package io.heckel.ntfy.ui import import import import android.content.Context import android.os.Bundle import android.view.View import android.view.WindowManager import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager import android.widget.* import import androidx.lifecycle.lifecycleScope import import import io.heckel.ntfy.BuildConfig import io.heckel.ntfy.R import io.heckel.ntfy.db.Repository import io.heckel.ntfy.db.User import io.heckel.ntfy.msg.ApiService import io.heckel.ntfy.util.* import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.launch class AddFragment : DialogFragment() { private val api = ApiService() private lateinit var repository: Repository private lateinit var subscribeListener: SubscribeListener private lateinit var appBaseUrl: String private var defaultBaseUrl: String? = null private lateinit var subscribeView: View private lateinit var loginView: View private lateinit var positiveButton: Button private lateinit var negativeButton: Button // Subscribe page private lateinit var subscribeTopicText: TextInputEditText private lateinit var subscribeBaseUrlLayout: TextInputLayout private lateinit var subscribeBaseUrlText: AutoCompleteTextView private lateinit var subscribeUseAnotherServerCheckbox: CheckBox private lateinit var subscribeUseAnotherServerDescription: TextView private lateinit var subscribeInstantDeliveryBox: View private lateinit var subscribeInstantDeliveryCheckbox: CheckBox private lateinit var subscribeInstantDeliveryDescription: View private lateinit var subscribeForegroundDescription: TextView private lateinit var subscribeProgress: ProgressBar private lateinit var subscribeErrorText: TextView private lateinit var subscribeErrorTextImage: View // Login page private lateinit var loginUsernameText: TextInputEditText private lateinit var loginPasswordText: TextInputEditText private lateinit var loginProgress: ProgressBar private lateinit var loginErrorText: TextView private lateinit var loginErrorTextImage: View interface SubscribeListener { fun onSubscribe(topic: String, baseUrl: String, instant: Boolean) } override fun onAttach(context: Context) { super.onAttach(context) subscribeListener = activity as SubscribeListener } override fun onCreateDialog(savedInstanceState: Bundle?): Dialog { if (activity == null) { throw IllegalStateException("Activity cannot be null") } // Dependencies (Fragments need a default constructor) repository = Repository.getInstance(requireActivity()) appBaseUrl = getString(R.string.app_base_url) defaultBaseUrl = repository.getDefaultBaseUrl() // Build root view val view = requireActivity().layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_add_dialog, null) // Main "pages" subscribeView = view.findViewById( subscribeView.visibility = View.VISIBLE loginView = view.findViewById( loginView.visibility = View.GONE // Fields for "subscribe page" subscribeTopicText = view.findViewById( subscribeBaseUrlLayout = view.findViewById( subscribeBaseUrlLayout.background = view.background subscribeBaseUrlLayout.makeEndIconSmaller(resources) // Hack! subscribeBaseUrlText = view.findViewById( subscribeBaseUrlText.background = view.background subscribeBaseUrlText.hint = defaultBaseUrl ?: appBaseUrl subscribeInstantDeliveryBox = view.findViewById( subscribeInstantDeliveryCheckbox = view.findViewById( subscribeInstantDeliveryDescription = view.findViewById( subscribeUseAnotherServerCheckbox = view.findViewById( subscribeUseAnotherServerDescription = view.findViewById( subscribeForegroundDescription = view.findViewById( subscribeProgress = view.findViewById( subscribeErrorText = view.findViewById( subscribeErrorText.visibility = View.GONE subscribeErrorTextImage = view.findViewById( subscribeErrorTextImage.visibility = View.GONE // Fields for "login page" loginUsernameText = view.findViewById( loginPasswordText = view.findViewById( loginProgress = view.findViewById( loginErrorText = view.findViewById( loginErrorTextImage = view.findViewById( // Set foreground description text subscribeForegroundDescription.text = getString(R.string.add_dialog_foreground_description, shortUrl(appBaseUrl)) // Show/hide based on flavor (faster shortcut for validateInputSubscribeView, which can only run onShow) if (!BuildConfig.FIREBASE_AVAILABLE) { subscribeInstantDeliveryBox.visibility = View.GONE } // Add baseUrl auto-complete behavior lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { val baseUrlsRaw = repository.getSubscriptions() .groupBy { it.baseUrl } .map { it.key } .filterNot { it == appBaseUrl } val baseUrls = if (defaultBaseUrl != null) { (baseUrlsRaw.filterNot { it == defaultBaseUrl } + appBaseUrl).sorted() } else { baseUrlsRaw.sorted() } val activity = activity ?: return@launch // We may have pressed "Cancel" activity.runOnUiThread { initBaseUrlDropdown(baseUrls, subscribeBaseUrlText, subscribeBaseUrlLayout) } } // Username/password validation on type val loginTextWatcher = AfterChangedTextWatcher { validateInputLoginView() } loginUsernameText.addTextChangedListener(loginTextWatcher) loginPasswordText.addTextChangedListener(loginTextWatcher) // Build dialog val dialog = AlertDialog.Builder(activity) .setView(view) .setPositiveButton(R.string.add_dialog_button_subscribe) { _, _ -> // This will be overridden below to avoid closing the dialog immediately } .setNegativeButton(R.string.add_dialog_button_cancel) { _, _ -> // This will be overridden below } .create() // Show keyboard when the dialog is shown (see dialog.window?.setSoftInputMode(WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_VISIBLE) // Add logic to disable "Subscribe" button on invalid input dialog.setOnShowListener { positiveButton = dialog.getButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE) positiveButton.isEnabled = false positiveButton.setOnClickListener { positiveButtonClick() } negativeButton = dialog.getButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_NEGATIVE) negativeButton.setOnClickListener { negativeButtonClick() } val subscribeTextWatcher = AfterChangedTextWatcher { validateInputSubscribeView() } subscribeTopicText.addTextChangedListener(subscribeTextWatcher) subscribeBaseUrlText.addTextChangedListener(subscribeTextWatcher) subscribeInstantDeliveryCheckbox.setOnCheckedChangeListener { _, _ -> validateInputSubscribeView() } subscribeUseAnotherServerCheckbox.setOnCheckedChangeListener { _, _ -> validateInputSubscribeView() } validateInputSubscribeView() // Focus topic text (keyboard is shown too, see above) subscribeTopicText.requestFocus() } return dialog } private fun positiveButtonClick() { val topic = subscribeTopicText.text.toString() val baseUrl = getBaseUrl() if (subscribeView.visibility == View.VISIBLE) { checkReadAndMaybeShowLogin(baseUrl, topic) } else if (loginView.visibility == View.VISIBLE) { loginAndMaybeDismiss(baseUrl, topic) } } private fun checkReadAndMaybeShowLogin(baseUrl: String, topic: String) { subscribeProgress.visibility = View.VISIBLE subscribeErrorText.visibility = View.GONE subscribeErrorTextImage.visibility = View.GONE enableSubscribeView(false) lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { try { val user = repository.getUser(baseUrl) // May be null val authorized = api.checkAuth(baseUrl, topic, user) if (authorized) { Log.d(TAG, "Access granted to topic ${topicUrl(baseUrl, topic)}") dismissDialog() } else { if (user != null) { Log.w(TAG, "Access not allowed to topic ${topicUrl(baseUrl, topic)}, but user already exists") showErrorAndReenableSubscribeView(getString(R.string.add_dialog_login_error_not_authorized, user.username)) } else { Log.w(TAG, "Access not allowed to topic ${topicUrl(baseUrl, topic)}, showing login dialog") val activity = activity ?: return@launch // We may have pressed "Cancel" activity.runOnUiThread { showLoginView(activity) } } } } catch (e: Exception) { Log.w(TAG, "Connection to topic failed: ${e.message}", e) showErrorAndReenableSubscribeView(e.message) } } } private fun showErrorAndReenableSubscribeView(message: String?) { val activity = activity ?: return // We may have pressed "Cancel" activity.runOnUiThread { subscribeProgress.visibility = View.GONE subscribeErrorText.visibility = View.VISIBLE subscribeErrorText.text = message subscribeErrorTextImage.visibility = View.VISIBLE enableSubscribeView(true) } } private fun loginAndMaybeDismiss(baseUrl: String, topic: String) { loginProgress.visibility = View.VISIBLE loginErrorText.visibility = View.GONE loginErrorTextImage.visibility = View.GONE enableLoginView(false) val user = User( baseUrl = baseUrl, username = loginUsernameText.text.toString(), password = loginPasswordText.text.toString() ) lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { Log.d(TAG, "Checking read access for user ${user.username} to topic ${topicUrl(baseUrl, topic)}") try { val authorized = api.checkAuth(baseUrl, topic, user) if (authorized) { Log.d(TAG, "Access granted for user ${user.username} to topic ${topicUrl(baseUrl, topic)}, adding to database") repository.addUser(user) dismissDialog() } else { Log.w(TAG, "Access not allowed for user ${user.username} to topic ${topicUrl(baseUrl, topic)}") showErrorAndReenableLoginView(getString(R.string.add_dialog_login_error_not_authorized, user.username)) } } catch (e: Exception) { Log.w(TAG, "Connection to topic failed during login: ${e.message}", e) showErrorAndReenableLoginView(e.message) } } } private fun showErrorAndReenableLoginView(message: String?) { val activity = activity ?: return // We may have pressed "Cancel" activity.runOnUiThread { loginProgress.visibility = View.GONE loginErrorText.visibility = View.VISIBLE loginErrorText.text = message loginErrorTextImage.visibility = View.VISIBLE enableLoginView(true) } } private fun negativeButtonClick() { if (subscribeView.visibility == View.VISIBLE) { dialog?.cancel() } else if (loginView.visibility == View.VISIBLE) { showSubscribeView() } } private fun validateInputSubscribeView() { if (!this::positiveButton.isInitialized) return // As per crash seen in Google Play // Show/hide things: This logic is intentionally kept simple. Do not simplify "just because it's pretty". val instantToggleAllowed = if (!BuildConfig.FIREBASE_AVAILABLE) { false } else if (subscribeUseAnotherServerCheckbox.isChecked && subscribeBaseUrlText.text.toString() == appBaseUrl) { true } else if (!subscribeUseAnotherServerCheckbox.isChecked && defaultBaseUrl == null) { true } else { false } if (subscribeUseAnotherServerCheckbox.isChecked) { subscribeUseAnotherServerDescription.visibility = View.VISIBLE subscribeBaseUrlLayout.visibility = View.VISIBLE } else { subscribeUseAnotherServerDescription.visibility = View.GONE subscribeBaseUrlLayout.visibility = View.GONE } if (instantToggleAllowed) { subscribeInstantDeliveryBox.visibility = View.VISIBLE subscribeInstantDeliveryDescription.visibility = if (subscribeInstantDeliveryCheckbox.isChecked) View.VISIBLE else View.GONE subscribeForegroundDescription.visibility = View.GONE } else { subscribeInstantDeliveryBox.visibility = View.GONE subscribeInstantDeliveryDescription.visibility = View.GONE subscribeForegroundDescription.visibility = if (BuildConfig.FIREBASE_AVAILABLE) View.VISIBLE else View.GONE } // Enable/disable "Subscribe" button lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { val baseUrl = getBaseUrl() val topic = subscribeTopicText.text.toString() val subscription = repository.getSubscription(baseUrl, topic) activity?.let { it.runOnUiThread { if (subscription != null || DISALLOWED_TOPICS.contains(topic)) { positiveButton.isEnabled = false } else if (subscribeUseAnotherServerCheckbox.isChecked) { positiveButton.isEnabled = validTopic(topic) && validUrl(baseUrl) } else { positiveButton.isEnabled = validTopic(topic) } } } } } private fun validateInputLoginView() { if (!this::positiveButton.isInitialized || !this::loginUsernameText.isInitialized || !this::loginPasswordText.isInitialized) { return // As per crash seen in Google Play } if (loginUsernameText.visibility == View.GONE) { positiveButton.isEnabled = true } else { positiveButton.isEnabled = (loginUsernameText.text?.isNotEmpty() ?: false) && (loginPasswordText.text?.isNotEmpty() ?: false) } } private fun dismissDialog() { Log.d(TAG, "Closing dialog and calling onSubscribe handler") val activity = activity?: return // We may have pressed "Cancel" activity.runOnUiThread { val topic = subscribeTopicText.text.toString() val baseUrl = getBaseUrl() val instant = !BuildConfig.FIREBASE_AVAILABLE || baseUrl != appBaseUrl || subscribeInstantDeliveryCheckbox.isChecked subscribeListener.onSubscribe(topic, baseUrl, instant) dialog?.dismiss() } } private fun getBaseUrl(): String { return if (subscribeUseAnotherServerCheckbox.isChecked) { subscribeBaseUrlText.text.toString() } else { return defaultBaseUrl ?: appBaseUrl } } private fun showSubscribeView() { resetSubscribeView() positiveButton.text = getString(R.string.add_dialog_button_subscribe) negativeButton.text = getString(R.string.add_dialog_button_cancel) loginView.visibility = View.GONE subscribeView.visibility = View.VISIBLE if (subscribeTopicText.requestFocus()) { val imm = activity?.getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE) as? InputMethodManager imm?.showSoftInput(subscribeTopicText, InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT) } } private fun showLoginView(activity: Activity) { resetLoginView() loginProgress.visibility = View.INVISIBLE positiveButton.text = getString(R.string.add_dialog_button_login) negativeButton.text = getString(R.string.add_dialog_button_back) subscribeView.visibility = View.GONE loginView.visibility = View.VISIBLE if (loginUsernameText.requestFocus()) { val imm = activity.getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE) as? InputMethodManager imm?.showSoftInput(loginUsernameText, InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT) } } private fun enableSubscribeView(enable: Boolean) { subscribeTopicText.isEnabled = enable subscribeBaseUrlText.isEnabled = enable subscribeInstantDeliveryCheckbox.isEnabled = enable subscribeUseAnotherServerCheckbox.isEnabled = enable positiveButton.isEnabled = enable } private fun resetSubscribeView() { subscribeProgress.visibility = View.GONE subscribeErrorText.visibility = View.GONE subscribeErrorTextImage.visibility = View.GONE enableSubscribeView(true) } private fun enableLoginView(enable: Boolean) { loginUsernameText.isEnabled = enable loginPasswordText.isEnabled = enable positiveButton.isEnabled = enable if (enable && loginUsernameText.requestFocus()) { val imm = activity?.getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE) as? InputMethodManager imm?.showSoftInput(loginUsernameText, InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT) } } private fun resetLoginView() { loginProgress.visibility = View.GONE loginErrorText.visibility = View.GONE loginErrorTextImage.visibility = View.GONE loginUsernameText.visibility = View.VISIBLE loginUsernameText.text?.clear() loginPasswordText.visibility = View.VISIBLE loginPasswordText.text?.clear() enableLoginView(true) } companion object { const val TAG = "NtfyAddFragment" private val DISALLOWED_TOPICS = listOf("docs", "static", "file") // If updated, also update in server } }