Bugfixes + Code improvement & cleaning

This commit is contained in:
w1nst0n 2020-03-11 22:46:16 +01:00
parent b8685af2b5
commit cab7830a69

View file

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
# BASH 4.3 or newer is needed ! (use of locale -n)
for file in ./lists/* ; do
if [ -f "$file" ] ; then . "$file"; fi
@ -19,12 +20,12 @@ nBold=$(tput sgr0)
function debloat {
# user choice : restore/debloat
local user_choice=""
[[ $action_arg = 'r' ]] && user_choice='cmd package install-existing $package' || user_choice='pm uninstall $option_needed $package'
local action=""
(($restore)) && action='cmd package install-existing $package' || action='pm uninstall $option_needed $package'
# Android 7.1 and older can't reinstall packages
if [[ $(adb shell getprop ro.build.version.release) < 8.0 && "$force_uninstall" = "0" ]]; then
[[ $action_arg = 'r' ]] && user_choice='pm enable $package' || user_choice='pm disable-user $package && am force-stop $package && pm clear $package'
if (( $(echo "$(adb shell getprop ro.build.version.release) < 8.0" | bc -l) && !$force_uninstall)); then
(($restore)) && action='pm enable $package' || action='pm disable-user $package && am force-stop $package && pm clear $package'
local -n list=$1 # list is a nameref. Array is passed by reference.
@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ function debloat {
printf "\n${RED}${Bold}=== $1 debloat list ===${nBold}${NC}\n"
for package in "${list[@]}"; do
printf "${RED}$package${NC} --> "
local output=$(eval adb shell $user_choice)
local output=$(eval adb shell $action)
echo "$output"
if [[ "$output" != "Failure" ]]; then echo "$package" >> "debloated_packages.txt"; fi
@ -46,9 +47,9 @@ function carrier_choice {
printf "\n${RED}${Bold}Your choice : ${nBold}${NC}"
read -n 1
case $REPLY in
1) [[ $action_arg = 'r' ]] && debloat us_carriers_bloat || debloat us_carriers_bloat ;;
2) [[ $action_arg = 'r' ]] && debloat french_carriers_bloat || debloat french_carriers_bloat ;;
3) [[ $action_arg = 'r' ]] && debloat german_carriers_bloat || debloat german_carriers_bloat ;;
1) debloat us_carriers_bloat ;;
2) debloat french_carriers_bloat ;;
3) debloat german_carriers_bloat ;;
@ -65,23 +66,25 @@ function list {
function remove_or_install_one {
local choice=""
local user_choice=''
if [[ $action_arg = 'r' ]];
then choice="restore"; user_choice='cmd package install-existing $REPLY';
else choice="uninstall"; user_choice='pm uninstall $option_needed $REPLY';
local action=''
if (($restore)); then choice="restore"; action='cmd package install-existing $REPLY';
else choice="uninstall"; action='pm uninstall $option_needed $REPLY';
# Android 7.1 and older can't reinstall packages
if [[ $(adb shell getprop ro.build.version.release) < 8.0 && "$force_uninstall" = "0" ]]; then
[[ $action_arg = 'r' ]] && user_choice='pm enable $REPLY' || user_choice='pm disable-user $REPLY && am force-stop $REPLY && pm clear $REPLY'
if (( $(echo "$(adb shell getprop ro.build.version.release) < 8.0" | bc -l) && !$force_uninstall )); then
(($restore)) && action='pm enable $REPLY' || action='pm disable-user $REPLY && am force-stop $REPLY && pm clear $REPLY'
printf "\n${RED}${Bold}Package name to $choice :${nBold}${NC} "
local output=$(eval adb shell $user_choice)
local output=$(eval adb shell $action)
echo "$output"
if [[ "$output" != "Failure" ]]; then echo "$REPLY" >> "debloated_packages.txt"; fi
printf "\e[5mPress any key to continue\033[0m"
read -n 1 -s
function restore {
@ -100,45 +103,28 @@ function check_backup_integrity {
read -n 1 -s
function brand_detection {
local brand=$(adb shell getprop ro.product.brand)
if [[ $brand>0 ]]; then
case $brand in
echo "asus_bloat" ;;
echo "huawei_bloat" ;;
echo "lg_bloat" ;;
echo "motorola_bloat" ;;
echo "nokia_bloat" ;;
echo "oneplus_bloat" ;;
echo "samsung_bloat" ;;
echo "sony_bloat" ;;
echo "xiaomi_bloat" ;;
echo "Brand not supported (yet)" ;;
adb shell exit
if (( $opcode )); then printf "${RED}${Bold}Device not connected${NC}\n"; exit -1; fi
brand=$(adb shell getprop ro.product.brand | awk '{print tolower($0)}')
option_needed="" # '--user 0' option doesn't exist in Android SDK API version < 20
if [[ $(adb shell getprop ro.build.version.sdk) > 20 ]]; then option_needed="--user 0"; fi
printf "\n ================================================\n"
printf " # #\n"
printf " # #\n"
printf " # %10s${RED}${Bold}v2.0 (February 4th 2020)${nBold}%11s#\n"
printf " # %10s${RED}${Bold}v2.2 (February 4th 2020)${nBold}%11s#\n"
printf " # #\n"
printf " ================================================\n"
adb devices
#adb devices
printf "${RED}${Bold}Please carefully read the FAQ before using this script!\n\n${NC}"
printf "Do you want to do an ADB backup ? [Yes/No] ?\n\n${nBold}"
read -r
@ -151,18 +137,10 @@ if [[ $REPLY =~ [Yy]+[Ee]*[Ss]* ]]; then
check_backup_integrity "${PHONE:-phone}-${backup}.adb";
if [[ $space =~ "-" ]]; then space="0"; fi
# --user 0 option doesn't exist in Android SDK API version < 20
if [[ $(adb shell getprop ro.build.version.sdk) > 20 ]]; then option_needed="--user 0"; fi
while true; do
if [[ $(adb shell getprop ro.build.version.release) < 8.0 ]]; then
if (( $(echo "$(adb shell getprop ro.build.version.release) < 8.0" | bc -l) )); then
printf "${RED}${Bold}WARNING : Your android version is too old (< 8.0). Uninstalled packages can't be restored.\n";
printf "By default the script will force-disable the apps instead of uninstalling them so that you can restore them if needed\n\n"
printf "If you still want to force-uninstall the apps, type '1' ('0' otherwise): ${NC}"
@ -173,8 +151,8 @@ while true; do
printf "\n${Bold}${ORANGE}=================== MAIN MENU ===================\n"
printf "# ${ORANGE} #\n"
printf "#${nBold}${NC}%12s 0 - List packages ${ORANGE} #\n"
printf "#${NC} 1 - Restore packages ${ORANGE} #\n"
printf "#${NC} 2 - Restore a save ${ORANGE} #\n"
printf "#${NC} 1 - Restore a save ${ORANGE} #\n"
printf "#${NC} 2 - Restore packages ${ORANGE} #\n"
printf "#${NC} 3 - Debloat packages ${ORANGE} #\n"
printf "#${NC} ${ORANGE} #\n"
printf "${Bold}===================================================${NC}${nBold}\n\n"
@ -184,19 +162,18 @@ while true; do
if [[ $action = 0 ]]; then list; fi
if [[ $action = 1 ]]; then restore; fi
if [[ $action = 2 ]]; then restore; fi
if [[ $action = 1 || $action = 3 ]]; then
if [[ $action = 2 || $action = 3 ]]; then
if [[ $action = 1 ]]; then title="RESTORE"; action_arg='r'; fi
if [[ $action = 1 ]]; then title="RESTORE"; restore=1; fi
printf "\n${Bold}${ORANGE}==================== $title ====================\n"
printf "# ${ORANGE} #\n"
printf "#${NC} 1 - $title a package ${ORANGE} %-6s#\n" | awk '{print tolower($0)}'
printf "#${nBold}${NC}%12s 2 - ${brand} %${space}s ${ORANGE} #\n"
printf "#${nBold}${NC}%12s 2 - ${brand} %$((25-${#brand}))s ${ORANGE} #\n"
printf "#${NC} 3 - GFAM ${ORANGE} #\n"
printf "#${NC} 4 - Carriers ${ORANGE} #\n"
printf "#${NC} 5 - Others ${ORANGE} #\n"
@ -211,7 +188,7 @@ while true; do
if [[ "$action" =~ 4 ]]; then carrier_choice; fi
if [[ "$action" =~ -1 ]]; then debloat pending; fi
if [[ "$action" =~ 1 ]]; then remove_or_install_one; fi
if [[ "$action" =~ 2 ]]; then debloat; fi
if [[ "$action" =~ 2 ]]; then debloat $brand; fi
if [[ "$action" =~ 3 ]]; then debloat google_bloat && debloat microsoft_bloat && debloat amazon_bloat && debloat facebook_bloat; fi
if [[ "$action" =~ 5 ]]; then debloat misc_bloat; fi
if [[ "$action" =~ 6 ]]; then debloat aosp_bloat; fi