require 'cunn' require 'cudnn' require 'cutorch' require './lib/LeakyReLU' local srcnn = require 'lib/srcnn' local function cudnn2cunn(cudnn_model) local cunn_model = srcnn.waifu2x("y") local from_seq = cudnn_model:findModules("cudnn.SpatialConvolution") local to_seq = cunn_model:findModules("nn.SpatialConvolutionMM") for i = 1, #from_seq do local from = from_seq[i] local to = to_seq[i] to.weight:copy(from.weight) to.bias:copy(from.bias) end cunn_model:cuda() cunn_model:evaluate() return cunn_model end local cmd = torch.CmdLine() cmd:text() cmd:text("convert cudnn model to cunn model ") cmd:text("Options:") cmd:option("-model", "./model.t7", 'path of cudnn model file') cmd:option("-iformat", "ascii", 'input format') cmd:option("-oformat", "ascii", 'output format') local opt = cmd:parse(arg) local cudnn_model = torch.load(opt.model, opt.iformat) local cunn_model = cudnn2cunn(cudnn_model), cunn_model, opt.oformat)