{ "extName": { "message": "uMatrix", "description": "" }, "extShortDesc": { "message": "通過點選開關達到控制瀏覽器中的各種網頁請求。藉此阻擋網頁指令、嵌套頁面、媒體廣告、社交網站追踪等行爲。", "description": "this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS" }, "dashboardPageName": { "message": "uMatrix — 控制台", "description": "" }, "loggerPageName": { "message": "uMatrix — 日誌記錄", "description": "Title for the logger window" }, "settingsPageName": { "message": "設定", "description": "a tab in dashboard" }, "privacyPageName": { "message": "隱私", "description": "a tab in dashboard" }, "statsPageName": { "message": "統計", "description": "a tab in dashboard" }, "userRulesPageName": { "message": "過濾規則", "description": "a tab in dashboard" }, "ubiquitousRulesPageName": { "message": "資源", "description": "a tab in dashboard" }, "rawSettingsPageName": { "message": "更多", "description": "a tab in dashboard" }, "aboutPageName": { "message": "關於", "description": "a tab in dashboard" }, "allPrettyName": { "message": "全部", "description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!" }, "cookiePrettyName": { "message": "Cookie", "description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!" }, "cssPrettyName": { "message": "樣式", "description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!" }, "imagePrettyName": { "message": "圖像", "description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!" }, "mediaPrettyName": { "message": "影音", "description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!" }, "pluginPrettyName": { "message": "插件", "description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!" }, "scriptPrettyName": { "message": "指令", "description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!" }, "fetchPrettyName": { "message": "fetch", "description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!" }, "framePrettyName": { "message": "框架", "description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!" }, "otherPrettyName": { "message": "其他", "description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!" }, "matrixNoNetTrafficPrompt": { "message": "該頁面暫無網路傳輸。", "description": "" }, "matrixLocalScopeTip": { "message": "選擇一個域名並檢視或創建應用至該域名的規則。", "description": "Tool tip for the local scope button" }, "matrixGlobalScopeTip": { "message": "切換至全域並檢視或創建全域規則。", "description": "Tool tip for the global scope button" }, "matrixMtxButtonTip": { "message": "停用或啟用於該域名下的過濾。", "description": "Tool tip for matrix button" }, "matrixPersistButtonTip": { "message": "儲存應用至該域名的所有臨時變更。", "description": "Tool tip for the persist button" }, "matrixRevertButtonTip": { "message": "撤銷應用至該域名的所有臨時變更。", "description": "Tool tip for the revert local permission button" }, "matrixReloadButton": { "message": "重新載入此頁。\n同時按下 Shift 鍵以棄用瀏覽器快取。", "description": "Tool tip for the reload button" }, "matrix1stPartyLabel": { "message": "第一方", "description": "1st-party" }, "matrixBlacklistedHostnames": { "message": "{{count}} 個黑名單域名", "description": "Appears in the metadata row of bottom-most group: **mind the limited width**" }, "matrixSwitchNoMixedContent": { "message": "禁止混合內容", "description": "A menu entry in the matrix popup" }, "matrixSwitchNoWorker": { "message": "禁用 Web Worker", "description": "A menu entry in the matrix popup" }, "matrixSwitchReferrerSpoof": { "message": "偽造參照位址", "description": "A menu entry in the matrix popup" }, "matrixSwitchNoscriptSpoof": { "message": "模擬