/******************************************************************************* µBlock - a browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2014 The µBlock authors This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix */ /* jshint bitwise: false, boss: true, esnext: true */ /* global self, Components, punycode, µBlock */ // For background page /******************************************************************************/ (function() { 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************/ // Useful links // // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Reference/Interface /******************************************************************************/ const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components; const {Services} = Cu.import('resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm', null); /******************************************************************************/ var vAPI = self.vAPI = self.vAPI || {}; vAPI.firefox = true; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.app = { name: 'uMatrix', version: location.hash.slice(1) }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.app.start = function() { }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.app.stop = function() { }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.app.restart = function() { // Listening in bootstrap.js Cc['@mozilla.org/childprocessmessagemanager;1'] .getService(Ci.nsIMessageSender) .sendAsyncMessage(location.host + '-restart'); }; /******************************************************************************/ // List of things that needs to be destroyed when disabling the extension // Only functions should be added to it var cleanupTasks = []; // This must be updated manually, every time a new task is added/removed // Fixed by github.com/AlexVallat: // https://github.com/AlexVallat/uBlock/commit/7b781248f00cbe3d61b1cc367c440db80fa06049 // 7 instances of cleanupTasks.push, but one is unique to fennec, and one to desktop. var expectedNumberOfCleanups = 6; window.addEventListener('unload', function() { for ( var cleanup of cleanupTasks ) { cleanup(); } if ( cleanupTasks.length < expectedNumberOfCleanups ) { console.error( 'uMatrix> Cleanup tasks performed: %s (out of %s)', cleanupTasks.length, expectedNumberOfCleanups ); } // frameModule needs to be cleared too var frameModule = {}; Cu.import(vAPI.getURL('frameModule.js'), frameModule); frameModule.contentObserver.unregister(); Cu.unload(vAPI.getURL('frameModule.js')); }); /******************************************************************************/ var SQLite = { open: function() { var path = Services.dirsvc.get('ProfD', Ci.nsIFile); path.append('extension-data'); if ( !path.exists() ) { path.create(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, parseInt('0774', 8)); } if ( !path.isDirectory() ) { throw Error('Should be a directory...'); } path.append(location.host + '.sqlite'); this.db = Services.storage.openDatabase(path); this.db.executeSimpleSQL( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS settings' + '(name TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, value TEXT);' ); cleanupTasks.push(function() { // VACUUM somewhere else, instead on unload? SQLite.run('VACUUM'); SQLite.db.asyncClose(); }); }, run: function(query, values, callback) { if ( !this.db ) { this.open(); } var result = {}; query = this.db.createAsyncStatement(query); if ( Array.isArray(values) && values.length ) { var i = values.length; while ( i-- ) { query.bindByIndex(i, values[i]); } } query.executeAsync({ handleResult: function(rows) { if ( !rows || typeof callback !== 'function' ) { return; } var row; while ( row = rows.getNextRow() ) { // we assume that there will be two columns, since we're // using it only for preferences result[row.getResultByIndex(0)] = row.getResultByIndex(1); } }, handleCompletion: function(reason) { if ( typeof callback === 'function' && reason === 0 ) { callback(result); } }, handleError: function(error) { console.error('SQLite error ', error.result, error.message); } }); } }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.storage = { QUOTA_BYTES: 100 * 1024 * 1024, sqlWhere: function(col, params) { if ( params > 0 ) { params = new Array(params + 1).join('?, ').slice(0, -2); return ' WHERE ' + col + ' IN (' + params + ')'; } return ''; }, get: function(details, callback) { if ( typeof callback !== 'function' ) { return; } var values = [], defaults = false; if ( details !== null ) { if ( Array.isArray(details) ) { values = details; } else if ( typeof details === 'object' ) { defaults = true; values = Object.keys(details); } else { values = [details.toString()]; } } SQLite.run( 'SELECT * FROM settings' + this.sqlWhere('name', values.length), values, function(result) { var key; for ( key in result ) { result[key] = JSON.parse(result[key]); } if ( defaults ) { for ( key in details ) { if ( result[key] === undefined ) { result[key] = details[key]; } } } callback(result); } ); }, set: function(details, callback) { var key, values = [], placeholders = []; for ( key in details ) { if ( !details.hasOwnProperty(key) ) { continue; } values.push(key); values.push(JSON.stringify(details[key])); placeholders.push('?, ?'); } if ( !values.length ) { return; } SQLite.run( 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO settings (name, value) SELECT ' + placeholders.join(' UNION SELECT '), values, callback ); }, remove: function(keys, callback) { if ( typeof keys === 'string' ) { keys = [keys]; } SQLite.run( 'DELETE FROM settings' + this.sqlWhere('name', keys.length), keys, callback ); }, clear: function(callback) { SQLite.run('DELETE FROM settings'); SQLite.run('VACUUM', null, callback); }, getBytesInUse: function(keys, callback) { if ( typeof callback !== 'function' ) { return; } SQLite.run( 'SELECT "size" AS size, SUM(LENGTH(value)) FROM settings' + this.sqlWhere('name', Array.isArray(keys) ? keys.length : 0), keys, function(result) { callback(result.size); } ); } }; /******************************************************************************/ var windowWatcher = { onReady: function(e) { if ( e ) { this.removeEventListener(e.type, windowWatcher.onReady); } var wintype = this.document.documentElement.getAttribute('windowtype'); if ( wintype !== 'navigator:browser' ) { return; } var tabContainer; var tabBrowser = getTabBrowser(this); if ( !tabBrowser ) { return; } if ( tabBrowser.tabContainer ) { // desktop Firefox tabContainer = tabBrowser.tabContainer; vAPI.contextMenu.register(this.document); } else { return; } tabContainer.addEventListener('TabClose', tabWatcher.onTabClose); tabContainer.addEventListener('TabSelect', tabWatcher.onTabSelect); // when new window is opened TabSelect doesn't run on the selected tab? }, observe: function(win, topic) { if ( topic === 'domwindowopened' ) { win.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', this.onReady); } } }; /******************************************************************************/ var tabWatcher = { onTabClose: function({target}) { // target is tab in Firefox, browser in Fennec var tabId = vAPI.tabs.getTabId(target); vAPI.tabs.onClosed(tabId); delete vAPI.toolbarButton.tabs[tabId]; }, onTabSelect: function({target}) { vAPI.setIcon(vAPI.tabs.getTabId(target), getOwnerWindow(target)); return; }, }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.isBehindTheSceneTabId = function(tabId) { return tabId.toString() === '-1'; }; vAPI.noTabId = '-1'; /******************************************************************************/ var getTabBrowser = function(win) { return win.gBrowser || null; }; /******************************************************************************/ var getBrowserForTab = function(tab) { if ( !tab ) { return null; } return tab.linkedBrowser || null; }; /******************************************************************************/ var getOwnerWindow = function(target) { if ( target.ownerDocument ) { return target.ownerDocument.defaultView; } return null; }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.tabs = {}; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.tabs.registerListeners = function() { // onClosed - handled in tabWatcher.onTabClose // onPopup - handled in httpObserver.handlePopup for ( var win of this.getWindows() ) { windowWatcher.onReady.call(win); } Services.ww.registerNotification(windowWatcher); cleanupTasks.push(function() { Services.ww.unregisterNotification(windowWatcher); for ( var win of vAPI.tabs.getWindows() ) { vAPI.contextMenu.unregister(win.document); win.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', windowWatcher.onReady); var tabContainer; var tabBrowser = getTabBrowser(win); if ( !tabBrowser ) { continue; } if ( tabBrowser.tabContainer ) { tabContainer = tabBrowser.tabContainer; tabBrowser.removeTabsProgressListener(tabWatcher); } tabContainer.removeEventListener('TabClose', tabWatcher.onTabClose); tabContainer.removeEventListener('TabSelect', tabWatcher.onTabSelect); // Close extension tabs for ( var tab of tabBrowser.tabs ) { var browser = getBrowserForTab(tab); if ( browser === null ) { continue; } var URI = browser.currentURI; if ( URI.schemeIs('chrome') && URI.host === location.host ) { vAPI.tabs._remove(tab, getTabBrowser(win)); } } } }); }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.tabs.stack = new WeakMap(); vAPI.tabs.stackId = 1; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.tabs.getTabId = function(target) { if ( !target ) { return vAPI.noTabId; } if ( target.linkedPanel ) { // target is a tab target = target.linkedBrowser; } if ( target.localName !== 'browser' ) { return vAPI.noTabId; } var tabId = this.stack.get(target); if ( !tabId ) { tabId = '' + this.stackId++; this.stack.set(target, tabId); } return tabId; }; /******************************************************************************/ // If tabIds is an array, then an array of tabs will be returned, // otherwise a single tab vAPI.tabs.getTabsForIds = function(tabIds) { var tabs = []; var singleTab = !Array.isArray(tabIds); if ( singleTab ) { tabIds = [tabIds]; } for ( var tab of this.getAllSync() ) { var tabId = this.stack.get(getBrowserForTab(tab)); if ( !tabId ) { continue; } if ( tabIds.indexOf(tabId) !== -1 ) { tabs.push(tab); } if ( tabs.length >= tabIds.length ) { break; } } return singleTab ? tabs[0] || null : tabs; }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.tabs.get = function(tabId, callback) { var tab, win; if ( tabId === null ) { win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser'); tab = getTabBrowser(win).selectedTab; tabId = this.getTabId(tab); } else { tab = this.getTabsForIds(tabId); if ( tab ) { win = getOwnerWindow(tab); } } // For internal use if ( typeof callback !== 'function' ) { return tab; } if ( !tab ) { callback(); return; } var windows = this.getWindows(); var browser = getBrowserForTab(tab); var tabBrowser = getTabBrowser(win); var tabIndex = tabBrowser.browsers.indexOf(browser); var tabTitle = tab.label; callback({ id: tabId, index: tabIndex, windowId: windows.indexOf(win), active: tab === tabBrowser.selectedTab, url: browser.currentURI.asciiSpec, title: tabTitle }); }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.tabs.getAllSync = function(window) { var win, tab; var tabs = []; for ( win of this.getWindows() ) { if ( window && window !== win ) { continue; } var tabBrowser = getTabBrowser(win); if ( tabBrowser === null ) { continue; } for ( tab of tabBrowser.tabs ) { tabs.push(tab); } } return tabs; }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.tabs.getAll = function(callback) { var tabs = []; var win, tab; for ( win of this.getWindows() ) { var tabBrowser = getTabBrowser(win); if ( tabBrowser === null ) { continue; } for ( tab of tabBrowser.tabs ) { tabs.push({ id: this.getTabId(tab), url: getBrowserForTab(tab).currentURI.asciiSpec }); } } callback(tabs); }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.tabs.getWindows = function() { var winumerator = Services.wm.getEnumerator('navigator:browser'); var windows = []; while ( winumerator.hasMoreElements() ) { var win = winumerator.getNext(); if ( !win.closed ) { windows.push(win); } } return windows; }; /******************************************************************************/ // properties of the details object: // url: 'URL', // the address that will be opened // tabId: 1, // the tab is used if set, instead of creating a new one // index: -1, // undefined: end of the list, -1: following tab, or after index // active: false, // opens the tab in background - true and undefined: foreground // select: true // if a tab is already opened with that url, then select it instead of opening a new one vAPI.tabs.open = function(details) { if ( !details.url ) { return null; } // extension pages if ( /^[\w-]{2,}:/.test(details.url) === false ) { details.url = vAPI.getURL(details.url); } var win, tab, tabBrowser; if ( details.select ) { var URI = Services.io.newURI(details.url, null, null); for ( tab of this.getAllSync() ) { var browser = getBrowserForTab(tab); // Or simply .equals if we care about the fragment if ( URI.equalsExceptRef(browser.currentURI) === false ) { continue; } this.select(tab); return; } } if ( details.active === undefined ) { details.active = true; } if ( details.tabId ) { tab = this.getTabsForIds(details.tabId); if ( tab ) { getBrowserForTab(tab).loadURI(details.url); return; } } win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser'); tabBrowser = getTabBrowser(win); if ( details.index === -1 ) { details.index = tabBrowser.browsers.indexOf(tabBrowser.selectedBrowser) + 1; } tab = tabBrowser.loadOneTab(details.url, {inBackground: !details.active}); if ( details.index !== undefined ) { tabBrowser.moveTabTo(tab, details.index); } }; /******************************************************************************/ // Replace the URL of a tab. Noop if the tab does not exist. vAPI.tabs.replace = function(tabId, url) { var targetURL = url; // extension pages if ( /^[\w-]{2,}:/.test(targetURL) !== true ) { targetURL = vAPI.getURL(targetURL); } var tab = this.getTabsForIds(tabId); if ( tab ) { getBrowserForTab(tab).loadURI(targetURL); } }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.tabs._remove = function(tab, tabBrowser) { tabBrowser.removeTab(tab); }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.tabs.remove = function(tabIds) { if ( !Array.isArray(tabIds) ) { tabIds = [tabIds]; } var tabs = this.getTabsForIds(tabIds); if ( tabs.length === 0 ) { return; } for ( var tab of tabs ) { this._remove(tab, getTabBrowser(getOwnerWindow(tab))); } }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.tabs.reload = function(tabId) { var tab = this.get(tabId); if ( !tab ) { return; } getBrowserForTab(tab).webNavigation.reload( Ci.nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_CACHE ); }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.tabs.select = function(tab) { tab = typeof tab === 'object' ? tab : this.get(tab); if ( !tab ) { return; } getTabBrowser(getOwnerWindow(tab)).selectedTab = tab; }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.tabs.injectScript = function(tabId, details, callback) { var tab = this.get(tabId); if ( !tab ) { return; } if ( typeof details.file !== 'string' ) { return; } details.file = vAPI.getURL(details.file); getBrowserForTab(tab).messageManager.sendAsyncMessage( location.host + ':broadcast', JSON.stringify({ broadcast: true, channelName: 'vAPI', msg: { cmd: 'injectScript', details: details } }) ); if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { setTimeout(callback, 13); } }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.setIcon = function(tabId, iconId, badge) { // If badge is undefined, then setIcon was called from the TabSelect event var win; if ( badge === undefined ) { win = iconId; } else { win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser'); } var curTabId = vAPI.tabs.getTabId(getTabBrowser(win).selectedTab); var tb = vAPI.toolbarButton; // from 'TabSelect' event if ( tabId === undefined ) { tabId = curTabId; } else if ( badge !== undefined ) { tb.tabs[tabId] = { badge: badge, img: iconId }; } if ( tabId === curTabId ) { tb.updateState(win, tabId); } }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.messaging = { get globalMessageManager() { return Cc['@mozilla.org/globalmessagemanager;1'] .getService(Ci.nsIMessageListenerManager); }, frameScript: vAPI.getURL('frameScript.js'), listeners: {}, defaultHandler: null, NOOPFUNC: function(){}, UNHANDLED: 'vAPI.messaging.notHandled' }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.messaging.listen = function(listenerName, callback) { this.listeners[listenerName] = callback; }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.messaging.onMessage = function({target, data}) { var messageManager = target.messageManager; if ( !messageManager ) { // Message came from a popup, and its message manager is not usable. // So instead we broadcast to the parent window. messageManager = getOwnerWindow( target.webNavigation.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShell).chromeEventHandler ).messageManager; } var channelNameRaw = data.channelName; var pos = channelNameRaw.indexOf('|'); var channelName = channelNameRaw.slice(pos + 1); var callback = vAPI.messaging.NOOPFUNC; if ( data.requestId !== undefined ) { callback = CallbackWrapper.factory( messageManager, channelName, channelNameRaw.slice(0, pos), data.requestId ).callback; } var sender = { tab: { id: vAPI.tabs.getTabId(target) } }; // Specific handler var r = vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED; var listener = vAPI.messaging.listeners[channelName]; if ( typeof listener === 'function' ) { r = listener(data.msg, sender, callback); } if ( r !== vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED ) { return; } // Default handler r = vAPI.messaging.defaultHandler(data.msg, sender, callback); if ( r !== vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED ) { return; } console.error('uMatrix> messaging > unknown request: %o', data); // Unhandled: // Need to callback anyways in case caller expected an answer, or // else there is a memory leak on caller's side callback(); }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.messaging.setup = function(defaultHandler) { // Already setup? if ( this.defaultHandler !== null ) { return; } if ( typeof defaultHandler !== 'function' ) { defaultHandler = function(){ return vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED; }; } this.defaultHandler = defaultHandler; this.globalMessageManager.addMessageListener( location.host + ':background', this.onMessage ); this.globalMessageManager.loadFrameScript(this.frameScript, true); cleanupTasks.push(function() { var gmm = vAPI.messaging.globalMessageManager; gmm.removeDelayedFrameScript(vAPI.messaging.frameScript); gmm.removeMessageListener( location.host + ':background', vAPI.messaging.onMessage ); }); }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.messaging.broadcast = function(message) { this.globalMessageManager.broadcastAsyncMessage( location.host + ':broadcast', JSON.stringify({broadcast: true, msg: message}) ); }; /******************************************************************************/ // This allows to avoid creating a closure for every single message which // expects an answer. Having a closure created each time a message is processed // has been always bothering me. Another benefit of the implementation here // is to reuse the callback proxy object, so less memory churning. // // https://developers.google.com/speed/articles/optimizing-javascript // "Creating a closure is significantly slower then creating an inner // function without a closure, and much slower than reusing a static // function" // // http://hacksoflife.blogspot.ca/2015/01/the-four-horsemen-of-performance.html // "the dreaded 'uniformly slow code' case where every function takes 1% // of CPU and you have to make one hundred separate performance optimizations // to improve performance at all" // // http://jsperf.com/closure-no-closure/2 var CallbackWrapper = function(messageManager, channelName, listenerId, requestId) { this.callback = this.proxy.bind(this); // bind once this.init(messageManager, channelName, listenerId, requestId); }; CallbackWrapper.junkyard = []; CallbackWrapper.factory = function(messageManager, channelName, listenerId, requestId) { var wrapper = CallbackWrapper.junkyard.pop(); if ( wrapper ) { wrapper.init(messageManager, channelName, listenerId, requestId); return wrapper; } return new CallbackWrapper(messageManager, channelName, listenerId, requestId); }; CallbackWrapper.prototype.init = function(messageManager, channelName, listenerId, requestId) { this.messageManager = messageManager; this.channelName = channelName; this.listenerId = listenerId; this.requestId = requestId; }; CallbackWrapper.prototype.proxy = function(response) { var message = JSON.stringify({ requestId: this.requestId, channelName: this.channelName, msg: response !== undefined ? response : null }); if ( this.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage ) { this.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage(this.listenerId, message); } else { this.messageManager.broadcastAsyncMessage(this.listenerId, message); } // Mark for reuse this.messageManager = this.channelName = this.requestId = this.listenerId = null; CallbackWrapper.junkyard.push(this); }; /******************************************************************************/ var httpRequestHeadersFactory = function(channel) { var entry = httpRequestHeadersFactory.junkyard.pop(); if ( entry ) { return entry.init(channel); } return new HTTPRequestHeaders(channel); }; httpRequestHeadersFactory.junkyard = []; var HTTPRequestHeaders = function(channel) { this.init(channel); }; HTTPRequestHeaders.prototype.init = function(channel) { this.channel = channel; return this; }; HTTPRequestHeaders.prototype.dispose = function() { this.channel = null; httpRequestHeadersFactory.junkyard.push(this); }; HTTPRequestHeaders.prototype.getHeader = function(name) { try { return this.channel.getRequestHeader(name); } catch (e) { } return ''; }; HTTPRequestHeaders.prototype.setHeader = function(name, newValue, create) { var oldValue = this.getHeader(name); if ( newValue === oldValue ) { return false; } if ( oldValue === '' && create !== true ) { return false; } this.channel.setRequestHeader(name, newValue, false); return true; }; /******************************************************************************/ var httpObserver = { classDescription: 'net-channel-event-sinks for ' + location.host, classID: Components.ID('{dc8d6319-5f6e-4438-999e-53722db99e84}'), contractID: '@' + location.host + '/net-channel-event-sinks;1', REQDATAKEY: location.host + 'reqdata', ABORT: Components.results.NS_BINDING_ABORTED, ACCEPT: Components.results.NS_SUCCEEDED, // Request types: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Reference/Interface/nsIContentPolicy#Constants frameTypeMap: { 6: 'main_frame', 7: 'sub_frame' }, typeMap: { 1: 'other', 2: 'script', 3: 'image', 4: 'stylesheet', 5: 'object', 6: 'main_frame', 7: 'sub_frame', 10: 'ping', 11: 'xmlhttprequest', 12: 'object', 14: 'font', 16: 'websocket', 21: 'image' }, lastRequest: [{}, {}], get componentRegistrar() { return Components.manager.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIComponentRegistrar); }, get categoryManager() { return Cc['@mozilla.org/categorymanager;1'] .getService(Ci.nsICategoryManager); }, QueryInterface: (function() { var {XPCOMUtils} = Cu.import('resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm', null); return XPCOMUtils.generateQI([ Ci.nsIFactory, Ci.nsIObserver, Ci.nsIChannelEventSink, Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference ]); })(), createInstance: function(outer, iid) { if ( outer ) { throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_AGGREGATION; } return this.QueryInterface(iid); }, register: function() { // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Observer_Notifications#HTTP_requests Services.obs.addObserver(this, 'http-on-opening-request', true); Services.obs.addObserver(this, 'http-on-examine-response', true); Services.obs.addObserver(this, 'http-on-examine-cached-response', true); // Guard against stale instances not having been unregistered if ( this.componentRegistrar.isCIDRegistered(this.classID) ) { try { this.componentRegistrar.unregisterFactory(this.classID, Components.manager.getClassObject(this.classID, Ci.nsIFactory)); } catch (ex) { console.error('uMatrix> httpObserver > unable to unregister stale instance: ', ex); } } this.componentRegistrar.registerFactory( this.classID, this.classDescription, this.contractID, this ); this.categoryManager.addCategoryEntry( 'net-channel-event-sinks', this.contractID, this.contractID, false, true ); }, unregister: function() { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, 'http-on-opening-request'); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, 'http-on-examine-response'); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, 'http-on-examine-cached-response'); this.componentRegistrar.unregisterFactory(this.classID, this); this.categoryManager.deleteCategoryEntry( 'net-channel-event-sinks', this.contractID, false ); }, handlePopup: function(URI, tabId, sourceTabId) { if ( !sourceTabId ) { return false; } if ( !URI.schemeIs('http') && !URI.schemeIs('https') ) { return false; } var result = vAPI.tabs.onPopup({ targetTabId: tabId, openerTabId: sourceTabId, targetURL: URI.asciiSpec }); return result === true; }, handleRequest: function(channel, URI, details) { var type = this.typeMap[details.type] || 'other'; var result; var callbackDetails = { frameId: details.frameId, hostname: URI.asciiHost, parentFrameId: details.parentFrameId, tabId: details.tabId, type: type, url: URI.asciiSpec }; var onBeforeRequest = vAPI.net.onBeforeRequest; if ( !onBeforeRequest.types || onBeforeRequest.types.has(type) ) { result = onBeforeRequest.callback(callbackDetails); if ( typeof result === 'object' && result.cancel === true ) { channel.cancel(this.ABORT); return true; } // For the time being, will block instead of redirecting // TODO: figure a better way of blocking embedded frames. // Maybe blocking network requests, then having a content script // revisit the DOM to replace blocked frame with something more // friendly. Will see. if ( typeof result === 'object' && result.redirectUrl ) { channel.cancel(this.ABORT); return true; } } var onBeforeSendHeaders = vAPI.net.onBeforeSendHeaders; if ( !onBeforeSendHeaders.types || onBeforeSendHeaders.types.has(type) ) { callbackDetails.requestHeaders = httpRequestHeadersFactory(channel); result = onBeforeSendHeaders.callback(callbackDetails); callbackDetails.requestHeaders.dispose(); if ( typeof result === 'object' && result.cancel === true ) { channel.cancel(this.ABORT); return true; } } return false; }, observe: function(channel, topic) { if ( channel instanceof Ci.nsIHttpChannel === false ) { return; } var URI = channel.URI; var channelData, type, result; if ( topic === 'http-on-examine-response' || topic === 'http-on-examine-cached-response' ) { if ( !(channel instanceof Ci.nsIWritablePropertyBag) ) { return; } try { channelData = channel.getProperty(this.REQDATAKEY); } catch (ex) { return; } if ( !channelData ) { return; } type = this.frameTypeMap[channelData[4]]; if ( !type ) { return; } topic = 'Content-Security-Policy'; try { result = channel.getResponseHeader(topic); } catch (ex) { result = null; } result = vAPI.net.onHeadersReceived.callback({ hostname: URI.asciiHost, parentFrameId: channelData[1], responseHeaders: result ? [{name: topic, value: result}] : [], tabId: channelData[3], type: type, url: URI.asciiSpec }); if ( result ) { channel.setResponseHeader( topic, result.responseHeaders.pop().value, true ); } return; } // http-on-opening-request var lastRequest = this.lastRequest[0]; if ( lastRequest.url !== URI.spec ) { if ( this.lastRequest[1].url === URI.spec ) { lastRequest = this.lastRequest[1]; } else { lastRequest.url = null; } } if ( lastRequest.url === null ) { lastRequest.type = channel.loadInfo && channel.loadInfo.contentPolicyType || 1; result = this.handleRequest(channel, URI, { tabId: vAPI.noTabId, type: lastRequest.type }); if ( result === true ) { return; } if ( channel instanceof Ci.nsIWritablePropertyBag === false ) { return; } // Carry data for behind-the-scene redirects channel.setProperty( this.REQDATAKEY, [lastRequest.type, vAPI.noTabId, null, 0, -1] ); return; } // Important! When loading file via XHR for mirroring, // the URL will be the same, so it could fall into an infinite loop lastRequest.url = null; if ( this.handleRequest(channel, URI, lastRequest) ) { return; } // If request is not handled we may use the data in on-modify-request if ( channel instanceof Ci.nsIWritablePropertyBag ) { channel.setProperty(this.REQDATAKEY, [ lastRequest.frameId, lastRequest.parentFrameId, lastRequest.sourceTabId, lastRequest.tabId, lastRequest.type ]); } }, // contentPolicy.shouldLoad doesn't detect redirects, this needs to be used asyncOnChannelRedirect: function(oldChannel, newChannel, flags, callback) { var result = this.ACCEPT; // If error thrown, the redirect will fail try { var URI = newChannel.URI; if ( !URI.schemeIs('http') && !URI.schemeIs('https') ) { return; } if ( !(oldChannel instanceof Ci.nsIWritablePropertyBag) ) { return; } var channelData = oldChannel.getProperty(this.REQDATAKEY); if ( this.handlePopup(URI, channelData[3], channelData[2]) ) { result = this.ABORT; return; } var details = { frameId: channelData[0], parentFrameId: channelData[1], tabId: channelData[3], type: channelData[4] }; if ( this.handleRequest(newChannel, URI, details) ) { result = this.ABORT; return; } // Carry the data on in case of multiple redirects if ( newChannel instanceof Ci.nsIWritablePropertyBag ) { newChannel.setProperty(this.REQDATAKEY, channelData); } } catch (ex) { // console.error(ex); } finally { callback.onRedirectVerifyCallback(result); } } }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.net = {}; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.net.registerListeners = function() { this.onBeforeRequest.types = this.onBeforeRequest.types ? new Set(this.onBeforeRequest.types) : null; this.onBeforeSendHeaders.types = this.onBeforeSendHeaders.types ? new Set(this.onBeforeSendHeaders.types) : null; var shouldLoadListenerMessageName = location.host + ':shouldLoad'; var shouldLoadListener = function(e) { var details = e.data; var tabId = vAPI.tabs.getTabId(e.target); var sourceTabId = null; // Popup candidate if ( details.openerURL ) { for ( var tab of vAPI.tabs.getAllSync() ) { var URI = getBrowserForTab(tab).currentURI; // Probably isn't the best method to identify the source tab if ( URI.spec !== details.openerURL ) { continue; } sourceTabId = vAPI.tabs.getTabId(tab); if ( sourceTabId === tabId ) { sourceTabId = null; continue; } URI = Services.io.newURI(details.url, null, null); if ( httpObserver.handlePopup(URI, tabId, sourceTabId) ) { return; } break; } } var lastRequest = httpObserver.lastRequest; lastRequest[1] = lastRequest[0]; lastRequest[0] = { frameId: details.frameId, parentFrameId: details.parentFrameId, sourceTabId: sourceTabId, tabId: tabId, type: details.type, url: details.url }; }; vAPI.messaging.globalMessageManager.addMessageListener( shouldLoadListenerMessageName, shouldLoadListener ); var locationChangedListenerMessageName = location.host + ':locationChanged'; var locationChangedListener = function(e) { var details = e.data; var browser = e.target; var tabId = vAPI.tabs.getTabId(browser); //console.debug("nsIWebProgressListener: onLocationChange: " + details.url + " (" + details.flags + ")"); // LOCATION_CHANGE_SAME_DOCUMENT = "did not load a new document" if ( details.flags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.LOCATION_CHANGE_SAME_DOCUMENT ) { vAPI.tabs.onUpdated(tabId, {url: details.url}, { frameId: 0, tabId: tabId, url: browser.currentURI.asciiSpec }); return; } // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/105 // Allow any kind of pages vAPI.tabs.onNavigation({ frameId: 0, tabId: tabId, url: details.url, }); }; vAPI.messaging.globalMessageManager.addMessageListener( locationChangedListenerMessageName, locationChangedListener ); httpObserver.register(); cleanupTasks.push(function() { vAPI.messaging.globalMessageManager.removeMessageListener( shouldLoadListenerMessageName, shouldLoadListener ); vAPI.messaging.globalMessageManager.removeMessageListener( locationChangedListenerMessageName, locationChangedListener ); httpObserver.unregister(); }); }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.toolbarButton = { id: location.host + '-button', type: 'view', viewId: location.host + '-panel', label: vAPI.app.name, tooltiptext: vAPI.app.name, tabs: {/*tabId: {badge: 0, img: boolean}*/} }; /******************************************************************************/ // Toolbar button UI for desktop Firefox vAPI.toolbarButton.init = function() { var CustomizableUI; try { CustomizableUI = Cu.import('resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.jsm', null).CustomizableUI; } catch (ex) { return; } this.defaultArea = CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR; this.styleURI = [ '#' + this.id + ' {', 'list-style-image: url(', vAPI.getURL('img/browsericons/icon19-off.png'), ');', '}', '#' + this.viewId + ', #' + this.viewId + ' > iframe {', 'width: 160px;', 'height: 290px;', 'overflow: hidden !important;', '}' ]; var platformVersion = Services.appinfo.platformVersion; if ( Services.vc.compare(platformVersion, '36.0') < 0 ) { this.styleURI.push( '#' + this.id + '[badge]:not([badge=""])::after {', 'position: absolute;', 'margin-left: -16px;', 'margin-top: 3px;', 'padding: 1px 2px;', 'font-size: 9px;', 'font-weight: bold;', 'color: #fff;', 'background: #000;', 'content: attr(badge);', '}' ); } else { this.CUIEvents = {}; var updateBadge = function() { var wId = vAPI.toolbarButton.id; var buttonInPanel = CustomizableUI.getWidget(wId).areaType === CustomizableUI.TYPE_MENU_PANEL; for ( var win of vAPI.tabs.getWindows() ) { var button = win.document.getElementById(wId); if ( buttonInPanel ) { button.classList.remove('badged-button'); continue; } if ( button === null ) { continue; } button.classList.add('badged-button'); } if ( buttonInPanel ) { return; } // Anonymous elements need some time to be reachable setTimeout(this.updateBadgeStyle, 250); }.bind(this.CUIEvents); this.CUIEvents.onCustomizeEnd = updateBadge; this.CUIEvents.onWidgetUnderflow = updateBadge; this.CUIEvents.updateBadgeStyle = function() { var css = [ 'background: #000', 'color: #fff' ].join(';'); for ( var win of vAPI.tabs.getWindows() ) { var button = win.document.getElementById(vAPI.toolbarButton.id); if ( button === null ) { continue; } var badge = button.ownerDocument.getAnonymousElementByAttribute( button, 'class', 'toolbarbutton-badge' ); if ( !badge ) { return; } badge.style.cssText = css; } }; this.onCreated = function(button) { button.setAttribute('badge', ''); setTimeout(updateBadge, 250); }; CustomizableUI.addListener(this.CUIEvents); } this.styleURI = Services.io.newURI( 'data:text/css,' + encodeURIComponent(this.styleURI.join('')), null, null ); this.closePopup = function({target}) { CustomizableUI.hidePanelForNode( target.ownerDocument.getElementById(vAPI.toolbarButton.viewId) ); }; CustomizableUI.createWidget(this); vAPI.messaging.globalMessageManager.addMessageListener( location.host + ':closePopup', this.closePopup ); cleanupTasks.push(function() { if ( this.CUIEvents ) { CustomizableUI.removeListener(this.CUIEvents); } CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(this.id); vAPI.messaging.globalMessageManager.removeMessageListener( location.host + ':closePopup', this.closePopup ); for ( var win of vAPI.tabs.getWindows() ) { var panel = win.document.getElementById(this.viewId); panel.parentNode.removeChild(panel); win.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils) .removeSheet(this.styleURI, 1); } }.bind(this)); this.init = null; }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.toolbarButton.onBeforeCreated = function(doc) { var panel = doc.createElement('panelview'); panel.setAttribute('id', this.viewId); var iframe = doc.createElement('iframe'); iframe.setAttribute('type', 'content'); doc.getElementById('PanelUI-multiView') .appendChild(panel) .appendChild(iframe); var updateTimer = null; var delayedResize = function() { if ( updateTimer ) { return; } updateTimer = setTimeout(resizePopup, 10); }; var resizePopup = function() { updateTimer = null; var body = iframe.contentDocument.body; panel.parentNode.style.maxWidth = 'none'; // We set a limit for height var height = Math.min(body.clientHeight, 600); var width = body.clientWidth; // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/730 // Voodoo programming: this recipe works panel.style.height = iframe.style.height = height.toString() + 'px'; panel.style.width = iframe.style.width = width.toString() + 'px'; if ( iframe.clientHeight !== height || iframe.clientWidth !== width ) { delayedResize(); } }; var onPopupReady = function() { var win = this.contentWindow; if ( !win || win.location.host !== location.host ) { return; } new win.MutationObserver(delayedResize).observe(win.document.body, { attributes: true, characterData: true, subtree: true }); delayedResize(); }; iframe.addEventListener('load', onPopupReady, true); doc.defaultView.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils) .loadSheet(this.styleURI, 1); }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.toolbarButton.onViewShowing = function({target}) { target.firstChild.setAttribute('src', vAPI.getURL('popup.html')); }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.toolbarButton.onViewHiding = function({target}) { target.parentNode.style.maxWidth = ''; target.firstChild.setAttribute('src', 'about:blank'); }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.toolbarButton.updateState = function(win, tabId) { var button = win.document.getElementById(this.id); if ( !button ) { return; } var icon = this.tabs[tabId]; button.setAttribute('badge', icon && icon.badge || ''); var iconId = icon && icon.img ? icon.img : 'off'; icon = 'url(' + vAPI.getURL('img/browsericons/icon19-' + iconId + '.png') + ')'; button.style.listStyleImage = icon; }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.toolbarButton.init(); /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.contextMenu = { contextMap: { frame: 'inFrame', link: 'onLink', image: 'onImage', audio: 'onAudio', video: 'onVideo', editable: 'onEditableArea' } }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.contextMenu.displayMenuItem = function({target}) { var doc = target.ownerDocument; var gContextMenu = doc.defaultView.gContextMenu; if ( !gContextMenu.browser ) { return; } var menuitem = doc.getElementById(vAPI.contextMenu.menuItemId); var currentURI = gContextMenu.browser.currentURI; // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/105 // TODO: Should the element picker works on any kind of pages? if ( !currentURI.schemeIs('http') && !currentURI.schemeIs('https') ) { menuitem.hidden = true; return; } var ctx = vAPI.contextMenu.contexts; if ( !ctx ) { menuitem.hidden = false; return; } var ctxMap = vAPI.contextMenu.contextMap; for ( var context of ctx ) { if ( context === 'page' && !gContextMenu.onLink && !gContextMenu.onImage && !gContextMenu.onEditableArea && !gContextMenu.inFrame && !gContextMenu.onVideo && !gContextMenu.onAudio ) { menuitem.hidden = false; return; } if ( gContextMenu[ctxMap[context]] ) { menuitem.hidden = false; return; } } menuitem.hidden = true; }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.contextMenu.register = function(doc) { if ( !this.menuItemId ) { return; } var contextMenu = doc.getElementById('contentAreaContextMenu'); var menuitem = doc.createElement('menuitem'); menuitem.setAttribute('id', this.menuItemId); menuitem.setAttribute('label', this.menuLabel); menuitem.setAttribute('image', vAPI.getURL('img/browsericons/icon19-19.png')); menuitem.setAttribute('class', 'menuitem-iconic'); menuitem.addEventListener('command', this.onCommand); contextMenu.addEventListener('popupshowing', this.displayMenuItem); contextMenu.insertBefore(menuitem, doc.getElementById('inspect-separator')); }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.contextMenu.unregister = function(doc) { if ( !this.menuItemId ) { return; } var menuitem = doc.getElementById(this.menuItemId); var contextMenu = menuitem.parentNode; menuitem.removeEventListener('command', this.onCommand); contextMenu.removeEventListener('popupshowing', this.displayMenuItem); contextMenu.removeChild(menuitem); }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.contextMenu.create = function(details, callback) { this.menuItemId = details.id; this.menuLabel = details.title; this.contexts = details.contexts; if ( Array.isArray(this.contexts) && this.contexts.length ) { this.contexts = this.contexts.indexOf('all') === -1 ? this.contexts : null; } else { // default in Chrome this.contexts = ['page']; } this.onCommand = function() { var gContextMenu = getOwnerWindow(this).gContextMenu; var details = { menuItemId: this.id }; if ( gContextMenu.inFrame ) { details.tagName = 'iframe'; // Probably won't work with e10s details.frameUrl = gContextMenu.focusedWindow.location.href; } else if ( gContextMenu.onImage ) { details.tagName = 'img'; details.srcUrl = gContextMenu.mediaURL; } else if ( gContextMenu.onAudio ) { details.tagName = 'audio'; details.srcUrl = gContextMenu.mediaURL; } else if ( gContextMenu.onVideo ) { details.tagName = 'video'; details.srcUrl = gContextMenu.mediaURL; } else if ( gContextMenu.onLink ) { details.tagName = 'a'; details.linkUrl = gContextMenu.linkURL; } callback(details, { id: vAPI.tabs.getTabId(gContextMenu.browser), url: gContextMenu.browser.currentURI.asciiSpec }); }; for ( var win of vAPI.tabs.getWindows() ) { this.register(win.document); } }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.contextMenu.remove = function() { for ( var win of vAPI.tabs.getWindows() ) { this.unregister(win.document); } this.menuItemId = null; this.menuLabel = null; this.contexts = null; this.onCommand = null; }; /******************************************************************************/ var optionsObserver = { addonId: 'uMatrix@raymondhill.net', register: function() { Services.obs.addObserver(this, 'addon-options-displayed', false); cleanupTasks.push(this.unregister.bind(this)); var browser = getBrowserForTab(vAPI.tabs.get(null)); if ( browser && browser.currentURI && browser.currentURI.spec === 'about:addons' ) { this.observe(browser.contentDocument, 'addon-enabled', this.addonId); } }, unregister: function() { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, 'addon-options-displayed'); }, setupOptionsButton: function(doc, id, page) { var button = doc.getElementById(id); if ( button === null ) { return; } button.addEventListener('command', function() { vAPI.tabs.open({ url: page, index: -1 }); }); button.label = vAPI.i18n(id); }, observe: function(doc, topic, addonId) { if ( addonId !== this.addonId ) { return; } this.setupOptionsButton(doc, 'showDashboardButton', 'dashboard.html'); this.setupOptionsButton(doc, 'showNetworkLogButton', 'devtools.html'); } }; optionsObserver.register(); /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.lastError = function() { return null; }; /******************************************************************************/ // This is called only once, when everything has been loaded in memory after // the extension was launched. It can be used to inject content scripts // in already opened web pages, to remove whatever nuisance could make it to // the web pages before uBlock was ready. vAPI.onLoadAllCompleted = function() { var µb = µBlock; for ( var tab of this.tabs.getAllSync() ) { // We're insterested in only the tabs that were already loaded var tabId = this.tabs.getTabId(tab); var browser = getBrowserForTab(tab); µb.tabContextManager.commit(tabId, browser.currentURI.asciiSpec); µb.bindTabToPageStats(tabId, browser.currentURI.asciiSpec); browser.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage( location.host + '-load-completed' ); } }; /******************************************************************************/ // Likelihood is that we do not have to punycode: given punycode overhead, // it's faster to check and skip than do it unconditionally all the time. var punycodeHostname = punycode.toASCII; var isNotASCII = /[^\x21-\x7F]/; vAPI.punycodeHostname = function(hostname) { return isNotASCII.test(hostname) ? punycodeHostname(hostname) : hostname; }; vAPI.punycodeURL = function(url) { if ( isNotASCII.test(url) ) { return Services.io.newURI(url, null, null).asciiSpec; } return url; }; /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.browserCache = {}; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.browserCache.clearByTime = function(since) { // TODO }; vAPI.browserCache.clearByOrigin = function(/* domain */) { // TODO }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.cookies = {}; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.cookies.registerListeners = function() { // TODO }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.cookies.getAll = function(callback) { // TODO if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback([]); } }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.cookies.remove = function(details, callback) { // TODO if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback(null); } }; /******************************************************************************/ })(); /******************************************************************************/