First Stable Version ?

This commit is contained in:
w1nst0n 2019-03-31 14:33:44 +02:00
parent c151847f0b
commit 857125109b
2 changed files with 121 additions and 61 deletions

View file

@ -1,30 +1,78 @@
# Beta Version (0.9.1)
# Here we go (v1.0)
### New Features added :
- **Backup before debloating**
- Sytem apps apk included
- Only internal memory
- Stored in current directory under "phone-DDMMYY-HHMMSS.adb"
### New features :
- **Restore a backup**
- **Brand auto-detect**
- new option "Auto debloat" added which use the debloat list adapted to your phone.
### Changed :
- Minor UI changes
- Debloat lists now in their own file
- **UI/UX adjustments**
- **Some improvement in the code**
# Beta Version (0.9)
# Beta Version (v0.9)
### New features :
- **Backup before debloating**
- Backup all .apk apps (system ones included)
- Only those stored in internal memory
- Backup is stored in current directory under "phone-DDMMYY-HHMMSS.adb"
- Adding
### Changed :
- **Minor UI changes**
# Beta Version (v0.8)
### New features :
- **New debloat list** :
- Miscellaneous
### Changed :
- **Most of android bloat (independant from brand device) is now moved into its own list (Android bloat) in order to avoid duplicate in the others lists
- **UI/UX improvement :**
- Colors added
- New banner
- **Moved the debloat lists into a another file (**
- **Removing 2 packages from the "Android debloat list" causing issue when importing contacts from a file**
- **Minor performances improvement**
# Beta Version (v0.7)
### New features :
- **New drand's specific debloat list** :
- Huawei
- **New debloat list** :
- T-Mobile related
- Microsoft related
- Google related
- "Android in general" related
### Changed :
- **Most of android bloat (independant from brand device) is now moved into its own list (Android bloat) in order to avoid duplicate in the others lists
- **UI/UX improvement :**
- Adding Colors
- New banner
# Beta Version (v0.6)
### New features added :
- **New drand's specific debloat list** :
- Xiaomi (not complete)
- **New debloat list** :
- Facebook related
### Changed :
- **Improving Samsung debloat list
- **UI/UX improvements**
# Initial Beta Version (v0.5)
### Features :
- **Brand's specific debloat lists** :
- Samsung
- Xiaomi
- Huawei
- **Debloat lists** :
- Facebook related
- T-Mobile related
- Microsoft related
- Google related
- Android related (generic list)
- Miscellaneous
- **Debloat list for Samsung (Galaxy S)**
- **Quick search among all the packages of the phone**
- **Debloat specific package**
- **Restore specific package**

View file

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ normal=$(tput sgr0)
function debloat {
printf "${RED}${bold}=== $brand debloat list ===${normal}${NC}\n"
for i in "${bloat[@]}"; do
adb shell "
printf '${RED}$i${NC} --> '
@ -45,82 +45,94 @@ function install {
function restore {
printf"Réstauration d'une sauvegarde\n"
adb shell "restore backup.ab"
printf "${RED}${bold}Restaurer une sauvegarde${normal}${NC}\n"
read -p "Nom ${bold}exact${normal} de la sauvegarde : "
adb restore $REPLY
function check_backup {
function check_backup_integrity {
set -o pipefail
for a in *.adb; do
echo "Vérification de la sauvegarde ($a)";
dd if="$a" bs=24 skip=1 | zlib-flate -uncompress | tar tf - >/dev/null;
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
printf "${RED}${bold}La sauvegarde généré est intègre${normal}${NC}\n"
else printf "${RED}${bold}La sauvegarde généré est corrompue ! ${normal}${NC}\n"
printf "${RED}${bold}La sauvegarde générée est intègre${normal}${NC}\n"
else printf "${RED}${bold}La sauvegarde générée est corrompue ! ${normal}${NC}\n"
function brand_detection {
for brand in ${brands[@]}; do
check=$(adb shell getprop | grep -c $brand)
if [[ $check>0 ]]; then
case $brand in
"Asus") echo "Asus -- Debloat list à faire" ;; #Penser à ajouter un break
"Huawei") echo "huawei_bloat" ;;
"LG") echo "LG -- Debloat list à faire" ;;
"Nokia") echo "Nokia -- Debloat list à faire" ;;
"Samsung") echo "samsung_bloat" ;;
"Xiaomi") echo "xiaomi_bloat" ;;
#echo "Marque non supportée"
printf "\n ================================================\n"
printf " # #\n"
printf " # SCRIPT ----- DEBLOAT #\n"
printf " # #\n"
printf " # ${RED}${bold}VERSION DE TEST : V 0.9${normal}${NC} #\n"
printf " # %14s${RED}${bold}v1.0 (31-03-2019)${normal}${NC}%14s#\n"
printf " # #\n"
printf " ================================================\n"
sleep 1
adb devices
printf "${RED}${bold}Voulez vous faire une sauvegarde du téléphone ? (recommandé) ${normal}${NC}\n"
read -p "YES / NO : "
printf "${RED}${bold}Voulez vous faire une sauvegarde du téléphone [Yes/No] ? (recommandé) ${normal}${NC}"
if [[ $REPLY =~ [Yy]+[Ee]*[Ss]* ]]; then
adb backup -apk -all -system -f "${PHONE:-phone}-`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`.adb" # -noshare option is default
else printf "${RED}${bold}Pas de sauvegarde${normal}${NC}\n"
# marque=$(adb shell getprop | grep manufacturer)
while true; do
printf "\n${bold}======= MENU PRINCIPAL ======= ${normal}\n"
printf "\n1 - Lister des paquets\n"
printf "\n${bold}======= MENU PRINCIPAL ======= ${normal}\n\n"
printf "1 - Lister des paquets\n"
printf "2 - Désinstaller un paquet\n"
printf "3 - Réinstaller un paquet\n"
printf "4 - Debloat Google\n"
printf "5 - Debloat Samsung\n"
printf "6 - Debloat T-Mobile\n"
printf "7 - Debloat Amazon\n"
printf "8 - Debloat Facebook\n"
printf "9 - Debloat Microsoft\n"
printf "10 - Debloat Autres\n"
printf "11 - Debloat Huawei\n"
printf "4 - Auto-Debloat\n"
printf "5 - Restaurer une sauvegarde\n"
printf "6 - Debloat Google\n"
printf "7 - Debloat T-Mobile\n"
printf "8 - Debloat Amazon\n"
printf "9 - Debloat Facebook\n"
printf "10 - Debloat Microsoft\n"
printf "11 - Debloat Divers\n"
printf "12 - Debloat Android\n"
printf "13 - Debloat Xiaomi\n"
printf "exit - Quitter\n\n"
read -p "${bold}Choisissez une action : ${normal}" action
case $action in
1) list ;;
2) remove ;;
3) install ;;
4) debloat google_bloat ;;
5) debloat samsung_bloat ;;
6) debloat T_Mobile_bloat ;;
7) debloat amazon_bloat ;;
8) debloat facebook_bloat ;;
9) debloat microsoft_bloat ;;
10) debloat misc_bloat ;;
11) debloat huawei_bloat;;
4) debloat $brand ;;
5) restore ;;
6) debloat google_bloat ;;
7) debloat T_Mobile_bloat ;;
8) debloat amazon_bloat ;;
9) debloat facebook_bloat ;;
10) debloat microsoft_bloat ;;
11) debloat misc_bloat ;;
12) debloat generic_bloat ;;
13) debloat xiaomi_bloat ;;
"exit") break ;;