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#!/usr/bin/env bash
declare -a oneplus=(
# I did some intensive searches on the web to find a list and I try my best to document it but I need OnePlus users to really improve it.
# I use [MORE INFO NEEDED] tag as a marker.
# In any case, OnePlus has a lot of shady logging app !
# Shot On OnePlus
# Accessible through the Wallpapers selection menu.
# Provide photos uploaded by OnePlus users, allowing you to set them as your current wallpaper.
# Each day, one new photo appears within the application.
# Wifi Radio Frequency test
# Probably used in factory. No hidden test menu to use it.
# Sensor Test Tool
# Provide fingerprint hidden test menu (type *#806 in OnePlus dialer)
# Auto Test Server
# Used to test the hardware of your device and change hidden settings.
# Used by a Shady logging app (com.oem.oemlogkit) which can be activated a bit to easily.
# No good reason why this app is on customer devices.
# It can log WiFi traffic, Bluetooth traffic, NFC activity, GPS coordinates over time, power consumption, modem signal/data details, "lag issues," and more.
# https://thehackernews.com/2017/11/oneplus-logkit-app.html
# https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/second-oneplus-factory-app-discovered-this-one-dumps-photos-wifi-and-gps-logs/
# Source : https://nitter.net/fs0c131y/status/930773795656396801
# OnePlus NFC tester
# OnePlusLogKit
# See "com.oem.logkitsdservice"
# OnePlus Switch (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.oneplus.backuprestore)
# Lets you migrate your contacts, text messages, photos, and other data from your previous phone to a OnePlus phone.
# It can also help backup your data of the OnePlus phone as a compressed archive.
# OnePlus Zen Mode (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.oneplus.brickmode)
# Zen Mode will help you put down your phone and enjoy your life.
# In Zen Mode you will only be able to take photos and answer calls.
# OnePlus Bluetooth test mode
# Type *#*#232339#*#* in the OnePlus dialer to access hidden test menu.
# Card Package
# Widget which lets you add membership card in Shelf.
# You enter numbers for a club card or something and it'll store it and generate a barcode for you.
# Note : Shelf is essentially a page on your home screen that allows you to take memos, add widgets, gain access to your most-used apps,
# and get a quick glimpse of the weather. Swipe right (from the left edge of your OnePlus screen) and you'll see Shelf in action.
# EngineeringMode/ FactoryMode
# Used by the operator in the factory to test the devices.
# You only need to type *#808# in the OnePlus dialer to acess the hidden menu.
# Potential security risk : https://nitter.net/fs0c131y/status/930115188988182531
# It's now possible for an app to enable root access on any device with the APK preinstalled.
# For now, this only works in ADB, which requires local access to the device.
# OnePlus decided to remove this app.
# Engineering Mode Special Test
# Used by the operator in the factory to test the devices.
# See above.
# OnePlus Game Space
# Useless. Game launcher.
# Allows you to launch your game library as well as checking out several stats about the game, such as how long you have played.
# OnePlus Icon Pack - Round (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.oneplus.iconpack.circle)
# OnePlus Icon Pack (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.oneplus.iconpack.oneplus)
# OnePlus Icon Pack - Square (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.oneplus.iconpack.square)
# OnePlus Notes app
# OPBugReportLite
# Sends silently, every 6 hours, the battery stats, kernel panics, watchdogs, ANRs and all crashes of your device to Singapore.
# https://www.androidpit.com/oneplus-opbugreportlite-data-collection
# Source (yeah it's Elliot Alderson again :D) : https://nitter.net/fs0c131y/status/933037531066785797
# OnePlus voice recording app
# Soter is a biometric authentication standard and platform in Android held by Tencent.
# https://github.com/Tencent/soter#a-quick-look-at-tencent-soter
# FYI : Tencent is a Chinese multinational conglomerate holding company (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tencent#Controversies)
# WAPI certificate manager
# WAPI = WLAN Authentication and Privacy Infrastructure.
# It's a Chinese National Standard for Wireless LAN (local area network : within a limited area such as a home)
# Not very useful if you don't live in China.
# FYI : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WLAN_Authentication_and_Privacy_Infrastructure
# Digital certificates identify computers, phones, and apps for security. Just like you'd use your drivers license
# to show that you can legally drive, a digital certificate identifies your device and confirms that it should be able to access something.
# FYI : https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/102550/what-are-wifi-certificates-used-for-what-are-they
# OnePlus Common Log Tool
# 9 permissions and given what we know about OnePlus logging apps, it's a good idea to remove this
# See "com.oneplus.opbugreportlite", "com.oneplus.factorymode", "com.oem.logkitsdservice".
# OnePlus Community (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.oneplus.forums)
# Lets you access to OnePlus forum... wah that great !
# Shady analytic app... again.
# Sends A LOT of data to OnePlus' servers including the phone's IMEI number, the phone number, MAC addresses,
# mobile network names and IMSI prefixes, Wi-Fi connection info, the phone's serial number and every time an app was opened.
# Press : https://www.androidpolice.com/2017/10/10/never-settle-oneplus-found-collecting-personally-identifiable-analytics-data-phone-owners/
# Source : https://www.chrisdcmoore.co.uk/post/oneplus-analytics/
"net.oneplus.provider.appcategoryprovider" # [MORE INFO NEEDED]
# AppCategoryProvider
# Used to regroup app in category in the OnePlus launcher ?
# OnePlus push notification.
# It only concern OnePlus useless preinstalled apps ("surveys and other junks" according a user)
# https://forums.oneplus.com/threads/psa-non-root-root-stop-oneplus-push-notifications.580058/
# OnePlus can remotely sends you push notification :
# https://www.androidpolice.com/2019/07/01/oneplus-accidentally-pushed-a-cryptic-notification-to-all-7-pro-users/
# OnePlus weather app (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.oneplus.weather)
# OnePlus Widget
# Lets you use OnePlus widgets on the home screen.
########## ADVANCED DEBLOAT ##########
# TCMA stands for Tiered Contention Multiple Access, which is a cellular traffic management protocol.
# TCMA is a CSMA/CA protocol which schedules transmission of different types of traffic.
# I don't know if it's a good idea to remove given a CSMA/CA protocol improve QoS (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quality_of_service)
# At the same time, it is most likely only used in China (ch.oneplus ==> China version) and for OnePlus apps.
# FYI : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrier-sense_multiple_access_with_collision_avoidance
# OnePlus file manager