Features: * Support for thematic/adaptive icons for launcher (#513, thanks to @daedric7 for reporting) * Custom per-subscription notification settings incl. sounds, DND, etc. (#6, thanks to @doits) * Insistent notifications that ring until dismissed (#417, thanks to @danmed for reporting) Bug fixes + maintenance: * Upgrade Android dependencies and build toolchain to SDK 33 (no ticket) * Simplify F-Droid build: Disable tasks for Google Services (#516, thanks to @markosopcic) * Android 13: Ask for permission to post notifications (#508) * Android 13: Do not allow swiping away the foreground notification (#521, thanks to @alexhorner for reporting) * Android 5 (SDK 21): Fix crash on unsubscribing (#528, thanks to Roger M. for reporting) * Remove timestamp when copying message text (#471, thanks to @wunter8) * Fix auto-delete if some icons do not exist anymore (#506) * Fix notification icon color (#480, thanks to @s-h-a-r-d for reporting) * Fix topics do not re-subscribe to Firebase after restoring from backup (#511) * Fix crashes from large images (#474, thanks to @daedric7 for reporting) * Fix notification click opens wrong subscription (#261, thanks to @SMAW for reporting) * Fix Firebase-only "link expired" issue (#529) * Remove "Install .apk" feature in Google Play variant due to policy change (#531) * Add donate button (no ticket) Additional translations: * Korean (thanks to @YJSofta0f97461d82447ac) * Portuguese (thanks to @victormagalhaess)