package import android.content.Context import* import import androidx.sqlite.db.SupportSQLiteDatabase import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow @Entity(indices = [Index(value = ["baseUrl", "topic"], unique = true)]) data class Subscription( @PrimaryKey val id: Long, // Internal ID, only used in Repository and activities @ColumnInfo(name = "baseUrl") val baseUrl: String, @ColumnInfo(name = "topic") val topic: String, @ColumnInfo(name = "instant") val instant: Boolean, @Ignore val totalCount: Int = 0, // Total notifications @Ignore val newCount: Int = 0, // New notifications @Ignore val lastActive: Long = 0, // Unix timestamp @Ignore val state: ConnectionState = ConnectionState.NOT_APPLICABLE ) { constructor(id: Long, baseUrl: String, topic: String, instant: Boolean) : this(id, baseUrl, topic, instant, 0, 0, 0, ConnectionState.NOT_APPLICABLE) } enum class ConnectionState { NOT_APPLICABLE, CONNECTING, CONNECTED } data class SubscriptionWithMetadata( val id: Long, val baseUrl: String, val topic: String, val instant: Boolean, val totalCount: Int, val newCount: Int, val lastActive: Long ) @Entity data class Notification( @PrimaryKey val id: String, @ColumnInfo(name = "subscriptionId") val subscriptionId: Long, @ColumnInfo(name = "timestamp") val timestamp: Long, // Unix timestamp @ColumnInfo(name = "message") val message: String, @ColumnInfo(name = "notificationId") val notificationId: Int, // Android notification popup ID @ColumnInfo(name = "deleted") val deleted: Boolean, ) = [Subscription::class, Notification::class], version = 2) abstract class Database : RoomDatabase() { abstract fun subscriptionDao(): SubscriptionDao abstract fun notificationDao(): NotificationDao companion object { @Volatile private var instance: Database? = null fun getInstance(context: Context): Database { return instance ?: synchronized(this) { val instance = Room .databaseBuilder(context.applicationContext,,"AppDatabase") .addMigrations(MIGRATION_1_2) .fallbackToDestructiveMigration() .build() this.instance = instance instance } } private val MIGRATION_1_2 = object : Migration(1, 2) { override fun migrate(db: SupportSQLiteDatabase) { // Drop "notifications" & "lastActive" columns (SQLite does not support dropping columns, ...) db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE Subscription_New (id INTEGER NOT NULL, baseUrl TEXT NOT NULL, topic TEXT NOT NULL, instant INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT('0'), PRIMARY KEY(id))") db.execSQL("INSERT INTO Subscription_New SELECT id, baseUrl, topic FROM Subscription") db.execSQL("DROP TABLE Subscription") db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE Subscription_New RENAME TO Subscription") db.execSQL("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_Subscription_baseUrl_topic ON Subscription (baseUrl, topic)") // Add "notificationId" & "deleted" columns db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE Notification ADD COLUMN notificationId INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT('0')") db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE Notification ADD COLUMN deleted INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT('0')") } } } } @Dao interface SubscriptionDao { @Query(""" SELECT, s.baseUrl, s.topic, s.instant, COUNT( totalCount, COUNT(CASE n.notificationId WHEN 0 THEN NULL ELSE END) newCount, IFNULL(MAX(n.timestamp),0) AS lastActive FROM Subscription AS s LEFT JOIN Notification AS n ON AND n.deleted != 1 GROUP BY ORDER BY MAX(n.timestamp) DESC """) fun listFlow(): Flow> @Query(""" SELECT, s.baseUrl, s.topic, s.instant, COUNT( totalCount, COUNT(CASE n.notificationId WHEN 0 THEN NULL ELSE END) newCount, IFNULL(MAX(n.timestamp),0) AS lastActive FROM Subscription AS s LEFT JOIN Notification AS n ON AND n.deleted != 1 GROUP BY ORDER BY MAX(n.timestamp) DESC """) fun list(): List @Query(""" SELECT, s.baseUrl, s.topic, s.instant, COUNT( totalCount, COUNT(CASE n.notificationId WHEN 0 THEN NULL ELSE END) newCount, IFNULL(MAX(n.timestamp),0) AS lastActive FROM Subscription AS s LEFT JOIN Notification AS n ON AND n.deleted != 1 WHERE s.baseUrl = :baseUrl AND s.topic = :topic GROUP BY """) fun get(baseUrl: String, topic: String): SubscriptionWithMetadata? @Query(""" SELECT, s.baseUrl, s.topic, s.instant, COUNT( totalCount, COUNT(CASE n.notificationId WHEN 0 THEN NULL ELSE END) newCount, IFNULL(MAX(n.timestamp),0) AS lastActive FROM Subscription AS s LEFT JOIN Notification AS n ON AND n.deleted != 1 WHERE = :subscriptionId GROUP BY """) fun get(subscriptionId: Long): SubscriptionWithMetadata? @Insert fun add(subscription: Subscription) @Update fun update(subscription: Subscription) @Query("DELETE FROM subscription WHERE id = :subscriptionId") fun remove(subscriptionId: Long) } @Dao interface NotificationDao { @Query("SELECT * FROM notification WHERE subscriptionId = :subscriptionId AND deleted != 1 ORDER BY timestamp DESC") fun list(subscriptionId: Long): Flow> @Query("SELECT id FROM notification WHERE subscriptionId = :subscriptionId") // Includes deleted fun listIds(subscriptionId: Long): List @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE) fun add(notification: Notification) @Query("SELECT * FROM notification WHERE id = :notificationId") fun get(notificationId: String): Notification? @Update fun update(notification: Notification) @Query("UPDATE notification SET deleted = 1 WHERE id = :notificationId") fun remove(notificationId: String) @Query("DELETE FROM notification WHERE subscriptionId = :subscriptionId") fun removeAll(subscriptionId: Long) }