package io.heckel.ntfy.msg import android.content.Context import import androidx.core.content.FileProvider import import import io.heckel.ntfy.BuildConfig import import io.heckel.ntfy.db.* import io.heckel.ntfy.util.Log import io.heckel.ntfy.util.sha256 import okhttp3.OkHttpClient import okhttp3.Request import okhttp3.Response import import java.util.Date import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit class DownloadIconWorker(private val context: Context, params: WorkerParameters) : Worker(context, params) { private val client = OkHttpClient.Builder() .callTimeout(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES) // Total timeout for entire request .connectTimeout(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS) .readTimeout(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS) .writeTimeout(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS) .build() private val notifier = NotificationService(context) private lateinit var repository: Repository private lateinit var subscription: Subscription private lateinit var notification: Notification private lateinit var icon: Icon private var uri: Uri? = null override fun doWork(): Result { if (context.applicationContext !is Application) return Result.failure() val notificationId = inputData.getString(INPUT_DATA_ID) ?: return Result.failure() val app = context.applicationContext as Application repository = app.repository notification = repository.getNotification(notificationId) ?: return Result.failure() subscription = repository.getSubscription(notification.subscriptionId) ?: return Result.failure() icon = notification.icon ?: return Result.failure() try { val iconFile = createIconFile(icon) val yesterdayTimestamp = Date().time - MAX_CACHE_MILLIS if (!iconFile.exists() || iconFile.lastModified() < yesterdayTimestamp) { downloadIcon(iconFile) } else { Log.d(TAG, "Loading icon from cache: $iconFile") val iconUri = createIconUri(iconFile) this.uri = iconUri // Required for cleanup in onStopped() save(icon.copy(contentUri = iconUri.toString())) } } catch (e: Exception) { failed(e) } return Result.success() } override fun onStopped() { Log.d(TAG, "Icon download was canceled") maybeDeleteFile() } private fun downloadIcon(iconFile: File) { Log.d(TAG, "Downloading icon from ${icon.url}") try { val request = Request.Builder() .url(icon.url) .addHeader("User-Agent", ApiService.USER_AGENT) .build() client.newCall(request).execute().use { response -> Log.d(TAG, "Headers received: $response, Content-Length: ${response.headers["Content-Length"]}") if (!response.isSuccessful || response.body == null) { throw Exception("Unexpected response: ${response.code}") } else if (shouldAbortDownload(response)) { Log.d(TAG, "Aborting download: Content-Length is larger than auto-download setting") return } val resolver = applicationContext.contentResolver val uri = createIconUri(iconFile) this.uri = uri // Required for cleanup in onStopped() Log.d(TAG, "Starting download to content URI: $uri") var bytesCopied: Long = 0 val outFile = resolver.openOutputStream(uri) ?: throw Exception("Cannot open output stream") val downloadLimit = getDownloadLimit() outFile.use { fileOut -> val fileIn = response.body!!.byteStream() val buffer = ByteArray(BUFFER_SIZE) var bytes = while (bytes >= 0) { if (bytesCopied > downloadLimit) { throw Exception("Icon is longer than max download size.") } fileOut.write(buffer, 0, bytes) bytesCopied += bytes bytes = } } Log.d(TAG, "Icon download: successful response, proceeding with download") save(icon.copy(contentUri = uri.toString())) } } catch (e: Exception) { failed(e) } } private fun failed(e: Exception) { Log.w(TAG, "Icon download failed", e) maybeDeleteFile() } private fun maybeDeleteFile() { val uriCopy = uri if (uriCopy != null) { Log.d(TAG, "Deleting leftover icon $uriCopy") val resolver = applicationContext.contentResolver resolver.delete(uriCopy, null, null) } } private fun save(newIcon: Icon) { Log.d(TAG, "Updating icon: $newIcon") icon = newIcon notification = notification.copy(icon = newIcon) notifier.update(subscription, notification) repository.updateNotification(notification) } private fun shouldAbortDownload(response: Response): Boolean { val maxAutoDownloadSize = getDownloadLimit() val size = response.headers["Content-Length"]?.toLongOrNull() ?: return false // Don't abort here if size unknown return size > maxAutoDownloadSize } private fun getDownloadLimit(): Long { return if (repository.getAutoDownloadMaxSize() != Repository.AUTO_DOWNLOAD_NEVER && repository.getAutoDownloadMaxSize() != Repository.AUTO_DOWNLOAD_ALWAYS) { Math.min(repository.getAutoDownloadMaxSize(), MAX_ICON_DOWNLOAD_BYTES) } else { DEFAULT_MAX_ICON_DOWNLOAD_BYTES } } private fun createIconFile(icon: Icon): File { val iconDir = File(context.cacheDir, ICON_CACHE_DIR) if (!iconDir.exists() && !iconDir.mkdirs()) { throw Exception("Cannot create cache directory for icons: $iconDir") } val hash = icon.url.sha256() return File(iconDir, hash) } private fun createIconUri(iconFile: File): Uri { return FileProvider.getUriForFile(context, FILE_PROVIDER_AUTHORITY, iconFile) } companion object { const val INPUT_DATA_ID = "id" const val FILE_PROVIDER_AUTHORITY = BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID + ".provider" // See AndroidManifest.xml const val DEFAULT_MAX_ICON_DOWNLOAD_BYTES = 307_200L // 300 KB const val MAX_ICON_DOWNLOAD_BYTES = 5_242_880L // 5 MB const val MAX_CACHE_MILLIS = 1000*60*60*24 // 24 hours const val ICON_CACHE_DIR = "icons" private const val TAG = "NtfyIconDownload" private const val BUFFER_SIZE = 8 * 1024 } }