local __FILE__ = (function() return string.gsub(debug.getinfo(2, 'S').source, "^@", "") end)() package.path = path.join(path.dirname(__FILE__), "lib", "?.lua;") .. package.path require 'pl' require 'image' local compression = require 'compression' local settings = require 'settings' local image_loader = require 'image_loader' local MAX_SIZE = 1440 local function crop_if_large(src, max_size) if max_size > 0 and (src:size(2) > max_size or src:size(3) > max_size) then local sx = torch.random(0, src:size(3) - math.min(max_size, src:size(3))) local sy = torch.random(0, src:size(2) - math.min(max_size, src:size(2))) return image.crop(src, sx, sy, math.min(sx + max_size, src:size(3)), math.min(sy + max_size, src:size(2))) else return src end end local function crop_4x(x) local w = x:size(3) % 4 local h = x:size(2) % 4 return image.crop(x, 0, 0, x:size(3) - w, x:size(2) - h) end local function load_images(list) local MARGIN = 32 local lines = utils.split(file.read(list), "\n") local x = {} for i = 1, #lines do local line = lines[i] local im, alpha = image_loader.load_byte(line) if alpha then io.stderr:write(string.format("\n%s: skip: image has alpha channel.\n", line)) else im = crop_if_large(im, settings.max_size) im = crop_4x(im) local scale = 1.0 if settings.random_half then scale = 2.0 end if im then if im:size(2) > (settings.crop_size * scale + MARGIN) and im:size(3) > (settings.crop_size * scale + MARGIN) then table.insert(x, compression.compress(im)) else io.stderr:write(string.format("\n%s: skip: image is too small (%d > size).\n", line, settings.crop_size * scale + MARGIN)) end else io.stderr:write(string.format("\n%s: skip: load error.\n", line)) end end xlua.progress(i, #lines) if i % 10 == 0 then collectgarbage() end end return x end torch.manualSeed(settings.seed) print(settings) local x = load_images(settings.image_list) torch.save(settings.images, x)