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734 lines
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Raw Normal View History

"extName": {
"message": "uMatrix",
"description": ""
"extShortDesc": {
"message": "通過點選開關達到控制瀏覽器中的各種網頁請求。藉此阻擋網頁指令、嵌套頁面、媒體廣告、社交網站追踪等行爲。",
"description": "this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"dashboardPageName": {
"message": "uMatrix — 控制台",
"description": ""
"loggerPageName": {
"message": "uMatrix — 日誌記錄",
"description": "Title for the logger window"
"settingsPageName": {
"message": "設定",
"description": "a tab in dashboard"
"privacyPageName": {
"message": "隱私",
"description": "a tab in dashboard"
"statsPageName": {
"message": "統計",
"description": "a tab in dashboard"
"userRulesPageName": {
"message": "過濾規則",
"description": "a tab in dashboard"
"ubiquitousRulesPageName": {
"message": "資源",
"description": "a tab in dashboard"
"rawSettingsPageName": {
"message": "更多",
"description": "a tab in dashboard"
"aboutPageName": {
"message": "關於",
"description": "a tab in dashboard"
"allPrettyName": {
"message": "全部",
"description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"cookiePrettyName": {
"message": "Cookie",
"description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"cssPrettyName": {
"message": "樣式",
"description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"imagePrettyName": {
"message": "圖像",
"description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"mediaPrettyName": {
"message": "影音",
"description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"pluginPrettyName": {
"message": "插件",
"description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"scriptPrettyName": {
"message": "指令",
"description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"xhrPrettyName": {
"message": "XHR",
"description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"framePrettyName": {
"message": "框架",
"description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"otherPrettyName": {
"message": "其他",
"description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"matrixNoNetTrafficPrompt": {
"message": "該頁面暫無網路傳輸。",
"description": ""
"matrixLocalScopeTip": {
"message": "選擇一個域名並檢視或創建應用至該域名的規則。",
"description": "Tool tip for the local scope button"
"matrixGlobalScopeTip": {
"message": "切換至全域並檢視或創建全域規則。",
"description": "Tool tip for the global scope button"
"matrixMtxButtonTip": {
"message": "停用或啟用於該域名下的過濾。",
"description": "Tool tip for matrix button"
"matrixPersistButtonTip": {
"message": "儲存應用至該域名的所有臨時變更。",
"description": "Tool tip for the persist button"
"matrixRevertButtonTip": {
"message": "撤銷應用至該域名的所有臨時變更。",
"description": "Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"matrixReloadButton": {
"message": "重新載入此頁。\n同時按下 Shift 鍵以棄用瀏覽器快取。",
"description": "Tool tip for the reload button"
"matrix1stPartyLabel": {
"message": "第一方",
"description": "1st-party"
"matrixBlacklistedHostnames": {
"message": "{{count}} 個黑名單域名",
"description": "Appears in the metadata row of bottom-most group: **mind the limited width**"
"matrixSwitchNoMixedContent": {
"message": "禁止混合內容",
"description": "A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"matrixSwitchNoWorker": {
"message": "禁用 Web Worker",
"description": "A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"matrixSwitchReferrerSpoof": {
"message": "偽造參照位址",
"description": "A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"matrixSwitchNoscriptSpoof": {
"message": "模擬 <code><noscript></code> 元素",
"description": "A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"matrixRevertAllEntry": {
"message": "撤銷所有臨時變更",
"description": "A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"matrixLoggerMenuEntry": {
"message": "查看日誌",
"description": "A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"matrixDashboardMenuEntry": {
"message": "前往控制臺",
"description": "A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"matrixNoTabFound": {
"message": "沒有找到網頁",
"description": "Displays in place of matrix when no data is found for the current page"
"matrixRecipeImportTip": {
"message": "導入規則",
"description": "Used as a tooltip for the recipe import button"
"matrixRecipeSaveTip": {
"message": "儲存規則",
"description": "Used as a tooltip for the recipe padlock button"
"statsPageTitle": {
"message": "uMatrix &ndash; 統計",
"description": ""
"statsPageGenericStats": {
"message": "大致統計",
"description": ""
"statsPageCookieHeadersFoiled": {
"message": "已阻止<a href='https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cookie'>Cookie</a>檔頭請求:{{count}}次",
"description": ""
"statsPageRefererHeadersFoiled": {
"message": "已阻止<a href='https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP%E5%8F%83%E7%85%A7%E4%BD%8D%E5%9D%80'>HTTP參照位址</a>檔頭請求:{{count}}次",
"description": ""
"statsPageHyperlinkAuditingFoiled": {
"message": "已阻止<a href='https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/semantics.html#hyperlink-auditing'>超連結審查</a>{{count}}次",
"description": ""
"statsPageCookiesRemoved": {
"message": "本地Cookie移除次數{{count}}",
"description": ""
"statsPageLocalStoragesCleared": {
"message": "<a href='http://diveintohtml5.info/storage.html'>本地儲存</a>清空次數:{{count}}",
"description": ""
"statsPageBrowserCacheCleared": {
"message": "瀏覽器快取清除次數:{{count}}",
"description": ""
"statsPageDetailedStats": {
"message": "詳細統計",
"description": ""
"statsPageDetailedAllPages": {
"message": "全部",
"description": ""
"statsPageDetailedBehindTheScenePage": {
"message": "頁面後臺",
"description": ""
"statsPageOverview": {
"message": "概覽",
"description": ""
"statsPageRequests": {
"message": "請求",
"description": "header for the stat type column"
"statsPageAllowed": {
"message": "容許",
"description": "header for the allowed requests column"
"statsPageBlocked": {
"message": "阻擋",
"description": "header for the blocked requests column"
"statsPageAll": {
"message": "全部",
"description": ""
"statsPagePages": {
"message": "頁面",
"description": ""
"statsPageCookies": {
"message": "Cookie",
"description": ""
"statsPageCSS": {
"message": "樣式",
"description": ""
"statsPageImages": {
"message": "圖像",
"description": ""
"statsPagePlugins": {
"message": "外掛程式",
"description": ""
"statsPageScripts": {
"message": "指令碼",
"description": ""
"statsPageXHRs": {
"message": "XHR",
"description": ""
"statsPageFrames": {
"message": "嵌套",
"description": ""
"statsPageOthers": {
"message": "其他",
"description": ""
"statsPageDetailed": {
"message": "日誌",
"description": ""
"statsPageLogSizePrompt1": {
"message": "記住<b>每頁</b>最近",
"description": "First part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"statsPageLogSizePrompt2": {
"message": "次HTTP請求。",
"description": "Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"statsPageLogSizeHelp": {
"message": "<p>您可以查看最近期網絡頁面所發出的請求之詳情(見下)。</p><p>這對於想了解網絡頁面的確切行為的進階使用者較為實用惟記錄HTTP請求將耗用記憶體如您並不在意技術細節則等同浪費記憶體。</p><p>故此欄將容許閣下調整用作進一歲檢查的近期HTTP請求之記錄數字。</p><p>輸入「<code>0</code>」將禁用詳細日誌(從而減少<i>uMatrix</i>所佔用之記憶體)。</p>",
"description": "To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
"statsPageRefresh": {
"message": "重新整理",
"description": ""
"settingsPageTitle": {
"message": "uMatrix &ndash; 設定",
"description": ""
"settingsMatrixDisplayHeader": {
"message": "界面外觀",
"description": "header for matrix settings used in Settings page"
"settingsMatrixDisplayTextSizePrompt": {
"message": "文字大小:",
"description": ""
"settingsIconBadgeEnabled": {
"message": "於圖標上顯示受阻擋資源數量",
"description": ""
"settingsMatrixDisplayColorBlind": {
"message": "適合色盲人士",
"description": ""
"settingsMatrixConvenienceHeader": {
"message": "便捷功能",
"description": "English: Convenience"
"settingsDefaultScopeLevel": {
"message": "預設域名層級",
"description": "Label for default scope level selector in Settings pane"
"settingsDefaultScopeLevel0": {
"message": "全域",
"description": "Scope will be global"
"settingsDefaultScopeLevel1": {
"message": "主站域名",
"description": "Scope will be base domain"
"settingsDefaultScopeLevel2": {
"message": "網頁域名",
"description": "Scope will be full hostname of site"
"settingsCollapseBlocked": {
"message": "隱藏已阻擋請求所關聯的頁面內容",
"description": "English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"settingsCollapseBlacklisted": {
"message": "隱藏因域名黑名單而遭遮蔽的內容",
"description": "A setting in the dashboard's Settings pane: 'blacklisted' means 'for which there is a specific block rule', 'specific' means 'a rule for which the destination hostname is not `*`'"
"settingsNoscriptTagsSpoofed": {
"message": "當第一方指令碼被阻擋時嘗試模擬還原 <code><noscript></code> 網頁元素",
"description": "This appears in the Settings pane in the dashboard"
"settingsCloudStorageEnabled": {
"message": "啟用瀏覽器自帶雲端儲存",
"description": ""
"settingsMatrixNoTooltips": {
"message": "停用使用提示",
"description": ""
"privacyPageTitle": {
"message": "uMatrix &ndash; 隱私",
"description": ""
"privacyDeleteBlockedCookiesPrompt": {
"message": "刪除已屏蔽的 Cookie",
"description": ""
"privacyDeleteBlockedCookiesHelp": {
"message": "<p><i>uMatrix</i> 預設不會阻止黑名單中的 Cookie 進入您的瀏覽器,而是阻止它们離開开您的瀏覽器,因後者更具有意義。不於 Cookie 進入瀏覽器之前阻止它們將使您有機會得知網站正嘗試使用 Cookie以便您有需要時進一步查看。</p><p>若黑名單中的 Cookie 被 <i>uMatrix</i> 所計入則可按閱下意願將其移除。</p><p><b>重要提示:</b>附加元件於其運作期間作出網絡請求之時將可能產生 Cookie。如果 Cookie 所在域名並未被列入白名單,則 <i>uMatrix</i> 會於該選項開啟之時移除這些 Cookie。請確保用於附加元件通訊的域名處於白名單內。</p>",
"description": ""
"privacyDeleteNonBlockedSessionCookiesPrompt1": {
"message": "於 ",
"description": "First part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"privacyDeleteNonBlockedSessionCookiesPrompt2": {
"message": " 分鐘後刪除未屏蔽的閒置會話 Cookie",
"description": "Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"privacyDeleteNonBlockedSessionCookiesHelp": {
"message": "<p><a href='http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2010/09/ClientSideStorage.html'>萬維網聯盟</a> 告知:「會話 Cookie……將於瀏覽器會話結束時被清除。會話 Cookie 儲存於記憶體中,瀏覽器關閉後將不再保留。」</p><p>不過在使用某些瀏覽器時,此行為<a href='https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=128513'>未必發生</a>。另外,對某些人而言,於瀏覽器將閉後才清除會話 Cookie 可能太遲。</p>",
"description": ""
"privacyDeleteBlockedLocalStoragePrompt": {
"message": "連同被屏蔽的 Cookie 一並刪除相關域名下的<a href='https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%BD%91%E9%A1%B5%E5%AD%98%E5%82%A8#.E6.9C.AC.E5.9C.B0.E5.8F.8A.E6.9C.83.E8.A9.B1.E5.AD.98.E5.84.B2'>本地存储</a>數據",
"description": ""
"privacyDeleteBlockedLocalStorageHelp": {
"message": "待完成",
"description": ""
"privacyClearCachePrompt1": {
"message": "每隔 ",
"description": "First part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"privacyClearCachePrompt2": {
"message": " 分鐘清除瀏覽器快取",
"description": "Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"privacyClearCacheHelp": {
"message": "<p>某些網站特别熱衷於追蹤,以至於為規避您的反跟蹤舉措,會使用一些不太光彩的手段。</p><p>一部分詭計利用了<a href='https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%BD%91%E9%A1%B5%E5%BF%AB%E7%85%A7'>瀏覽器快取</a><sup>[1, 2]</sup>,因為快取內容通常會長期儲留,用戶也基本不會去親自清理。</p><p>定期清理瀏覽器快取其實並不怎麼麻煩(甚至很可能不會被注意到),且貴在可以保護您的隱私免受追蹤者侵犯。</p><p>啟用該設定將容許 <i>uMatrix</i> 依您指定的時間定期為您完成此項工作。</p><p>[1] <a href='https://grepular.com/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>「阻止利用瀏覽器快取進行網絡追蹤」</a>\n[2] <a href='http://lucb1e.com/rp/cookielesscookies/'>「Cookieless Cookies」</a></p>",
"description": ""
"privacyProcessRefererPrompt": {
"message": "偽造網頁第三方請求中的 <a href='https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP%E5%8F%83%E7%85%A7%E4%BD%8D%E5%9D%80'>HTTP 參照位址</a>",
"description": ""
"privacyProcessRefererHelp": {
"message": "維基百科:<blockquote>HTTP 位址參照是一個用於辨識請求來源網頁網址的內容標識。……<b>由於位址參照可能會洩漏隱私,某些瀏覽器容許使用者禁止傳送位址參照。</b></blockquote>若啟用該設定,<i>uMatrix</i> 則會於來源網頁請求的 HTTP 位址參照中包含的域名與請求資源所在域名有差別時偽造位址參照。",
"description": ""
"privacyNoMixedContentPrompt": {
"message": "嚴格遵守 HTTPS 協議:禁止混合内容",
"description": ""
"privacyNoMixedContentHelp": {
"message": "<p><a href='https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Security/MixedContent'>Mozilla 開發者網絡</a>告知:</p><blockquote>若 HTTPS 頁面包含未經加密的普通 HTTP 網頁內容,則當前連結只是部分加密;未加密的部分或會遭他人窺視甚至篡改內容,故連結並非完全安全。當此情況發生時,該頁面即為混合內容頁面。</blockquote>",
"description": ""
"privacyProcessHyperlinkAuditingPrompt": {
"message": "禁止<a href='https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/semantics.html#hyperlink-auditing'>超連結審查</a>",
"description": ""
"privacyProcessHyperlinkAuditingHelp": {
"message": "<p>超連結審查容許<b>任何人</b>獲知用戶於特定網頁上點擊了某個連結。其本質為一種追蹤手段:經由容許網站或任何第三方獲告知您於哪個頁面點擊了哪個連結,以達到追蹤您的瀏覽動向此一特定目的。</p>",
"description": ""
"userRulesPermanentHeader": {
"message": "永久規則",
"description": ""
"userRulesTemporaryHeader": {
"message": "臨時規則",
"description": ""
"userRulesRevert": {
"message": "還原",
"description": "Will remove all temporary rules"
"userRulesCommit": {
"message": "提交",
"description": "Will save all temporary rules"
"userRulesEdit": {
"message": "編輯",
"description": "Will enable manual-edit mode (textarea)"
"userRulesEditSave": {
"message": "儲存",
"description": "Will save manually-edited content and exit manual-edit mode"
"userRulesEditDicard": {
"message": "撤銷",
"description": "Will discard manually-edited content and exit manual-edit mode"
"userRulesImport": {
"message": "從檔案導入...",
"description": ""
"userRulesExport": {
"message": "導出至檔案...",
"description": ""
"userRulesFormatHint": {
"message": "於此頁面查閱規則語法。",
"description": ""
"userRulesDefaultFileName": {
"message": "my-umatrix-rules.txt",
"description": "default file name to use"
"assetsHostsSection": {
"message": "Hosts 檔案",
"description": "header to identify the hosts files section"
"hostsFilesPrompt": {
"message": "Hosts 檔案中的域名將被列入全域黑名單。",
"description": ""
"hostsFilesStats": {
"message": "總共 {{blockedHostnameCount}} 個域名被列入以下黑名單:",
"description": ""
"hostsFilesPerFileStats": {
"message": "{{used}}/{{total}} 使用中",
"description": ""
"hostsFilesLastUpdate": {
"message": "上次更新:{{ago}}",
"description": "English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"hostsFilesApplyChanges": {
"message": "套用變更",
"description": ""
"hostsFilesAutoUpdatePrompt": {
"message": "自動更新資源",
"description": ""
"hostsFilesUpdateNow": {
"message": "立即更新",
"description": ""
"hostsFilesPurgeAll": {
"message": "清除所有快取",
"description": ""
"hostsFilesExternalListsHint": {
"message": "每行一條網址。以「#」開始的行將被忽略。無效網址亦將忽略。",
"description": ""
"hostsFilesExternalListsParse": {
"message": "解析",
"description": ""
"hostsFilesExternalListPurge": {
"message": "清除快取",
"description": ""
"hostsFilesExternalListNew": {
"message": "有新版本",
"description": ""
"hostsFilesExternalListObsolete": {
"message": "已過期",
"description": ""
"assetsRecipesSection": {
"message": "過濾規則集合",
"description": "header to identify the ruleset files section"
"assetsRecipesSummary": {
"message": "過濾規則集合只能由使用者自行添加。",
"description": ""
"assetsImportLabel": {
"message": "導入…",
"description": ""
"assetsInlineHostsLabel": {
"message": "我的 Hosts 名單",
"description": ""
"assetsInlineRecipesLabel": {
"message": "我的收集",
"description": ""
"rawSettingsWarning": {
"message": "警告!可在此編輯原始設定數據。請自負風險。",
"description": ""
"aboutChangelog": {
"message": "<a href='https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix/releases'>更新日誌</a>",
"description": ""
"aboutStorageUsed": {
"message": "佔用儲存空間:{{storageUsed}} 位元組",
"description": ""
"aboutDoc": {
"message": "<a href='https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix/wiki'>幫助文檔</a>",
"description": ""
"aboutPermissions": {
"message": "<a href='https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix/wiki/Permissions'>權限說明</a>",
"description": ""
"aboutCode": {
"message": "原始程式碼GPLv3",
"description": ""
"aboutIssues": {
"message": "問題報告",
"description": "Text for a link to official issue tracker"
"aboutContributors": {
"message": "貢獻者",
"description": "English: Contributors"
"aboutCodeContributors": {
"message": "程式碼:",
"description": ""
"aboutIssueContributors": {
"message": "問題:",
"description": ""
"aboutTranslationContributors": {
"message": "翻譯:",
"description": ""
"aboutUserDataHeader": {
"message": "您的數據",
"description": ""
"aboutBackupButton": {
"message": "備份至檔案...",
"description": ""
"aboutBackupFilename": {
"message": "my-umatrix-backup.txt",
"description": "default filename to use"
"aboutRestoreButton": {
"message": "從檔案還原...",
"description": ""
"aboutRestoreConfirm": {
"message": "您的所有設定將由 {{time}} 的備份數據所覆蓋,接著 uMatrix 將會重新啟動。\n\n是否要用備份數據覆蓋現有設定",
"description": "Message asking user to confirm restore"
"aboutRestoreError": {
"message": "數據讀取失敗或格式有誤",
"description": ""
"aboutOr": {
"message": "...或者...",
"description": "English: ... or ..."
"aboutResetButton": {
"message": "重置為預設值",
"description": "English: Reset to default settings"
"aboutResetConfirm": {
"message": "小心!這將移除您的所有設定。確定要繼續?",
"description": "Message asking user to confirm reset"
"loggerFilterInputPlaceholder": {
"message": "規則過濾表達式",
"description": "Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"loggerMaxEntriesTip": {
"message": "日誌條數限制",
"description": "Appears as a tooltip when hovering the input field"
"loggerEntryCookieDeleted": {
"message": "已刪除 Cookie{{value}}",
"description": "An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"loggerEntryDeleteCookieError": {
"message": "無法刪除 Cookie{{value}}",
"description": "An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"loggerEntryBrowserCacheCleared": {
"message": "瀏覽器快取清除完畢",
"description": "An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"loggerEntryAssetUpdated": {
"message": "已更新資料:{{value}}",
"description": "An entry for when an asset was updated"
"mainBlockedPrompt1": {
"message": "uMatrix 已阻止載入以下頁面:",
"description": "English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"mainBlockedPrompt2": {
"message": "因以下規則",
"description": "English: Because of the following rule"
"mainBlockedNoParamsPrompt": {
"message": "不帶參數",
"description": "label to be used for the parameter-less URL: https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/585534/9832014/bfb1b8f0-593b-11e5-8a27-fba472a5529a.png"
"mainBlockedBack": {
"message": "返回",
"description": "English: Go back"
"mainBlockedClose": {
"message": "關閉",
"description": "English: Close"
"commandRevertAll": {
"message": "撤銷所有臨時變更",
"description": ""
"commandWhitelistPageDomain": {
"message": "暫時將頁面域名列入白名單",
"description": ""
"commandWhitelistAll": {
"message": "暫時將一切列入白名單",
"description": ""
"commandOpenDashboard": {
"message": "開啟控制臺",
"description": ""
"elapsedOneMinuteAgo": {
"message": "1 分鐘前",
"description": "English: a minute ago"
"elapsedManyMinutesAgo": {
"message": "{{value}} 分鐘前",
"description": "English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"elapsedOneHourAgo": {
"message": "1 小時前",
"description": "English: an hour ago"
"elapsedManyHoursAgo": {
"message": "{{value}} 小時前",
"description": "English: {{value}} hours ago"
"elapsedOneDayAgo": {
"message": "1 日前",
"description": "English: a day ago"
"elapsedManyDaysAgo": {
"message": "{{value}} 日前",
"description": "English: {{value}} days ago"
"showDashboardButton": {
"message": "控制臺",
"description": "Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"showLoggerButton": {
"message": "日誌",
"description": "Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"cloudPush": {
"message": "導出至雲端儲存",
"description": "tooltip"
"cloudPull": {
"message": "從雲端儲存導入",
"description": "tooltip"
"cloudNoData": {
"message": "...\n...",
"description": ""
"cloudDeviceNamePrompt": {
"message": "該設備名稱:",
"description": "used as a prompt for the user to provide a custom device name"
"genericSubmit": {
"message": "提交",
"description": "for generic 'submit' buttons"
"genericRevert": {
"message": "還原",
"description": "for generic 'revert' buttons"
"errorCantConnectTo": {
"message": "網絡錯誤:無法連接至 {{url}}",
"description": ""
"genericApplyChanges": {
"message": "應用變更",
"description": "for generic 'Apply changes' buttons"