require 'image' local gm = require 'graphicsmagick' local iproc = require 'iproc' local reconstruct = require 'reconstruct' local pairwise_transform = {} local function random_half(src, p) p = p or 0.25 --local filter = ({"Box","Blackman", "SincFast", "Jinc"})[torch.random(1, 4)] local filter = "Box" if p < torch.uniform() and (src:size(2) > 768 and src:size(3) > 1024) then return iproc.scale(src, src:size(3) * 0.5, src:size(2) * 0.5, filter) else return src end end local function pcacov(x) local mean = torch.mean(x, 1) local xm = x - torch.ger(torch.ones(x:size(1)), mean:squeeze()) local c =, xm) c:div(x:size(1) - 1) local ce, cv = torch.symeig(c, 'V') return ce, cv end local function crop_if_large(src, max_size) if src:size(2) > max_size and src:size(3) > max_size then local yi = torch.random(0, src:size(2) - max_size) local xi = torch.random(0, src:size(3) - max_size) return image.crop(src, xi, yi, xi + max_size, yi + max_size) else return src end end local function active_cropping(x, y, size, offset, p, tries) assert("x:size == y:size", x:size(2) == y:size(2) and x:size(3) == y:size(3)) local r = torch.uniform() if p < r then local xi = torch.random(offset, y:size(3) - (size + offset + 1)) local yi = torch.random(offset, y:size(2) - (size + offset + 1)) local xc = image.crop(x, xi, yi, xi + size, yi + size) local yc = image.crop(y, xi, yi, xi + size, yi + size) yc = yc:float():div(255) xc = xc:float():div(255) return xc, yc else local samples = {} local sum_mse = 0 for i = 1, tries do local xi = torch.random(offset, y:size(3) - (size + offset + 1)) local yi = torch.random(offset, y:size(2) - (size + offset + 1)) local xc = image.crop(x, xi, yi, xi + size, yi + size):float():div(255) local yc = image.crop(y, xi, yi, xi + size, yi + size):float():div(255) local mse = (xc - yc):pow(2):mean() sum_mse = sum_mse + mse table.insert(samples, {xc = xc, yc = yc, mse = mse}) end if sum_mse > 0 then table.sort(samples, function (a, b) return a.mse > b.mse end) end return samples[1].xc, samples[1].yc end end local function color_noise(src) local p = 0.1 src = src:float():div(255) local src_t = src:reshape(src:size(1), src:nElement() / src:size(1)):t():contiguous() local ce, cv = pcacov(src_t) local color_scale = torch.Tensor(3):uniform(1 / (1 + p), 1 + p) pca_space =, cv):t():contiguous() for i = 1, 3 do pca_space[i]:mul(color_scale[i]) end x =, cv:t()):t():contiguous():resizeAs(src) x[, 0.0)] = 0.0 x[, 1.0)] = 1.0 return x:mul(255):byte() end local function shift_1px(src) -- reducing the even/odd issue in nearest neighbor. local r = torch.random(1, 4) end local function flip_augment(x, y) local flip = torch.random(1, 4) if y then if flip == 1 then x = image.hflip(x) y = image.hflip(y) elseif flip == 2 then x = image.vflip(x) y = image.vflip(y) elseif flip == 3 then x = image.hflip(image.vflip(x)) y = image.hflip(image.vflip(y)) elseif flip == 4 then end return x, y else if flip == 1 then x = image.hflip(x) elseif flip == 2 then x = image.vflip(x) elseif flip == 3 then x = image.hflip(image.vflip(x)) elseif flip == 4 then end return x end end local function overlay_augment(src, p) p = p or 0.25 if torch.uniform() > (1.0 - p) then local r = torch.uniform(0.2, 0.8) local t = "float" if src:type() == "torch.ByteTensor" then src = src:float():div(255) t = "byte" end local flip = flip_augment(src) flip:mul(r):add(src * (1.0 - r)) if t == "byte" then flip = flip:mul(255):byte() end return flip else return src end end local function data_augment(y, options) y = flip_augment(y) if options.color_noise then y = color_noise(y) end if options.overlay then y = overlay_augment(y) end return y end local INTERPOLATION_PADDING = 16 function pairwise_transform.scale(src, scale, size, offset, n, options) local filters = { "Box","Box", -- 0.012756949974688 "Blackman", -- 0.013191924552285 --"Cartom", -- 0.013753536746706 --"Hanning", -- 0.013761314529647 --"Hermite", -- 0.013850225205266 "SincFast", -- 0.014095824314306 --"Jinc", -- 0.014244299255442 } if options.random_half then src = random_half(src) end local downscale_filter = filters[torch.random(1, #filters)] local y = data_augment(crop_if_large(src, math.max(size * 4, 512)), options) local down_scale = 1.0 / scale local x = iproc.scale(iproc.scale(y, y:size(3) * down_scale, y:size(2) * down_scale, downscale_filter), y:size(3), y:size(2)) local batch = {} for i = 1, n do local xc, yc = active_cropping(x, y, size, INTERPOLATION_PADDING, options.active_cropping_rate, options.active_cropping_tries) if options.rgb then else yc = image.rgb2yuv(yc)[1]:reshape(1, yc:size(2), yc:size(3)) xc = image.rgb2yuv(xc)[1]:reshape(1, xc:size(2), xc:size(3)) end table.insert(batch, {xc, image.crop(yc, offset, offset, size - offset, size - offset)}) end return batch end function pairwise_transform.jpeg_(src, quality, size, offset, n, options) local y = data_augment(crop_if_large(src, math.max(size * 4, 512)), options) local x = y for i = 1, #quality do x = gm.Image(x, "RGB", "DHW") x:format("jpeg") if options.jpeg_sampling_factors == 444 then x:samplingFactors({1.0, 1.0, 1.0}) else -- 420 x:samplingFactors({2.0, 1.0, 1.0}) end local blob, len = x:toBlob(quality[i]) x:fromBlob(blob, len) x = x:toTensor("byte", "RGB", "DHW") end local batch = {} for i = 1, n do local xc, yc = active_cropping(x, y, size, 0, options.active_cropping_rate, options.active_cropping_tries) xc, yc = flip_augment(xc, yc) if options.rgb then else yc = image.rgb2yuv(yc)[1]:reshape(1, yc:size(2), yc:size(3)) xc = image.rgb2yuv(xc)[1]:reshape(1, xc:size(2), xc:size(3)) end table.insert(batch, {xc, image.crop(yc, offset, offset, size - offset, size - offset)}) end return batch end function pairwise_transform.jpeg(src, category, level, size, offset, n, options) if category == "anime_style_art" then if level == 1 then if torch.uniform() > 0.8 then return pairwise_transform.jpeg_(src, {}, size, offset, n, options) else return pairwise_transform.jpeg_(src, {torch.random(65, 85)}, size, offset, n, options) end elseif level == 2 then local r = torch.uniform() if torch.uniform() > 0.8 then return pairwise_transform.jpeg_(src, {}, size, offset, n, options) else if r > 0.6 then return pairwise_transform.jpeg_(src, {torch.random(27, 70)}, size, offset, n, options) elseif r > 0.3 then local quality1 = torch.random(37, 70) local quality2 = quality1 - torch.random(5, 10) return pairwise_transform.jpeg_(src, {quality1, quality2}, size, offset, n, options) else local quality1 = torch.random(52, 70) local quality2 = quality1 - torch.random(5, 15) local quality3 = quality1 - torch.random(15, 25) return pairwise_transform.jpeg_(src, {quality1, quality2, quality3}, size, offset, n, options) end end else error("unknown noise level: " .. level) end elseif category == "photo" then if level == 1 then if torch.uniform() > 0.7 then return pairwise_transform.jpeg_(src, {}, size, offset, n, options) else return pairwise_transform.jpeg_(src, {torch.random(80, 95)}, size, offset, n, options) end elseif level == 2 then if torch.uniform() > 0.7 then return pairwise_transform.jpeg_(src, {}, size, offset, n, options) else return pairwise_transform.jpeg_(src, {torch.random(65, 85)}, size, offset, n, options) end else error("unknown noise level: " .. level) end else error("unknown category: " .. category) end end local function test_jpeg() local loader = require './image_loader' local src = loader.load_byte("../images/miku_CC_BY-NC.jpg") for i = 2, 9 do local xy = pairwise_transform.jpeg_(random_half(src), {i * 10}, 128, 0, 2, {color_noise = false, random_half = true, overlay = true, rgb = true}) for i = 1, #xy do image.display({image = xy[i][1], legend = "y:" .. (i * 10), max=1,min=0}) image.display({image = xy[i][2], legend = "x:" .. (i * 10),max=1,min=0}) end --print(x:mean(), y:mean()) end end local function test_scale() torch.setdefaulttensortype('torch.FloatTensor') local loader = require './image_loader' local src = loader.load_byte("../images/miku_CC_BY-NC.jpg") local options = {color_noise = true, random_half = true, overlay = false, active_cropping_rate = 1.5, active_cropping_tries = 10, rgb = true } for i = 1, 9 do local xy = pairwise_transform.scale(src, 2.0, 128, 7, 1, options) image.display({image = xy[1][1], legend = "y:" .. (i * 10), min = 0, max = 1}) image.display({image = xy[1][2], legend = "x:" .. (i * 10), min = 0, max = 1}) print(xy[1][1]:size(), xy[1][2]:size()) --print(x:mean(), y:mean()) end end local function test_color_noise() torch.setdefaulttensortype('torch.FloatTensor') local loader = require './image_loader' local src = loader.load_byte("../images/miku_CC_BY-NC.jpg") for i = 1, 10 do image.display(color_noise(src)) end end local function test_overlay() torch.setdefaulttensortype('torch.FloatTensor') local loader = require './image_loader' local src = loader.load_byte("../images/miku_CC_BY-NC.jpg") for i = 1, 10 do image.display(overlay_augment(src, 1.0)) end end --test_scale() --test_jpeg() --test_jpeg_scale() --test_color_noise() --test_overlay() return pairwise_transform