import * as React from "react"; import { useContext, useState } from "react"; import { Button, TextField, Dialog, DialogContent, DialogContentText, DialogTitle, Autocomplete, FormControlLabel, FormGroup, useMediaQuery, Switch, } from "@mui/material"; import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; import theme from "./theme"; import api from "../app/Api"; import { randomAlphanumericString, topicUrl, validTopic, validUrl } from "../app/utils"; import userManager from "../app/UserManager"; import subscriptionManager from "../app/SubscriptionManager"; import poller from "../app/Poller"; import DialogFooter from "./DialogFooter"; import session from "../app/Session"; import routes from "./routes"; import accountApi, { Permission, Role } from "../app/AccountApi"; import ReserveTopicSelect from "./ReserveTopicSelect"; import { AccountContext } from "./App"; import { TopicReservedError, UnauthorizedError } from "../app/errors"; import { ReserveLimitChip } from "./SubscriptionPopup"; const publicBaseUrl = ""; export const subscribeTopic = async (baseUrl, topic, opts) => { const subscription = await subscriptionManager.add(baseUrl, topic, opts); if (session.exists()) { try { await accountApi.addSubscription(baseUrl, topic); } catch (e) { console.log(`[SubscribeDialog] Subscribing to topic ${topic} failed`, e); if (e instanceof UnauthorizedError) { await session.resetAndRedirect(routes.login); } } } return subscription; }; const SubscribeDialog = (props) => { const [baseUrl, setBaseUrl] = useState(""); const [topic, setTopic] = useState(""); const [showLoginPage, setShowLoginPage] = useState(false); const fullScreen = useMediaQuery(theme.breakpoints.down("sm")); const handleSuccess = async () => { console.log(`[SubscribeDialog] Subscribing to topic ${topic}`); const actualBaseUrl = baseUrl || config.base_url; const subscription = await subscribeTopic(actualBaseUrl, topic, {}); poller.pollInBackground(subscription); // Dangle! props.onSuccess(subscription); }; return ( {!showLoginPage && ( setShowLoginPage(true)} onSuccess={handleSuccess} /> )} {showLoginPage && setShowLoginPage(false)} onSuccess={handleSuccess} />} ); }; const SubscribePage = (props) => { const { t } = useTranslation(); const { account } = useContext(AccountContext); const [error, setError] = useState(""); const [reserveTopicVisible, setReserveTopicVisible] = useState(false); const [anotherServerVisible, setAnotherServerVisible] = useState(false); const [everyone, setEveryone] = useState(Permission.DENY_ALL); const baseUrl = anotherServerVisible ? props.baseUrl : config.base_url; const { topic } = props; const existingTopicUrls = => topicUrl(s.baseUrl, s.topic)); const existingBaseUrls = Array.from(new Set([publicBaseUrl, => s.baseUrl)])).filter( (s) => s !== config.base_url ); const showReserveTopicCheckbox = config.enable_reservations && !anotherServerVisible && (config.enable_payments || account); const reserveTopicEnabled = session.exists() && (account?.role === Role.ADMIN || (account?.role === Role.USER && (account?.stats.reservations_remaining || 0) > 0)); const handleSubscribe = async () => { const user = await userManager.get(baseUrl); // May be undefined const username = user ? user.username : t("subscribe_dialog_error_user_anonymous"); // Check read access to topic const success = await api.topicAuth(baseUrl, topic, user); if (!success) { console.log(`[SubscribeDialog] Login to ${topicUrl(baseUrl, topic)} failed for user ${username}`); if (user) { setError( t("subscribe_dialog_error_user_not_authorized", { username, }) ); return; } props.onNeedsLogin(); return; } // Reserve topic (if requested) if (session.exists() && baseUrl === config.base_url && reserveTopicVisible) { console.log(`[SubscribeDialog] Reserving topic ${topic} with everyone access ${everyone}`); try { await accountApi.upsertReservation(topic, everyone); } catch (e) { console.log(`[SubscribeDialog] Error reserving topic`, e); if (e instanceof UnauthorizedError) { await session.resetAndRedirect(routes.login); } else if (e instanceof TopicReservedError) { setError(t("subscribe_dialog_error_topic_already_reserved")); return; } } } console.log(`[SubscribeDialog] Successful login to ${topicUrl(baseUrl, topic)} for user ${username}`); props.onSuccess(); }; const handleUseAnotherChanged = (e) => { props.setBaseUrl(""); setAnotherServerVisible(; }; const subscribeButtonEnabled = (() => { if (anotherServerVisible) { const isExistingTopicUrl = existingTopicUrls.includes(topicUrl(baseUrl, topic)); return validTopic(topic) && validUrl(baseUrl) && !isExistingTopicUrl; } const isExistingTopicUrl = existingTopicUrls.includes(topicUrl(config.base_url, topic)); return validTopic(topic) && !isExistingTopicUrl; })(); const updateBaseUrl = (ev, newVal) => { if (validUrl(newVal)) { props.setBaseUrl(newVal.replace(/\/$/, "")); // strip trailing slash after https?:// } else { props.setBaseUrl(newVal); } }; return ( <> {t("subscribe_dialog_subscribe_title")} {t("subscribe_dialog_subscribe_description")}
props.setTopic(} type="text" fullWidth variant="standard" inputProps={{ maxLength: 64, "aria-label": t("subscribe_dialog_subscribe_topic_placeholder"), }} />
{showReserveTopicCheckbox && ( setReserveTopicVisible(} inputProps={{ "aria-label": t("reserve_dialog_checkbox_label"), }} /> } label={ <> {t("reserve_dialog_checkbox_label")} } /> {reserveTopicVisible && } )} {!reserveTopicVisible && ( } label={t("subscribe_dialog_subscribe_use_another_label")} /> {anotherServerVisible && ( ( )} /> )} )}
); }; const LoginPage = (props) => { const { t } = useTranslation(); const [username, setUsername] = useState(""); const [password, setPassword] = useState(""); const [error, setError] = useState(""); const baseUrl = props.baseUrl ? props.baseUrl : config.base_url; const { topic } = props; const handleLogin = async () => { const user = { baseUrl, username, password }; const success = await api.topicAuth(baseUrl, topic, user); if (!success) { console.log(`[SubscribeDialog] Login to ${topicUrl(baseUrl, topic)} failed for user ${username}`); setError(t("subscribe_dialog_error_user_not_authorized", { username })); return; } console.log(`[SubscribeDialog] Successful login to ${topicUrl(baseUrl, topic)} for user ${username}`); await; props.onSuccess(); }; return ( <> {t("subscribe_dialog_login_title")} {t("subscribe_dialog_login_description")} setUsername(} type="text" fullWidth variant="standard" inputProps={{ "aria-label": t("subscribe_dialog_login_username_label"), }} /> setPassword(} fullWidth variant="standard" inputProps={{ "aria-label": t("subscribe_dialog_login_password_label"), }} /> ); }; export default SubscribeDialog;