require 'pl' local __FILE__ = (function() return string.gsub(debug.getinfo(2, 'S').source, "^@", "") end)() package.path = path.join(path.dirname(__FILE__), "lib", "?.lua;") .. package.path require 'image' local cjson = require 'cjson' local csvigo = require 'csvigo' local compression = require 'compression' local settings = require 'settings' local image_loader = require 'image_loader' local iproc = require 'iproc' local alpha_util = require 'alpha_util' local function crop_if_large(src, max_size) if max_size < 0 then return src end local tries = 4 if src:size(2) >= max_size and src:size(3) >= max_size then local rect for i = 1, tries do local yi = torch.random(0, src:size(2) - max_size) local xi = torch.random(0, src:size(3) - max_size) rect = iproc.crop(src, xi, yi, xi + max_size, yi + max_size) -- ignore simple background if rect:float():std() >= 0 then break end end return rect else return src end end local function crop_if_large_pair(x, y, max_size) if max_size < 0 then return x, y end local scale_y = y:size(2) / x:size(2) local mod = 4 assert(x:size(3) == (y:size(3) / scale_y)) local tries = 4 if y:size(2) > max_size and y:size(3) > max_size then assert(max_size % 4 == 0) local rect_x, rect_y for i = 1, tries do local yi = torch.random(0, y:size(2) - max_size) local xi = torch.random(0, y:size(3) - max_size) if mod then yi = yi - (yi % mod) xi = xi - (xi % mod) end rect_y = iproc.crop(y, xi, yi, xi + max_size, yi + max_size) rect_x = iproc.crop(y, xi / scale_y, yi / scale_y, xi / scale_y + max_size / scale_y, yi / scale_y + max_size / scale_y) -- ignore simple background if rect_y:float():std() >= 0 then break end end return rect_x, rect_y else return x, y end end local function padding_x(x, pad, x_zero) if pad > 0 then if x_zero then x = iproc.zero_padding(x, pad, pad, pad, pad) else x = iproc.padding(x, pad, pad, pad, pad) end end return x end local function padding_xy(x, y, pad, x_zero, y_zero) local scale = y:size(2) / x:size(2) if pad > 0 then if x_zero then x = iproc.zero_padding(x, pad, pad, pad, pad) else x = iproc.padding(x, pad, pad, pad, pad) end if y_zero then y = iproc.zero_padding(y, pad * scale, pad * scale, pad * scale, pad * scale) else y = iproc.padding(y, pad * scale, pad * scale, pad * scale, pad * scale) end end return x, y end local function load_images(list) local MARGIN = 32 local csv = csvigo.load({path = list, verbose = false, mode = "raw"}) local x = {} local skip_notice = false for i = 1, #csv do local filename = csv[i][1] local csv_meta = csv[i][2] if csv_meta and csv_meta:len() > 0 then csv_meta = cjson.decode(csv_meta) end if csv_meta and csv_meta.filters then filters = csv_meta.filters end local basename_y = path.basename(filename) local im, meta = image_loader.load_byte(filename) local skip = false local alpha_color = torch.random(0, 1) if im then if meta and meta.alpha then if settings.use_transparent_png then im = alpha_util.fill(im, meta.alpha, alpha_color) else skip = true end end if skip then if not skip_notice then io.stderr:write("skip transparent png (settings.use_transparent_png=0)\n") skip_notice = true end else if csv_meta and csv_meta.x then -- method == user local yy = im local xx, meta2 = image_loader.load_byte(csv_meta.x) if settings.invert_x then xx = (-(xx:long()) + 255):byte() end if xx then if meta2 and meta2.alpha then xx = alpha_util.fill(xx, meta2.alpha, alpha_color) end xx, yy = crop_if_large_pair(xx, yy, settings.max_training_image_size) xx, yy = padding_xy(xx, yy, settings.padding, settings.padding_x_zero, settings.padding_y_zero) if settings.grayscale then xx = iproc.rgb2y(xx) yy = iproc.rgb2y(yy) end table.insert(x, {{y = compression.compress(yy), x = compression.compress(xx)}, {data = {filters = filters, has_x = true, basename = basename_y}}}) else io.stderr:write(string.format("\n%s: skip: load error.\n", csv_meta.x)) end else im = crop_if_large(im, settings.max_training_image_size) im = iproc.crop_mod4(im) im = padding_x(im, settings.padding, settings.padding_x_zero) local scale = 1.0 if settings.random_half_rate > 0.0 then scale = 2.0 end if im:size(2) > (settings.crop_size * scale + MARGIN) and im:size(3) > (settings.crop_size * scale + MARGIN) then if settings.grayscale then im = iproc.rgb2y(im) end table.insert(x, {compression.compress(im), {data = {filters = filters, basename = basename_y}}}) else io.stderr:write(string.format("\n%s: skip: image is too small (%d > size).\n", filename, settings.crop_size * scale + MARGIN)) end end end else io.stderr:write(string.format("\n%s: skip: load error.\n", filename)) end xlua.progress(i, #csv) if i % 10 == 0 then collectgarbage() end end return x end torch.manualSeed(settings.seed) print(settings) local x = load_images(settings.image_list), x)