#!/usr/bin/env bash # BASH 4.4 or newer is needed! if (( "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}" < 5 )); then printf "\n%s\n\n" "Please upgrade to a bash version >= 4.4" && exit 1; fi if ! adb get-state &>/dev/null; then printf "\n%s\n\n" "Your phone is not detected by ADB." && exit 1; fi set -Eeuo pipefail # Safer bash script readonly BRED='\033[1;31m' # Bold + Red readonly BBLUE='\033[0;34m' # Bold + Blue readonly BGREEN='\033[1;32m' readonly BORANGE='\033[1;33m' readonly NC='\033[0m' # No Color readonly Bold=$(tput bold) readonly nBold=$(tput sgr0) # Trap error trap 'catch $LINENO' ERR catch() { (( $? == 0 )) && exit 0; printf "\n\n${BRED}%s\n" "[EXIT TRAP] Hum... something is wrong. Error on line $1" printf "\n%s\n" "If you think this is a bug. Please report it :)" printf "%s${NC}\n\n" "==> https://gitlab.com/W1nst0n/universal-android-debloater/-/issues" } # Include debloat lists for file in ./lists/* ; do if [ -f "$file" ] ; then . "$file"; fi done ############################################### MAIN SCRIPT ########################################################## main() { readonly VERSION="v2.9 (January 30th 2021)" readonly PAD=$(((48-${#VERSION})/2)) readonly BRAND="$(get_brand)" readonly BRAND_SUPPORTED=$( declare -p "$BRAND" &>/dev/null && echo "1" || echo "0") readonly OLDER_THAN_ANDROID_8=$(( $(adb shell getprop ro.build.version.sdk | tr -d '\r') < 26 )) readonly OLDER_THAN_ANDROID_5=$(( $(adb shell getprop ro.build.version.sdk | tr -d '\r') < 21 )) readonly NEWER_THAN_ANDROID_9=$(( $(adb shell getprop ro.build.version.sdk | tr -d '\r') >= 29 )) readonly SYSTEM_MOUNT_POINT=$(adb shell getprop ro.build.system_root_image | grep "true" && echo "/system_root" || echo "/system") declare -a CUSTOM_LIST=() # Trimed APK/package list only containing packages/APK on the device (populated by generate_custom_list()) declare -a EXTERNAL_LIST=() # APK/package list provided by the user (populated by import_external_list()) declare -a USERS=() # User list (populated by debloat_or_restore()) declare -ra LISTS=(us_carriers french_carrier german_carriers "$BRAND" google facebook amazon microsoft \ qualcomm mediatek misc aosp pending EXTERNAL_LIST) declare -i FORCE_UNINSTALL=0 declare -i RESTORE=0 declare -i ROOT=0 clear printf "\n${BORANGE}%s\n" "================================================" printf "%s\n" "# #" printf "%-8s${NC}%s${BORANGE}%8s\n" "#" "UNIVERSAL ANDROID DEBLOAT SCRIPT" "#" printf "%s\n" "# #" printf "%-${PAD}s${BRED}%s${BORANGE}%${PAD}s\n" "#" "${VERSION}" "#" printf "%s\n" "# #" printf "%s${NC}\n\n" "================================================" printf "${Bold}%s\n\n" "Please carefully read the FAQ before using this script!" if [[ $(adb get-state) = "recovery" ]]; then uad_recovery_mode || exit; fi printf "%s${nBold} " "Do you want to do an ADB backup ? [Y/N]" read -r if [[ $REPLY =~ [Yy]+[Ee]*[Ss]* ]]; then backup; fi if (( OLDER_THAN_ANDROID_8 )); then clear printf "\n${BRED}%s " "WARNING : Your android version is too old (< 8.0)." printf "%s${NC}\n\n" "Uninstalled packages can't be restored." printf "%s" "The script will force-disable the apps instead of uninstalling them" printf "%s\n\n" "so that you can restore them if needed" printf "%s " "If you still want to force-uninstall the apps, type '1' ('0' otherwise):" read -r -n 1 FORCE_UNINSTALL fi while true; do adb shell 'pm list packages -s' | sed 's/package://g' > remaining_packages.txt & clear -x printf "\n${BORANGE}%s\n" "================== MAIN MENU ==================" printf "%s\n" "# #" printf "%-12s${NC}%s${BORANGE}%16s\n" "#" "0 - Packages search" "#" printf "%-12s${NC}%s${BORANGE}%15s\n" "#" "1 - Restore a backup" "#" printf "%-12s${NC}%s${BORANGE}%15s\n" "#" "2 - Restore packages" "#" printf "%-12s${NC}%s${BORANGE}%15s\n" "#" "3 - Debloat packages" "#" printf "%s\n" "# #" printf "%-12s${NC}%s${BORANGE}%12s\n" "#" "4 - Restore APKs (Root)" "#" printf "%-12s${NC}%s${BORANGE}%12s\n" "#" "5 - Debloat APKs (Root)" "#" printf "%s\n" "# #" printf "%-12s${NC}%s${BORANGE}%6s\n" "#" "X - Exit and reboot the phone" "#" printf "%s\n" "# #" printf "%s${NC}\n\n" "=================================================" printf "${BRED}%s${NC}\n\n" "DON'T FORGET TO REBOOT YOUR PHONE ONCE THE DEBLOAT IS OVER." read -r -p "Choose an action : " if [[ $REPLY = 0 ]]; then list_installed_packages; elif [[ $REPLY = 1 ]]; then restore_backup; elif [[ $REPLY = 2 || $REPLY = 3 || $REPLY = 4 || $REPLY = 5 ]]; then clear -x (( !BRAND_SUPPORTED )) && printf "\n${BRED}%s${NC}\n" "No $BRAND debloat list found. Feel free to contribute ! :)" case $REPLY in 2) { title="RESTORE"; RESTORE=1; ROOT=0; };; 3) { title="DEBLOAT"; RESTORE=0; ROOT=0; };; 4) { title="RESTORE"; RESTORE=1; ROOT=1; };; 5) { title="DEBLOAT"; RESTORE=0; ROOT=1; };; esac if (( ROOT && NEWER_THAN_ANDROID_9 )); then magisk_module continue fi if (( ROOT )); then printf "\n%s\n" "The script will physically remove the apks from your phone" printf "%s${BBLUE}%s${NC}%s\n" "Do you prefer to use a " "Magisk " "module for a systemless debloat instead? [y/n]" read -r if [[ $REPLY =~ [Yy] ]]; then magisk_module continue fi fi ((!ROOT)) && printf "\n${BORANGE}%s\n" "=================== $title ===================" (( ROOT )) && printf "\n${BORANGE}%s\n" "================ $title (ROOT) ===============" printf "%s\n" "# #" printf "%-12s${NC}%s${BORANGE}%14s\n" "#" "1 - $title a package" "#" | awk '{print tolower($0)}' (( BRAND_SUPPORTED )) && printf "#${NC}%7s 2 - ${BRAND} %$((25-${#BRAND}))s ${BORANGE} #\n" printf "%-12s${NC}%s${BORANGE}%27s\n" "#" "3 - GFAM" "#" printf "%-12s${NC}%s${BORANGE}%23s\n" "#" "4 - Carriers" "#" printf "%-12s${NC}%s${BORANGE}%25s\n" "#" "5 - Others" "#" printf "%-12s${NC}%s${BORANGE}%27s\n" "#" "6 - AOSP" "#" printf "%-12s${NC}%s${BORANGE}%18s\n" "#" "7 - External list" "#" (( ROOT && !RESTORE )) && printf "#${NC}%7s 8 - Create a flashable zip${BORANGE}%7s #\n" printf "%s\n" "# #" printf "%-12s${NC}%s${BORANGE}%15s\n" "#" "0 - Pending list /!\\" "#" printf "%s\n" "# #" printf "%s\n${NC}\n" "=================================================" read -r -p "Your selection (e.g: 2 3 4 5): " if [[ "$REPLY" =~ 7 ]]; then import_external_list && debloat_or_restore EXTERNAL_LIST; fi if [[ "$REPLY" =~ 4 ]]; then lists_selection us_carriers french_carriers german_carriers; fi if [[ "$REPLY" =~ 3 ]]; then lists_selection google facebook amazon microsoft; fi if [[ "$REPLY" =~ 1 ]]; then debloat_or_restore; fi if [[ "$REPLY" =~ 2 ]]; then debloat_or_restore "$BRAND"; fi if [[ "$REPLY" =~ 5 ]]; then lists_selection qualcomm mediatek misc; fi if [[ "$REPLY" =~ 6 ]]; then debloat_or_restore aosp; fi if [[ "$REPLY" =~ 8 ]]; then create_flashable_zip; fi if [[ "$REPLY" =~ 0 ]]; then debloat_or_restore pending; fi elif [[ "$REPLY" =~ [Xx] ]]; then adb reboot && exit 0; fi done } ############################################ END OF MAIN SCRIPT ###################################################### import_external_list() { local path="" while true; do printf "\n${BRED}%s${NC}" "Path to the list: " read -r path if readarray -t EXTERNAL_LIST < "$path"; then break; fi done for i in "${EXTERNAL_LIST[@]}"; do if [[ $ROOT -eq 1 && $RESTORE -eq 0 && $i =~ ^/.*\.apk$ ]]; then printf "\n${BRED}%s${NC}\n\n" "Please use a package list, not an APK list" exit 1 elif [[ $ROOT -eq 0 && ! $i =~ ^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)+[0-9a-zA-Z_]$ ]]; then printf "\n${BRED}%s${NC}%s${BRED}%s${NC}%s\n\n" "$i" " is not a package (format is" " com.android.bips" ")" exit 1 elif [[ $ROOT -eq 1 && $RESTORE -eq 1 && ! $i =~ ^/.*\.apk$ ]]; then printf "\n${BRED}%s${NC}\n\n" "Please use an APK list" exit 1 fi done } associate_path_with_package() { local -n ASSOCIATE="$1" declare -a PACKAGES=() readarray -t PACKAGES < <(adb shell 'pm list packages -s -u -f' | sed -r 's/package://g' | sort -i) for i in "${PACKAGES[@]}"; do ASSOCIATE["${i##*=}"]="${i%=*}" done } generate_custom_list() { clear -x local -n list="$1" [[ $# -eq 2 ]] && local user_id="$2" CUSTOM_LIST=() if (( ROOT )); then declare -A PACKAGE_AND_PATH=() # PACKAGE_AND_PATH[package]=path/to/apk declare -a TEMP=() associate_path_with_package PACKAGE_AND_PATH readarray -t TEMP < <(comm -12 <(for p in "${list[@]}"; do echo "${p}"; done|sort -i) \ <(for p in "${!PACKAGE_AND_PATH[@]}"; do echo "$p"; done|sort -i)) [[ RESTORE -ne 1 ]] && printf "\n${BGREEN}%s${NC}\n\n" "Clearing app data..." for p in "${TEMP[@]}"; do [[ RESTORE -ne 1 ]] && printf "${BBLUE}%s${NC}" "$p --> " && adb shell "pm clear $p" CUSTOM_LIST+=("${PACKAGE_AND_PATH[$p]}") done if [[ $RESTORE -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ ${#CUSTOM_LIST[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then readarray -t CUSTOM_LIST <(sort -i deleted_apks.txt) else readarray -t CUSTOM_LIST < <(comm -12 <(for p in "${CUSTOM_LIST[@]}"; do echo "${p}"; done|sort -i) \ <(sort -i deleted_apks.txt)) fi fi else if (( RESTORE )); then readarray -t CUSTOM_LIST < <(comm -12 <(for p in "${list[@]}"; do echo "${p}"; done|sort -i) \ <(adb shell "pm list packages -s -u $user_id" | sed 's/package://g' | sort -i)) else readarray -t CUSTOM_LIST < <(comm -12 <(for p in "${list[@]}"; do echo "${p}"; done|sort -i) \ <(adb shell "pm list packages -s $user_id" | sed 's/package://g' | sort -i)) fi fi return 0 } debloat_or_restore() { local action="" # restore or debloat local output="" local title=$( echo "$title" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') (( RESTORE )) && action='cmd package install-existing $package' || action='pm uninstall $user $package' # Android 7.1 and older can't reinstall packages if (( OLDER_THAN_ANDROID_8 )); then (( RESTORE && FORCE_UNINSTALL != 1 )) && action='pm enable $package' || action='am force-stop $package && pm disable-user $package && pm clear $package' fi # parse user list on the phone readarray -t USERS < <(adb shell pm list users | grep -o "{[0-9]*" | grep -o "[0-9]*") clear -x if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then local list="$1" printf "\n${BORANGE}%s${NC}\n" "==== $list debloat list ====" if (( ROOT )); then touch -a deleted_apks.txt generate_custom_list "$list" if (( RESTORE )); then restore_apks "$list"; else root_debloat "$list"; fi return fi for u_num in "${USERS[@]}"; do local user=$( ((OLDER_THAN_ANDROID_5)) && echo "" || echo "--user $u_num" ) generate_custom_list "$list" "$user" if [[ ${#CUSTOM_LIST[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then printf "${BBLUE}%s${NC}%s" "[user $u_num]" " Nothing to $title :)" && sleep 1 && continue fi for package in "${CUSTOM_LIST[@]}"; do do_package_action_and_log done done sleep 1 else if (( ROOT )); then touch -a deleted_apks.txt if (( RESTORE )); then restore_apks; else root_debloat; fi return fi printf "\n${BRED}%s${NC}" "Package name to $title: " read -r package for u_num in "${USERS[@]}"; do local user=$( ((OLDER_THAN_ANDROID_5)) && echo "" || echo "--user $u_num" ) do_package_action_and_log done sleep 1 fi } do_package_action_and_log() { printf "${BBLUE}%s${BRED}%s${NC}%s" "[user $u_num] " "$package --> " output="$(eval adb shell "$action")" && echo "$output" if [[ ! "$output" =~ Failure|Error ]]; then if [[ $RESTORE -eq 0 ]]; then grep -qxF "$package" debloated_packages.txt || echo "$package" >> "debloated_packages.txt" else grep -qFv "$package" debloated_packages.txt > temp.tmp || touch temp.tmp; mv temp.tmp debloated_packages.txt fi fi } backup_apks() { printf "\n%s${BRED}%s${NC}%s\n\n" "Your apks are beeing backed-up in" " apks_backup/" " (in case you mess up)" local -n apks="$1" mkdir -p apks_backup for apk in "${apks[@]}"; do if ! adb pull "$apk" apks_backup/; then printf "\n${BRED}%s${NC}%s\n" "$apk" " cannot be found on the phone!" printf "\n${BRED}%s${NC}\n\n" "APKs backup failed" && exit 1 fi done printf "\n${BGREEN}%s${NC}\n\n" "Backup done!" } create_flashable_zip() { clear -x declare -a selection=() local UPDATE_BINARY="META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary" echo for i in "${!LISTS[@]}"; do printf "%-2s%s\n" "$i" " - ${LISTS[$i]}" done printf "\n${BRED}%s${NC} " "Your choice (e.g 1 2 3) :" read -r -a selection for i in "${selection[@]}"; do if [[ "${LISTS[$i]}" == EXTERNAL_LIST ]]; then import_external_list fi done mkdir -p META-INF/com/google/android/ echo "#!/sbin/sh" > "$UPDATE_BINARY" echo "echo 'ui_print --- Universal Android Debloater ---' > /proc/self/fd/\$2" >> "$UPDATE_BINARY" echo "mount $SYSTEM_MOUNT_POINT" >> "$UPDATE_BINARY" declare -i is_empty=1 for list in "${selection[@]}"; do if (( list > ${#LISTS[@]} )) || (( list < 1 )); then continue; fi generate_custom_list "${LISTS[$list]}" backup_apks CUSTOM_LIST for package in "${CUSTOM_LIST[@]}"; do echo "rm -rf $package" >> "$UPDATE_BINARY" done [[ $is_empty -eq 1 && ${#CUSTOM_LIST[@]} -gt 0 ]] && is_empty=0 done if [[ $is_empty -eq 1 ]]; then printf "\n${BRED}%s${NC}\n" "Nothing to debloat!" rm -rf META-INF/ else echo "umount $SYSTEM_MOUNT_POINT" >> "$UPDATE_BINARY" echo "echo 'ui_print ----- ALL DONE -----' > /proc/self/fd/\$2" >> "$UPDATE_BINARY" zip -rm flashable_zip_UAD_${VERSION%%[[:space:]]*}.zip META-INF/ 1>/dev/null printf "\n${BGREEN}%s${NC}%s\n" "flashable_zip_UAD_$VERSION.zip" " has been generated." fi sleep 2 } restore_apks() { declare -a path=() if [[ $# -eq 1 ]]; then [[ ${#CUSTOM_LIST[@]} -eq 0 ]] && echo "Nothing to restore" && sleep 1 && return printf "\n%s${BBLUE}%s${NC}%s${BBLUE}%s${NC}\n\n" "Deleted apks from " "$list" " will be restored from " "apks_backups/" printf "\n${BRED}%s${NC}\n\n" "Check your phone: Magisk Manager is probably asking you to grand root permissions for ADB" else printf "\n%s${BRED}%s${NC}%s" "Android Path of the APK to restore (the APK will be restored from " "apks_backups/" "): " read -r path if [[ ! $path =~ ^/.*\.apk$ ]]; then printf "\n${BRED}%s${NC}%s${BRED}%s${NC}%s\n" "$path" "doesn't look like a valid APK path" sleep 2 && return 0 fi CUSTOM_LIST=("$path") fi if [[ $NEWER_THAN_ANDROID_9 -eq 1 ]]; then magisk_module return fi adb shell "su -c \"mount -o rw,remount $SYSTEM_MOUNT_POINT\"" for p in "${CUSTOM_LIST[@]}"; do # $p = path/to/app.apk local apk=$(echo "$p" | sed -r 's/.*\///g') # app.apk local dir=$(dirname "$p") # path/to if adb push "apks_backup/$apk" /sdcard && adb shell "su -c 'mkdir -p \"$dir\"; mv \"/sdcard/$apk\" \"$dir\"; chmod 644 \"$p\"'"; then grep -Fqv "$p" deleted_apks.txt > temp.tmp || touch temp.tmp; mv temp.tmp deleted_apks.txt fi done adb shell "su -c \"mount -f -o ro,remount $SYSTEM_MOUNT_POINT\"" printf "\n${BRED}%s${NC}%s\n" "Reboot your phone and Android will reinstall the app(s)" printf "\n\e[5m%s\033[0m" "Press any key to continue" read -n 1 -r -s } root_debloat() { local method="" if [[ $# -eq 1 ]]; then [[ ${#CUSTOM_LIST[@]} -eq 0 ]] && echo "Nothing to debloat :)" && sleep 1 && return 0 else printf "\n${BRED}%s${NC}" "Android Path of the APK to delete: " read -r path if [[ ! $path =~ ^/.*\.apk$ ]]; then printf "\n${BRED}%s${NC}%s${BRED}%s${NC}%s\n" "$path" " doesn't look like a valid APK path" sleep 2 && return 0 fi CUSTOM_LIST=("$path") fi backup_apks CUSTOM_LIST read -r -p "Type YES if you want to physically delete the apk(s): " if [[ $REPLY = "YES" ]]; then if [[ $NEWER_THAN_ANDROID_9 -eq 1 ]]; then magisk_module 1 return fi local commandes="mount -o rw,remount $SYSTEM_MOUNT_POINT;" for apk in "${CUSTOM_LIST[@]}"; do grep -qxF "$apk" deleted_apks.txt || echo "$apk" >> "deleted_apks.txt" commandes+="echo \"rm -rf $apk\"; rm -rf \"$apk\";" done commandes+="mount -f -o ro,remount $SYSTEM_MOUNT_POINT" printf "\n${BRED}%s${NC}\n\n" "Check your phone: Magisk Manager is probably asking you to grand root permissions for ADB" adb shell "su -c '$commandes'" printf "\n${BRED}%s${NC}\n" "DONE" printf "\n%s${BRED}%s${NC}\n" "A list of deleted apks has been backed-up in " "deleted_apks.txt" printf "\n\e[5m%s\033[0m" "Press any key to continue" read -n 1 -r -s fi } magisk_module() { clear -x declare -a selection=() declare -i is_empty=1 echo if (( !RESTORE )); then for i in "${!LISTS[@]}"; do printf "%-2s%s\n" "$i" " - ${LISTS[$i]}" done printf "\n${BRED}%s${NC} " "Your choice (e.g 1 2 3) :" read -r -a selection for i in "${selection[@]}"; do if [[ "${LISTS[$i]}" == EXTERNAL_LIST ]]; then import_external_list fi done else printf "%-2s%s\n" "1" " - deleted_apks.txt" printf "%-2s%s\n" "2" " - EXTERNAL_LIST" printf "\n${BRED}%s${NC} " "Your choice :" read -r selection=(1) case $REPLY in 1) readarray -t CUSTOM_LIST < deleted_apks.txt ;; 2) { import_external_list && CUSTOM_LIST=("${EXTERNAL_LIST[@]}"); } ;; *) exit 1 ;; esac fi touch -a deleted_apks.txt rm -r MAGISK_MODULE || true mkdir MAGISK_MODULE cd "$_" local -r MODULE_DIR=$(pwd) cat << EOF > module.prop id=universal-android-debloater name=Universal Android Debloater Magisk Flashable zip version=1.0 versionCode=1000 author=w1nst0n description=custom root debloat script EOF mkdir -p META-INF/com/google/android/ && cd "$_" wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/topjohnwu/Magisk/master/scripts/module_installer.sh mv module_installer.sh update-binary echo "#MAGISK" > updater-script cd "$MODULE_DIR" [[ RESTORE -eq 0 ]] && echo "REPLACE=\"" > customize.sh for list in "${selection[@]}"; do if (( list > ${#LISTS[@]} )) || (( list < 1 )); then continue; fi cd .. if (( !RESTORE )); then generate_custom_list "${LISTS[$list]}" backup_apks CUSTOM_LIST fi cd "$MODULE_DIR" for apk in "${CUSTOM_LIST[@]}"; do if (( RESTORE )); then local dir="$(dirname "${apk:1}")" mkdir -p "$dir" cp "../apks_backup/$(echo "$apk" | sed -r 's/.*\///g')" "${apk:1}" grep -Fqv "$apk" ../deleted_apks.txt > temp.tmp || touch temp.tmp; mv temp.tmp ../deleted_apks.txt else grep -qxF "$(dirname "$apk")" customize.sh || dirname "$apk" >> customize.sh grep -qxF "$apk" ../deleted_apks.txt || echo "$apk" >> ../deleted_apks.txt fi done [[ $is_empty -eq 1 && ${#CUSTOM_LIST[@]} -gt 0 ]] && is_empty=0 done if [[ RESTORE -eq 0 && $is_empty -eq 1 ]]; then printf "\n${BRED}%s${NC}\n" "Nothing to debloat!" cd .. && rm -rf MAGISK_MODULE return 0 fi [[ RESTORE -ne 1 ]] && echo "\"" >> customize.sh zip -FSrm ../uad_magisk_"${VERSION%%[[:space:]]*}_$title".zip ./* 1>/dev/null || true cd .. && rm -rf MAGISK_MODULE printf "\n${BGREEN}%s${NC}%s\n" "uad_magisk_${VERSION%%[[:space:]]*}.zip" " has been generated." printf "\n%s${BBLUE}%s${NC}%s${BBLUE}%s${NC}%s\n" "Flash this file from " "Magisk Manager " "or " "TWRP " "and reboot your phone." printf "\n%s${BBLUE}%s${NC}%s\n" "Removing the module from " "Magisk Manager " "will restore the apks." if [[ $BRAND == "samsung" ]]; then printf "\n${BRED}%s${NC}\n\n" "/!\ TWRP doesn't support Samsung encryption. You won't be able to flash this Magisk module from TWRP /!\\" fi printf "\e[5m%s\033[0m" "Press any key to continue" read -n 1 -r -s } lists_selection() { clear -x declare -a selection=() for ((i=1; i<=$#; i++)); do printf "%-2s%s\n" "$i" " - ${!i}" done printf "\n${BRED}%s${NC} " "Your choice (e.g 1 2 3) :" read -r -a selection for list in "${selection[@]}"; do if (( list > $# )) || (( list < 1 )); then continue; fi debloat_or_restore "${!list}" done } list_installed_packages() { clear -x declare -a packages=() printf "\n${BRED}%s${NC}" "Search for packages (regex accepted): " read -r echo readarray -t packages < <(adb shell "pm list packages -f" | grep -i "$REPLY" | sed 's/package://g' | sort || true) for i in "${packages[@]}"; do printf "%s${BBLUE}%s${NC}\n" "${i##*=}" " ${i%=*}" done printf "\n\e[5m%s\033[0m" "Press any key to continue" read -n 1 -r -s } restore_backup() { clear -x printf "${BRED}%s${NC}" "Enter the path of the backup to restore : " read -r check_backup_integrity "$REPLY" && adb restore "$REPLY" || printf "\n${BRED}%s${NC}\n" "The backup is corrupted. Abort!" echo printf "\e[5m%s\033[0m" "Press any key to continue" read -n 1 -r -s } backup() { clear -x local backup=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S) adb backup -apk -all -system -f "${PHONE:-phone}-${backup}.adb" # -noshare option is default echo printf "\n\e[5m%s\033[0m" "Press a key when the backup is done (your phone will tell you) " read -n 1 -r -s check_backup_integrity "${PHONE:-phone}-${backup}.adb"; } check_backup_integrity() { printf "\n\n${BBLUE}%s${NC}" "[($1)] Backup integrity checking : " ! [[ -f $1 ]] && printf "${BRED}%s${NC}\n\n" "Backup not found" && return 1 # first 24 bytes are skipped (adb backup are modified compressed tar files with a 24B custom header) if ! dd if="$1" bs=128k skip=24 iflag=skip_bytes 2>/dev/null | zlib-flate -uncompress | tar tf - &>/dev/null; then printf "${BRED}%s${NC}\n\n" "FAILED" && return 1 else printf "${BGREEN}%s${NC}\n\n" "OK" fi } get_brand() { local brand brand=$(adb shell getprop ro.product.brand | tr -d '\r' | awk '{print tolower($0)}') # Support for alternative name case "$brand" in "redmi") echo "xiaomi" ;; *) echo "$brand" esac } uad_recovery_mode() { ROOT=1 while true; do printf "\n${BBLUE}%s\n" "========== MAIN MENU (RECOVERY MODE) ==========" printf "%s\n" "# #" printf "%-12s${NC}%s${BBLUE}%12s\n" "#" "1 - Restore APKs (Root)" "#" printf "%-12s${NC}%s${BBLUE}%12s\n" "#" "2 - Debloat APKs (Root)" "#" printf "%s\n" "# #" printf "%-12s${NC}%s${BBLUE}%6s\n" "#" "X - Exit and reboot the phone" "#" printf "%s\n" "# #" printf "%s${NC}\n\n" "=================================================" read -r -p "Choose an action : " case $REPLY in 1) { title="RESTORE"; RESTORE=1; };; 2) { title="DEBLOAT"; RESTORE=0; };; [Xx]) { adb reboot && exit 0; };; *) exit esac clear -x printf "\n${BBLUE}%s\n" "================ $title (ROOT) ===============" printf "%s\n" "# #" printf "%-12s${NC}%s${BBLUE}%17s\n" "#" "1 - $title an APK" "#" | awk '{print tolower($0)}' printf "%-12s${NC}%s${BBLUE}%18s\n" "#" "2 - External list" "#" ((RESTORE)) && printf "#${NC}%9s 3 - deleted_apks.txt ${BBLUE}%11s#\n" printf "%s\n" "# #" printf "%s\n${NC}" "=================================================" read -r -p "Choose an action : " if [[ $REPLY = 1 ]]; then printf "\n${BRED}%s${NC}" "Android path of the APK to $title: " read -r path if [[ ! $path =~ ^/.*\.apk$ ]]; then printf "\n${BRED}%s${NC}%s${BRED}%s${NC}%s\n" "$path" " doesn't look like a valid APK path" sleep 3 && return 0 fi CUSTOM_LIST=("$path") fi if [[ $REPLY = 2 ]]; then import_external_list && CUSTOM_LIST=("${EXTERNAL_LIST[@]}"); fi if [[ $REPLY = 3 && $RESTORE -eq 1 ]]; then readarray -t CUSTOM_LIST < "deleted_apks.txt"; fi if [[ RESTORE -eq 0 ]]; then backup_apks CUSTOM_LIST printf "\n%s${BRED}%s${NC}%s\n\n" "Your apks has been backed-up in" " apks_backup/" " (in case you messed up)" fi [[ $NEWER_THAN_ANDROID_9 -eq 1 ]] && magisk_module && continue printf "\n%s\n" "The script will physically remove the apks from your phone." printf "%s${BBLUE}%s${NC}%s\n" "Do you prefer to use a " "Magisk " "module for a systemless debloat instead? [y/n]" read -r if [[ $REPLY =~ [Yy] ]]; then magisk_module continue fi for p in "${CUSTOM_LIST[@]}"; do # $p = path/to/app.apk local apk=$(echo "$p" | sed -r 's/.*\///g') # app.apk local dir=$(dirname "$p") # path/to if [[ $RESTORE -eq 0 ]]; then adb shell "rm -rf $p" && echo "rm -rf $p" grep -qxF "$p" deleted_apks.txt || echo "$p" >> "deleted_apks.txt" else echo "adb push apks_backup/$apk /\"$p\"" if adb shell "mkdir -p $dir" && adb push "apks_backup/$apk" "/$p"; then grep -qFv "$p" deleted_apks.txt > temp.tmp || touch temp.tmp; mv temp.tmp deleted_apks.txt fi fi done sleep 2 done } main "$@"; exit