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mirror of https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix.git synced 2024-06-02 02:14:52 +12:00

867 lines
33 KiB

"extName": {
"message": "µMatrix",
"description": ""
"extShortDesc": {
"message": "Pek og klikk for å forby/tillate enhver forespørselsklasse fra nettleseren din. Bruk det til å blokkere skript, iframe-rammer, reklame, Facebook, osv.",
"description": "this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"dashboardPageName": {
"message": "uMatrix - Instrumentpanel",
"description": ""
"loggerPageName": {
"message": "uMatrix — Loggfører",
"description": "Title for the logger window"
"settingsPageName": {
"message": "Innstillinger",
"description": "a tab in dashboard"
"privacyPageName": {
"message": "Personvern",
"description": "a tab in dashboard"
"statsPageName": {
"message": "Statistikk",
"description": "a tab in dashboard"
"userRulesPageName": {
"message": "Mine regelsett",
"description": "a tab in dashboard"
"ubiquitousRulesPageName": {
"message": "Ressurser",
"description": "a tab in dashboard"
"rawSettingsPageName": {
"message": "Mer",
"description": "a tab in dashboard"
"aboutPageName": {
"message": "Om",
"description": "a tab in dashboard"
"allPrettyName": {
"message": "alt",
"description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"cookiePrettyName": {
"message": "kake",
"description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"cssPrettyName": {
"message": "CSS",
"description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"imagePrettyName": {
"message": "bilde",
"description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"mediaPrettyName": {
"message": "medie",
"description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"pluginPrettyName": {
"message": "tillegg",
"description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"scriptPrettyName": {
"message": "skript",
"description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"fetchPrettyName": {
"message": "fetch",
"description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"framePrettyName": {
"message": "ramme",
"description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"otherPrettyName": {
"message": "annet",
"description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"matrixNoNetTrafficPrompt": {
"message": "Ingen nettverkstrafikk oppdaget for denne fanen så langt.",
"description": ""
"matrixLocalScopeTip": {
"message": "Velg en lokal dekning for å se/lage regler som kun gjelder innenfor den dekningen",
"description": "Tool tip for the local scope button"
"matrixGlobalScopeTip": {
"message": "Velg den altdekkende dekningen for å se/lage regler som gjelder overalt",
"description": "Tool tip for the global scope button"
"matrixMtxButtonTip": {
"message": "Skru på/av matrisefiltrering for dette virkefeltet.",
"description": "Tool tip for matrix button"
"matrixPersistButtonTip": {
"message": "Lagre alle midlertidige endringer for dette virkefeltet.",
"description": "Tool tip for the persist button"
"matrixRevertButtonTip": {
"message": "Tilbakestill midlertidige endringer for dette virkefeltet.",
"description": "Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"matrixReloadButton": {
"message": "Gjeninnlast denne siden.",
"description": "Tool tip for the reload button"
"matrix1stPartyLabel": {
"message": "førsteparts",
"description": "1st-party"
"matrixBlacklistedHostnames": {
"message": "{{count}} svartelistede vertsnavn",
"description": "Appears in the metadata row of bottom-most group: **mind the limited width**"
"matrixSwitchNoMixedContent": {
"message": "Streng HTTPS",
"description": "A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"matrixSwitchNoWorker": {
"message": "Forby nettarbeidere",
"description": "A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"matrixSwitchReferrerSpoof": {
"message": "Lurendreiing av referent",
"description": "A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"matrixSwitchNoscriptSpoof": {
"message": "Etterlign <code><noscript></code>-merkene",
"description": "A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"matrixSwitchRevealCname": {
"message": "Reveal canonical names",
"description": "A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"matrixRevertAllEntry": {
"message": "Tilbakestill alle midlertidige endringer",
"description": "A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"matrixLoggerMenuEntry": {
"message": "Gå til loggføring",
"description": "A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"matrixDashboardMenuEntry": {
"message": "Gå til instrumentpanel",
"description": "A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"matrixNoTabFound": {
"message": "Ingen nettside ble funnet",
"description": "Displays in place of matrix when no data is found for the current page"
"matrixRecipeImportTip": {
"message": "Import rules",
"description": "Used as a tooltip for the recipe import button"
"matrixRecipeSaveTip": {
"message": "Save rules",
"description": "Used as a tooltip for the recipe padlock button"
"statsPageTitle": {
"message": "uMatrix &ndash; Statistikk",
"description": ""
"statsPageGenericStats": {
"message": "Alminnelig statistikk",
"description": ""
"statsPageCookieHeadersFoiled": {
"message": "<a href='https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Informasjonskapsel'>HTTP-infokapsels</a>hoder lurt: {{count}}",
"description": ""
"statsPageRefererHeadersFoiled": {
"message": "<a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_referer'>HTTP-referent</a>hoder lurt: {{count}}",
"description": ""
"statsPageHyperlinkAuditingFoiled": {
"message": "<a href='http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/links.html#hyperlink-auditing'>Hyperlenke-revisjon</a>forsøk lurt:{{count}}",
"description": ""
"statsPageCookiesRemoved": {
"message": "{{count}} lokale kaker fjernet",
"description": ""
"statsPageLocalStoragesCleared": {
"message": "{{count}} <a href='http://diveintohtml5.info/storage.html'>lokallager</a>tømt",
"description": ""
"statsPageBrowserCacheCleared": {
"message": "{{count}} nettlesermellomlager tømt",
"description": ""
"statsPageDetailedStats": {
"message": "Detaljert statistikk",
"description": ""
"statsPageDetailedAllPages": {
"message": "Alt",
"description": ""
"statsPageDetailedBehindTheScenePage": {
"message": "Bak sceneteppet",
"description": ""
"statsPageOverview": {
"message": "Oversikt",
"description": ""
"statsPageRequests": {
"message": "Forespørsler",
"description": "header for the stat type column"
"statsPageAllowed": {
"message": "Tillatt",
"description": "header for the allowed requests column"
"statsPageBlocked": {
"message": "Blokkert",
"description": "header for the blocked requests column"
"statsPageAll": {
"message": "Alt",
"description": ""
"statsPagePages": {
"message": "Sider",
"description": ""
"statsPageCookies": {
"message": "Informasjonskapsler",
"description": ""
"statsPageCSS": {
"message": "CSS",
"description": ""
"statsPageImages": {
"message": "Bilder",
"description": ""
"statsPagePlugins": {
"message": "Tillegg",
"description": ""
"statsPageScripts": {
"message": "Skript",
"description": ""
"statsPageXHRs": {
"message": "XHR-er",
"description": ""
"statsPageFrames": {
"message": "Rammer",
"description": ""
"statsPageOthers": {
"message": "Annet",
"description": ""
"statsPageDetailed": {
"message": "Loggfører",
"description": ""
"statsPageLogSizePrompt1": {
"message": "Husk de seneste",
"description": "First part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"statsPageLogSizePrompt2": {
"message": "HTTP-forespørsler <b>per side</b>.",
"description": "Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"statsPageLogSizeHelp": {
"message": "<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).</p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.</p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.</p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0</code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix</i>).</p>",
"description": "To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
"statsPageRefresh": {
"message": "Gjenoppfrisk",
"description": ""
"logAll": {
"message": "All",
"description": "Appears in the logger's tab selector"
"logBehindTheScene": {
"message": "Tabless",
"description": "Pretty name for behind-the-scene network requests"
"loggerCurrentTab": {
"message": "Current tab",
"description": "Appears in the logger's tab selector"
"loggerReloadTip": {
"message": "Reload the tab content",
"description": "Tooltip for the reload button in the logger page"
"loggerFilterInputPlaceholder": {
"message": "filter-uttrykk",
"description": "Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"loggerEntryCookieDeleted": {
"message": "kake slettet: {{value}}",
"description": "An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"loggerEntryDeleteCookieError": {
"message": "kunne ikke slette kake: {{value}}",
"description": "An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"loggerEntryBrowserCacheCleared": {
"message": "nettlesermellomlager tømt",
"description": "An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"loggerEntryAssetUpdated": {
"message": "verdigjenstand oppdatert: {{value}}",
"description": "An entry for when an asset was updated"
"loggerRowFiltererButtonTip": {
"message": "Toggle logger filtering",
"description": "Tooltip for the row filterer button in the logger page"
"logFilterPrompt": {
"message": "filter logger content",
"description": "Placeholder string for logger output filtering input field"
"loggerPopupPanelTip": {
"message": "Toggle the popup panel",
"description": "Tooltip for the popup panel button in the logger page"
"loggerInfoTip": {
"message": "uBlock Origin wiki: The logger",
"description": "Tooltip for the top-right info label in the logger page"
"loggerClearTip": {
"message": "Clear logger",
"description": "Tooltip for the eraser in the logger page; used to blank the content of the logger"
"loggerPauseTip": {
"message": "Pause logger (discard all incoming data)",
"description": "Tooltip for the pause button in the logger page"
"loggerUnpauseTip": {
"message": "Unpause logger",
"description": "Tooltip for the play button in the logger page"
"loggerRowFiltererBuiltinTip": {
"message": "Logger filtering options",
"description": "Tooltip for the button to bring up logger output filtering options"
"loggerRowFiltererBuiltinNot": {
"message": "Not",
"description": "A keyword in the built-in row filtering expression"
"loggerRowFiltererBuiltinBlocked": {
"message": "blocked",
"description": "A keyword in the built-in row filtering expression"
"loggerRowFiltererBuiltinInfo": {
"message": "info",
"description": "A keyword in the built-in row filtering expression"
"loggerRowFiltererBuiltin1p": {
"message": "1st-party",
"description": "A keyword in the built-in row filtering expression"
"loggerRowFiltererBuiltin3p": {
"message": "3rd-party",
"description": "A keyword in the built-in row filtering expression"
"loggerEntryDetailsHeader": {
"message": "Details",
"description": "Small header to identify the 'Details' pane for a specific logger entry"
"loggerEntryDetailsContext": {
"message": "Context",
"description": "Label to identify a context field (typically a hostname)"
"loggerEntryDetailsPartyness": {
"message": "Partyness",
"description": "Label to identify a field providing partyness information"
"loggerEntryDetailsType": {
"message": "Type",
"description": "Label to identify the type of an entry"
"loggerEntryDetailsURL": {
"message": "URL",
"description": "Label to identify the URL of an entry"
"loggerEntryRuleHeader": {
"message": "Rule",
"description": "Small header to identify the 'Rule' pane for a specific logger entry"
"loggerSettingDiscardPrompt": {
"message": "Logger entries which do not fulfill all three conditions below will be automatically discarded:",
"description": "Logger setting: A sentence to describe the purpose of the settings below"
"loggerSettingPerEntryMaxAge": {
"message": "Preserve entries from the last {{input}} minutes",
"description": "A logger setting"
"loggerSettingPerTabMaxLoads": {
"message": "Preserve at most {{input}} page loads per tab",
"description": "A logger setting"
"loggerSettingPerTabMaxEntries": {
"message": "Preserve at most {{input}} entries per tab",
"description": "A logger setting"
"loggerSettingPerEntryLineCount": {
"message": "Use {{input}} lines per entry in vertically expanded mode",
"description": "A logger setting"
"loggerExportFormatList": {
"message": "List",
"description": "Label for radio-button to pick export format"
"loggerExportFormatTable": {
"message": "Table",
"description": "Label for radio-button to pick export format"
"loggerExportEncodePlain": {
"message": "Plain",
"description": "Label for radio-button to pick export text format"
"loggerExportEncodeMarkdown": {
"message": "Markdown",
"description": "Label for radio-button to pick export text format"
"settingsPageTitle": {
"message": "uMatrix &ndash; innstillinger",
"description": ""
"settingsMatrixDisplayHeader": {
"message": "Utseende",
"description": "header for matrix settings used in Settings page"
"settingsMatrixDisplayTextSizePrompt": {
"message": "Tekststørrelse:",
"description": ""
"settingsIconBadgeEnabled": {
"message": "Vis antall blokkerte ressurser på miniatyrbildet",
"description": ""
"settingsMatrixDisplayColorBlind": {
"message": "Fargeblindhets-vennlig",
"description": ""
"settingsMatrixConvenienceHeader": {
"message": "Bekvemmelighet",
"description": "English: Convenience"
"settingsDefaultScopeLevel": {
"message": "Standard breddenivå:",
"description": "Label for default scope level selector in Settings pane"
"settingsDefaultScopeLevel0": {
"message": "Altdekkende",
"description": "Scope will be global"
"settingsDefaultScopeLevel1": {
"message": "Domene",
"description": "Scope will be base domain"
"settingsDefaultScopeLevel2": {
"message": "Nettsted",
"description": "Scope will be full hostname of site"
"settingsCollapseBlocked": {
"message": "Fold sammen plassholderen tilhørende blokkerte elementer",
"description": "A setting in the dashboard's Settings pane"
"settingsCollapseBlacklisted": {
"message": "Klapp sammen stumtjeneren for svartelistede elementer",
"description": "A setting in the dashboard's Settings pane: 'blacklisted' means 'for which there is a specific block rule', 'specific' means 'a rule for which the destination hostname is not `*`'"
"settingsNoscriptTagsSpoofed": {
"message": "Etterlign <code><noscript></code>-merkene når førstepartsskripter er blokkert",
"description": "This appears in the Settings pane in the dashboard"
"settingsCloudStorageEnabled": {
"message": "Skru på støtte for sky-lagring",
"description": ""
"settingsMatrixNoTooltips": {
"message": "Skru av verktøytipsene",
"description": ""
"privacyPageTitle": {
"message": "uMatrix &ndash; personvern",
"description": ""
"privacyDeleteBlockedCookiesPrompt": {
"message": "Slettede blokkerte kaker.",
"description": ""
"privacyDeleteBlockedCookiesHelp": {
"message": "<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix</i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.</p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix</i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.</p><p><b>Important note:</b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix</i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.</p>",
"description": ""
"privacyDeleteNonBlockedSessionCookiesPrompt1": {
"message": "Slett ikke-blokkerte kaker for denne økta ",
"description": "First part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"privacyDeleteNonBlockedSessionCookiesPrompt2": {
"message": " minutter etter sist gang de ble brukt.",
"description": "Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"privacyDeleteNonBlockedSessionCookiesHelp": {
"message": "<p><a href='http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2010/09/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C</a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;</p><p>Except that this <a href='https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening</a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.</p>",
"description": ""
"privacyDeleteBlockedLocalStoragePrompt": {
"message": "Slett <a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_storage'>lokalt innhold</a> satt av blokkerte vertsnavn",
"description": ""
"privacyDeleteBlockedLocalStorageHelp": {
"message": "Skal gjøres",
"description": ""
"privacyClearCachePrompt1": {
"message": "Tøm nettleserens mellomlager hvert",
"description": "First part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"privacyClearCachePrompt2": {
"message": "minutt.",
"description": "Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"privacyClearCacheHelp": {
"message": "<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.</p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup>[1, 2]</sup> on the <a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_cache'>browser cache</a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.</p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.</p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix</i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.</p><p>[1] <a href='https://grepular.com/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;</a>\n[2] <a href='http://lucb1e.com/rp/cookielesscookies/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;</a></p>",
"description": ""
"privacyProcessRefererPrompt": {
"message": "Lur <a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_referer'>HTTP-referent</a> strengen til tredjeparts-forespørsler.",
"description": ""
"privacyProcessRefererHelp": {
"message": "From Wikipedia:<blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.</b></blockquote>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix</i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"description": ""
"privacyNoMixedContentPrompt": {
"message": "Streng HTTPS: forby blandet innhold.",
"description": ""
"privacyNoMixedContentHelp": {
"message": "<p>From <a href='https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Security/MixedContent'>Mozilla Developer Network</a>:</p><blockquote>If [a] HTTPS page includes content retrieved through regular, cleartext HTTP, then the connection is only partially encrypted: the unencrypted content is accessible to sniffers and can be modified by man-in-the-middle attackers, and therefore the connection is not safeguarded anymore. When a webpage exhibits this behavior, it is called a mixed content page.</blockquote>",
"description": ""
"privacyProcessHyperlinkAuditingPrompt": {
"message": "Blokker alle <a href='https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/semantics.html#hyperlink-auditing'>hyperlinkoppdagelses</a>forsøk",
"description": ""
"privacyProcessHyperlinkAuditingHelp": {
"message": "<p>Hyperlink auditing is a mechanism which allow a party, <b>any party</b>, to be informed about which link a user clicked on a particular web page. It is essentially a tracking feature: it allows a web site, or any third-party to that web site, to be informed about which link you clicked on which one of its web pages. The sole purpose is to track your browsing activity.</p>",
"description": ""
"userRulesPermanentHeader": {
"message": "Permanente regelsett",
"description": ""
"userRulesTemporaryHeader": {
"message": "Midlertidige regler",
"description": ""
"userRulesRevert": {
"message": "Tilbakestill",
"description": "Will remove all temporary rules"
"userRulesCommit": {
"message": "Send inn",
"description": "Will save all temporary rules"
"userRulesEdit": {
"message": "Rediger",
"description": "Will enable manual-edit mode (textarea)"
"userRulesEditSave": {
"message": "Lagre",
"description": "Will save manually-edited content and exit manual-edit mode"
"userRulesEditDicard": {
"message": "Avvis",
"description": "Will discard manually-edited content and exit manual-edit mode"
"userRulesImport": {
"message": "Importer fra fil…",
"description": ""
"userRulesExport": {
"message": "Eksporter til fil…",
"description": ""
"userRulesFormatHint": {
"message": "Vis siden for regel-syntaks.",
"description": ""
"userRulesDefaultFileName": {
"message": "mine-umatrix-regler.txt",
"description": "default file name to use"
"assetsHostsSection": {
"message": "Vertsfiler",
"description": "header to identify the hosts files section"
"hostsFilesPrompt": {
"message": "Alle vertsnavn i en vertsnavnsfil blir innlastet som svartelistede vertsnavn i det globale virkefeltet.",
"description": ""
"hostsFilesStats": {
"message": "{{blockedHostnameCount}} entydig blokkerte vertsnavn fra:",
"description": ""
"hostsFilesPerFileStats": {
"message": "{{used}} brukt av {{total}}",
"description": ""
"hostsFilesLastUpdate": {
"message": "{{ago}} siste oppdatering",
"description": "English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"hostsFilesApplyChanges": {
"message": "Bruk",
"description": ""
"hostsFilesAutoUpdatePrompt": {
"message": "Auto-oppdater ressursene",
"description": ""
"hostsFilesUpdateNow": {
"message": "Oppdater nå",
"description": ""
"hostsFilesPurgeAll": {
"message": "Rens alle mellomlager",
"description": ""
"hostsFilesExternalListsHint": {
"message": "Én nettadresse per linje. Linjes innledet med &lsquo;#&rsquo; vil bli ignorert. Ugyldige nettadresser vil bli ignorert i all stillhet.",
"description": ""
"hostsFilesExternalListsParse": {
"message": "Fortolk",
"description": ""
"hostsFilesExternalListPurge": {
"message": "rens mellomlager",
"description": ""
"hostsFilesExternalListNew": {
"message": "ny versjon tilgjengelig",
"description": ""
"hostsFilesExternalListObsolete": {
"message": "utdatert",
"description": ""
"assetsRecipesSection": {
"message": "Reglementsoppskrifter",
"description": "header to identify the ruleset files section"
"assetsRecipesSummary": {
"message": "Ruleset recipes are imported from the popup panel <em>on demand</em>, i.e. <b>only</b> through user interaction.",
"description": ""
"assetsImportLabel": {
"message": "Importer...",
"description": ""
"assetsInlineHostsLabel": {
"message": "My hosts",
"description": ""
"assetsInlineRecipesLabel": {
"message": "My recipes",
"description": ""
"rawSettingsWarning": {
"message": "Advarsel! Du endrer disse rå oppsettsinnstillingene på din egen risiko.",
"description": ""
"aboutChangelog": {
"message": "<a href='https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix/releases'>Endringslogg</a>",
"description": ""
"aboutStorageUsed": {
"message": "{{storageUsed}} Byte lagringsplass brukt",
"description": ""
"aboutDoc": {
"message": "<a href='https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix/wiki'>Dokumentasjon</a>",
"description": ""
"aboutPermissions": {
"message": "<a href='https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/wiki/Permissions'>Tillatelser</a>",
"description": ""
"aboutCode": {
"message": "Kildekode (GPLv3)",
"description": ""
"aboutIssues": {
"message": "Feil og mangler",
"description": "Text for a link to official issue tracker"
"aboutContributors": {
"message": "Bidragsytere",
"description": "English: Contributors"
"aboutCodeContributors": {
"message": "Kode:",
"description": ""
"aboutIssueContributors": {
"message": "Mangler:",
"description": ""
"aboutTranslationContributors": {
"message": "Oversettelser:",
"description": ""
"aboutUserDataHeader": {
"message": "Din data",
"description": ""
"aboutBackupButton": {
"message": "Sikkerhetskopier til fil…",
"description": ""
"aboutBackupFilename": {
"message": "min-umatrix-sikkerhetskopi.txt",
"description": "default filename to use"
"aboutRestoreButton": {
"message": "Gjenopprett fra fil…",
"description": ""
"aboutRestoreConfirm": {
"message": "Alle dine innstillinger vil bli overskrevet ved bruk av data sikkerhetskopiert {{time}}, og uMatrix vil starte på ny.\n\nOverskriv alle eksisterende innstillinger med sikkerhetskopiert data?",
"description": "Message asking user to confirm restore"
"aboutRestoreError": {
"message": "Dataen kunne ikke leses eller er ugyldig",
"description": ""
"aboutOr": {
"message": "… eller …",
"description": "English: ... or ..."
"aboutResetButton": {
"message": "Tilbakestill til forvalgte innstillinger",
"description": "English: Reset to default settings"
"aboutResetConfirm": {
"message": "Advarsel! Dette vil fjerne alle dine egenkomponerte innstillinger. Bekreft at du vil fortsette.",
"description": "Message asking user to confirm reset"
"mainBlockedPrompt1": {
"message": "uMatrix har forhindret innlasting av følgende side:",
"description": "English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"mainBlockedPrompt2": {
"message": "I kraft av følgende regel",
"description": "English: Because of the following rule"
"mainBlockedNoParamsPrompt": {
"message": "without parameters",
"description": "label to be used for the parameter-less URL: https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/585534/9832014/bfb1b8f0-593b-11e5-8a27-fba472a5529a.png"
"mainBlockedBack": {
"message": "Gå tilbake",
"description": "English: Go back"
"mainBlockedClose": {
"message": "Lukk",
"description": "English: Close"
"commandRevertAll": {
"message": "Omgjør alle midlertidige endringer",
"description": ""
"commandWhitelistPageDomain": {
"message": "Midlertidig hvitlist sidens domene",
"description": ""
"commandWhitelistAll": {
"message": "Midlertidig hvitlisting av alt",
"description": ""
"commandOpenDashboard": {
"message": "Åpne instrumentpanel",
"description": ""
"elapsedOneMinuteAgo": {
"message": "ett minutt siden",
"description": "English: a minute ago"
"elapsedManyMinutesAgo": {
"message": "{{value}} minutter siden",
"description": "English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"elapsedOneHourAgo": {
"message": "en time siden",
"description": "English: an hour ago"
"elapsedManyHoursAgo": {
"message": "{{value}} timer siden",
"description": "English: {{value}} hours ago"
"elapsedOneDayAgo": {
"message": "en dag siden",
"description": "English: a day ago"
"elapsedManyDaysAgo": {
"message": "{{value}} dager siden",
"description": "English: {{value}} days ago"
"showDashboardButton": {
"message": "Instrumentpanel",
"description": "Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"showLoggerButton": {
"message": "Loggføring",
"description": "Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"cloudPush": {
"message": "Eksporter til skylager",
"description": "tooltip"
"cloudPull": {
"message": "Importer fra skylager",
"description": "tooltip"
"cloudNoData": {
"message": "…\n…",
"description": ""
"cloudDeviceNamePrompt": {
"message": "Enhetens navn:",
"description": "used as a prompt for the user to provide a custom device name"
"genericSubmit": {
"message": "Send inn",
"description": "for generic 'submit' buttons"
"genericRevert": {
"message": "Tilbakestill",
"description": "for generic 'revert' buttons"
"errorCantConnectTo": {
"message": "Nettverksfeil: Kan ikke koble til {{url}}",
"description": ""
"genericApplyChanges": {
"message": "Bruk endringer",
"description": "for generic 'Apply changes' buttons"
"genericCopyToClipboard": {
"message": "Copy to clipboard",
"description": "Label for buttons used to copy something to the clipboard"