universal-android-debloater/lists/0 - Pending.sh
2020-08-15 18:44:46 +02:00

193 lines
5.8 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bash
### These packages will be added in the default selection when I will find time to document them.
# It should be safe but you still need to be **VERY** careful.
# REMINDER : "Safe" only means "does not cause bootloop".
# These packages can definitely break features (but you can easily reinstall them with the script)
declare -a pending=(
############# AOSP #############
"com.android.hwmirror" # Huawei Mirror app.
"com.android.dreams" # AOSP screensaver
########## THIRD PARTY ###########
#"com.hisi.mapcon" # "wi-fi calling" feature
############# SAMSUNG #############
"com.samsung.android.knox.containerdesktop" # KnowContainerDesktop
"com.samsung.android.smartfitting" # SmartFittingService
"com.samsung.android.smartswitchassistant" # Samsung SmartSwitch
"com.samsung.android.timezone.data_P" # Samsung Time Zone Data
"com.samsung.visionprovider" # VisionProvider, maybe linked to Bixby?
"com.sec.android.app.setupwizardlegalprovider" # SetupWizardLegalProvider
"com.sec.android.app.suwscriptplayer" # SuwScriptPlayer
############### SONY ##############
############# HUAWAI ##############
############## NOKIA ##############
########## XIAOMI ###############