package import androidx.lifecycle.LiveData import androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData import import import import io.heckel.ntfy.Notification import io.heckel.ntfy.NotificationListener import kotlinx.coroutines.* import import import class Repository { private val READ_TIMEOUT = 60_000 // Keep alive every 30s assumed private val topics: MutableLiveData> = MutableLiveData(mutableListOf()) private val jobs = mutableMapOf() private val gson = GsonBuilder().create() private var notificationListener: NotificationListener? = null; /* Adds topic to liveData and posts value. */ fun add(topic: Topic, scope: CoroutineScope) { val currentList = topics.value if (currentList == null) { topics.postValue(listOf(topic)) } else { val updatedList = currentList.toMutableList() updatedList.add(0, topic) topics.postValue(updatedList) } jobs[] = subscribeTopic(topic, scope) } /* Removes topic from liveData and posts value. */ fun remove(topic: Topic) { val currentList = topics.value if (currentList != null) { val updatedList = currentList.toMutableList() updatedList.remove(topic) topics.postValue(updatedList) } jobs.remove( // Cancel and remove } /* Returns topic given an ID. */ fun get(id: Long): Topic? { topics.value?.let { topics -> return topics.firstOrNull{ == id} } return null } fun list(): LiveData> { return topics } fun setNotificationListener(listener: NotificationListener) { notificationListener = listener } private fun subscribeTopic(topic: Topic, scope: CoroutineScope): Job { return scope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { while (isActive) { openConnection(this, topic) delay(5000) // TODO exponential back-off } } } private fun openConnection(scope: CoroutineScope, topic: Topic) { val url = "${topic.baseUrl}/${}/json" println("Connecting to $url ...") val conn = (URL(url).openConnection() as HttpURLConnection).also { it.doInput = true it.readTimeout = READ_TIMEOUT } try { val input = conn.inputStream.bufferedReader() while (scope.isActive) { val line = input.readLine() ?: break // Break if EOF is reached, i.e. readLine is null if (!scope.isActive) { break // Break if scope is not active anymore; readLine blocks for a while, so we want to be sure } try { val json = gson.fromJson(line, ?: break // Break on unexpected line if (!json.isJsonNull && json.has("message")) { val message = json.get("message").asString notificationListener?.let { it(Notification(, message)) } } } catch (e: JsonSyntaxException) { break // Break on unexpected line } } } catch (e: IOException) { println("Connection error: " + e.message) } finally { conn.disconnect() } println("Connection terminated: $url") } companion object { private var instance: Repository? = null fun getInstance(): Repository { return synchronized(Repository::class) { val newInstance = instance ?: Repository() instance = newInstance newInstance } } } }