 50 == 0 then collectgarbage() g_transform_pool:synchronize() xlua.progress(t, #train_x) end if c > x:size(1) then break end end g_transform_pool:synchronize() xlua.progress(#train_x, #train_x) torch.setnumthreads(nthread) -- revert end local function get_oracle_data(x, y, instance_loss, k, samples) local index = torch.LongTensor(instance_loss:size(1)) local dummy = torch.Tensor(instance_loss:size(1)) torch.topk(dummy, index, instance_loss, k, 1, true) print("MSE of all data: " ..instance_loss:mean() .. ", MSE of oracle data: " .. dummy:mean()) local shuffle = torch.randperm(k) local x_s = x:size() local y_s = y:size() x_s[1] = samples y_s[1] = samples local oracle_x = torch.Tensor(table.unpack(torch.totable(x_s))) local oracle_y = torch.Tensor(table.unpack(torch.totable(y_s))) for i = 1, samples do oracle_x[i]:copy(x[index[shuffle[i]]]) oracle_y[i]:copy(y[index[shuffle[i]]]) end return oracle_x, oracle_y end local function remove_small_image(x) local compression = require 'compression' local new_x = {} for i = 1, #x do local xe, meta, x_s xe = x[i] if type(x) == "table" and type(x[2]) == "table" then if xe[1].x and xe[1].y then x_s = compression.size(xe[1].y) -- y size else x_s = compression.size(xe[1]) end else x_s = compression.size(xe) end if x_s[2] / settings.scale > settings.crop_size + 32 and x_s[3] / settings.scale > settings.crop_size + 32 then table.insert(new_x, x[i]) end if i % 100 == 0 then collectgarbage() end end print(string.format("%d small images are removed", #x - #new_x)) return new_x end local function plot(train, valid) gnuplot.plot({ {'training', torch.Tensor(train), '-'}, {'validation', torch.Tensor(valid), '-'}}) end local function train() local x = torch.load(settings.images) if settings.method ~= "user" then x = remove_small_image(x) end local train_x, valid_x = split_data(x, math.max(math.floor(settings.validation_rate * #x), 1)) local hist_train = {} local hist_valid = {} local model if settings.resume:len() > 0 then model = torch.load(settings.resume, "ascii") else if stringx.endswith(settings.model, ".lua") then local create_model = dofile(settings.model) model = create_model(srcnn, settings) else model = srcnn.create(settings.model, settings.backend, settings.color) end end if model.w2nn_input_size then if settings.crop_size ~= model.w2nn_input_size then io.stderr:write(string.format("warning: crop_size is replaced with %d\n", model.w2nn_input_size)) settings.crop_size = model.w2nn_input_size end end if model.w2nn_gcn then settings.gcn = true else settings.gcn = false end dir.makepath(settings.model_dir) local offset = reconstruct.offset_size(model) transform_pool_init(reconstruct.has_resize(model), offset) local criterion = create_criterion(model) local eval_metric = nil if settings.loss:find("aux_") ~= nil then eval_metric = w2nn.AuxiliaryLossCriterion(w2nn.ClippedMSECriterion):cuda() else eval_metric = w2nn.ClippedMSECriterion():cuda() end local adam_config = { xLearningRate = settings.learning_rate, xBatchSize = settings.batch_size, xLearningRateDecay = settings.learning_rate_decay, xInstanceLoss = (settings.oracle_rate > 0) } local ch = nil if settings.color == "y" then ch = 1 elseif settings.color == "rgb" then ch = 3 end local best_score = 1000.0 print("# make validation-set") local valid_xy = make_validation_set(valid_x, settings.validation_crops, settings.patches) valid_x = nil collectgarbage() model:cuda() print("load .. " .. #train_x) local x = nil local y = torch.Tensor(settings.patches * #train_x, ch * (settings.crop_size - offset * 2) * (settings.crop_size - offset * 2)):zero() if reconstruct.has_resize(model) then x = torch.Tensor(settings.patches * #train_x, ch, settings.crop_size / settings.scale, settings.crop_size / settings.scale) else x = torch.Tensor(settings.patches * #train_x, ch, settings.crop_size, settings.crop_size) end local instance_loss = nil local pmodel = w2nn.data_parallel(model, settings.gpu) for epoch = 1, settings.epoch do pmodel:training() print("# " .. epoch) if adam_config.learningRate then print("learning rate: " .. adam_config.learningRate) end print("## resampling") if instance_loss then -- active learning local oracle_k = math.min(x:size(1) * (settings.oracle_rate * (1 / (1 - settings.oracle_drop_rate))), x:size(1)) local oracle_n = math.min(x:size(1) * settings.oracle_rate, x:size(1)) if oracle_n > 0 then local oracle_x, oracle_y = get_oracle_data(x, y, instance_loss, oracle_k, oracle_n) resampling(x:narrow(1, oracle_x:size(1) + 1, x:size(1)-oracle_x:size(1)), y:narrow(1, oracle_x:size(1) + 1, x:size(1) - oracle_x:size(1)), train_x) x:narrow(1, 1, oracle_x:size(1)):copy(oracle_x) y:narrow(1, 1, oracle_y:size(1)):copy(oracle_y) local draw_n = math.floor(math.sqrt(oracle_x:size(1), 0.5)) if draw_n > 100 then draw_n = 100 end, "oracle_x.png"), image.toDisplayTensor({ input = oracle_x:narrow(1, 1, draw_n * draw_n), padding = 2, nrow = draw_n, min = 0, max = 1})) else resampling(x, y, train_x) end else resampling(x, y, train_x, pairwise_func) end collectgarbage() instance_loss = torch.Tensor(x:size(1)):zero() for i = 1, settings.inner_epoch do pmodel:training() local train_score, il = minibatch_adam(pmodel, criterion, eval_metric, x, y, adam_config) instance_loss:copy(il) print(train_score) pmodel:evaluate() print("# validation") local score = validate(pmodel, criterion, eval_metric, valid_xy, adam_config.xBatchSize) table.insert(hist_train, train_score.loss) table.insert(hist_valid, score.loss) if settings.plot then plot(hist_train, hist_valid) end local score_for_update if settings.update_criterion == "mse" then score_for_update = score.MSE else score_for_update = score.loss end if score_for_update < best_score then local test_image = image_loader.load_float(settings.test) -- reload best_score = score_for_update print("* model has updated") if settings.save_history then pmodel:clearState(), model, "ascii"), epoch, i), model, "ascii") if settings.method == "noise" then local log = path.join(settings.model_dir, ("noise%d_best.%d-%d.png"):format(settings.noise_level, epoch, i)) save_test_jpeg(model, test_image, log) elseif settings.method == "scale" then local log = path.join(settings.model_dir, ("scale%.1f_best.%d-%d.png"):format(settings.scale, epoch, i)) save_test_scale(model, test_image, log) elseif settings.method == "noise_scale" then local log = path.join(settings.model_dir, ("noise%d_scale%.1f_best.%d-%d.png"):format(settings.noise_level, settings.scale, epoch, i)) save_test_scale(model, test_image, log) elseif settings.method == "user" then local log = path.join(settings.model_dir, ("%s_best.%d-%d.png"):format(, epoch, i)) save_test_user(model, test_image, log) end else pmodel:clearState(), model, "ascii") if settings.method == "noise" then local log = path.join(settings.model_dir, ("noise%d_best.png"):format(settings.noise_level)) save_test_jpeg(model, test_image, log) elseif settings.method == "scale" then local log = path.join(settings.model_dir, ("scale%.1f_best.png"):format(settings.scale)) save_test_scale(model, test_image, log) elseif settings.method == "noise_scale" then local log = path.join(settings.model_dir, ("noise%d_scale%.1f_best.png"):format(settings.noise_level, settings.scale)) save_test_scale(model, test_image, log) elseif settings.method == "user" then local log = path.join(settings.model_dir, ("%s_best.png"):format( save_test_user(model, test_image, log) end end end print("Batch-wise PSNR: " .. score.PSNR .. ", loss: " .. score.loss .. ", MSE: " .. score.MSE .. ", best: " .. best_score) collectgarbage() end end end torch.manualSeed(settings.seed) cutorch.manualSeed(settings.seed) print(settings) train()