require 'image' local iproc = require 'iproc' local srcnn = require 'srcnn' local function reconstruct_nn(model, x, inner_scale, offset, block_size) if x:dim() == 2 then x = x:reshape(1, x:size(1), x:size(2)) end local ch = x:size(1) local new_x = torch.Tensor(x:size(1), x:size(2) * inner_scale, x:size(3) * inner_scale):zero() local input_block_size = block_size / inner_scale local output_block_size = block_size local output_size = output_block_size - offset * 2 local output_size_in_input = input_block_size - math.ceil(offset / inner_scale) * 2 local input = torch.CudaTensor(1, ch, input_block_size, input_block_size) for i = 1, x:size(2), output_size_in_input do for j = 1, x:size(3), output_size_in_input do if i + input_block_size - 1 <= x:size(2) and j + input_block_size - 1 <= x:size(3) then local index = {{}, {i, i + input_block_size - 1}, {j, j + input_block_size - 1}} input:copy(x[index]) local output = model:forward(input) output = output:view(ch, output_size, output_size) local ii = (i - 1) * inner_scale + 1 local jj = (j - 1) * inner_scale + 1 local output_index = {{}, { ii , ii + output_size - 1 }, { jj, jj + output_size - 1}} new_x[output_index]:copy(output) end end end return new_x end local reconstruct = {} function reconstruct.is_rgb(model) if srcnn.channels(model) == 3 then -- 3ch RGB return true else -- 1ch Y return false end end function reconstruct.offset_size(model) return srcnn.offset_size(model) end function reconstruct.has_resize(model) return srcnn.scale_factor(model) > 1 end function reconstruct.inner_scale(model) return srcnn.scale_factor(model) end local function padding_params(x, model, block_size) local p = {} local offset = reconstruct.offset_size(model) p.x_w = x:size(3) p.x_h = x:size(2) p.inner_scale = reconstruct.inner_scale(model) local input_offset = math.ceil(offset / p.inner_scale) local input_block_size = block_size / p.inner_scale local process_size = input_block_size - input_offset * 2 local h_blocks = math.floor(p.x_h / process_size) + ((p.x_h % process_size == 0 and 0) or 1) local w_blocks = math.floor(p.x_w / process_size) + ((p.x_w % process_size == 0 and 0) or 1) local h = (h_blocks * process_size) + input_offset * 2 local w = (w_blocks * process_size) + input_offset * 2 p.pad_h1 = input_offset p.pad_w1 = input_offset p.pad_h2 = (h - input_offset) - p.x_h p.pad_w2 = (w - input_offset) - p.x_w return p end function reconstruct.image_y(model, x, offset, block_size) block_size = block_size or 128 local p = padding_params(x, model, block_size) x = image.rgb2yuv(iproc.padding(x, p.pad_w1, p.pad_w2, p.pad_h1, p.pad_h2)) local y = reconstruct_nn(model, x[1], p.inner_scale, offset, block_size) x = iproc.crop(x, p.pad_w1, p.pad_w2, p.pad_w1 + p.x_w, p.pad_w2 + p.x_h) y = iproc.crop(y, 0, 0, p.x_w, p.x_h) y[, 0)] = 0 y[, 1)] = 1 x[1]:copy(y) local output = image.yuv2rgb(x) output[, 0)] = 0 output[, 1)] = 1 x = nil y = nil collectgarbage() return output end function reconstruct.scale_y(model, scale, x, offset, block_size, upsampling_filter) upsampling_filter = upsampling_filter or "Box" block_size = block_size or 128 local x_lanczos if reconstruct.has_resize(model) then x_lanczos = iproc.scale(x, x:size(3) * scale, x:size(2) * scale, "Lanczos") else x_lanczos = iproc.scale(x, x:size(3) * scale, x:size(2) * scale, "Lanczos") x = iproc.scale(x, x:size(3) * scale, x:size(2) * scale, upsampling_filter) end local p = padding_params(x, model, block_size) if p.x_w * p.x_h > 2048*2048 then collectgarbage() end x = image.rgb2yuv(iproc.padding(x, p.pad_w1, p.pad_w2, p.pad_h1, p.pad_h2)) x_lanczos = image.rgb2yuv(x_lanczos) local y = reconstruct_nn(model, x[1], p.inner_scale, offset, block_size) y = iproc.crop(y, 0, 0, p.x_w * p.inner_scale, p.x_h * p.inner_scale) y[, 0)] = 0 y[, 1)] = 1 x_lanczos[1]:copy(y) local output = image.yuv2rgb(x_lanczos) output[, 0)] = 0 output[, 1)] = 1 x = nil x_lanczos = nil y = nil collectgarbage() return output end function reconstruct.image_rgb(model, x, offset, block_size) block_size = block_size or 128 local p = padding_params(x, model, block_size) x = iproc.padding(x, p.pad_w1, p.pad_w2, p.pad_h1, p.pad_h2) if p.x_w * p.x_h > 2048*2048 then collectgarbage() end local y = reconstruct_nn(model, x, p.inner_scale, offset, block_size) local output = iproc.crop(y, 0, 0, p.x_w, p.x_h) output[, 0)] = 0 output[, 1)] = 1 x = nil y = nil collectgarbage() return output end function reconstruct.scale_rgb(model, scale, x, offset, block_size, upsampling_filter) upsampling_filter = upsampling_filter or "Box" block_size = block_size or 128 if not reconstruct.has_resize(model) then x = iproc.scale(x, x:size(3) * scale, x:size(2) * scale, upsampling_filter) end local p = padding_params(x, model, block_size) x = iproc.padding(x, p.pad_w1, p.pad_w2, p.pad_h1, p.pad_h2) if p.x_w * p.x_h > 2048*2048 then collectgarbage() end local y y = reconstruct_nn(model, x, p.inner_scale, offset, block_size) local output = iproc.crop(y, 0, 0, p.x_w * p.inner_scale, p.x_h * p.inner_scale) output[, 0)] = 0 output[, 1)] = 1 x = nil y = nil collectgarbage() return output end function reconstruct.image(model, x, block_size) local i2rgb = false if x:size(1) == 1 then local new_x = torch.Tensor(3, x:size(2), x:size(3)) new_x[1]:copy(x) new_x[2]:copy(x) new_x[3]:copy(x) x = new_x i2rgb = true end if reconstruct.is_rgb(model) then x = reconstruct.image_rgb(model, x, reconstruct.offset_size(model), block_size) else x = reconstruct.image_y(model, x, reconstruct.offset_size(model), block_size) end if i2rgb then x = image.rgb2y(x) end return x end function reconstruct.scale(model, scale, x, block_size, upsampling_filter) local i2rgb = false if x:size(1) == 1 then local new_x = torch.Tensor(3, x:size(2), x:size(3)) new_x[1]:copy(x) new_x[2]:copy(x) new_x[3]:copy(x) x = new_x i2rgb = true end if reconstruct.is_rgb(model) then x = reconstruct.scale_rgb(model, scale, x, reconstruct.offset_size(model), block_size, upsampling_filter) else x = reconstruct.scale_y(model, scale, x, reconstruct.offset_size(model), block_size, upsampling_filter) end if i2rgb then x = image.rgb2y(x) end return x end local function tr_f(a) return a:transpose(2, 3):contiguous() end local function itr_f(a) return a:transpose(2, 3):contiguous() end local augmented_patterns = { { forward = function (a) return a end, backward = function (a) return a end }, { forward = function (a) return image.hflip(a) end, backward = function (a) return image.hflip(a) end }, { forward = function (a) return image.vflip(a) end, backward = function (a) return image.vflip(a) end }, { forward = function (a) return image.hflip(image.vflip(a)) end, backward = function (a) return image.vflip(image.hflip(a)) end }, { forward = function (a) return tr_f(a) end, backward = function (a) return itr_f(a) end }, { forward = function (a) return image.hflip(tr_f(a)) end, backward = function (a) return itr_f(image.hflip(a)) end }, { forward = function (a) return image.vflip(tr_f(a)) end, backward = function (a) return itr_f(image.vflip(a)) end }, { forward = function (a) return image.hflip(image.vflip(tr_f(a))) end, backward = function (a) return itr_f(image.vflip(image.hflip(a))) end } } local function get_augmented_patterns(n) if n == 2 then return {augmented_patterns[1], augmented_patterns[5]} elseif n == 4 then return {augmented_patterns[1], augmented_patterns[5], augmented_patterns[2], augmented_patterns[7]} elseif n == 8 then return augmented_patterns else error("unsupported TTA level: " .. n) end end local function tta(f, n, model, x, block_size) local average = nil local offset = reconstruct.offset_size(model) local augments = get_augmented_patterns(n) for i = 1, #augments do local out = augments[i].backward(f(model, augments[i].forward(x), offset, block_size)) if not average then average = out else average:add(out) end end return average:div(#augments) end function reconstruct.image_tta(model, n, x, block_size) if reconstruct.is_rgb(model) then return tta(reconstruct.image_rgb, n, model, x, block_size) else return tta(reconstruct.image_y, n, model, x, block_size) end end function reconstruct.scale_tta(model, n, scale, x, block_size, upsampling_filter) if reconstruct.is_rgb(model) then local f = function (model, x, offset, block_size) return reconstruct.scale_rgb(model, scale, x, offset, block_size, upsampling_filter) end return tta(f, n, model, x, block_size) else local f = function (model, x, offset, block_size) return reconstruct.scale_y(model, scale, x, offset, block_size, upsampling_filter) end return tta(f, n, model, x, block_size) end end return reconstruct