local gm = {} gm.Image = require 'graphicsmagick.Image' local image = nil require 'dok' local iproc = {} local clip_eps8 = (1.0 / 255.0) * 0.5 - (1.0e-7 * (1.0 / 255.0) * 0.5) function iproc.crop_mod4(src) local w = src:size(3) % 4 local h = src:size(2) % 4 return iproc.crop(src, 0, 0, src:size(3) - w, src:size(2) - h) end function iproc.crop(src, w1, h1, w2, h2) local dest if src:dim() == 3 then dest = src[{{}, { h1 + 1, h2 }, { w1 + 1, w2 }}]:clone() else -- dim == 2 dest = src[{{ h1 + 1, h2 }, { w1 + 1, w2 }}]:clone() end return dest end function iproc.crop_nocopy(src, w1, h1, w2, h2) local dest if src:dim() == 3 then dest = src[{{}, { h1 + 1, h2 }, { w1 + 1, w2 }}] else -- dim == 2 dest = src[{{ h1 + 1, h2 }, { w1 + 1, w2 }}] end return dest end function iproc.byte2float(src) local conversion = false local dest = src if src:type() == "torch.ByteTensor" then conversion = true dest = src:float():div(255.0) end return dest, conversion end function iproc.float2byte(src) local conversion = false local dest = src if src:type() == "torch.FloatTensor" then conversion = true dest = (src + clip_eps8):mul(255.0) dest:clamp(0, 255.0) dest = dest:byte() end return dest, conversion end function iproc.scale(src, width, height, filter, blur) local conversion, color src, conversion = iproc.byte2float(src) filter = filter or "Box" if src:size(1) == 3 then color = "RGB" else color = "I" end local im = gm.Image(src, color, "DHW") im:size(math.ceil(width), math.ceil(height), filter, blur) local dest = im:toTensor("float", color, "DHW") if conversion then dest = iproc.float2byte(dest) end return dest end function iproc.scale_with_gamma22(src, width, height, filter, blur) local conversion src, conversion = iproc.byte2float(src) filter = filter or "Box" local im = gm.Image(src, "RGB", "DHW") im:gammaCorrection(1.0 / 2.2): size(math.ceil(width), math.ceil(height), filter, blur): gammaCorrection(2.2) local dest = im:toTensor("float", "RGB", "DHW"):clamp(0.0, 1.0) if conversion then dest = iproc.float2byte(dest) end return dest end function iproc.padding(img, w1, w2, h1, h2) image = image or require 'image' local dst_height = img:size(2) + h1 + h2 local dst_width = img:size(3) + w1 + w2 local flow = torch.Tensor(2, dst_height, dst_width) flow[1] = torch.ger(torch.linspace(0, dst_height -1, dst_height), torch.ones(dst_width)) flow[2] = torch.ger(torch.ones(dst_height), torch.linspace(0, dst_width - 1, dst_width)) flow[1]:add(-h1) flow[2]:add(-w1) return image.warp(img, flow, "simple", false, "clamp") end function iproc.zero_padding(img, w1, w2, h1, h2) image = image or require 'image' local dst_height = img:size(2) + h1 + h2 local dst_width = img:size(3) + w1 + w2 local flow = torch.Tensor(2, dst_height, dst_width) flow[1] = torch.ger(torch.linspace(0, dst_height -1, dst_height), torch.ones(dst_width)) flow[2] = torch.ger(torch.ones(dst_height), torch.linspace(0, dst_width - 1, dst_width)) flow[1]:add(-h1) flow[2]:add(-w1) return image.warp(img, flow, "simple", false, "pad", 0) end function iproc.white_noise(src, std, rgb_weights, gamma) gamma = gamma or 0.454545 local conversion src, conversion = iproc.byte2float(src) std = std or 0.01 local noise = torch.Tensor():resizeAs(src):normal(0, std) if rgb_weights then noise[1]:mul(rgb_weights[1]) noise[2]:mul(rgb_weights[2]) noise[3]:mul(rgb_weights[3]) end local dest if gamma ~= 0 then dest = src:clone():pow(gamma):add(noise) dest:clamp(0.0, 1.0) dest:pow(1.0 / gamma) else dest = src + noise end if conversion then dest = iproc.float2byte(dest) end return dest end function iproc.hflip(src) local t if src:type() == "torch.ByteTensor" then t = "byte" else t = "float" end if src:size(1) == 3 then color = "RGB" else color = "I" end local im = gm.Image(src, color, "DHW") return im:flop():toTensor(t, color, "DHW") end function iproc.vflip(src) local t if src:type() == "torch.ByteTensor" then t = "byte" else t = "float" end if src:size(1) == 3 then color = "RGB" else color = "I" end local im = gm.Image(src, color, "DHW") return im:flip():toTensor(t, color, "DHW") end -- from torch/image ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- image.rgb2yuv(image) -- converts a RGB image to YUV -- function iproc.rgb2yuv(...) -- arg check local output,input local args = {...} if select('#',...) == 2 then output = args[1] input = args[2] elseif select('#',...) == 1 then input = args[1] else print(dok.usage('image.rgb2yuv', 'transforms an image from RGB to YUV', nil, {type='torch.Tensor', help='input image', req=true}, '', {type='torch.Tensor', help='output image', req=true}, {type='torch.Tensor', help='input image', req=true} )) dok.error('missing input', 'image.rgb2yuv') end -- resize output = output or input.new() output:resizeAs(input) -- input chanels local inputRed = input[1] local inputGreen = input[2] local inputBlue = input[3] -- output chanels local outputY = output[1] local outputU = output[2] local outputV = output[3] -- convert outputY:zero():add(0.299, inputRed):add(0.587, inputGreen):add(0.114, inputBlue) outputU:zero():add(-0.14713, inputRed):add(-0.28886, inputGreen):add(0.436, inputBlue) outputV:zero():add(0.615, inputRed):add(-0.51499, inputGreen):add(-0.10001, inputBlue) -- return YUV image return output end ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- image.yuv2rgb(image) -- converts a YUV image to RGB -- function iproc.yuv2rgb(...) -- arg check local output,input local args = {...} if select('#',...) == 2 then output = args[1] input = args[2] elseif select('#',...) == 1 then input = args[1] else print(dok.usage('image.yuv2rgb', 'transforms an image from YUV to RGB', nil, {type='torch.Tensor', help='input image', req=true}, '', {type='torch.Tensor', help='output image', req=true}, {type='torch.Tensor', help='input image', req=true} )) dok.error('missing input', 'image.yuv2rgb') end -- resize output = output or input.new() output:resizeAs(input) -- input chanels local inputY = input[1] local inputU = input[2] local inputV = input[3] -- output chanels local outputRed = output[1] local outputGreen = output[2] local outputBlue = output[3] -- convert outputRed:copy(inputY):add(1.13983, inputV) outputGreen:copy(inputY):add(-0.39465, inputU):add(-0.58060, inputV) outputBlue:copy(inputY):add(2.03211, inputU) -- return RGB image return output end function iproc.gaussian2d(kernel_size, sigma) sigma = sigma or 1 local kernel = torch.Tensor(kernel_size, kernel_size) local u = math.floor(kernel_size / 2) + 1 local amp = (1 / math.sqrt(2 * math.pi * sigma^2)) for x = 1, kernel_size do for y = 1, kernel_size do kernel[x][y] = amp * math.exp(-((x - u)^2 + (y - u)^2) / (2 * sigma^2)) end end kernel:div(kernel:sum()) return kernel end -- from image.convolve function iproc.convolve(...) local dst,src,kernel,mode local args = {...} if select('#',...) == 4 then dst = args[1] src = args[2] kernel = args[3] mode = args[4] elseif select('#',...) == 3 then if type(args[3]) == 'string' then src = args[1] kernel = args[2] mode = args[3] else dst = args[1] src = args[2] kernel = args[3] end elseif select('#',...) == 2 then src = args[1] kernel = args[2] else print(dok.usage('iproc.convolve', 'convolves an input image with a kernel, returns the result', nil, {type='torch.Tensor', help='input image', req=true}, {type='torch.Tensor', help='kernel', req=true}, {type='string', help='type: full | valid | same', default='valid'}, '', {type='torch.Tensor', help='destination', req=true}, {type='torch.Tensor', help='input image', req=true}, {type='torch.Tensor', help='kernel', req=true}, {type='string', help='type: full | valid | same', default='valid'})) dok.error('incorrect arguments', 'image.convolve') end if mode and mode ~= 'valid' and mode ~= 'full' and mode ~= 'same' then dok.error('mode has to be one of: full | valid | same', 'image.convolve') end local md = (((mode == 'full') or (mode == 'same')) and 'F') or 'V' if kernel:nDimension() == 2 and src:nDimension() == 3 then local k3d = src.new(src:size(1), kernel:size(1), kernel:size(2)) for i = 1,src:size(1) do k3d[i]:copy(kernel) end kernel = k3d end if dst then torch.conv2(dst,src,kernel,md) else dst = torch.conv2(src,kernel,md) end if mode == 'same' then local cx = dst:dim() local cy = cx-1 local ofy = math.ceil(kernel:size(cy)/2) local ofx = math.ceil(kernel:size(cx)/2) dst = dst:narrow(cy, ofy, src:size(cy)):narrow(cx, ofx, src:size(cx)) end return dst end local function test_conversion() local a = torch.linspace(0, 255, 256):float():div(255.0) local b = iproc.float2byte(a) local c = iproc.byte2float(a) local d = torch.linspace(0, 255, 256) assert((a - c):abs():sum() == 0) assert((d:float() - b:float()):abs():sum() == 0) a = torch.FloatTensor({256.0, 255.0, 254.999}):div(255.0) b = iproc.float2byte(a) assert(b:float():sum() == 255.0 * 3) a = torch.FloatTensor({254.0, 254.499, 253.50001}):div(255.0) b = iproc.float2byte(a) print(b) assert(b:float():sum() == 254.0 * 3) end local function test_flip() require 'sys' require 'torch' torch.setdefaulttensortype("torch.FloatTensor") image = require 'image' local src = image.lena() local src_byte = src:clone():mul(255):byte() print(src:size()) print((image.hflip(src) - iproc.hflip(src)):sum()) print((image.hflip(src_byte) - iproc.hflip(src_byte)):sum()) print((image.vflip(src) - iproc.vflip(src)):sum()) print((image.vflip(src_byte) - iproc.vflip(src_byte)):sum()) end local function test_gaussian2d() local t = {3, 5, 7} for i = 1, #t do local kp = iproc.gaussian2d(t[i], 0.5) print(kp) end end local function test_conv() local image = require 'image' local src = image.lena() local kernel = torch.Tensor(3, 3):fill(1) kernel:div(kernel:sum()) --local blur = iproc.convolve(iproc.padding(src, 1, 1, 1, 1), kernel, 'valid') local blur = iproc.convolve(src, kernel, 'same') print(src:size(), blur:size()) local diff = (blur - src):abs() image.save("diff.png", diff) image.display({image = blur, min=0, max=1}) image.display({image = diff, min=0, max=1}) end --test_conversion() --test_flip() --test_gaussian2d() --test_conv() return iproc