local __FILE__ = (function() return string.gsub(debug.getinfo(2, 'S').source, "^@", "") end)() package.path = path.join(path.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "lib", "?.lua;") .. package.path require 'xlua' require 'pl' require 'w2nn' local iproc = require 'iproc' local reconstruct = require 'reconstruct' local image_loader = require 'image_loader' local gm = require 'graphicsmagick' local cmd = torch.CmdLine() cmd:text() cmd:text("waifu2x-benchmark") cmd:text("Options:") cmd:option("-seed", 11, 'fixed input seed') cmd:option("-dir", "./data/test", 'test image directory') cmd:option("-model1_dir", "./models/anime_style_art", 'model1 directory') cmd:option("-model2_dir", "./models/anime_style_art_rgb", 'model2 directory') cmd:option("-method", "scale", '(scale|noise)') cmd:option("-noise_level", 1, '(1|2)') cmd:option("-color_weight", "y", '(y|rgb)') cmd:option("-jpeg_quality", 75, 'jpeg quality') cmd:option("-jpeg_times", 1, 'jpeg compression times') cmd:option("-jpeg_quality_down", 5, 'value of jpeg quality to decrease each times') local opt = cmd:parse(arg) torch.setdefaulttensortype('torch.FloatTensor') local function MSE(x1, x2) return (x1 - x2):pow(2):mean() end local function YMSE(x1, x2) local x1_2 = x1:clone() local x2_2 = x2:clone() x1_2[1]:mul(0.299 * 3) x1_2[2]:mul(0.587 * 3) x1_2[3]:mul(0.114 * 3) x2_2[1]:mul(0.299 * 3) x2_2[2]:mul(0.587 * 3) x2_2[3]:mul(0.114 * 3) return (x1_2 - x2_2):pow(2):mean() end local function PSNR(x1, x2) local mse = MSE(x1, x2) return 20 * (math.log(1.0 / math.sqrt(mse)) / math.log(10)) end local function YPSNR(x1, x2) local mse = YMSE(x1, x2) return 20 * (math.log((0.587 * 3) / math.sqrt(mse)) / math.log(10)) end local function transform_jpeg(x) for i = 1, opt.jpeg_times do jpeg = gm.Image(x, "RGB", "DHW") jpeg:format("jpeg") jpeg:samplingFactors({1.0, 1.0, 1.0}) blob, len = jpeg:toBlob(opt.jpeg_quality - (i - 1) * opt.jpeg_quality_down) jpeg:fromBlob(blob, len) x = jpeg:toTensor("byte", "RGB", "DHW") end return x end local function transform_scale(x) return iproc.scale(x, x:size(3) * 0.5, x:size(2) * 0.5, "Box") end local function benchmark(color_weight, x, input_func, v1_noise, v2_noise) local v1_mse = 0 local v2_mse = 0 local v1_psnr = 0 local v2_psnr = 0 for i = 1, #x do local ground_truth = x[i] local input, v1_output, v2_output input = input_func(ground_truth) input = input:float():div(255) ground_truth = ground_truth:float():div(255) t = sys.clock() if input:size(3) == ground_truth:size(3) then v1_output = reconstruct.image(v1_noise, input) v2_output = reconstruct.image(v2_noise, input) else v1_output = reconstruct.scale(v1_noise, 2.0, input) v2_output = reconstruct.scale(v2_noise, 2.0, input) end if color_weight == "y" then v1_mse = v1_mse + YMSE(ground_truth, v1_output) v1_psnr = v1_psnr + YPSNR(ground_truth, v1_output) v2_mse = v2_mse + YMSE(ground_truth, v2_output) v2_psnr = v2_psnr + YPSNR(ground_truth, v2_output) elseif color_weight == "rgb" then v1_mse = v1_mse + MSE(ground_truth, v1_output) v1_psnr = v1_psnr + PSNR(ground_truth, v1_output) v2_mse = v2_mse + MSE(ground_truth, v2_output) v2_psnr = v2_psnr + PSNR(ground_truth, v2_output) end io.stdout:write( string.format("%d/%d; v1_mse=%f, v2_mse=%f, v1_psnr=%f, v2_psnr=%f \r", i, #x, v1_mse / i, v2_mse / i, v1_psnr / i, v2_psnr / i ) ) io.stdout:flush() end io.stdout:write("\n") end local function crop_4x(x) local w = x:size(3) % 4 local h = x:size(2) % 4 return image.crop(x, 0, 0, x:size(3) - w, x:size(2) - h) end local function load_data(test_dir) local test_x = {} local files = dir.getfiles(test_dir, "*.*") for i = 1, #files do table.insert(test_x, crop_4x(image_loader.load_byte(files[i]))) xlua.progress(i, #files) end return test_x end print(opt) torch.manualSeed(opt.seed) cutorch.manualSeed(opt.seed) if opt.method == "scale" then local v1 = torch.load(path.join(opt.model1_dir, "scale2.0x_model.t7"), "ascii") local v2 = torch.load(path.join(opt.model2_dir, "scale2.0x_model.t7"), "ascii") local test_x = load_data(opt.dir) benchmark(opt.color_weight, test_x, transform_scale, v1, v2) elseif opt.method == "noise" then local v1 = torch.load(path.join(opt.model1_dir, string.format("noise%d_model.t7", opt.noise_level)), "ascii") local v2 = torch.load(path.join(opt.model2_dir, string.format("noise%d_model.t7", opt.noise_level)), "ascii") local test_x = load_data(opt.dir) benchmark(opt.color_weight, test_x, transform_jpeg, v1, v2) end