require 'pl' local __FILE__ = (function() return string.gsub(debug.getinfo(2, 'S').source, "^@", "") end)() package.path = path.join(path.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "lib", "?.lua;") .. package.path require 'sys' require 'w2nn' local iproc = require 'iproc' local reconstruct = require 'reconstruct' local image_loader = require 'image_loader' local CONV_LAYERS = {"nn.SpatialConvolutionMM", "cudnn.SpatialConvolution", "nn.SpatialFullConvolution", "cudnn.SpatialFullConvolution" } local ACTIVATION_LAYERS = {"nn.ReLU", "nn.LeakyReLU", "w2nn.LeakyReLU", "cudnn.ReLU", "nn.SoftMax", "cudnn.SoftMax" } local function includes(s, a) for i = 1, #a do if s == a[i] then return true end end return false end local function count_conv_layers(seq) local count = 0 for k = 1, #seq.modules do local mod = seq.modules[k] local name = torch.typename(mod) if name == "nn.ConcatTable" or includes(name, CONV_LAYERS) then count = count + 1 end end return count end local function strip_conv_layers(seq, limit) local new_seq = nn.Sequential() local count = 0 for k = 1, #seq.modules do local mod = seq.modules[k] local name = torch.typename(mod) if name == "nn.ConcatTable" or includes(name, CONV_LAYERS) then new_seq:add(mod) count = count + 1 if count == limit then if seq.modules[k+1] ~= nil and includes(torch.typename(seq.modules[k+1]), ACTIVATION_LAYERS) then new_seq:add(seq.modules[k+1]) end return new_seq end else new_seq:add(mod) end end return new_seq end local function save_layer_outputs(x, model, out) local count = count_conv_layers(model) print("conv layer count", count) local output_file = path.join(out, string.format("layer-%d.png", 0)), x) print("* save layer output " .. 0 .. ": " .. output_file) for i = 1, count do output_file = path.join(out, string.format("layer-%d.png", i)) print("* save layer output " .. i .. ": " .. output_file) local test_model = strip_conv_layers(model, i) test_model:cuda() test_model:evaluate() local z = test_model:forward(x:reshape(1, x:size(1), x:size(2), x:size(3)):cuda()):float() z = z:reshape(z:size(2), z:size(3), z:size(4)) -- drop batch dim z = image.toDisplayTensor({input=z, padding=2}), z) collectgarbage() end end local cmd = torch.CmdLine() cmd:text() cmd:text("waifu2x - visualize layer output") cmd:text("Options:") cmd:option("-i", "images/miku_small.png", 'path to input image') cmd:option("-scale", 2, 'scale factor') cmd:option("-o", "./layer_outputs", 'path to output dir') cmd:option("-model_dir", "./models/upconv_7/art", 'path to model directory') cmd:option("-name", "user", 'model name for user method') cmd:option("-m", "noise_scale", 'method (noise|scale|noise_scale|user)') cmd:option("-noise_level", 1, '(1|2|3)') cmd:option("-force_cudnn", 0, 'use cuDNN backend (0|1)') cmd:option("-gpu", 1, 'Device ID') local opt = cmd:parse(arg) cutorch.setDevice(opt.gpu) opt.force_cudnn = opt.force_cudnn == 1 opt.model_path = path.join(opt.model_dir, string.format("%s_model.t7", local x, meta = image_loader.load_float(opt.i) if x:size(2) > 256 or x:size(3) > 256 then error(string.format("input image is too large: %dx%d", x:size(3), x:size(2))) end local model = nil local new_x = nil if opt.m == "noise" then local model_path = path.join(opt.model_dir, ("noise%d_model.t7"):format(opt.noise_level)) model = w2nn.load_model(model_path, opt.force_cudnn) if not model then error("Load Error: " .. model_path) end elseif opt.m == "scale" then local model_path = path.join(opt.model_dir, ("scale%.1fx_model.t7"):format(opt.scale)) model = w2nn.load_model(model_path, opt.force_cudnn) if not model then error("Load Error: " .. model_path) end elseif opt.m == "noise_scale" then local model_path = path.join(opt.model_dir, ("noise%d_scale%.1fx_model.t7"):format(opt.noise_level, opt.scale)) model = w2nn.load_model(model_path, opt.force_cudnn) elseif opt.m == "user" then local model_path = opt.model_path model = w2nn.load_model(model_path, opt.force_cudnn) if not model then error("Load Error: " .. model_path) end else error("undefined method:" .. opt.method) end assert(model ~= nil) assert(x ~= nil) dir.makepath(opt.o) save_layer_outputs(x, model, opt.o)