package io.heckel.ntfy.msg import android.content.Context import io.heckel.ntfy.db.Notification import io.heckel.ntfy.db.Repository import io.heckel.ntfy.db.Subscription import io.heckel.ntfy.util.Log import io.heckel.ntfy.up.Distributor import io.heckel.ntfy.util.decodeBytesMessage import io.heckel.ntfy.util.safeLet /** * The notification dispatcher figures out what to do with a notification. * It may display a notification, send out a broadcast, or forward via UnifiedPush. */ class NotificationDispatcher(val context: Context, val repository: Repository) { private val notifier = NotificationService(context) private val broadcaster = BroadcastService(context) private val distributor = Distributor(context) fun init() { notifier.createNotificationChannels() } fun dispatch(subscription: Subscription, notification: Notification) { Log.d(TAG, "Dispatching $notification for subscription $subscription") val muted = getMuted(subscription) val notify = shouldNotify(subscription, notification, muted) val broadcast = shouldBroadcast(subscription) val distribute = shouldDistribute(subscription) val downloadAttachment = shouldDownloadAttachment(notification) val downloadIcon = shouldDownloadIcon(notification) if (notify) { notifier.display(subscription, notification) } if (broadcast) { broadcaster.sendMessage(subscription, notification, muted) } if (distribute) { safeLet(subscription.upAppId, subscription.upConnectorToken) { appId, connectorToken -> distributor.sendMessage(appId, connectorToken, decodeBytesMessage(notification)) } } if (downloadAttachment && downloadIcon) { DownloadManager.enqueue(context,, userAction = false, type = DownloadType.BOTH) } else if (downloadAttachment) { DownloadManager.enqueue(context,, userAction = false, type = DownloadType.ATTACHMENT) } else if (downloadIcon) { DownloadManager.enqueue(context,, userAction = false, type = DownloadType.ICON) } } private fun shouldDownloadAttachment(notification: Notification): Boolean { if (notification.attachment == null) { return false } val attachment = notification.attachment if (attachment.expires != null && attachment.expires < System.currentTimeMillis()/1000) { Log.d(TAG, "Attachment already expired at ${attachment.expires}, not downloading") return false } when (val maxAutoDownloadSize = repository.getAutoDownloadMaxSize()) { Repository.AUTO_DOWNLOAD_ALWAYS -> return true Repository.AUTO_DOWNLOAD_NEVER -> return false else -> { if (attachment.size == null) { return true // DownloadWorker will bail out if attachment is too large! } return attachment.size <= maxAutoDownloadSize } } } private fun shouldDownloadIcon(notification: Notification): Boolean { return notification.icon != null } private fun shouldNotify(subscription: Subscription, notification: Notification, muted: Boolean): Boolean { if (subscription.upAppId != null) { return false } val priority = if (notification.priority > 0) notification.priority else 3 val minPriority = if (subscription.minPriority > 0) subscription.minPriority else repository.getMinPriority() if (priority < minPriority) { return false } val detailsVisible = repository.detailViewSubscriptionId.get() == notification.subscriptionId return !detailsVisible && !muted } private fun shouldBroadcast(subscription: Subscription): Boolean { if (subscription.upAppId != null) { // Never broadcast for UnifiedPush subscriptions return false } return repository.getBroadcastEnabled() } private fun shouldDistribute(subscription: Subscription): Boolean { return subscription.upAppId != null // Only distribute for UnifiedPush subscriptions } private fun getMuted(subscription: Subscription): Boolean { if (repository.isGlobalMuted()) { return true } return subscription.mutedUntil == 1L || (subscription.mutedUntil > 1L && subscription.mutedUntil > System.currentTimeMillis()/1000) } companion object { private const val TAG = "NtfyNotifDispatch" } }