/******************************************************************************* uMatrix - a browser extension to black/white list requests. Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix */ 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************/ µMatrix.assets = (function() { /******************************************************************************/ var reIsExternalPath = /^(?:[a-z-]+):\/\//, errorCantConnectTo = vAPI.i18n('errorCantConnectTo'), noopfunc = function(){}; var api = { }; /******************************************************************************/ var observers = []; api.addObserver = function(observer) { if ( observers.indexOf(observer) === -1 ) { observers.push(observer); } }; api.removeObserver = function(observer) { var pos; while ( (pos = observers.indexOf(observer)) !== -1 ) { observers.splice(pos, 1); } }; var fireNotification = function(topic, details) { var result; for ( let i = 0; i < observers.length; i++ ) { let r = observers[i](topic, details); if ( r !== undefined && result === undefined ) { result = r; } } return result; }; /******************************************************************************/ api.fetchText = function(url, onLoad, onError) { var actualUrl = reIsExternalPath.test(url) ? url : vAPI.getURL(url); if ( typeof onError !== 'function' ) { onError = onLoad; } // https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix/issues/15 var onResponseReceived = function() { this.onload = this.onerror = this.ontimeout = null; // xhr for local files gives status 0, but actually succeeds var details = { url: url, content: '', statusCode: this.status || 200, statusText: this.statusText || '' }; if ( details.statusCode < 200 || details.statusCode >= 300 ) { return onError.call(null, details); } // consider an empty result to be an error if ( stringIsNotEmpty(this.responseText) === false ) { return onError.call(null, details); } // we never download anything else than plain text: discard if response // appears to be a HTML document: could happen when server serves // some kind of error page I suppose var text = this.responseText.trim(); if ( text.startsWith('<') && text.endsWith('>') ) { return onError.call(null, details); } details.content = this.responseText; return onLoad.call(null, details); }; var onErrorReceived = function() { this.onload = this.onerror = this.ontimeout = null; µMatrix.logger.writeOne('', 'error', errorCantConnectTo.replace('{{msg}}', actualUrl)); onError.call(null, { url: url, content: '' }); }; // Be ready for thrown exceptions: // I am pretty sure it used to work, but now using a URL such as // `file:///` on Chromium 40 results in an exception being thrown. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); try { xhr.open('get', actualUrl, true); xhr.timeout = 30000; xhr.onload = onResponseReceived; xhr.onerror = onErrorReceived; xhr.ontimeout = onErrorReceived; xhr.responseType = 'text'; xhr.send(); } catch (e) { onErrorReceived.call(xhr); } }; /******************************************************************************* TODO(seamless migration): This block of code will be removed when I am confident all users have moved to a version of uBO which does not require the old way of caching assets. api.listKeyAliases: a map of old asset keys to new asset keys. migrate(): to seamlessly migrate the old cache manager to the new one: - attempt to preserve and move content of cached assets to new locations; - removes all traces of now obsolete cache manager entries in cacheStorage. This code will typically execute only once, when the newer version of uBO is first installed and executed. **/ api.listKeyAliases = { "assets/thirdparties/publicsuffix.org/list/effective_tld_names.dat": "public_suffix_list.dat", "assets/thirdparties/hosts-file.net/ad-servers": "hphosts", "assets/thirdparties/www.malwaredomainlist.com/hostslist/hosts.txt": "malware-0", "assets/thirdparties/mirror1.malwaredomains.com/files/justdomains": "malware-1", "assets/thirdparties/pgl.yoyo.org/as/serverlist": "plowe-0", "assets/thirdparties/someonewhocares.org/hosts/hosts": "dpollock-0", "assets/thirdparties/winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.txt": "mvps-0" }; var migrate = function(callback) { var entries, moveCount = 0, toRemove = []; var countdown = function(change) { moveCount -= (change || 0); if ( moveCount !== 0 ) { return; } vAPI.cacheStorage.remove(toRemove); saveAssetCacheRegistry(); callback(); }; var onContentRead = function(oldKey, newKey, bin) { var content = bin && bin['cached_asset_content://' + oldKey] || undefined; if ( content ) { assetCacheRegistry[newKey] = { readTime: Date.now(), writeTime: entries[oldKey] }; if ( reIsExternalPath.test(oldKey) ) { assetCacheRegistry[newKey].remoteURL = oldKey; } bin = {}; bin['cache/' + newKey] = content; vAPI.cacheStorage.set(bin); } countdown(1); }; var onEntries = function(bin) { entries = bin && bin.cached_asset_entries; if ( !entries ) { return callback(); } if ( bin && bin.assetCacheRegistry ) { assetCacheRegistry = bin.assetCacheRegistry; } var aliases = api.listKeyAliases; for ( var oldKey in entries ) { var newKey = aliases[oldKey]; if ( !newKey && /^https?:\/\//.test(oldKey) ) { newKey = oldKey; } if ( newKey ) { vAPI.cacheStorage.get( 'cached_asset_content://' + oldKey, onContentRead.bind(null, oldKey, newKey) ); moveCount += 1; } toRemove.push('cached_asset_content://' + oldKey); } toRemove.push('cached_asset_entries', 'extensionLastVersion'); countdown(); }; vAPI.cacheStorage.get( [ 'cached_asset_entries', 'assetCacheRegistry' ], onEntries ); }; /******************************************************************************* The purpose of the asset source registry is to keep key detail information about an asset: - Where to load it from: this may consist of one or more URLs, either local or remote. - After how many days an asset should be deemed obsolete -- i.e. in need of an update. - The origin and type of an asset. - The last time an asset was registered. **/ var assetSourceRegistryStatus, assetSourceRegistry = Object.create(null); var registerAssetSource = function(assetKey, dict) { var entry = assetSourceRegistry[assetKey] || {}; for ( var prop in dict ) { if ( dict.hasOwnProperty(prop) === false ) { continue; } if ( dict[prop] === undefined ) { delete entry[prop]; } else { entry[prop] = dict[prop]; } } // `content` property => `type` property if ( entry.type === undefined && entry.content !== undefined ) { entry.type = entry.content; entry.content = undefined; } var contentURL = dict.contentURL; if ( contentURL !== undefined ) { if ( typeof contentURL === 'string' ) { contentURL = entry.contentURL = [ contentURL ]; } else if ( Array.isArray(contentURL) === false ) { contentURL = entry.contentURL = []; } var remoteURLCount = 0; for ( var i = 0; i < contentURL.length; i++ ) { if ( reIsExternalPath.test(contentURL[i]) ) { remoteURLCount += 1; } } entry.hasLocalURL = remoteURLCount !== contentURL.length; entry.hasRemoteURL = remoteURLCount !== 0; } else if ( entry.contentURL === undefined ) { entry.contentURL = []; } if ( typeof entry.updateAfter !== 'number' ) { entry.updateAfter = 13; } if ( entry.submitter ) { entry.submitTime = Date.now(); // To detect stale entries } assetSourceRegistry[assetKey] = entry; }; var unregisterAssetSource = function(assetKey) { assetCacheRemove(assetKey); delete assetSourceRegistry[assetKey]; }; var saveAssetSourceRegistry = (function() { var timer; var save = function() { timer = undefined; vAPI.cacheStorage.set({ assetSourceRegistry: assetSourceRegistry }); }; return function(lazily) { if ( timer !== undefined ) { clearTimeout(timer); } if ( lazily ) { timer = vAPI.setTimeout(save, 500); } else { save(); } }; })(); var updateAssetSourceRegistry = function(json, silent) { var newDict; try { newDict = JSON.parse(json); } catch (ex) { } if ( newDict instanceof Object === false ) { return; } var oldDict = assetSourceRegistry, assetKey; // Remove obsolete entries (only those which were built-in). for ( assetKey in oldDict ) { if ( newDict[assetKey] === undefined && oldDict[assetKey].submitter === undefined ) { unregisterAssetSource(assetKey); } } // Add/update existing entries. Notify of new asset sources. for ( assetKey in newDict ) { if ( oldDict[assetKey] === undefined && !silent ) { fireNotification( 'builtin-asset-source-added', { assetKey: assetKey, entry: newDict[assetKey] } ); } registerAssetSource(assetKey, newDict[assetKey]); } saveAssetSourceRegistry(); }; var getAssetSourceRegistry = function(callback) { // Already loaded. if ( assetSourceRegistryStatus === 'ready' ) { callback(assetSourceRegistry); return; } // Being loaded. if ( Array.isArray(assetSourceRegistryStatus) ) { assetSourceRegistryStatus.push(callback); return; } // Not loaded: load it. assetSourceRegistryStatus = [ callback ]; var registryReady = function() { // `content` property => `type` property for ( let key in assetSourceRegistry ) { let entry = assetSourceRegistry[key]; if ( entry.type === undefined && entry.content !== undefined ) { entry.type = entry.content; entry.content = undefined; } } var callers = assetSourceRegistryStatus; assetSourceRegistryStatus = 'ready'; var fn; while ( (fn = callers.shift()) ) { fn(assetSourceRegistry); } }; // First-install case. var createRegistry = function() { api.fetchText( µMatrix.assetsBootstrapLocation || 'assets/assets.json', function(details) { updateAssetSourceRegistry(details.content, true); registryReady(); } ); }; vAPI.cacheStorage.get('assetSourceRegistry', function(bin) { if ( !bin || !bin.assetSourceRegistry ) { createRegistry(); return; } assetSourceRegistry = bin.assetSourceRegistry; registryReady(); }); }; api.registerAssetSource = function(assetKey, details) { getAssetSourceRegistry(function() { registerAssetSource(assetKey, details); saveAssetSourceRegistry(true); }); }; api.unregisterAssetSource = function(assetKey) { getAssetSourceRegistry(function() { unregisterAssetSource(assetKey); saveAssetSourceRegistry(true); }); }; /******************************************************************************* The purpose of the asset cache registry is to keep track of all assets which have been persisted into the local cache. **/ var assetCacheRegistryStatus, assetCacheRegistryStartTime = Date.now(), assetCacheRegistry = {}; var getAssetCacheRegistry = function(callback) { // Already loaded. if ( assetCacheRegistryStatus === 'ready' ) { callback(assetCacheRegistry); return; } // Being loaded. if ( Array.isArray(assetCacheRegistryStatus) ) { assetCacheRegistryStatus.push(callback); return; } // Not loaded: load it. assetCacheRegistryStatus = [ callback ]; var registryReady = function() { var callers = assetCacheRegistryStatus; assetCacheRegistryStatus = 'ready'; var fn; while ( (fn = callers.shift()) ) { fn(assetCacheRegistry); } }; var migrationDone = function() { vAPI.cacheStorage.get('assetCacheRegistry', function(bin) { if ( bin && bin.assetCacheRegistry ) { assetCacheRegistry = bin.assetCacheRegistry; } registryReady(); }); }; migrate(migrationDone); }; var saveAssetCacheRegistry = (function() { var timer; var save = function() { timer = undefined; vAPI.cacheStorage.set({ assetCacheRegistry: assetCacheRegistry }); }; return function(lazily) { if ( timer !== undefined ) { clearTimeout(timer); } if ( lazily ) { timer = vAPI.setTimeout(save, 500); } else { save(); } }; })(); var assetCacheRead = function(assetKey, callback) { var internalKey = 'cache/' + assetKey; var reportBack = function(content, err) { var details = { assetKey: assetKey, content: content }; if ( err ) { details.error = err; } callback(details); }; var onAssetRead = function(bin) { if ( !bin || !bin[internalKey] ) { return reportBack('', 'E_NOTFOUND'); } var entry = assetCacheRegistry[assetKey]; if ( entry === undefined ) { return reportBack('', 'E_NOTFOUND'); } entry.readTime = Date.now(); saveAssetCacheRegistry(true); reportBack(bin[internalKey]); }; var onReady = function() { vAPI.cacheStorage.get(internalKey, onAssetRead); }; getAssetCacheRegistry(onReady); }; var assetCacheWrite = function(assetKey, details, callback) { var internalKey = 'cache/' + assetKey; var content = ''; if ( typeof details === 'string' ) { content = details; } else if ( details instanceof Object ) { content = details.content || ''; } if ( content === '' ) { return assetCacheRemove(assetKey, callback); } var reportBack = function(content) { var details = { assetKey: assetKey, content: content }; if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback(details); } fireNotification('after-asset-updated', details); }; var onReady = function() { var entry = assetCacheRegistry[assetKey]; if ( entry === undefined ) { entry = assetCacheRegistry[assetKey] = {}; } entry.writeTime = entry.readTime = Date.now(); if ( details instanceof Object && typeof details.url === 'string' ) { entry.remoteURL = details.url; } var bin = { assetCacheRegistry: assetCacheRegistry }; bin[internalKey] = content; vAPI.cacheStorage.set(bin); reportBack(content); }; getAssetCacheRegistry(onReady); }; var assetCacheRemove = function(pattern, callback) { var onReady = function() { var cacheDict = assetCacheRegistry, removedEntries = [], removedContent = []; for ( var assetKey in cacheDict ) { if ( pattern instanceof RegExp && !pattern.test(assetKey) ) { continue; } if ( typeof pattern === 'string' && assetKey !== pattern ) { continue; } removedEntries.push(assetKey); removedContent.push('cache/' + assetKey); delete cacheDict[assetKey]; } if ( removedContent.length !== 0 ) { vAPI.cacheStorage.remove(removedContent); var bin = { assetCacheRegistry: assetCacheRegistry }; vAPI.cacheStorage.set(bin); } if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback(); } for ( var i = 0; i < removedEntries.length; i++ ) { fireNotification('after-asset-updated', { assetKey: removedEntries[i] }); } }; getAssetCacheRegistry(onReady); }; var assetCacheMarkAsDirty = function(pattern, exclude, callback) { var onReady = function() { var cacheDict = assetCacheRegistry, cacheEntry, mustSave = false; for ( var assetKey in cacheDict ) { if ( pattern instanceof RegExp ) { if ( pattern.test(assetKey) === false ) { continue; } } else if ( typeof pattern === 'string' ) { if ( assetKey !== pattern ) { continue; } } else if ( Array.isArray(pattern) ) { if ( pattern.indexOf(assetKey) === -1 ) { continue; } } if ( exclude instanceof RegExp ) { if ( exclude.test(assetKey) ) { continue; } } else if ( typeof exclude === 'string' ) { if ( assetKey === exclude ) { continue; } } else if ( Array.isArray(exclude) ) { if ( exclude.indexOf(assetKey) !== -1 ) { continue; } } cacheEntry = cacheDict[assetKey]; if ( !cacheEntry.writeTime ) { continue; } cacheDict[assetKey].writeTime = 0; mustSave = true; } if ( mustSave ) { var bin = { assetCacheRegistry: assetCacheRegistry }; vAPI.cacheStorage.set(bin); } if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback(); } }; if ( typeof exclude === 'function' ) { callback = exclude; exclude = undefined; } getAssetCacheRegistry(onReady); }; /******************************************************************************/ var stringIsNotEmpty = function(s) { return typeof s === 'string' && s !== ''; }; /******************************************************************************/ api.get = function(assetKey, options, callback) { if ( typeof options === 'function' ) { callback = options; options = {}; } else if ( typeof callback !== 'function' ) { callback = noopfunc; } var assetDetails = {}, contentURLs, contentURL; var reportBack = function(content, err) { var details = { assetKey: assetKey, content: content }; if ( err ) { details.error = assetDetails.lastError = err; } else { assetDetails.lastError = undefined; } callback(details); }; var onContentNotLoaded = function() { var isExternal; while ( (contentURL = contentURLs.shift()) ) { isExternal = reIsExternalPath.test(contentURL); if ( isExternal === false || assetDetails.hasLocalURL !== true ) { break; } } if ( !contentURL ) { return reportBack('', 'E_NOTFOUND'); } api.fetchText(contentURL, onContentLoaded, onContentNotLoaded); }; var onContentLoaded = function(details) { if ( stringIsNotEmpty(details.content) === false ) { onContentNotLoaded(); return; } if ( reIsExternalPath.test(contentURL) && options.dontCache !== true ) { assetCacheWrite(assetKey, { content: details.content, url: contentURL }); } reportBack(details.content); }; var onCachedContentLoaded = function(details) { if ( details.content !== '' ) { return reportBack(details.content); } getAssetSourceRegistry(function(registry) { assetDetails = registry[assetKey] || {}; if ( typeof assetDetails.contentURL === 'string' ) { contentURLs = [ assetDetails.contentURL ]; } else if ( Array.isArray(assetDetails.contentURL) ) { contentURLs = assetDetails.contentURL.slice(0); } else { contentURLs = []; } onContentNotLoaded(); }); }; assetCacheRead(assetKey, onCachedContentLoaded); }; /******************************************************************************/ var getRemote = function(assetKey, callback) { var assetDetails = {}, contentURLs, contentURL; var reportBack = function(content, err) { var details = { assetKey: assetKey, content: content }; if ( err ) { details.error = assetDetails.lastError = err; } else { assetDetails.lastError = undefined; } callback(details); }; var onRemoteContentLoaded = function(details) { if ( stringIsNotEmpty(details.content) === false ) { registerAssetSource(assetKey, { error: { time: Date.now(), error: 'No content' } }); tryLoading(); return; } assetCacheWrite(assetKey, { content: details.content, url: contentURL }); registerAssetSource(assetKey, { error: undefined }); reportBack(details.content); }; var onRemoteContentError = function(details) { var text = details.statusText; if ( details.statusCode === 0 ) { text = 'network error'; } registerAssetSource(assetKey, { error: { time: Date.now(), error: text } }); tryLoading(); }; var tryLoading = function() { while ( (contentURL = contentURLs.shift()) ) { if ( reIsExternalPath.test(contentURL) ) { break; } } if ( !contentURL ) { return reportBack('', 'E_NOTFOUND'); } api.fetchText(contentURL, onRemoteContentLoaded, onRemoteContentError); }; getAssetSourceRegistry(function(registry) { assetDetails = registry[assetKey] || {}; if ( typeof assetDetails.contentURL === 'string' ) { contentURLs = [ assetDetails.contentURL ]; } else if ( Array.isArray(assetDetails.contentURL) ) { contentURLs = assetDetails.contentURL.slice(0); } else { contentURLs = []; } tryLoading(); }); }; /******************************************************************************/ api.put = function(assetKey, content, callback) { assetCacheWrite(assetKey, content, callback); }; /******************************************************************************/ api.metadata = function(callback) { var assetRegistryReady = false, cacheRegistryReady = false; var onReady = function() { var assetDict = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(assetSourceRegistry)), cacheDict = assetCacheRegistry, assetEntry, cacheEntry, now = Date.now(), obsoleteAfter; for ( var assetKey in assetDict ) { assetEntry = assetDict[assetKey]; cacheEntry = cacheDict[assetKey]; if ( cacheEntry ) { assetEntry.cached = true; assetEntry.writeTime = cacheEntry.writeTime; obsoleteAfter = cacheEntry.writeTime + assetEntry.updateAfter * 86400000; assetEntry.obsolete = obsoleteAfter < now; assetEntry.remoteURL = cacheEntry.remoteURL; } else { assetEntry.writeTime = 0; obsoleteAfter = 0; assetEntry.obsolete = true; } } callback(assetDict); }; getAssetSourceRegistry(function() { assetRegistryReady = true; if ( cacheRegistryReady ) { onReady(); } }); getAssetCacheRegistry(function() { cacheRegistryReady = true; if ( assetRegistryReady ) { onReady(); } }); }; /******************************************************************************/ api.purge = assetCacheMarkAsDirty; api.remove = function(pattern, callback) { assetCacheRemove(pattern, callback); }; api.rmrf = function() { assetCacheRemove(/./); }; /******************************************************************************/ // Asset updater area. var updaterStatus, updaterTimer, updaterAssetDelayDefault = 120000, updaterAssetDelay = updaterAssetDelayDefault, updaterUpdated = [], updaterFetched = new Set(); var updateFirst = function() { updaterStatus = 'updating'; updaterFetched.clear(); updaterUpdated = []; fireNotification('before-assets-updated'); updateNext(); }; var updateNext = function() { var assetDict, cacheDict; // This will remove a cached asset when it's no longer in use. var garbageCollectOne = function(assetKey) { var cacheEntry = cacheDict[assetKey]; if ( cacheEntry && cacheEntry.readTime < assetCacheRegistryStartTime ) { assetCacheRemove(assetKey); } }; var findOne = function() { var now = Date.now(), assetEntry, cacheEntry; for ( var assetKey in assetDict ) { assetEntry = assetDict[assetKey]; if ( assetEntry.hasRemoteURL !== true ) { continue; } if ( updaterFetched.has(assetKey) ) { continue; } cacheEntry = cacheDict[assetKey]; if ( cacheEntry && (cacheEntry.writeTime + assetEntry.updateAfter * 86400000) > now ) { continue; } if ( fireNotification( 'before-asset-updated', { assetKey: assetKey, type: assetEntry.type } ) ) { return assetKey; } garbageCollectOne(assetKey); } }; var updatedOne = function(details) { if ( details.content !== '' ) { updaterUpdated.push(details.assetKey); if ( details.assetKey === 'assets.json' ) { updateAssetSourceRegistry(details.content); } } else { fireNotification('asset-update-failed', { assetKey: details.assetKey }); } if ( findOne() !== undefined ) { vAPI.setTimeout(updateNext, updaterAssetDelay); } else { updateDone(); } }; var updateOne = function() { var assetKey = findOne(); if ( assetKey === undefined ) { return updateDone(); } updaterFetched.add(assetKey); getRemote(assetKey, updatedOne); }; getAssetSourceRegistry(function(dict) { assetDict = dict; if ( !cacheDict ) { return; } updateOne(); }); getAssetCacheRegistry(function(dict) { cacheDict = dict; if ( !assetDict ) { return; } updateOne(); }); }; var updateDone = function() { var assetKeys = updaterUpdated.slice(0); updaterFetched.clear(); updaterUpdated = []; updaterStatus = undefined; updaterAssetDelay = updaterAssetDelayDefault; fireNotification('after-assets-updated', { assetKeys: assetKeys }); }; api.updateStart = function(details) { var oldUpdateDelay = updaterAssetDelay, newUpdateDelay = details.delay || updaterAssetDelayDefault; updaterAssetDelay = Math.min(oldUpdateDelay, newUpdateDelay); if ( updaterStatus !== undefined ) { if ( newUpdateDelay < oldUpdateDelay ) { clearTimeout(updaterTimer); updaterTimer = vAPI.setTimeout(updateNext, updaterAssetDelay); } return; } updateFirst(); }; api.updateStop = function() { if ( updaterTimer ) { clearTimeout(updaterTimer); updaterTimer = undefined; } if ( updaterStatus !== undefined ) { updateDone(); } }; /******************************************************************************/ return api; /******************************************************************************/ })(); /******************************************************************************/