Ntfy https://ntfy.sh Notifications (Min Priority) Notifications (Low Priority) Notifications (Default Priority) Notifications (High Priority) Notifications (Max Priority) Subscription Service Listening for incoming notifications You are subscribed to instant delivery topics You are subscribed to one instant delivery topic You are subscribed to two instant delivery topics You are subscribed to three instant delivery topics You are subscribed to four instant delivery topics You are subscribed to %1$d instant delivery topics You are subscribed to topics You are subscribed to one topic You are subscribed to two topics You are subscribed to three topics You are subscribed to four topics You are subscribed to %1$d topics %1$d notification(s) received Everything is up-to-date %1$d subscription(s) could not be refreshed\n\n%2$s Subscription could not be refreshed: %1$s Subscribed topics Notifications enabled Notifications disabled Notifications disabled until %1$s Settings Report a bug https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/issues Read the docs https://ntfy.sh/docs Rate this app ⭐ Unsubscribe Do you really want to unsubscribe from the selected topic(s) and permanently delete all the notifications you received? Permanently delete Cancel %1$d notification %1$d notifications reconnecting … %1$s (UnifiedPush) yesterday Add subscription It looks like you don\'t have any subscriptions yet. Click the button below to create or subscribe to a topic. After that, you can send messages via PUT or POST and you\'ll receive notifications on your phone. For more detailed instructions, check out the ntfy.sh website and documentation. This subscription is managed by %1$s via UnifiedPush Battery optimization should be disabled to avoid issues with notification delivery. Ask later Dismiss Fix now Starting June 2022, WebSockets will be used to communicate with the ntfy servers. Be sure to configure your selfhosted server to support it. To check if WebSocket support is working, enable it in the Settings under Connection protocol. Ask later Dismiss Learn more https://ntfy.sh/docs/deprecations Enable now Subscribe to topic Topics may not be password-protected, so choose a name that\'s not easy to guess. Once subscribed, you can PUT/POST notifications. Topic name, e.g. phils_alerts Use another server You can subscribe to topics from another server. Type the server URL below. Instant delivery in doze mode Ensures that messages are immediately delivered, even if the device is inactive. Instant delivery is always enabled for hosts other than %1$s. Cancel Subscribe Back Login Connection failed: %1$s Login required This topic requires you to login. Please type in a username and password. Username Password Login failed. User %1$s not authorized. New user Subscribed to topic %1$s You haven\'t received any notifications for this topic yet. To send notifications to this topic, simply PUT or POST to the topic URL. $ curl -d \"Hi\" %1$s ]]> For more detailed instructions, check out the ntfy.sh website and documentation. Do you really want to delete all of the notifications in this topic? Permanently delete Cancel Do you really want to unsubscribe from this topic and delete all of the notifications you received? Permanently delete Cancel Test: You can set a title if you like This is a test notification from the Ntfy Android app. It has a priority of %1$d. If you send another one, it may look different. Cannot send message: %1$s Cannot send message: Anonymous publishing not allowed Cannot send message: User %1$s not authorized Cannot send message: Attachment too large Copied to clipboard Instant delivery enabled Instant delivery disabled Tags: %1$s Notification deleted Undo Open file Browse file Delete file Download file Cancel download Copy URL Copied URL to clipboard Copy notification Copied notification clipboard Cannot open or download attachment. Link expired and no local file found. Cannot open attachment: %1$s Cannot open attachment: File may have been deleted, or there is no app to open the file. Cannot open click URL: %1$s Cannot delete attachment: %1$s Attachment download failed: %1$s not downloaded not downloaded, link expired not downloaded, expires %1$s %1$d%% downloaded deleted deleted, link expired deleted, link expires %1$s download failed download failed, link expired download failed, link expires %1$s Notifications enabled Notifications disabled Notifications disabled until %1$s Enable instant delivery Disable instant delivery Send test notification Copy topic address Clear all notifications Subscription settings Unsubscribe Copy Delete Do you really want to permanently delete the selected notification(s)? Permanently delete Cancel Subscription settings Share Share Message preview Add the content you\'d like to share here An image was shared with you Cannot read image: %1$s A file was shared with you Cannot read file infos: %1$s Share to Suggested topics Message successfully published Pause notifications Cancel Save Notifications re-enabled Notifications paused Notifications paused until %1$s Show all notifications 30 minutes 1 hour 2 hours 8 hours Until tomorrow Until re-enabled Open Browse Download Cancel %1$s\nFile: %2$s Downloading %1$s, %2$d%%\n%3$s %1$s\nFile: %2$s, download successful %1$s\nFile: %2$s, download failed Settings Notifications MutedUntil Pause notifications All notifications will be displayed Notifications muted until re-enabled Notifications muted until %1$s MinPriority Minimum priority Notifications of all priorities are shown Show notifications if priority is %1$d (%2$s) or higher Show notifications if priority is 5 (max) Any priority Low priority and higher Default priority and higher High priority and higher Only max priority AutoDownload Download attachments Automatically download all attachments Never download attachments automatically Auto-download attachments up to %1$s Never download automatically Always download automatically If smaller than 100 KB If smaller than 500 KB If smaller than 1 MB If smaller than 5 MB If smaller than 10 MB If smaller than 50 MB AutoDelete Delete notifications Never automatically delete notifications Auto-delete notifications after one day Auto-delete notifications after 3 days Auto-delete notifications after one week Auto-delete notifications after one month Auto-delete notifications after 3 months Never After one day After 3 days After one week After one month After 3 months General DefaultBaseURL Default server To use your own server as a default when subscribing to new topics and/or sharing to topics, enter the server base URL. %1$s (default) ManageUsers Manage users Add/remove users for protected topics Users Not used by any topics Used by topic %1$s Used by topics %1$s Add users Add new user Create a new user for a new server DarkMode Dark mode Use the system default Light mode is enabled Dark mode is enabled. Are you a vampire? Use system default Light mode Dark mode Backup & Restore Backup Backup to file Export config, notifications and users Everything Everything, except users Settings only Backup successful Backup failed: %1$s Restore Restore from file Import config, notifications and users Restore successful Restore failed: %1$s Advanced BroadcastEnabled Broadcast messages Apps can receive incoming notifications as broadcasts Apps cannot receive notifications as broadcasts RecordLogs Record logs Logs are currently being recorded to your device. Up to 1,000 log entries are stored. Enable log recording, so you can share the logs later. This is useful for diagnosing issues. ExportLogs Copy/upload logs Copy logs to the clipboard, or upload to nopaste.net (owned by ntfy author). Hostnames and topics can be censored, notifications will never be. Copy to clipboard Copy to clipboard (censored) Upload & copy link Upload & copy link (censored) Logs copied to clipboard Uploading log … Logs uploaded & URL copied Error uploading logs: %1$s The following topics/hostnames were replaced with fruit names, so you can share the log without worry:\n\n%1$s\n\nPasswords are always scrubbed but not listed here. No topics/hostnames were redacted, maybe you don\'t have any subscriptions? Got it ClearLogs Clear logs Delete previously recorded logs, and start over Logs successfully deleted ConnectionProtocol Connection protocol Use a JSON stream over HTTP to connect to the server. This is the tried and true method, though it may consume more battery. Use WebSockets to connect to the server. This option is experimental. Let us know if it consumes less battery or is unstable. JSON stream over HTTP WebSockets About Version Version ntfy %1$s (%2$s) Copied to clipboard Add user Edit user You can add a user here that you can later associate with a specific topic. You may edit username/password for the selected user, or delete it entirely. Server URL Username Password Password (unchanged if blank) Add user Cancel Delete user Save