/******************************************************************************* uMatrix - a Chromium browser extension to black/white list requests. Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix */ /* global objectAssign, punycode, publicSuffixList */ 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************/ µMatrix.getBytesInUse = function() { var µm = this; var getBytesInUseHandler = function(bytesInUse) { µm.storageUsed = bytesInUse; }; // Not all WebExtension implementations support getBytesInUse(). if ( typeof vAPI.storage.getBytesInUse === 'function' ) { vAPI.storage.getBytesInUse(null, getBytesInUseHandler); } else { µm.storageUsed = undefined; } }; /******************************************************************************/ µMatrix.saveUserSettings = function() { this.XAL.keyvalSetMany( this.userSettings, this.getBytesInUse.bind(this) ); }; µMatrix.loadUserSettings = function(callback) { var µm = this; if ( typeof callback !== 'function' ) { callback = this.noopFunc; } var onAvailableRulesetFilesReady = function(availableRulesetFiles) { let selectedAssetKeys = new Set(); for ( let entry of availableRulesetFiles ) { let assetKey = entry[0]; let assetLang = entry[1].lang; if ( assetLang === undefined ) { selectedAssetKeys.add(assetKey); continue; } for ( let lang of navigator.languages ) { if ( assetLang.indexOf(lang) !== -1 ) { selectedAssetKeys.add(assetKey); break; } } } µm.userSettings.selectedRecipeFiles = Array.from(selectedAssetKeys); vAPI.storage.set({ selectedRecipeFiles: µm.userSettings.selectedRecipeFiles }); callback(µm.userSettings); }; var initializeSelectedRulesetFiles = function() { if ( µm.userSettings.selectedRecipeFiles.length === 1 && µm.userSettings.selectedRecipeFiles[0] === '' ) { µm.getAvailableRecipeFiles(onAvailableRulesetFilesReady); return; } callback(µm.userSettings); }; var onAvailableHostsFilesReady = function(availableHostFiles) { µm.userSettings.selectedHostsFiles = Array.from(availableHostFiles.keys()); vAPI.storage.set({ selectedHostsFiles: µm.userSettings.selectedHostsFiles }); initializeSelectedRulesetFiles(); }; var migrateSelectedHostsFiles = function(bin) { if ( bin instanceof Object === false || bin.liveHostsFiles instanceof Object === false ) { µm.getAvailableHostsFiles(onAvailableHostsFilesReady); return; } let selectedHostsFiles = new Set(); for ( let entry of µm.toMap(bin.liveHostsFiles) ) { if ( entry[1].off !== true ) { selectedHostsFiles.add(entry[0]); } } µm.userSettings.selectedHostsFiles = Array.from(selectedHostsFiles); vAPI.storage.set({ selectedHostsFiles: µm.userSettings.selectedHostsFiles }); initializeSelectedRulesetFiles(); }; var initializeSelectedHostsFiles = function() { // Backward-compatibility: populate the new list selection array with // existing data. if ( µm.userSettings.selectedHostsFiles.length === 1 && µm.userSettings.selectedHostsFiles[0] === '' ) { vAPI.storage.get('liveHostsFiles', migrateSelectedHostsFiles); return; } initializeSelectedRulesetFiles(); }; var settingsLoaded = function(store) { µm.userSettings = store; if ( typeof µm.userSettings.externalHostsFiles === 'string' ) { µm.userSettings.externalHostsFiles = µm.userSettings.externalHostsFiles.length !== 0 ? µm.userSettings.externalHostsFiles.split('\n') : []; } initializeSelectedHostsFiles(); }; vAPI.storage.get(this.userSettings, settingsLoaded); }; /******************************************************************************/ µMatrix.loadRawSettings = function() { var µm = this; var onLoaded = function(bin) { if ( !bin || bin.rawSettings instanceof Object === false ) { return; } for ( var key of Object.keys(bin.rawSettings) ) { if ( µm.rawSettings.hasOwnProperty(key) === false || typeof bin.rawSettings[key] !== typeof µm.rawSettings[key] ) { continue; } µm.rawSettings[key] = bin.rawSettings[key]; } µm.rawSettingsWriteTime = Date.now(); }; vAPI.storage.get('rawSettings', onLoaded); }; µMatrix.saveRawSettings = function(rawSettings, callback) { var keys = Object.keys(rawSettings); if ( keys.length === 0 ) { if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback(); } return; } for ( var key of keys ) { if ( this.rawSettingsDefault.hasOwnProperty(key) && typeof rawSettings[key] === typeof this.rawSettingsDefault[key] ) { this.rawSettings[key] = rawSettings[key]; } } vAPI.storage.set({ rawSettings: this.rawSettings }, callback); this.rawSettingsWriteTime = Date.now(); }; µMatrix.rawSettingsFromString = function(raw) { var result = {}, lineIter = new this.LineIterator(raw), line, matches, name, value; while ( lineIter.eot() === false ) { line = lineIter.next().trim(); matches = /^(\S+)(\s+(.+))?$/.exec(line); if ( matches === null ) { continue; } name = matches[1]; if ( this.rawSettingsDefault.hasOwnProperty(name) === false ) { continue; } value = (matches[2] || '').trim(); switch ( typeof this.rawSettingsDefault[name] ) { case 'boolean': if ( value === 'true' ) { value = true; } else if ( value === 'false' ) { value = false; } else { value = this.rawSettingsDefault[name]; } break; case 'string': if ( value === '' ) { value = this.rawSettingsDefault[name]; } break; case 'number': value = parseInt(value, 10); if ( isNaN(value) ) { value = this.rawSettingsDefault[name]; } break; default: break; } if ( this.rawSettings[name] !== value ) { result[name] = value; } } this.saveRawSettings(result); }; µMatrix.stringFromRawSettings = function() { var out = []; for ( var key of Object.keys(this.rawSettings).sort() ) { out.push(key + ' ' + this.rawSettings[key]); } return out.join('\n'); }; /******************************************************************************/ µMatrix.saveMatrix = function() { µMatrix.XAL.keyvalSetOne('userMatrix', this.pMatrix.toString()); }; µMatrix.loadMatrix = function(callback) { if ( typeof callback !== 'function' ) { callback = this.noopFunc; } var µm = this; var onLoaded = function(bin) { if ( bin.hasOwnProperty('userMatrix') ) { µm.pMatrix.fromString(bin.userMatrix); µm.tMatrix.assign(µm.pMatrix); callback(); } }; this.XAL.keyvalGetOne('userMatrix', onLoaded); }; /******************************************************************************/ µMatrix.loadRecipes = function(reset, callback) { if ( typeof callback !== 'function' ) { callback = this.noopFunc; } let µm = this, countdownCount = µm.userSettings.selectedRecipeFiles.length; if ( reset ) { µm.recipeManager.reset(); } var onLoaded = function(details) { if ( details.content ) { µm.recipeManager.fromString(details.content); } countdownCount -= 1; if ( countdownCount === 0 ) { callback(); } }; for ( let assetKey of µm.userSettings.selectedRecipeFiles ) { this.assets.get(assetKey, onLoaded); } }; /******************************************************************************/ µMatrix.assetKeysFromImportedAssets = function(raw) { var out = new Set(), reIgnore = /^[!#]/, reValid = /^[a-z-]+:\/\/\S+\/./, lineIter = new this.LineIterator(raw); while ( lineIter.eot() === false ) { let location = lineIter.next().trim(); if ( reIgnore.test(location) || !reValid.test(location) ) { continue; } out.add(location); } return out; }; /******************************************************************************/ µMatrix.getAvailableHostsFiles = function(callback) { var µm = this, availableHostsFiles = new Map(); // Custom filter lists. var importedListKeys = new Set(µm.userSettings.externalHostsFiles); for ( let assetKey of importedListKeys ) { let entry = { type: 'filters', contentURL: assetKey, external: true, submitter: 'user', title: assetKey }; this.assets.registerAssetSource(assetKey, entry); availableHostsFiles.set(assetKey, entry); } // Populate available lists with useful data. var onHostsFilesDataReady = function(bin) { if ( bin && bin.liveHostsFiles ) { for ( let entry of µm.toMap(bin.liveHostsFiles) ) { let assetKey = entry[0]; let availableAsset = availableHostsFiles.get(assetKey); if ( availableAsset === undefined ) { continue; } let liveAsset = entry[1]; if ( liveAsset.entryCount !== undefined ) { availableAsset.entryCount = liveAsset.entryCount; } if ( liveAsset.entryUsedCount !== undefined ) { availableAsset.entryUsedCount = liveAsset.entryUsedCount; } // This may happen if the list name was pulled from the list content if ( availableAsset.title === '' && liveAsset.title !== undefined ) { availableAsset.title = liveAsset.title; } } } for ( let asseyKey of µm.userSettings.selectedHostsFiles ) { let asset = availableHostsFiles.get(asseyKey); if ( asset !== undefined ) { asset.selected = true; } } callback(availableHostsFiles); }; // built-in lists var onBuiltinHostsFilesLoaded = function(entries) { for ( let assetKey in entries ) { if ( entries.hasOwnProperty(assetKey) === false ) { continue; } let entry = entries[assetKey]; if ( entry.type !== 'filters' ) { continue; } if ( entry.submitter === 'user' && importedListKeys.has(assetKey) === false ) { µm.assets.unregisterAssetSource(assetKey); µm.assets.remove(assetKey); continue; } availableHostsFiles.set(assetKey, objectAssign({}, entry)); } vAPI.storage.get('liveHostsFiles', onHostsFilesDataReady); }; this.assets.metadata(onBuiltinHostsFilesLoaded); }; /******************************************************************************/ µMatrix.getAvailableRecipeFiles = function(callback) { var µm = this, availableRecipeFiles = new Map(); // Imported recipe resources. var importedResourceKeys = new Set(µm.userSettings.externalRecipeFiles); for ( let assetKey of importedResourceKeys ) { let entry = { type: 'recipes', contentURL: assetKey, external: true, submitter: 'user', title: assetKey }; this.assets.registerAssetSource(assetKey, entry); availableRecipeFiles.set(assetKey, entry); } var onBuiltinRecipeFilesLoaded = function(entries) { for ( let assetKey in entries ) { if ( entries.hasOwnProperty(assetKey) === false ) { continue; } let entry = entries[assetKey]; if ( entry.type !== 'recipes' ) { continue; } if ( entry.submitter === 'user' && importedResourceKeys.has(assetKey) === false ) { µm.assets.unregisterAssetSource(assetKey); µm.assets.remove(assetKey); continue; } availableRecipeFiles.set(assetKey, objectAssign({}, entry)); } for ( let asseyKey of µm.userSettings.selectedRecipeFiles ) { let asset = availableRecipeFiles.get(asseyKey); if ( asset !== undefined ) { asset.selected = true; } } callback(availableRecipeFiles); }; this.assets.metadata(onBuiltinRecipeFilesLoaded); }; /******************************************************************************/ µMatrix.loadHostsFiles = function(callback) { var µm = µMatrix; var hostsFileLoadCount; if ( typeof callback !== 'function' ) { callback = this.noopFunc; } var loadHostsFilesEnd = function(fromSelfie) { if ( fromSelfie !== true ) { µm.ubiquitousBlacklist.freeze(); vAPI.storage.set({ liveHostsFiles: Array.from(µm.liveHostsFiles) }); µm.hostsFilesSelfie.create(); } vAPI.messaging.broadcast({ what: 'loadHostsFilesCompleted' }); µm.getBytesInUse(); callback(); }; var mergeHostsFile = function(details) { µm.mergeHostsFile(details); hostsFileLoadCount -= 1; if ( hostsFileLoadCount === 0 ) { loadHostsFilesEnd(); } }; var loadHostsFilesStart = function(hostsFiles) { µm.liveHostsFiles = hostsFiles; µm.ubiquitousBlacklist.reset(); hostsFileLoadCount = µm.userSettings.selectedHostsFiles.length; // Load all hosts file which are not disabled. for ( let assetKey of µm.userSettings.selectedHostsFiles ) { µm.assets.get(assetKey, mergeHostsFile); } // https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix/issues/2 if ( hostsFileLoadCount === 0 ) { loadHostsFilesEnd(); return; } }; var onSelfieReady = function(status) { if ( status === true ) { return loadHostsFilesEnd(true); } µm.getAvailableHostsFiles(loadHostsFilesStart); }; this.hostsFilesSelfie.load(onSelfieReady); }; /******************************************************************************/ µMatrix.mergeHostsFile = function(details) { var usedCount = this.ubiquitousBlacklist.count; var duplicateCount = this.ubiquitousBlacklist.duplicateCount; this.mergeHostsFileContent(details.content); usedCount = this.ubiquitousBlacklist.count - usedCount; duplicateCount = this.ubiquitousBlacklist.duplicateCount - duplicateCount; let hostsFileMeta = this.liveHostsFiles.get(details.assetKey); hostsFileMeta.entryCount = usedCount + duplicateCount; hostsFileMeta.entryUsedCount = usedCount; }; /******************************************************************************/ µMatrix.mergeHostsFileContent = function(rawText) { var rawEnd = rawText.length; var ubiquitousBlacklist = this.ubiquitousBlacklist; var reLocalhost = /(^|\s)(localhost\.localdomain|localhost|local|broadcasthost|0\.0\.0\.0|127\.0\.0\.1|::1|fe80::1%lo0)(?=\s|$)/g; var reAsciiSegment = /^[\x21-\x7e]+$/; var matches; var lineBeg = 0, lineEnd; var line; while ( lineBeg < rawEnd ) { lineEnd = rawText.indexOf('\n', lineBeg); if ( lineEnd < 0 ) { lineEnd = rawText.indexOf('\r', lineBeg); if ( lineEnd < 0 ) { lineEnd = rawEnd; } } // rhill 2014-04-18: The trim is important here, as without it there // could be a lingering `\r` which would cause problems in the // following parsing code. line = rawText.slice(lineBeg, lineEnd).trim(); lineBeg = lineEnd + 1; // https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/15 // Ensure localhost et al. don't end up in the ubiquitous blacklist. line = line .replace(/#.*$/, '') .toLowerCase() .replace(reLocalhost, '') .trim(); // The filter is whatever sequence of printable ascii character without // whitespaces matches = reAsciiSegment.exec(line); if ( !matches || matches.length === 0 ) { continue; } // Bypass anomalies // For example, when a filter contains whitespace characters, or // whatever else outside the range of printable ascii characters. if ( matches[0] !== line ) { continue; } line = matches[0]; if ( line === '' ) { continue; } ubiquitousBlacklist.add(line); } }; /******************************************************************************/ µMatrix.selectAssets = function(details, callback) { var µm = this; var applyAssetSelection = function( metadata, details, propSelectedAssetKeys, propImportedAssetKeys ) { let µmus = µm.userSettings; let selectedAssetKeys = new Set(); let importedAssetKeys = new Set(µmus[propImportedAssetKeys]); if ( Array.isArray(details.toSelect) ) { for ( let assetKey of details.toSelect ) { if ( metadata.has(assetKey) ) { selectedAssetKeys.add(assetKey); } } } if ( Array.isArray(details.toRemove) ) { for ( let assetKey of details.toRemove ) { importedAssetKeys.delete(assetKey); µm.assets.remove(assetKey); } } // Hosts file to import // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1181 // Try mapping the URL of an imported filter list to the assetKey of // an existing stock list. if ( typeof details.toImport === 'string' ) { var assetKeyFromURL = function(url) { var needle = url.replace(/^https?:/, ''); for ( let entry of metadata ) { let asset = entry[1]; if ( asset.type === 'internal' ) { continue; } let assetKey = entry[0]; if ( typeof asset.contentURL === 'string' ) { if ( asset.contentURL.endsWith(needle) ) { return assetKey; } continue; } if ( Array.isArray(asset.contentURL) === false ) { continue; } for ( let i = 0, n = asset.contentURL.length; i < n; i++ ) { if ( asset.contentURL[i].endsWith(needle) ) { return assetKey; } } } return url; }; var toImport = µm.assetKeysFromImportedAssets(details.toImport); for ( let url of toImport ) { if ( importedAssetKeys.has(url) ) { continue; } let assetKey = assetKeyFromURL(url); if ( assetKey === url ) { importedAssetKeys.add(assetKey); } selectedAssetKeys.add(assetKey); } } let bin = {}, changed = false; selectedAssetKeys = Array.from(selectedAssetKeys).sort(); µmus[propSelectedAssetKeys].sort(); if ( selectedAssetKeys.join() !== µmus[propSelectedAssetKeys].join() ) { µmus[propSelectedAssetKeys] = selectedAssetKeys; bin[propSelectedAssetKeys] = selectedAssetKeys; changed = true; } importedAssetKeys = Array.from(importedAssetKeys).sort(); µmus[propImportedAssetKeys].sort(); if ( importedAssetKeys.join() !== µmus[propImportedAssetKeys].join() ) { µmus[propImportedAssetKeys] = importedAssetKeys; bin[propImportedAssetKeys] = importedAssetKeys; changed = true; } if ( changed ) { vAPI.storage.set(bin); } return changed; }; var onMetadataReady = function(response) { let metadata = µm.toMap(response); let hostsChanged = applyAssetSelection( metadata, details.hosts, 'selectedHostsFiles', 'externalHostsFiles' ); if ( hostsChanged ) { µm.hostsFilesSelfie.destroy(); } let recipesChanged = applyAssetSelection( metadata, details.recipes, 'selectedRecipeFiles', 'externalRecipeFiles' ); if ( recipesChanged ) { µm.recipeManager.reset(); µm.loadRecipes(true); } if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback({ hostsChanged: hostsChanged, recipesChanged: recipesChanged }); } }; this.assets.metadata(onMetadataReady); }; /******************************************************************************/ // `switches` contains the preset blacklists for which the switch must be // revisited. µMatrix.reloadHostsFiles = function() { this.loadHostsFiles(); }; /******************************************************************************/ µMatrix.hostsFilesSelfie = (function() { let timer; return { create: function() { this.cancel(); timer = vAPI.setTimeout( function() { timer = undefined; vAPI.cacheStorage.set({ hostsFilesSelfie: µMatrix.ubiquitousBlacklist.toSelfie() }); }, 120000 ); }, destroy: function() { this.cancel(); vAPI.cacheStorage.remove('hostsFilesSelfie'); }, load: function(callback) { this.cancel(); vAPI.cacheStorage.get('hostsFilesSelfie', function(bin) { callback( bin instanceof Object && bin.hostsFilesSelfie instanceof Object && µMatrix.ubiquitousBlacklist.fromSelfie(bin.hostsFilesSelfie) ); }); }, cancel: function() { if ( timer !== undefined ) { clearTimeout(timer); } timer = undefined; } }; })(); /******************************************************************************/ µMatrix.loadPublicSuffixList = function(callback) { let µm = this; if ( typeof callback !== 'function' ) { callback = this.noopFunc; } var applyPublicSuffixList = function(details) { if ( !details.error ) { publicSuffixList.parse(details.content, punycode.toASCII); µm.publicSuffixListSelfie.create(); } callback(); }; let onSelfieReady = function(status) { if ( status === true ) { return callback(); } µm.assets.get(µm.pslAssetKey, applyPublicSuffixList); }; this.publicSuffixListSelfie.load(onSelfieReady); }; /******************************************************************************/ µMatrix.publicSuffixListSelfie = (function() { let timer; return { create: function() { this.cancel(); timer = vAPI.setTimeout( function() { timer = undefined; vAPI.cacheStorage.set({ publicSuffixListSelfie: publicSuffixList.toSelfie() }); }, 60000 ); }, destroy: function() { this.cancel(); vAPI.cacheStorage.remove('publicSuffixListSelfie'); }, load: function(callback) { this.cancel(); vAPI.cacheStorage.get('publicSuffixListSelfie', function(bin) { callback( bin instanceof Object && bin.publicSuffixListSelfie instanceof Object && publicSuffixList.fromSelfie(bin.publicSuffixListSelfie) ); }); }, cancel: function() { if ( timer !== undefined ) { clearTimeout(timer); } timer = undefined; } }; })(); /******************************************************************************/ µMatrix.scheduleAssetUpdater = (function() { var timer, next = 0; return function(updateDelay) { if ( timer ) { clearTimeout(timer); timer = undefined; } if ( updateDelay === 0 ) { this.assets.updateStop(); next = 0; return; } var now = Date.now(); // Use the new schedule if and only if it is earlier than the previous // one. if ( next !== 0 ) { updateDelay = Math.min(updateDelay, Math.max(next - now, 0)); } next = now + updateDelay; timer = vAPI.setTimeout(function() { timer = undefined; next = 0; µMatrix.assets.updateStart({ delay: 120000 }); }, updateDelay); }; })(); /******************************************************************************/ µMatrix.assetObserver = function(topic, details) { let µmus = this.userSettings; // Do not update filter list if not in use. if ( topic === 'before-asset-updated' ) { if ( details.type === 'internal' || details.type === 'filters' && µmus.selectedHostsFiles.indexOf(details.assetKey) !== -1 || details.type === 'recipes' && µmus.selectedRecipeFiles.indexOf(details.assetKey) !== -1 ) { return true; } return; } if ( topic === 'after-asset-updated' ) { if ( details.type === 'filters' && µmus.selectedHostsFiles.indexOf(details.assetKey) !== -1 ) { this.hostsFilesSelfie.destroy(); } else if ( details.assetKey === this.pslAssetKey ) { this.publicSuffixListSelfie.destroy(); } vAPI.messaging.broadcast({ what: 'assetUpdated', key: details.assetKey, cached: true }); return; } // Update failed. if ( topic === 'asset-update-failed' ) { vAPI.messaging.broadcast({ what: 'assetUpdated', key: details.assetKey, failed: true }); return; } // Reload all filter lists if needed. if ( topic === 'after-assets-updated' ) { if ( this.arraysIntersect( details.assetKeys, µmus.selectedRecipeFiles ) ) { this.loadRecipes(true); } if ( this.arraysIntersect( details.assetKeys, µmus.selectedHostsFiles ) ) { this.loadHostsFiles(); } if ( µmus.autoUpdate ) { this.scheduleAssetUpdater(25200000); } else { this.scheduleAssetUpdater(0); } vAPI.messaging.broadcast({ what: 'assetsUpdated', assetKeys: details.assetKeys }); return; } };