require 'pl' local cjson = require 'cjson' local function pairwise_from_entries(y_dir, x_dirs) local list = {} local y_files = dir.getfiles(y_dir, "*") for i, y_file in ipairs(y_files) do local basename = path.basename(y_file) local x_files = {} for i = 1, #x_dirs do local x_file = path.join(x_dirs[i], basename) if path.exists(x_file) then table.insert(x_files, x_file) end end if #x_files == 1 then table.insert(list, {y = y_file, x = x_files[1]}) elseif #x_files > 1 then local r = torch.random(1, #x_files) table.insert(list, {y = y_file, x = x_files[r]}) end end return list end local function pairwise_from_list(y_dir, x_dirs, basename_file) local list = {} local basenames = utils.split(, "\n") for i, basename in ipairs(basenames) do local basename = path.basename(basename) local y_file = path.join(y_dir, basename) if path.exists(y_file) then local x_files = {} for i = 1, #x_dirs do local x_file = path.join(x_dirs[i], basename) if path.exists(x_file) then table.insert(x_files, x_file) end end if #x_files == 1 then table.insert(list, {y = y_file, x = x_files[1]}) elseif #x_files > 1 then local r = torch.random(1, #x_files) table.insert(list, {y = y_file, x = x_files[r]}) end end end return list end local function output(list, filters, rate) local n = math.floor(#list * rate) if #list > 0 and n == 0 then n = 1 end local perm = torch.randperm(#list) if #filters == 0 then filters = nil end for i = 1, n do local v = list[perm[i]] io.stdout:write('"' .. v.y:gsub('"', '""') .. '"' .. "," .. '"' .. cjson.encode({x = v.x, filters = filters}):gsub('"', '""') .. '"' .. "\n") end end local function get_xdirs(opt) local x_dirs = {} for k,v in pairs(opt) do local s, e = k:find("x_dir") if s == 1 then table.insert(x_dirs, v) end end return x_dirs end local cmd = torch.CmdLine() cmd:text("waifu2x make_pairwise_list") cmd:option("-x_dir", "", 'Specify the directory for x(input)') cmd:option("-y_dir", "", 'Specify the directory for y(groundtruth). The filenames should be same as x_dir') cmd:option("-rate", 1, 'sampling rate') cmd:option("-file_list", "", 'Specify the basename list (optional)') cmd:option("-filters", "", 'Specify the downsampling filters') cmd:option("-x_dir1", "", 'x for random choice') cmd:option("-x_dir2", "", 'x for random choice') cmd:option("-x_dir3", "", 'x for random choice') cmd:option("-x_dir4", "", 'x for random choice') cmd:option("-x_dir5", "", 'x for random choice') cmd:option("-x_dir6", "", 'x for random choice') cmd:option("-x_dir7", "", 'x for random choice') cmd:option("-x_dir8", "", 'x for random choice') cmd:option("-x_dir9", "", 'x for random choice') torch.manualSeed(71) local opt = cmd:parse(arg) local x_dirs = get_xdirs(opt) if opt.y_dir:len() == 0 or #x_dirs == 0 then cmd:help() os.exit(1) end local list if opt.file_list:len() > 0 then list = pairwise_from_list(opt.y_dir, x_dirs, opt.file_list) else list = pairwise_from_entries(opt.y_dir, x_dirs) end output(list, utils.split(opt.filters, ","), opt.rate)